326 research outputs found

    Genotyping of grapevine and rootstock cultivars using microsatellite markers

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    Sixty-six grapevine and rootstock cultivars from an Austrian germplasm collection were genotyped using the following 10 microsatellite loci: VVS1, VVS2, VVS3, VVS4 (THOMAS and SCOTT 1993), VVS29 (THOMAS, pers. comm.), VVMD5, VVMD7 (BOWERS et al. 1996), VVMD28, VVMD32 and VVMD36 (BOWERS and MEREDITH, pers, comm.). All cultivars except those which are thought to be closely related (e.g. Portugieser blau and Portugieser grun) provided unique allelic profiles. A phenogram based on pairwise similarity values revealed the separation of rootstock cultivars from the Vitis vinifera varieties. The probability for the presence of null alleles was estimated from heterozygote deficiencies and null alleles were statistically excluded at 9 of the 10 loci. In order to demonstrate the distinctive power of the microsatellite markers investigated, gene diversity (GD) values were calculated. For both grapevine and rootstock cultivars we estimated a GD range from 0.70 to 0.91, while GD values for grapevines only range from 0.52 to 0.87 and values for rootstocks from 0.29 to 0.86

    Application of microsatellite markers to parentage studies in grapevine

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    The use of microsatellites in genetic analysis does not only allow differentiation but also identification and parentage analysis of grapevine cultivars. Many of the cultivars which are of great economic importance, like Cabernet Sauvignon, have been selected and propagated centuries ago and often lack reliable documentation about their origins. In our study, 51 grapevine cultivars were genotyped at 24 microsatellite loci and searched for possible parent-offspring combinations. Our data confirm the origin of Cabernet Sauvignon from a cross between Cabernet franc and Sauvignon blanc. Furthermore we proved the parentage of the cultivars Neuburger (Silvaner x Veltliner rot), Blauburger (Portugieser blau x Blaufränkisch), Zweigelt (Blaufränkisch x St. Laurent) and Müller-Thurgau (Rheinriesling x Chasselas de Courtillier) at 24 SSR loci

    Genetic analysis of grape berries and raisins using microsatellite markers

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    Microsatellite markers have been used recently for the identification and pedigree analysis of grapevines with leaves and wood as sources of vine DNA. To identify grapes after harvest and their products, we applied DNA extraction protocols to grape berries and raisins. DNA was obtained from both sources, but that of raisins was highly degraded. The suitability of DNA for PCR amplification of single genetic loci was shown by amplification of 11 microsatellite markers. 18 commercially available table grape samples were genotyped, and 11 (61 %) matched the corresponding genetic profile in our reference database. Four samples were shown to be defined incorrectly and 4 samples did not match any of the generic profiles present in the database. The investigated raisins were found to be cv. Sultanina. The results demonstrate that DNA-based cultivar identification methods can be applied to harvested grapes and raisins

    Towards a Critical Understanding of Music, Emotion and Self-Identity

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    The article begins by outlining a dominant conception of these relations in sociologically informed analysis of music, which sees music primarily as a positive resource for active self-making. My argument is that this conception rests on a problematic notion of the self and also on an overly optimistic understanding of music, which implicitly sees music as highly independent of negative social and historical processes. I then attempt to construct a) a more adequately critical conception of personal identity in modern societies; and b) a more balanced appraisal of music-society relations. I suggest two ways in which relations between self, music and society may not always be quite so positive or as healthy as the dominant conception suggests: 1) Music is now bound up with the incorporation of authenticity and creativity into capitalism, and with intensified consumption habits. 2) Emotional self-realisation through music is now linked to status competition. Interviews are analysed

    Blunted ventral striatal responses to anticipated rewards foreshadow problematic drug use in novelty-seeking adolescents

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    Novelty-seeking tendencies in adolescents may promote innovation as well as problematic impulsive behaviour, including drug abuse. Previous research has not clarified whether neural hyper- or hypo-responsiveness to anticipated rewards promotes vulnerability in these individuals. Here we use a longitudinal design to track 144 novelty-seeking adolescents at age 14 and 16 to determine whether neural activity in response to anticipated rewards predicts problematic drug use. We find that diminished BOLD activity in mesolimbic (ventral striatal and midbrain) and prefrontal cortical (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) regions during reward anticipation at age 14 predicts problematic drug use at age 16. Lower psychometric conscientiousness and steeper discounting of future rewards at age 14 also predicts problematic drug use at age 16, but the neural responses independently predict more variance than psychometric measures. Together, these findings suggest that diminished neural responses to anticipated rewards in novelty-seeking adolescents may increase vulnerability to future problematic drug use

    The empirical replicability of task-based fMRI as a function of sample size

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    Replicating results (i.e. obtaining consistent results using a new independent dataset) is an essential part of good science. As replicability has consequences for theories derived from empirical studies, it is of utmost importance to better understand the underlying mechanisms influencing it. A popular tool for non-invasive neuroimaging studies is functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). While the effect of underpowered studies is well documented, the empirical assessment of the interplay between sample size and replicability of results for task-based fMRI studies remains limited. In this work, we extend existing work on this assessment in two ways. Firstly, we use a large database of 1400 subjects performing four types of tasks from the IMAGEN project to subsample a series of independent samples of increasing size. Secondly, replicability is evaluated using a multi-dimensional framework consisting of 3 different measures: (un)conditional test-retest reliability, coherence and stability. We demonstrate not only a positive effect of sample size, but also a trade-off between spatial resolution and replicability. When replicability is assessed voxelwise or when observing small areas of activation, a larger sample size than typically used in fMRI is required to replicate results. On the other hand, when focussing on clusters of voxels, we observe a higher replicability. In addition, we observe variability in the size of clusters of activation between experimental paradigms or contrasts of parameter estimates within these

    Dynamic combinatorial chemistry to identify binders of ThiT, an S-component of the energy-coupling factor transporter for thiamine

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    We applied dynamic combinatorial chemistry (DCC) to identify ligands of ThiT, the S-component of the energy-coupling factor (ECF) transporter for thiamine in Lactococcus lactis. We used a pre-equilibrated dynamic combinatorial library (DCL) and saturation-transfer difference (STD) NMR spectroscopy to identify ligands of ThiT. This is the first report in which DCC is used for fragment growing to an ill-defined pocket, and one of the first reports for its application with an integral membrane protein as target


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    Contains research objectives and reports on nine research projects.The Teagle Foundation, Inc.U.S. Air Force (Aeronautical Systems Division) under Contract AF33(616)-7783Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.National Institutes of Health [Grant M-4235-(C1)]National Institutes of Health (Grant B-1865-(C3))National Institutes of Health (Grant MP-4737)National Institutes of Health (Grant B-2480(C1)

    Suicide prevention for youth - a mental health awareness program: lessons learned from the Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE) intervention study.

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The Awareness program was designed as a part of the EU-funded Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE) intervention study to promote mental health of adolescents in 11 European countries by helping them to develop problem-solving skills and encouraging them to self-recognize the need for help as well as how to help peers in need. METHODS: For this descriptive study all coordinators of the SEYLE Awareness program answered an open-ended evaluation questionnaire at the end of the project implementation. Their answers were synthesized and analyzed and are presented here. RESULTS: The results show that the program cultivated peer understanding and support. Adolescents not only learned about mental health by participating in the Awareness program, but the majority of them also greatly enjoyed the experience. CONCLUSIONS: Recommendations for enhancing the successes of mental health awareness programs are presented. Help and cooperation from schools, teachers, local politicians and other stakeholders will lead to more efficacious future programs
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