248 research outputs found

    Flow dependent processes in settlement of intertidal bivalve larvae

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    In estuariumgebieden ontwikkelen schelpdierlarven zich door middel van een planktonisch stadium, waarin zij vrij zwemmen in de waterkolom. Tijdens deze fase worden de larven verspreid door waterstromingen. Op een gegeven moment vestigen zij zich op de bodem. Dit belangrijke vestigingsproces is een korte fase, waarover weinig bekend is. Zowel voor, na als tijdens dit proces kan veel sterfte optreden en een beter inzicht hierin kan er onder meer aan bijdragen dat de aanwezigheid van toekomstige jaarklassen van commercieel beviste soorten (zoals kokkels) beter voorspeld kan worden. Promovendus Iris Hendriks onderzocht in hoeverre het vestigingsproces van de schelpdierlarven door waterstroming wordt bepaald. Zij voerde hiertoe experimenten uit in het veld en in het laboratorium, met stroomgoot en het kweken van larven. Haar onderzoek toont onder andere aan dat turbulentie, veroorzaakt door bodemstructuren, een belangrijke rol kan spelen in het vestigingsproces. Het wegvissen van deze bodemstructuren zou in dat geval de mate van vestiging van larven kunnen beïnvloeden

    Pragmatics is not a monolithic phenomenon, and neither is theory of mind:Response to Kissine

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    In this commentary, we emphasize the importance of the observations presented by Kissine (2021) in his target article for our understanding of the nonmonolithic nature of pragmatics. Our first aim is to complement Kissine's argument, discussing some critical cases of linguistic processes that demonstrate the need for a finer-grained characterization of pragmatic phenomena. In addition, we report some findings that suggest that perspective taking may emerge as atypical even in autistic individuals who appear to be able to pass the standard theory-of-mind tasks. Our second aim is thus to argue that, albeit difficult to spot in experimental settings, the atypical theory-of-mind profile of low- and high-functioning autistic individuals is mirrored in their difficulties in everyday sociocommunicative interactions. Moreover, we claim that subtle differences in perspective-taking abilities may explain the highly heterogeneous linguistic profile of autistic individuals. Ultimately, with this commentary we wish to highlight the need for an increased appreciation of the role of perspective taking in typical and atypical language acquisition. This is crucial to our understanding of the nature of language acquisition, and can shed more light on the interaction between language and other aspects of human cognition

    Highly polymorphic microsatellite markers for the Mediterranean endemic fan mussel Pinna nobilis

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    Pinna nobilis is an endemic bivalve of the Mediterranean Sea whose populations have decreased in the last decades due to human pressure; as a consequence, it was declared a protected species in 1992. Despite its conservation status, few genetic studies using mitochondrial markers have been published. We report on the isolation and development of 10 microsatellite loci for the fan mussel, Pinna nobilis. All loci (2 di-nucleotide, 5 tri-nucleotide, 2 tetra-nucleotide and 1 penta-nucleotide) are characterized by high levels of polymorphism in 76 individuals tested from two populations in the Balearic Islands (Spain, Western Mediterranean Sea). The number of alleles ranged from 4 to 24 and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.4269 to 0.9400. These microsatellites could be very useful for the assessment of the genetic diversity and connectivity patterns of P. nobilis and the establishment of new conservation strategies

    Potential uptake of dissolved organic matter by seagrasses and macroalgae

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    Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) acts as a large reservoir of fixed nitrogen. Whereas DON utilization is common in the microbial community, little is known about utilization by macrophytes. We investigated the ability of the coexisting temperate marine macrophytes Zostera noltii, Cymodocea nodosa, and Caulerpa prolifera to take up nitrogen and carbon from small organic substrates of different molecular complexities (urea, glycine, L-leucine, and L-phenylalanine) and from dissolved organic matter (DOM) derived from algal and bacterial cultures (substrates with a complex composition). In addition to inorganic nitrogen, nitrogen from small organic substrates could be taken up in significant amounts by all macrophytes. Substrate uptake by the aboveground tissue differed from that of the belowground tissue. No relationships between carbon and nitrogen uptake of small organics were found. The preference for individual organic substrates was related to their structural complexity and C:N ratio. Uptake of algae-derived organic nitrogen was of similar magnitude as inorganic nitrogen, and was preferred over bacteria-derived nitrogen. These results add to the growing evidence that direct or quick indirect DON utilization may be more widespread among aquatic macrophytes than traditionally thought.This research was supported by the regional government of Andalusia project FUNDIV (P07-RNM-2516), the Spanish Project CTM2008-00012/MAR, a European Reintegration Grant (MERG-CT-2007-205675), a travel grant from Schure-Beijerinck-Popping Fund (SBP/JK/2007-32) and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. Thanks to Fidel Echevarrìa Navas (Director of CACYTMAR) for granting us access to facilities, and to Bas Koutstaal for helping with sample processing. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments which significantly improved this manuscript

    Unravelling Impaired Hypoalgesia at Rest and in Response to Exercise in Patients with Chronic Whiplash-Associated Disorders:Effects of a Single Administration of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor versus Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor

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    (1) Background: Noradrenaline and serotonin have modulatory roles in pain signaling and in exercise-induced hypoalgesia. Patients with chronic whiplash-associated disorders often show impaired exercise-induced hypoalgesia. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the isolated effect of activating serotonergic or noradrenergic descending pathways on hypoalgesia at rest and in response to exercise in patients with chronic WAD by using respectively a single dose of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (NRI). (2) Methods: Twenty-five people with chronic WAD participated in this double-blind randomized controlled crossover experiment. Serotonin and noradrenaline concentrations were modulated by the oral ingestion of a single dose of citalopram (i.e., SSRI) or atomoxetine (i.e., SNRI). Quantitative sensory testing (including pressure pain thresholds and conditioned pain modulation) was measured before and after exercise in combination with no medication (1), atomoxetine (2), or citalopram (3) at three different test days. (3) Results: Random-intercept linear mixed models analysis was used to analyze pain outcomes (i.e., pain at rest and exercise-induced hypoalgesia) before and after exercise over the three conditions in patients with chronic WAD. No differences in pain at rest were found between the three conditions before exercise. The effect of exercise on pain outcome measures was not influenced by medication intake. The occupational status of the participants had a significant influence on the effect of exercise and medication on pain outcomes (p &lt; 0.05). Patients working full-time had some positive effect of atomoxetine on pain facilitation (p &lt; 0.05). Unemployed patients had some negative effect of citalopram on pain tolerance and experienced exercise-induced hypoalgesia (p &lt; 0.05). (4) Conclusions: A single dose of citalopram or atomoxetine did not result in changes in hypoalgesia at rest and in response to exercise. These results do not support the use of SSRI or selective NRI to overcome impaired hypoalgesia at rest or in response to exercise in people with chronic WAD. Effect of exercise and medication on pain in patients with chronic WAD is influenced by the occupational status.</p