1,839 research outputs found

    Modelación numérica de un pilote individual cargado lateralmente

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónLa modelación de pilotes cargados lateralmente en el software PLAXIS 8.2 (versión estudiantil), es el resultado del trabajo de grado. Con el ánimo de observar el comportamiento en desplazamientos de diferentes combinaciones de secciones, longitudes y geometrías; ante una carga constante para las modelaciones y aplicada sobre el nivel 0.0 (rasante), simulando posibles cargas de viento, marea e incluso una fuerza cortante que intente dar volcamiento a la súper estructura.PregradoIngeniero Civi

    Disfunción cardiaca diastólica

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    Heart failure is defined as a disorder of heart's inability to pump blood with normal efficiency for providing an adequate cardiac output in presence of a normal vein return. A great quantity of patients, that suffer from this disease have a normal ejection fraction or nearly normal, however they present a deficient ventricular relaxation. Knowing these particularities, offers us a widen field in the management with these patients who require a different therapeutics.La insuficiencia cardiaca se define como un trastorno en el cual existe una incapacidad del corazón para bombear el volumen de sangre suficiente para mantener el gasto cardiaco adecuado en presencia de un retorno venoso normal. Gran cantidad de pacientes con esta enfermedad tienen una fracción de eyección normal o casi normal; sin embargo poseen una deficiente relajación ventricular. El conocimiento de estas particularidades nos ofrece un amplio campo en el manejo de estos enfermos que requieren una terapia diferente

    Sepsis relacionada con el catéter

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    We present the results of a descriptive study with a transverse design that included, in a prospective way, 409 patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the Arnaldo Milian Castro Provincial University Hospital from June the 1st to May the 31st 2005. The infections related with venous catheters were studied with the aim of knowing its incidence, the most prevalent microorganisms, and at a same time to establish a sequential comparison in similar studies for the coming years. In the course of the research 17 bacteriemias were found (4.1%). The incidence density regarding the days of exposure to the risk factor was 7.9 bacteriemias per 1 000 days with central venous catheter. The catheter-related bacteriemias were originated predominantly by golden(s), acinetobacter and pseudomona.Se presentan los resultados de un estudio descriptivo de diseño transversal en el que se incluyeron, de forma prospectiva, 409 enfermos ingresados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Provincial Universitario “Arnaldo Milián Castro” desde el 1ro de junio de 2004 hasta el 31 de mayo de 2005. Se estudiaron las infecciones relacionadas con catéteres venosos con el objetivo de conocer su incidencia, los microorganismos más prevalentes y de establecer una comparación secuencial en estudios similares en años futuros. Se detectaron 17 bacteriemias (4.1%). La densidad de incidencia en relación con los días de exposición al factor de riesgo fue de 7.9 bacteriemias por 1 000 días con catéter venoso central. Las bacteriemias por catéter fueron originadas, predominantemente, por staphylococcus áureo, acinetobacter y pseudomona

    Gemelos siameses cefalotoracoonfalopago

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    Los gemelos siameses son la forma más extrema de hermanamiento de gemelos monocigóticos, constituyen un raro accidente del desarrollo. Se presenta el primer caso diagnosticado en Cuba con la variante cefalotoracoonfalopago mediante ecografía prenatal a las 13 semanas de gestación. Durante el asesoramiento genético la pareja optó por la terminación voluntaria del embarazo y el análisis anatomopatológico de los fetos confirmó los hallazgos reportados por imágenes de ultrasonido en 2D. El medio diagnóstico demostró ser eficaz y el diagnóstico precoz favoreció la toma de decisiones de la pareja en relación a la continuidad del embarazo

    Sepsis nosocomial en Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos

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    The incidence of sepsis has been increased at annually rate of 8.7% in the United States and Europe as well. The fourth and the fith parts of nosocomial infections are diagnosed in the intensive care units, specially those with a bigger impact on the patient's evaluation such as bacteremy and preumony, though this area represents only the 5% to 10% of all hospital bed capacity. The knowledge about the importance of Intensive Care Units concerning the genesys of these infections as well as the interest of epidemiologists and intensivists on infection diseases in critic patients, have made possible to design programs in this important service. These programs are aimed to a nosocomial infection registry which would permit its control and administrative monitoring, and also to register the isolated microorganisms, including the sensibility to referent antibiotics in the intensive Care Unit and in other hospital services. Considering that the sepsis is at present an emerging disease with a high rate of mortality, the authors have decided to carry out an update on this topic.La incidencia de sepsis se ha incrementado, anualmente, a un ritmo de un 8,7% tanto en Estados Unidos como en Europa. La cuarta y la quinta partes de las infecciones nosocomiales se diagnostican en las unidades de cuidados intensivos, en especial aquellas con mayor impacto en la evolución de los pacientes como las neumonías y las bacteriemias, a pesar de ser un área que representa solamente entre el cinco y el 10% de las camas del hospital. El conocimiento de la importancia de las unidades de cuidados intensivos en la génesis de estas infecciones, y el interés de intensivistas y epidemiólogos en las enfermedades infecciosas del paciente crítico han facilitado el diseño de programas, en estos servicios, para el registro de las infecciones nosocomiales que permiten su control, el seguimiento administrativo y el registro de los microorganismos aislados, incluida la sensibilidad a los antibióticos de referencia tanto en la unidad como en otros servicios del hospital. Al considerar que la sepsis es en la actualidad una enfermedad emergente con alta mortalidad decidimos realizar una actualización del tema

    Transcriptomics and molecular evolutionary rate analysis of the bladderwort (Utricularia), a carnivorous plant with a minimal genome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The carnivorous plant <it>Utricularia gibba </it>(bladderwort) is remarkable in having a minute genome, which at ca. 80 megabases is approximately half that of <it>Arabidopsis</it>. Bladderworts show an incredible diversity of forms surrounding a defined theme: tiny, bladder-like suction traps on terrestrial, epiphytic, or aquatic plants with a diversity of unusual vegetative forms. <it>Utricularia </it>plants, which are rootless, are also anomalous in physiological features (respiration and carbon distribution), and highly enhanced molecular evolutionary rates in chloroplast, mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal sequences. Despite great interest in the genus, no genomic resources exist for <it>Utricularia</it>, and the substitution rate increase has received limited study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we describe the sequencing and analysis of the <it>Utricularia gibba </it>transcriptome. Three different organs were surveyed, the traps, the vegetative shoot bodies, and the inflorescence stems. We also examined the bladderwort transcriptome under diverse stress conditions. We detail aspects of functional classification, tissue similarity, nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism, respiration, DNA repair, and detoxification of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Long contigs of plastid and mitochondrial genomes, as well as sequences for 100 individual nuclear genes, were compared with those of other plants to better establish information on molecular evolutionary rates.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The <it>Utricularia </it>transcriptome provides a detailed genomic window into processes occurring in a carnivorous plant. It contains a deep representation of the complex metabolic pathways that characterize a putative minimal plant genome, permitting its use as a source of genomic information to explore the structural, functional, and evolutionary diversity of the genus. Vegetative shoots and traps are the most similar organs by functional classification of their transcriptome, the traps expressing hydrolytic enzymes for prey digestion that were previously thought to be encoded by bacteria. Supporting physiological data, global gene expression analysis shows that traps significantly over-express genes involved in respiration and that phosphate uptake might occur mainly in traps, whereas nitrogen uptake could in part take place in vegetative parts. Expression of DNA repair and ROS detoxification enzymes may be indicative of a response to increased respiration. Finally, evidence from the bladderwort transcriptome, direct measurement of ROS <it>in situ</it>, and cross-species comparisons of organellar genomes and multiple nuclear genes supports the hypothesis that increased nucleotide substitution rates throughout the plant may be due to the mutagenic action of amplified ROS production.</p

    Survival analysis of author keywords: An application to the library and information sciences area

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Peset, F, F Garzón-Farinós, LM González, X García-Massó, A Ferrer-Sapena, JL Toca-Herrera, and EA Sánchez-Pérez. 2019. "Survival Analysis of Author Keywords: An Application to the Library and Information Sciences Area." Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 71 (4). Wiley: 462-73. doi:10.1002/asi.24248, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.24248. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."[EN] Our purpose is to adapt a statistical method for the analysis of discrete numerical series to the keywords appearing in scientific articles of a given area. As an example, we apply our methodological approach to the study of the keywords in the Library and Information Sciences (LIS) area. Our objective is to detect the new author keywords that appear in a fixed knowledge area in the period of 1 year in order to quantify the probabilities of survival for 10 years as a function of the impact of the journals where they appeared. Many of the new keywords appearing in the LIS field are ephemeral. Actually, more than half are never used again. In general, the terms most commonly used in the LIS area come from other areas. The average survival time of these keywords is approximately 3 years, being slightly higher in the case of words that were published in journals classified in the second quartile of the area. We believe that measuring the appearance and disappearance of terms will allow understanding some relevant aspects of the evolution of a discipline, providing in this way a new bibliometric approach.Peset Mancebo, MF.; Garzón Farinós, MF.; Gonzalez, L.; García-Massó, X.; Ferrer Sapena, A.; Toca-Herrera, JL.; Sánchez Pérez, EA. (2020). Survival analysis of author keywords: An application to the library and information sciences area. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (Online). 71(4):462-473. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.24248S462473714Aharony, N. (2011). Library and Information Science research areas: A content analysis of articles from the top 10 journals 2007–8. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 44(1), 27-35. doi:10.1177/0961000611424819Aizawa, A., & Kageura, K. (2003). Calculating association between technical terms based on co-occurrences in keyword lists of academic papers. Systems and Computers in Japan, 34(3), 85-95. doi:10.1002/scj.1197Athukorala, K., Hoggan, E., Lehtiö, A., Ruotsalo, T., & Jacucci, G. (2013). Information-seeking behaviors of computer scientists: Challenges for electronic literature search tools. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 50(1), 1-11. doi:10.1002/meet.14505001041The View from Here. (2007). Scholarship in the Digital Age. doi:10.7551/mitpress/7434.003.0012Box-Steffensmeier, J. M., Cunha, R. C., Varbanov, R. A., Hoh, Y. S., Knisley, M. L., & Holmes, M. A. (2015). Survival Analysis of Faculty Retention and Promotion in the Social Sciences by Gender. PLOS ONE, 10(11), e0143093. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143093Brophy, J., & Bawden, D. (2005). Is Google enough? Comparison of an internet search engine with academic library resources. Aslib Proceedings, 57(6), 498-512. doi:10.1108/00012530510634235Buckland, M. K. (2012). Obsolescence in subject description. Journal of Documentation, 68(2), 154-161. doi:10.1108/00220411211209168Chang, Y.-W., Huang, M.-H., & Lin, C.-W. (2015). Evolution of research subjects in library and information science based on keyword, bibliographical coupling, and co-citation analyses. Scientometrics, 105(3), 2071-2087. doi:10.1007/s11192-015-1762-8Chen, G., & Xiao, L. (2016). Selecting publication keywords for domain analysis in bibliometrics: A comparison of three methods. Journal of Informetrics, 10(1), 212-223. doi:10.1016/j.joi.2016.01.006Cheng, F.-F., Huang, Y.-W., Yu, H.-C., & Wu, C.-S. (2018). Mapping knowledge structure by keyword co-occurrence and social network analysis. Library Hi Tech, 36(4), 636-650. doi:10.1108/lht-01-2018-0004Colley, A., & Maltby, J. (2008). Impact of the Internet on our lives: Male and female personal perspectives. Computers in Human Behavior, 24(5), 2005-2013. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2007.09.002Dehdarirad, T., Villarroya, A., & Barrios, M. (2014). Research trends in gender differences in higher education and science: a co-word analysis. Scientometrics, 101(1), 273-290. doi:10.1007/s11192-014-1327-2Ding, Y., Chowdhury, G. G., & Foo, S. (2001). Bibliometric cartography of information retrieval research by using co-word analysis. 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    Sociodemographic and health predictors of concern about COVID-19 infection in Cuban patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Introduction: Concern about becoming infected is a particularly relevant psychological aspect in the context of a pandemic, as it is associated with social reactions and behavioral changes. Objectives: The present study sought to determine some sociodemographic and health factors associated with concern about COVID-19 infection in Cuban patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: 203 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, who attended nine primary care areas of four Cuban provinces belonging to different regions of the country (65.52% female, mean age 57.5, SD=19.2), selected through non-probabilistic sampling, participated in the study. A sociodemographic questionnaire, the COVID-19 contagion concern scale (PRE-COVID-19) and an evaluation of blood glucose level were applied. Bivariate associations were examined with a series of analyses of variance (ANOVA). Adjusted (multiple) regression with all predictors running simultaneously was also used. Results: Bivariate analyses showed that age, sex, education, occupation, having comorbidities, and having a family member or friend who had COVID-19 were significantly related to COVID-19 contagion concern. However, when all variables were included simultaneously, only age, technical education, having comorbidities, and having a friend or family member who had COVID-19 remained significant predictors of concern about COVID-19 infection. Conclusions: Male patients, with a technical level of education, with comorbidities and those who had infected family members or friends presented greater concern for the contagion of COVID-19. The public health policies should develop strategies to assess the mental health of people belonging to vulnerable groups and provide interventions to promote mental health in those who show concern about infection

    Tutorial 2.0 on Technical Drawing 3D and Visualization

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    In recent years, the continuous incorporation of new technologies in the learning process has been an important factor in the educational process (1). The Technical University of Madrid (UPM) promotes educational innovation processes and develops projects related to the improvement of the education quality. The experience that we present fits into the Educational Innovation Project (EIP) of the E.U. of Agricultural Engineering of Madrid. One of the main objectives of the EIP is to Take advantage of the new opportunities offered by the Learning and Knowledge Technologies in order to enrich the educational processes and teaching management (2)

    Aplicación móvil como estrategia para la comercialización de productos agropecuarios

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    ResumenUno de los principales problemas de los campesinos encargados de abastecer la canasta familiar de los colombianos con productos agropecuarios, es la comercialización porque no hay conexión  efectiva entre los compradores y productores; de tal manera, mucha de la cosecha se pierde por no poder adelantar acciones comerciales. En tal sentido,  el propósito de esta investigación, es brindar una solución a los campesinos que permita la comunicación entre productores y comerciantes de  productos  del agro, por medio del uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación TIC como herramienta de apoyo. La investigación arrojó importantes resultados como por ejemplo la identificación de las principales necesidades de los productores y comerciantes; igualmente se desarrolló una aplicación móvil que permitió los tres principales procesos de la comercialización (la comunicación, proceso de venta y proceso de compra) de los productos del sector agropecuario. Palabras clave: Agroindustrial, Comercialización, Desarrollo, Móvil, Tecnología. AbstractOne of the main problems of the peasants in charge of supplying the family basket of Colombians with agricultural products is the commercialization because there is no effective connection between buyers and producers, much of the crop is lost because it can not advance commercial actions. The objective of this research is to provide a solution to the peasants to improve the communication between producers and traders of products related to agriculture through the use of Information Technology and ICT Communication as a support tool. As a result, the identification of the main needs of producers and traders is obtained; A mobile application is also developed that allows the three main processes of marketing (communication, sales process and purchase process) of products in the agricultural sector. ICT is a tool that enables process improvement and supports business innovation.Keywords: Agroindustrial, Marketing, Development, Mobile, Technology.ResumoUm dos principais problemas dos camponeses encarregados de abastecer a cesta familiar colombiana com produtos agrícolas é o marketing, porque não há conexão efetiva entre compradores e produtores; Desta forma, grande parte da colheita é perdida devido à incapacidade de realizar ações comerciais. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta pesquisa é fornecer uma solução para os agricultores que permita a comunicação entre produtores e comerciantes de produtos agrícolas, através do uso de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação de TIC como ferramenta de apoio. A pesquisa produziu resultados importantes, como a identificação das principais necessidades dos produtores e comerciantes; Também foi desenvolvida uma aplicação móvel que permitiu os três principais processos de comercialização (comunicação, processo de vendas e processo de compra) dos produtos do setor agrícola.Palabras Chave: Agroindustrial, Marketing, Desenvolvimento, Mobile, Tecnologia