2,735 research outputs found

    Notas para una revisión (política) de la cuestión moral: el caso de la toma de escuelas en la ciudad de Córdoba (2010)

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    El presente trabajo busca someter a discusión algunas de las alternativas que ofrecen la sociología y la antropología en relación a la cuestión de la moral, en tanto vía de aproximación a un objeto pasible de ser reconstruido con el objeto de hacer inteligible ciertos aspectos de la vida social muchas veces dejados de lado porser considerados apenas como epifenómenos. Si bien el propio Émile Durkheim (1993; 1997) mapeó gran parte de los elementos involucrados en la cuestión moral, más recientemente la Antropología ha retomado algunas de estas cuestiones explorando algunas de las posibilidades que abre dicho campo de estudios. En particular cabe destacar la obra de autores como Signe Howell (1997), Didier Fassin (2008) y JarrettZigon (2007), y en nuestro país especialmente Sabina Frederic (2004), Fernando Balbi (2008) y Gabriel Noel (2011), entre otros tantos. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Mesa 38/ Sociología de la experiencia escolar. Formatos, vínculos y procesos de desigualdad en la escuela secundariaFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    No somos el futuro, somos el presente. Política, autoridad y acción colectiva en el espacio escolar

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    Fil: Míguez, Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Villa María; Argentina.Fil: Hernández, Andrés E.. Universidad Nacional de Villa María; Argentina

    La autoridad revisada : Apuntes sobre la autoridad escolar en contextos de lucha estudiantil

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    Como es sabido, durante 2010 tuvo lugar en las ciudades de Córdoba y Buenos Aires un período de convulsiones y conflictos al interior de un gran número de escuelas del nivel medio, que terminó de manifestarse a través de diversas formas de acción colectiva (marchas callejeras, manifestaciones artísticas, y más resonante aún, la ocupación efectiva de establecimientos educativos). Motivados por distintas circunstancias y como consecuencia de diversos procesos, jóvenes de distintos sectores sociales y áreas geográficas confluyeron en formas de participación política tendientes a la abierta confrontación con distintos estamentos, entre los cuales cabe destacar tanto los distintos gobiernos provinciales como municipales de turno. Al mismo tiempo, y esto es lo que atrae nuestra atención en esta ocasión, la vida al interior del espacio escolar se vio fuertemente modificada lo que trajo consigo transformaciones difíciles de abarcar aún pasados dos años. En este trabajo nos proponemos dar cuenta de algunas claves para avanzar en la comprensión de los procesos abiertos durante el período de las tomas, prestando especial atención a las transformaciones que parecen estar dándose en lo que respecta particularmente a las relaciones de autoridad al interior del espacio escolar. Este trabajo forma parte de los primeros avances de una investigación realizada durante 2011 en tres escuelas del nivel medio de la Ciudad de Córdoba.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Notas para una revisión (política) de la cuestión moral: el caso de la toma de escuelas en la ciudad de Córdoba (2010)

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    El presente trabajo busca someter a discusión algunas de las alternativas que ofrecen la sociología y la antropología en relación a la cuestión de la moral, en tanto vía de aproximación a un objeto pasible de ser reconstruido con el objeto de hacer inteligible ciertos aspectos de la vida social muchas veces dejados de lado porser considerados apenas como epifenómenos. Si bien el propio Émile Durkheim (1993; 1997) mapeó gran parte de los elementos involucrados en la cuestión moral, más recientemente la Antropología ha retomado algunas de estas cuestiones explorando algunas de las posibilidades que abre dicho campo de estudios. En particular cabe destacar la obra de autores como Signe Howell (1997), Didier Fassin (2008) y JarrettZigon (2007), y en nuestro país especialmente Sabina Frederic (2004), Fernando Balbi (2008) y Gabriel Noel (2011), entre otros tantos. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Mesa 38/ Sociología de la experiencia escolar. Formatos, vínculos y procesos de desigualdad en la escuela secundariaFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    CNO behaviour in planet-harbouring stars. II. Carbon abundances in stars with and without planets using the CH band

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    Context. Carbon, oxygen and nitrogen (CNO) are key elements in stellar formation and evolution, and their abundances should also have a significant impact on planetary formation and evolution. Aims. We present a detailed spectroscopic analysis of 1110 solar-type stars, 143 of which are known to have planetary companions. We have determined the carbon abundances of these stars and investigate a possible connection between C and the presence of planetary companions. Methods. We used the HARPS spectrograph to obtain high-resolution optical spectra of our targets. Spectral synthesis of the CH band at 4300\AA was performed with the spectral synthesis codes MOOG and FITTING. Results. We have studied carbon in several reliable spectral windows and have obtained abundances and distributions that show that planet host stars are carbon rich when compared to single stars, a signature caused by the known metal-rich nature of stars with planets. We find no different behaviour when separating the stars by the mass of the planetary companion. Conclusions. We conclude that reliable carbon abundances can be derived for solar-type stars from the CH band at 4300\AA. We confirm two different slope trends for [C/Fe] with [Fe/H] because the behaviour is opposite for stars above and below solar values. We observe a flat distribution of the [C/Fe] ratio for all planetary masses, a finding that apparently excludes any clear connection between the [C/Fe] abundance ratio and planetary mass.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures. Accepted to A&

    C/O vs Mg/Si ratios in solar type stars: The HARPS sample

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    Aims. We present a detailed study of the Mg/Si and C/O ratios and their importance in determining the mineralogy of planetary companions. Methods. Using 499 solar-like stars from the HARPS sample, we determine C/O and Mg/Si elemental abundance ratios to study the nature of the possible planets formed. We separated the planetary population in low-mass planets ( < 30 M\rm M_{\odot}) and high-mass planets ( > 30 M\rm M_{\odot}) to test for possible relation with the mass. Results. We find a diversity of mineralogical ratios that reveal the different kinds of planetary systems that can be formed, most of them dissimilar to our solar system. The different values of the Mg/Si and C/O ratios can determine different composition of planets formed. We found that 100\% of our planetary sample present C/O < 0.8. 86\% of stars with high-mass companions present 0.8 > C/O > 0.4, while 14\% present C/O values lower than 0.4. Regarding Mg/Si, all stars with low-mass planetary companion showed values between 1 and 2, while 85% of the high-mass companion sample does. The other 15\% showed Mg/Si values below 1. No stars with planets were found with Mg/Si > 2. Planet hosts with low-mass companions present C/O and Mg/Si ratios similar to those found in the Sun, whereas stars with high-mass companions have lower C/O.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figues. Accepted in A&

    Diseño del año meteorológico típico para la ciudad de Salta capital

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    Se desarrolló un año meteorológico típico (TMY, del inglés Typical Meteorological Year) con un nuevo método que combina los factores de ponderación de cuatro conjuntos de diferentes generadores de TMY. La definición del TMY es fundamental para la elaboración del archivo climático utilizado por los códigos de Simulación Energética de Edificios. Este trabajo está dedicado a la definición del TMY en la ciudad de Salta (1232 msnm), para ser aplicado en el diseño de viviendas de interés social y colectores solares calentadores de aire. Se partió de datos proporcionados por el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN) de Argentina sobre diversas variables meteorológicas registradas en intervalos horarios a lo largo de 11 años (2006-2016) en el Aeropuerto Martin M. de Güemes, mientras los datos de radiación fueron proporcionados por el Instituto de Investigaciones de Energía No Convencional (INENCO). En base a criterios estadísticos, para cada mes del año, uno de todos los meses de muestra se cataloga como Mes Meteorológico Típico TMM. La concatenación de los doce TMM define el TMY.The definition of the typical meteorological year (TMY) is fundamental for the development of the climatic file used by the Building Energy Simulation codes. The TMY generation was performed with four different sets of weighting factors. This work is dedicated to the definition of TMY in the city of Salta (1232 msnm), to be applied in the design of social housing. It was based on data provided by the National Meteorological Service (SMN) of Argentina on various meteorological variables recorded in time intervals over 11 years (2006-2016) at the Martin M. de Güemes Airport, while the radiation data were provided By the Institute of Investigations of Non-Conventional Energy (INENCO). Based on statistical criteria, for each month of the year, one of all sample months is cataloged as TMM Typical Meteorological Month. The concatenation of the twelve TMMs defines the TMY.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Correlation between Mn oxidation state and magnetic behavior in Mn/ZnO multilayers prepared by sputtering

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    Compositional, microstructural, and magnetic characterization of ZnO 30 Å/Mn x n multilayers prepared by sputtering is presented to study the observed ferromagnetism in the Mn-ZnO system. The nominal Mn layer thickness, x, is varied from 3 to 60 Å, while the number of bilayers, n, is increased to maintain the total amount of Mn constant. Microstructure information was deduced from x-ray reflectivity, Mn oxidation state was determined by x-ray absorption spectroscopy, and magnetic properties were measured over a temperature range of 5–400 K. Magnetic behavior of these samples is found to be related to the Mn layer thickness x. Multilayers with x 30 Å exhibit ferromagnetism with a Curie temperature above 400 K, while mostly paramagnetic behavior is obtained for x15 Å. Magnetic behavior is discussed in terms of electronic and structural parameters of samples. Mn-ZnO interface effect is related to the ferromagnetic order of the samples, but it is not a sufficient condition. The essential role of the Mn oxidation state in the magnetic behavior of this system is pointed out. It is shown a correlation between the obtained ferromagnetism and a Mn oxidation state close to 2+.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencias de España-MAT2003-01880 y MAT2006-0100

    Special 3D electric resistivity tomography (ERT) array applied to detect buried fractures on urban areas: San Antonio Tecómitl, Milpa Alta, México

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    AbstractGeophysical techniques can be employed to understand the physical characteristics of the subsurface in highly populated areas, where urban settlements present structural problems. An interesting example is presented in this investigation, where three-dimensional Electric Resistivity Tomography (ERT-3D) is applied employing alternative arrays that allow investigating the subsoil beneath the affected constructions.A small neighborhood comprised by a block of houses within the town of San Antonio Tecómitl is studied. The area is found towards the outskirts of the Chichinautzin range, in the southern limit of the Mexican Basin. This settlement suffers of strong damage in their structures due to fractures and subsidence within the subsoil. ERT-3D was carried out to characterize the subsoil beneath this urban complex. A special resistivity array (‘horse-shoe’ geometry) employing a combination of ‘L’, equatorial-dipole and minimum-coupling methods was carried out to fully ‘illuminate’ the subsoil beneath the block of houses. Computed resistivity models depicted a high resistivity pattern that coincides with the affected houses. Such pattern seems to extend beyond the limits of the surveyed areas, and is probably part of a more complex fracture system. It is very likely that fractures have been produced due to the poorly consolidated soil, which is part of a transition zone; the intense water extraction, that form ‘voids’ in the subsoil causing subsidence effects and finally the existence of regional faults to greater extent that might control these shallow features

    Mesoscale eddy variability in the Caribbean Sea

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    The spatial distribution, and the monthly and seasonal variability of mesoscale eddy observations derived from the AVISO eddy atlas are assessed in the Caribbean Sea during 1993–2019. The average lifetime for the whole set of eddies is 62 ± 37 days, mean amplitude of 7 ± 4 cm for cyclonic and 7 ± 4 cm for anticyclonic and mean radius of 100 ± 31 km for cyclonic and 108 ± 32 km for anticyclonic. Cyclonic eddies are on average more nonlinear than anticyclonic ones. The spatio-temporal variability in the number of eddy observations is evaluated against the Mean Eddy Kinetic Energy (MEKE) derived from geostrophic currents as well as from seasonal winds. Spatial distribution of eddy observations is correlated with MEKE while the migration of the intertropical convergence zone explains the advection of eddies towards the southern part of the basin.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. JMS received the joint funding from the Generalitat Valenciana and the European Social Fund under Grant APOSTD/2020/254. AO received financial support from projects Mocca and Lamarca (grants # RTI2018-093941-B-C31 and PID2021-123352OB-C31) funded by MCIN/AEI/ and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, and from Fundación Iberostar and Université de Toulon-VAR. MELA is funded by Corporación CE-Marin through Convocatoria 14, 2018 supporting PhD candidates