248 research outputs found

    A new, large-scale map of interstellar reddening derived from HI emission

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    We present a new map of interstellar reddening, covering the 39\% of the sky with low {\rm HI} column densities (NHI<4×1020cm2N_{\rm HI} < 4\times10^{20}\,\rm cm^{-2} or E(BV)45mmagE(B-V)\approx 45\rm\, mmag) at 16.116\overset{'}{.}1 resolution, based on all-sky observations of Galactic HI emission by the HI4PI Survey. In this low column density regime, we derive a characteristic value of NHI/E(BV)=8.8×1021cm2mag1N_{\rm HI}/E(B-V) = 8.8\times10^{21}\, \rm\, cm^{2}\, mag^{-1} for gas with vLSR<90kms1|v_{\rm LSR}| < 90\,\rm km\, s^{-1} and find no significant reddening associated with gas at higher velocities. We compare our HI-based reddening map with the Schlegel, Finkbeiner, and Davis (1998, SFD) reddening map and find them consistent to within a scatter of 5mmag\simeq 5\,\rm mmag. Further, the differences between our map and the SFD map are in excellent agreement with the low resolution (4.54\overset{\circ}{.}5) corrections to the SFD map derived by Peek and Graves (2010) based on observed reddening toward passive galaxies. We therefore argue that our HI-based map provides the most accurate interstellar reddening estimates in the low column density regime to date. Our reddening map is made publicly available (http://dx.doi.org/10.7910/DVN/AFJNWJ).Comment: Re-submitted to ApJ. The reddening map is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.7910/DVN/AFJNW

    Covenant Relationships and the Editing of the Hebrew Psalter : An Investigation of the Relationship between the Davidic Covenant and the Abrahamic and Mosaic Convenants as Reflected in the Editing of the Psalter

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    Hensley, Adam, D. Covenant Relationships and the Editing of the Hebrew Psalter: An Investigation of the Relationship between the Davidic Covenant and the Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenants as Reflected in the Editing of the Psalter. Ph.D. diss., Concordia Seminary, 2015. 386 pp. This dissertation examines the relationship between the Davidic covenant and Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants as it is reflected in the editorial shape and shaping of the Masoretic Psalter. It hypothesizes that editors understood these covenants as a theological unity, whose common fulfillment centers on the anticipated royal successor of David. The promises and obligations of the covenants would be realized through this new David, whom editors understood in terms of a Moses-like intercessor and mediator of covenant renewal, and the leader of a new song for a new exodus. The dissertation tests the hypothesis by examining the Psalter\u27s references and allusions to the covenant(s) in light of editorial evidence. After reassessing different kinds of editorial evidence, it engages in extensive survey work on references and allusions to the covenant( s) in the Psalter in light of that evidence. It then investigates the allusion to the Abrahamic covenantal promises in Ps 72: 17 in the context of Book II, and the Psalter\u27s fullest echoes of the grace formula in 86: 15, I 03:8, and 145:8 in the contexts of Books III, IV, and V respectively. The dissertation therefore contributes to the canonical study of the Psalter. It challenges the view espoused by Gerald H. Wilson that editors addressed the crisis of failed Davidic covenantal theology with the concerns of Wisdom and pre-monarchic life under Moses and the Sinai covenant. Whereas for Wilson Book IV\u27s emphasis on Moses indicates editors\u27 intention to shift hope away from royal covenantal theology, this investigation finds that Book IV\u27s greater concentration on Moses and Abraham complements that theology. Book IV instead depicts David as instrumental in the realization of Book IV\u27 s vision, as seen especially in Pss 1 O 1- 103. It therefore offers an alternative paradigm for understanding the Davidic covenant in relation to its pre-monarchic counterparts. Rather than reinterpret the Davidic covenant in terms of a postexilic temple theocracy minus Davidic king within a program of democratization, the Psalter evidences the reverse: a royalization of Abrahamic and Mosaic covenantal promises and obligations. Accordingly, the covenants find their theological unity in God\u27s faithful realization of his promises to David (2 Sam 7): the hoped for new David through whom the covenant is renewed

    Using RNA Interference to Determine the Role of Varisin in the Innate Immune System of the Hard Tick Dermacentor variabilis (Acari: Ixodidae).

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    Defensins are an important component of the innate immune system of ticks. These small peptides are produced by various genera of ticks, and expressed in various tissues. In this study we used RNA interference to silence the expression of the defensin varisin produced by the hemocytes of the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis. Ticks were injected with double stranded varisin RNA prior to being placed on a rabbit. After feeding, the ticks were removed, bled, and the hemolymph plasma and hemocytes separated. Hemocytes were screened for the presence (or absence) of both varisin transcript and peptide. Varisin peptide was below detectable levels and the transcript showed a greater than 99% knockdown. The antimicrobial activity of the hemolymph plasma was reduced 2-4 fold compared to that of control injected ticks indicating varisin accounts for a large portion of the antimicrobial activity of the hemolymph

    Constitutional Cohesion and the Right to Public Health

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    Despite years of significant legal improvements stemming from a renaissance in public health law, Americans still face major challenges and barriers in assuring their communal health. Reversals of legal reforms coupled with maligned policies and chronic underfunding contribute to diminished public health outcomes. Underlying preventable morbidity and mortality nationally are realities of our existing constitutional infrastructure. In essence, there is no general obligation of government to protect or promote the public’s health. Under principles of “constitutional cohesion,” structural facets and rights-based principles interwoven within the Constitution protect individuals and groups from governmental vices (i.e., oppression, overreaching, tyranny, and malfeasance). Structural impediments and rights infringements provide viable options to challenge governmental efforts inapposite to protecting the public’s health. Through corollary applications framed as auxiliary, creative, and ghost righting, courts are also empowered to recognize core duties or rights that the Constitution may not explicitly denote but assuredly contains, to remedy identifiable vices. Notably, ghost righting charts a course for recognizing a constitutional right to public health that Americans are owed, and government must respect, to assure basic public health needs

    Are You Two Just Friends? Emotional and Sexual Infidelity Across Sexual Orientations

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    Lesbians are unlikely to ask if it is possible for women and women to be friends. Bisexuals have friends of each sex. It seems that it is primarily heterosexuals who have trouble with sex-of-attraction friendships. This study examined how participants perceived the emotional and sexual infidelity of their partner’s relationship with a friend differing across sexuality and biological sex. Our participants consisted of a combined sample across two studies (n = 532), participants completed measures of their perceived emotional and sexual infidelity towards 10 controlled behaviors that their partners committed with the partner’s friends. The data revealed that participants were more concerned with perceived emotional infidelity with sex(es)-of-attraction friends as a function of participants’ sexual orientation, sex, and their lover’s sexual orientation. Our evidence shows that when in relationships, people feel most threatened by the friend of the partner who possesses the same biological machinery as them. Furthermore, results suggest that people are also more likely to be threatened by their partner’s friend, who may have a mutual attraction towards their partner. The effect of the same biological machinery and the mutual attraction on perceived infidelity is additive. The pattern is seen across heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual relationships

    Treatment of Marburg and Ebola hemorrhagic fevers: A strategy for testing new drugs and vaccines under outbreak conditions.

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    The filoviruses, Marburg and Ebola, have the dubious distinction of being associated with some of the highest case-fatality rates of any known infectious disease-approaching 90% in many outbreaks. In recent years, laboratory research on the filoviruses has produced treatments and vaccines that are effective in laboratory animals and that could potentially drastically reduce case-fatality rates and curtail outbreaks in humans. However, there are significant challenges in clinical testing of these products and eventual delivery to populations in need. Most cases of filovirus infection are recognized only in the setting of large outbreaks, often in the most remote and resource-poor areas of sub-Saharan Africa, with little infrastructure and few personnel experienced in clinical research. Significant political, legal, and socio-cultural barriers also exist. Here, we review the present research priorities and environment for field study of the filovirus hemorrhagic fevers and outline a strategy for future prospective clinical research on treatment and vaccine prevention

    Single-Look SAR Tomography of Urban Areas

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    Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) tomography (TomoSAR) is a multibaseline interferometric technique that estimates the power spectrum pattern (PSP) along the perpendicular to the line-ofsight (PLOS) direction. TomoSAR achieves the separation of individual scatterers in layover areas, allowing for the 3D representation of urban zones. These scenes are typically characterized by buildings of different heights, with layover between the facades of the higher structures, the rooftop of the smaller edifices and the ground surface. Multilooking, as required by most spectral estimation techniques, reduces the azimuth-range spatial resolution, since it is accomplished through the averaging of adjacent values, e.g., via Boxcar filtering. Consequently, with the aim of avoiding the spatial mixture of sources due to multilooking, this article proposes a novel methodology to perform single-look TomoSAR over urban areas. First, a robust version of Capon is applied to focus the TomoSAR data, being robust against the rank-deficiencies of the data covariance matrices. Afterward, the recovered PSP is refined using statistical regularization, attaining resolution enhancement, suppression of artifacts and reduction of the ambiguity levels. The capabilities of the proposed methodology are demonstrated by means of strip-map airborne data of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), acquired by the uninhabited aerial vehicle SAR (UAVSAR) system over the urban area of Munich, Germany in 2015. Making use of multipolarization data [horizontal/horizontal (HH), horizontal/vertical (HV) and vertical/vertical (VV)], a comparative analysis against popular focusing techniques for urban monitoring (i.e., matched filtering, Capon and compressive sensing (CS)) is addressed