55 research outputs found

    Scientific Drilling

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    Ecological landscape elements: long-term monitoring in Great Britain, the Countryside Survey 1978-2007 and beyond

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    The Countryside Survey (CS) of Great Britain (GB) provides a unique and statistically robust series of datasets, consisting of an extensive set of repeated ecological measurements at a national scale, covering a time span of 29 years. CS was first undertaken in 1978 to provide a baseline for ecological and land use change monitoring in the rural environment of GB, following a stratified random design, based on 1 km squares. Originally, eight random 1 km squares were drawn from each of 32 environmental classes, thus comprising 256 sample squares in the 1978 survey. The number of these sites increased to 382 in 1984, 506 in 1990, 569 in 1998 and 591 in 2007. Detailed information regarding vegetation types and land use was mapped in all five surveys, allowing reporting by defined standard habitat classifications. Additionally, point and linear landscape features (such as trees and hedgerows) are available from all surveys after 1978. From these stratified, randomly located sample squares, information can be converted into national estimates, with associated error terms. Other data, relating to soils, freshwater and vegetation, were also sampled on analogous dates. However, the present paper describes only the surveys of landscape features and habitats. The resulting datasets provide a unique, comprehensive, quantitative ecological coverage of extent and change in these features in GB. Basic results are presented and their implications discussed. However, much opportunity for further analyses remains. Data from each of the survey years are available via the following DOIs: Landscape area data 1978: https://doi.org/10.5285/86c017ba-dc62-46f0-ad13-c862bf31740e, 1984: https://doi.org/10.5285/b656bb43-448d-4b2c-aade-7993aa243ea3, 1990: https://doi.org/10.5285/94f664e5-10f2-4655-bfe6-44d745f5dca7, 1998: https://doi.org/10.5285/1e050028-5c55-42f4-a0ea-c895d827b824, and 2007: https://doi.org/10.5285/bf189c57-61eb-4339-a7b3-d2e81fdde28d; Landscape linear feature data 1984: https://doi.org/10.5285/a3f5665c-94b2-4c46-909e-a98be97857e5, 1990: https://doi.org/10.5285/311daad4-bc8c-485a-bc8a-e0d054889219, 1998: https://doi.org/10.5285/8aaf6f8c-c245-46bb-8a2a-f0db012b2643 and 2007: https://doi.org/10.5285/e1d31245-4c0a-4dee-b36c-b23f1a697f88, Landscape point feature data 1984: https://doi.org/10.5285/124b872e-036e-4dd3-8316-476b5f42c16e, 1990: https://doi.org/10.5285/1481bc63-80d7-4d18-bcba-8804aa0a9e1b, 1998: https://doi.org/10.5285/ed10944f-40c8-4913-b3f5-13c8e844e153 and 2007: https://doi.org/10.5285/55dc5fd7-d3f7-4440-b8a7-7187f8b0550b

    Slow slip source characterized by lithological and geometric heterogeneity

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    Slow slip events (SSEs) accommodate a significant proportion of tectonic plate motion at subduction zones, yet little is known about the faults that actually host them. The shallow depth (<2 km) of well-documented SSEs at the Hikurangi subduction zone offshore New Zealand offers a unique opportunity to link geophysical imaging of the subduction zone with direct access to incoming material that represents the megathrust fault rocks hosting slow slip. Two recent International Ocean Discovery Program Expeditions sampled this incoming material before it is entrained immediately down-dip along the shallow plate interface. Drilling results, tied to regional seismic reflection images, reveal heterogeneous lithologies with highly variable physical properties entering the SSE source region. These observations suggest that SSEs and associated slow earthquake phenomena are promoted by lithological, mechanical, and frictional heterogeneity within the fault zone, enhanced by geometric complexity associated with subduction of rough crust

    Tectonic history of mid-Miocene to present southern Victoria Land Basin, inferred from seismic stratigraphy in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica

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    New and existing seismic reflection data in southern McMurdo Sound have been used to investigate Neogene tectonic history of the Terror Rift adjacent to the Transantarctic Mountains and along the western margin of the West Antarctic Rift System. Seismic data image a young rifting episode that is largely unsampled by CRP and CIROS drill holes. Data reveal up to 3.5 km of post middle Miocene strata deposited in this part of the NNW-SSE trending Terror Rift basin. Mapped fault trends in the southern Terror Rift parallel the axis of the basin and are prominent in a 40 km wide zone north of Ross Island. Displacement on individual faults in this zone can exceed 100 m and faults collectively accommodate approximately 10-15 km of middle Miocene to recent extension

    Heat Flow and Hydrologic Characteristics at the AND-1B borehole, ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf Project, Antarctica

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    The Antarctic Drilling Program (ANDRILL) successfully drilled and cored a borehole, AND-1B, beneath the McMurdo Ice Shelf and into a flexural moat basin that surrounds Ross Island. Total drilling depth reached 1285 m below sea floor (mbsf) with 98 percent core recovery for the detailed study of glacier dynamics. With the goal of obtaining complementary information regarding heat fl ow and permeability, which is vital to understanding the nature of marine hydrogeologic systems, a succession of three temperature logs was recorded over a five day span to monitor the gradual thermal recovery toward equilibrium conditions. These data were extrapolated to true, undisturbed temperatures, and they define a linear geothermal gradient of 76.7 K/km from the seafloor to 647 mbsf. Bulk thermal conductivities of the sedimentary rocks were derived from empirical mixing models and density measurements performed on core, and an average value of 1.5 W/mK ± 10 percent was determined. The corresponding estimate of heat fl ow at this site is 115 mW/m2. This value is relatively high but is consistent with other elevated heat-fl ow data associated with the Erebus Volcanic Province. Information regarding the origin and frequency of pathways for subsurface fluid flow is gleaned from drillers’ records, complementary geophysical logs, and core descriptions. Only two prominent permeable zones are identified and these correspond to two markedly different features within the rift basin; one is a distinct lithostratigraphic subunit consisting of a thin lava fl ow and the other is a heavily fractured interval within a single thick subunit

    Porosity and sound velocity measured in sediment core CIROS-1

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    The CIROS-1 drillhole, which in 1986 reached a depth of 700 m below the seafloor, is still the only deep hole that can provide information on the velocity structure of the upper crust in McMurdo Sound and the Ross Sea, Antarctica. A careful review and quality control of the downhole logging data of CIROS-1 resulted in a new porosity depth function that is consistent with porosity data from the MSSTS-1 and CRP-1 drillholes. Using existing porosity-velocity equations, it was possible for the first time to obtain reliable velocity information for the upper 700 m of strata off the Victoria Land coast. The calculated synthetic seismograms, based on downhole velocity and density data, fit very well with the existing seismic lines IT90A-71, PD90-12, and NBP9601-89. The quality of the correlation confirms that the average velocity of the top 700 m of strata is about 2 000-2 300 m/s, and not 2 800-3 000 m/s, as was previously assumed. In consequence, these distinctly lower velocities result in shallower depths for the seismic unconformities V3/V4 andV4/V5 and thus may have important implications for further drilling off Cape Roberts

    Seismic facies and stratigraphy of the Cenozoic succession in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica: Implications for tectonic, climatic and glacial history

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    Integration of data from fully cored stratigraphic holes with an extensive grid of seismic reflection lines in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, has allowed the formulation of a new model for the evolution of the Cenozoic Victoria Land Basin of the West Antarctic Rift. The Early Rift phase (Eocene to Early Oligocene) is recorded by wedges of strata confined by early extensional faults, and which contain seismic facies consistent with drainage via coarse-grained fans and deltas into discrete, actively subsiding grabens and half-grabens. The Main Rift phase (Early Oligocene to Early Miocene) is represented by a lens of strata that thickens symmetrically from the basin margins into a central depocenter, and in which stratal events pass continuously over the top of the Early Rift extensional topography. Internal seismic facies and lithofacies indicate a more organized, cyclical shallow marine succession, influenced increasingly upward by cycles of glacial advance and retreat into the basin. The Passive Thermal Subsidence phase (Early Middle Miocene) is recorded by an evenly distributed sheet of strata that thickens somewhat into the depocenter but is continuous across and over the earlier rift strata to the margins of the basin. Internally, it contains similar facies to the underlying Main Rift, but preserves more evidence for clinoform sets and large channels, and in core comprises many short, condensed and strongly top-truncated stratal cycles with continued, periodic glacial influence. These patterns are interpreted to record accumulation under similar environmental conditions but in a regime of slower subsidence. The Renewed Rifting phase (Middle Miocene to Recent, largely unsampled by coring thus far) is represented by intervals that thicken significantly into the basin depocenter and that are complicated by evidence of magmatic activity (Mc- Murdo Volcanic Group). This succession is further divided into lower and upper intervals, separated by a major unconformity that displays increasing angular discordance towards the western basin margin and Transantarctic Mountain Front. The youngest part of the stratigraphy was accumulated under the influence of flexural loading imposed by the construction of large volcanic edifices, and was formed in an environment in which little sediment was supplied from the western basin margin, suggesting a change in environmental (glacial) conditions at possibly c. 2 Ma. The Cenozoic stratigraphy of the southern Victoria Land Basin preserves archives of both climate change and the complex rift history of the basin, and coincidences between key stratal surfaces in seismic data and evidence for environmental change in drillcores suggest that tectonic and climatic drivers may be causally linked

    Gas Hydrates on the Hikurangi and Fiordland Margins, New Zealand

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    The presence of gas hydrates offshore New Zealand has been inferred from bottom simulating reflections (BSRs) for over two decades (Katz, 1981). BSRs are widespread on the Hikurangi margin east of the North Island and on the Fiordland margin southwest of the South Island. New Zealand’s largest conventional gas field may be depleted in a few years and hence, there is increasing interest in the resource potential of gas hydrates. Most of our studies are currently focusing on the Hikurangi margin, mainly because of its proximity to major population centers, making it attractive for possible future gas production. For this margin, we have performed first estimates of the resource potential in gas hydrates (Pecher and Henrys, 2003). Because of a paucity of adequate seismic data and lack of drilling and coring of gas hydrates, our estimates are highly uncertain. However, based on the distribution of BSRs, we were able to constrain the gas hydrate province to an area of about 50,000 km 2 (Fig. 1). Using conservative values for an average gas hydrate saturation of 2 % of the pore space, the volume of gas locked in gas hydrates in this area is estimated to be over 20,000 km 3 at standard temperature and pressure conditions. However, for economic extraction of gas it may be essential to identify potential gas hydrate “sweet spots”, i.e., areas of high gas hydrate concentration. Ga