9,469 research outputs found
Effects of Competition over Quality-Adjusted Price Indexes: An Application to the Spanish Automobile Market
Using a newly constructed data set, we calculate quality-adjusted price indexes after estimating hedonic price regressions from 1988 to 2004 in the Spanish automobile market. The increasing competition was favoured by the removal of trade restrictions and the special plans for the renewal of the Spanish automobile fleet. We find that the increasing degree of competition during those years led to an overall drop in automobile prices by 20 percent which implied considerable consumer gains thanks to higher market efficiency. Additionally, our results indicate that loyalty relevance and discrepancies in automobile reliability declined during those years. This is captured
Clasicismo frente a modernidad, el arte frente a la técnica: estructura y significado de los viajes en Homo faber de Max Frisco
The journey as a literary motive occupies a central position in Max Frisch’s novel Homo Faber (1957) which has barely been granted attention by the field of literary studies, which has been more interested in analyzing other themes or motives present in the novel, such as incest, the modern man or the Oedipus’ complex. However the journey is precisely the structure which gives shape to Frisch’s novel. Afirst journey to the new world (Central America) which is followed by another to Old Europe, both described from the perspective of the Americanized European living in the land of technology and possibilities: the United States of America. The images of the two continents conveyed to the reader through the eyes of this infatigable traveler is a personal, subjective version, which confronts both worlds with two different mentalities. This conflict culminates in a final situation completely unexpected by the main character: the confrontation with himself. The objective of the literary journey goes in this case beyond the mere description of situations, landscapes or people to portray the search for one’s own identity
¿Un amor imposible? Acerca de la traducción de literatura alemana en España durante el siglo XX
German-language literature has not experienced the same acceptance in Spain that it has been granted in other neighboring countries. The main reason for this lack of interest throughout the 20th century lies most probably in the linguistic barriers and the lack of highly specialized translators, but also in the little interest shown by the Spanish publishing market in literature written in German.La literatura alemana no ha tenido en general la misma aceptación en España que han tenido literaturas de otros países vecinos. Las causas fundamentales que explican esta situación durante la práctica totalidad del siglo XX radican seguramente en el desconocimiento de la lengua y en la falta de traductores verdaderamente especializados, pero también en muchos casos en el desinterés del sistema editorial español
Wood mouse feeding effort and decision-making when encountering a restricted unknown food source
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Animals making foraging decisions must balance the energy gained, the time invested, and the influence of key environmental factors. In our work, we examined the effect of predation risk cues and experience on feeding efforts when a novel food resource was made available. To achieve this, we live-trapped wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus in Monte de Valdelatas (Madrid), where 80 Sherman traps were set in four plots. Traps were subjected to two food-access difficulties in treatments consisting of three consecutive nights: open plastic bottles (easy) and closed bottles (difficult), both using corn as bait. To simulate predation risk, we set fox faeces in half of the traps in each plot. We also considered moonlight (medium/low) as an indirect predation risk cue. We analysed whether bottles had been bitten by mice and the gnawed area of each bottle was measured. Our results indicated that food access difficulty, experience, and predation risk determined mice feeding decisions and efforts. The ability of mice to adapt feeding effort when a new food source is available was demonstrated because a higher proportion of closed bottles exhibited bite marks and the gnawed area was bigger. Moreover, mouse experience was determinant in the use of this new resource since recaptured mice gnawed broader orifices in the bottles and the gnawed area increased each time an individual was recaptured. Additionally, direct predation risk cues prompted mice to bite the bottles whereas the effect of different moon phases varied among the food access treatments. This study provides direct evidence of formidable efficacy of wild mice to exploit a new nutrient resource while considering crucial environmental factors that shape the decision-making procedur
Docencia e Investigación: Compromiso con el Desarrollo Humano
Las acciones y emprendimientos de los seres humanos están encaminadas al logro de una vida mejor; donde los procesos de investigación se constituyen en un medio para lograrlo. El conocimiento como motor fundamental del desarrollo humano, le impone a la universidad el reto de formar profesionales críticos, creativos, solidarios y comprometidos con el desarrollo de las múltiples potencialidades, que favorezcan el acceso a oportunidades y generen el desarrollo humano de la población. Este es seguramente un planteamiento que no tiene discusión, pero, ella empieza cuando nos preguntamos si el logro del bienvivir es un efecto involuntario de otras actividades o si, por el contrario, debe ser un propósito consciente y explícito.
Para cumplir con su misión de transformar la realidad social, la universidad requiere docentes capaces, que manejen el contenido científico de su campo disciplinar y tengan el perfil para saber escudriñar conflictos de la sociedad y la ciencia; con experiencia investigativa, para orientar la formación de profesionales hacia la determinación de puntos álgidos sobre los que debe intervenir para lograr el desarrollo humano deseado. Existe interés por estudiar al docente en su interacción con el desarrollo del conocimiento; ya que él, tiene en sus manos la creación de cultura, la formación de pensamiento, el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología; pero, más aún, la formación de personas, ciudadanos y profesionales responsables del desarrollo humano.
Cumple rol primordial en el avance dela sociedad, al reconocer que su quehacer va más allá de la simple transmisión de conocimientos, para situarse en la comunidad académica y en la política cultural, donde asume compromisos con el desarrollo humano del hombre en su contexto. Su rol no ha sido siempre igual, si bien, ha transmitido cultura heredada, no lo ha hecho con las exigencias sociales de la actualidad. La educación es una parte dela historia de los pueblos que depende del contexto social, político, económico y de la importancia que el Estado le da en las diferentes épocas.
El fin de esta disertación está en la búsqueda de la respuesta a los interrogantes: ¿qué relación existe entre la razón de ser de la educación y la investigación? y en esa relación, ¿qué papel desempeña el investigador frente al desarrollo humano?, interrogantes que permiten recorrer la naturaleza misma de la universidad, su quehacer y la responsabilidad del investigador en la construcción del conocimiento
From Spain to the Americas, from the Convent to the Front : Catalina de Erauso’s Shifting Identities
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