74 research outputs found

    Wireless Sensor Network Exploiting High Altitude Platform in 5G Network

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    Technology development and socio-economic transformation have increased the demand for 5G cellular networks. They are expected to send information quickly and support many use cases emerging from a variety of applications. One of the use cases on the 5G network is the massive MTC (Machine Type Communication), wherein wireless sensor network (WSN) is a typical application. Challenges faced by a 5G cellular network are how to model an architecture/topology to support WSN and to solve energy consumption efficiency problem in WSN. So, to overcome these challenges, a HAP system integrated with WSN which uses Low Energy Adaptive Hierarchy routing protocol is implemented. The HAP system is designed to be used at a 20-km altitude, and the topologies used are those with and without clustering. It uses 1,000 sensor nodes and Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy protocol. This system was simulated using MATLAB. Simulations were performed to analyze the energy consumption, the number of dead nodes, and the average total packets which were sent to HAP for non-clustered topology and clustered topology. Simulation results showed that the clustered topology could reduce energy consumption and the number of dead nodes while increasing the total packet sent to HAP.*****Perkembangan teknologi dan transformasi sosial-ekonomi telah menyebabkan bisnis jaringan seluler 5G mengalami Perubahan, sehingga jaringan seluler 5G diharapkan dapat mengirim informasi dengan cepat dan mendukung kasus penggunaan yang banyak bermunculan dari berbagai aplikasi. Salah satu kasus penggunaan pada jaringan 5G adalah massive Machine Type Communication (MTC). Salah satu aplikasi massive MTC adalah jaringan sensor nirkabel (JSN). Tantangan bagi jaringan seluler 5G ini adalah bagaimana memodelkan arsitektur/topologi untuk mendukung JSN dan bagaimana mengatasi masalah efisiensi konsumsi energi di JSN. Untuk menjawab tantangan ini, maka diterapkan sistem HAP yang terintegrasi JSN dan menggunakan protokol routing Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy. Sistem HAP dirancang untuk digunakan di ketinggian 20 km dengan topologi tanpa dan dengan clustering, menggunakan 1.000 node sensor. Sistem ini telah disimulasikan dengan menggunakan MATLAB. Simulasi dilakukan untuk melihat konsumsi energi, jumlah node yang mati dan rata-rata total paket yang dikirim ke HAP untuk topologi tanpa dan dengan clustering. Dari serangkaian simulasi, terlihat bahwa topologi dengan clustering dapat mengurangi konsumsi energi dan jumlah node yang mati, sekaligus meningkatkan total paket yang dikirimkan ke HAP

    An Analisis of the CO2 Emission Abatement in Plastic Recycling System Using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Methodology: a Case Study of Bandung City, Indonesia

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    Global warming issue becomes a main issue in sustainable development planning for every country in the world. Indonesia as developing country has commitment to contribute in CO2 abatement with proper development policies. Since May 2008 Indonesia has introduced new law of Solid Waste Management (UU No. 18/2008), the basis of waste management under this law is waste reduction to a landfill as the first priority. The highest waste material compositions in general are organic (50%) and plastic (15%) such as PET, PP, etc. In Indonesia, plastic is common to use as container/packaging. Plastic in Indonesia still using petroleum-based container/packaging and it contributes CO2 emission in the life cycle. Thus, the recycling system on the plastic is significant in order to mitigate CO2 emissions. That is, in this paper, we find the optimal system so as to reduce CO2 emission in the plastic recycling system. The new scenarios on the recycling plastic in transportation sector and manufacturing sector will introduce in this study. In transportation sector, higher truck capacity will introduce to see the effect on CO2 emissions abatement. In manufacturing sector, environmental friendly energy from new renewable energy will introduce to replace conventional energy sector. System Blue Tower (BT) technology through which the environmentally friendly electricity is supplied from municipal organic waste was argued. The proposal of a concrete system would be a CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) project in the near future. This study will model plastic recycling life cycle in Bandung City as a case study

    Studi Kerapatan dan Perubahan Tutupan Mangrove Menggunakan Citra Satelit di Pulau Sebatik Kalimantan Utara

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    Hutan mangrove merupakan ekosistem yang rentan sehingga membutuhkan pemantauan terus menerus untuk mendeteksi berbagai ancaman seperti aktivitas manusia dan bencana alam. Penginderaan jarak jauh dan sistem informasi geografis (SIG) sangat efektif untuk digunakan dalam pemantauan ekosistem mangrove karena dapat menjangkau daerah yang luas dan dapat dilakukan sekala berkala. Penerapan teknologi penginderaan jarak jauh untuk memantau ekosistem mangrove di Pulau Sebatik belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Penelitian ini penting untuk mengetahui Perubahan kondisi hutan mangrove di Pulau Sebatik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghitung akurasi klasifikasi tutupan lahan dengan resolusi spasial yang berbeda, mengukur Perubahan mangrove dari tahun 2005 sampai 2016, dan menganalisis korelasi antara nilai Normalized Different Vegetation Index (NDVI) dan persentase tutupannya. Klasifikasi tutupan lahan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan klasifikasi terbimbing dengan algoritma Maximum Likelihood. NDVI digunakan sebagai indikator kerapatan mangrove. Pengukuran data lapangan diambil untuk menghitung tutupan kanopi. Penilaian akurasi klasifikasi citra Landsat sekitar 83% dan citra SPOT 6 sekitar 90%. Mangrove di Pulau Sebatik mengalami peningkatan dari tahun 2005 sampai 2016 sebesar 31,27%. Korelasi antara tutupan NDVI dan kanopi dikategorikan tinggi dengan koefisien korelasi r = 0,82 (Landsat 8) dan 0,85 (SPOT 6)

    Refining Spectrum Fee to Increase Utilization Efficiency by Adopting ITU-R SM 2012-2 Case Study: Cellular Service in Indonesia

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    The spectrum fees called as "Biaya Hak Pengguna Frekuensi" (BHPF) for cellular services in Indonesia are currently calculated based on apparatus, proportionally to the number of transceiver stations and radio channels. Unfortunately, the formula cannot promote the efficiency of frequency spectrum efficiency. ITU-R SM 2012-2 recommended the spectrum fee formula that can promote the efficiency; Administrative Incentives Price (AIP) also claims to promote the effectiveness of the radio spectrum utilization. By combining ITUR SM 2012-2 with AIP, the frequency fee formula can promote not only the efficiency but also the effectiveness of spectrum utilization. This paper will explain and discus the modification of ITU-R SM 2012-2 with AIP in designing the spectrum fees for cellular services in Indonesia.

    Sistem Kendali Kongesti Di Internet

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    Internet Congestion Control System. Internet congestion occurs when resource demands exceeds the network capacity. But, it is not the only reason. Congestion can happen on some users because some others user has higher sending rate. Then some users with lower sending rate will experience congestion. This partial congestion is caused by inexactly feedback. At this moment congestion are solved by the involvement of two controlling mechanisms. These mechanisms are flow/congestion control in the TCP source and Active Queue Management (AQM) in the router. AQM will provide feedback to the source a kind of indication for the occurrence of the congestion in the router, whereas the source will adapt the sending rate appropriate with the feedback. These mechanisms are not enough to solve internet congestion problem completely. Therefore, this paper will explain internet congestion causes, weakness, and congestion control technique that researchers have been developed. To describe congestion system mechanisms and responses, the system will be simulated by Matlab

    Criteria for the Development and Evaluation of the Implementation of a Sustainable Pedestrian Bridge

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    The Pedestrian Bridge (Indonesian: JPO) is a vital facility to reduce traffic conflicts and accidents. There is a need to optimize the use of JPO while encouraging sustainable infrastructure development. This requires sustainability criteria. This study aimed to develop and evaluate the implementation of a sustainable JPO criteria in Indonesia by constructing an ”eco JPO” prototype in Surakarta City. A qualitative and quantitative descriptive questionnaire instrument in the form of a Likert scale was used, and further analysis was done using interest performance analysis. The results showed that two criteria must be met, namely, planning criteria and design criteria. Planning criteria included suitability to people’s needs and location. The design criteria included seven measures: attractive design, environmentally friendly, energy self-sufficient, safe, artistic, comfortable, and safe. Based on the evaluation of the design criteria, the overall JPO criteria relatively had the same importance value, namely ”important” with values between 4.47 - 4.85, and weights between 5.8% - 6.57%. The satisfaction aspect showed a somewhat similar value, namely ”satisfied” with the grade between 3.67 - 4.61, and weights between 5.45% - 6.73%. Keywords: Sustainable, pedestrian bridge, criteri

    Model of Superflex Learning: Limited trial

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    Model of Superflex Learning is model for students with special needs, especially Emotional and Behavioral Disorder (EBD). The purpose of the study in 2nd years is a limited test Superflex learning model. The 2nd model that has been developed in the first year, tested on a limited basis in three schools. Research method is used exploratory survey. The study is intended to map out their exploration and development Model of Superflex Learning® in inclusion elementary school at Cimahi City, Indonesia. The results of questionnaires and observations indicate a change from learners who suffer from EBD. All teachers argue that the use of animation with various characters, which aims to assist children in social skills and develop flexibility in any social conditions. The success of the Superflex® Learning Model is determined by the teacher's ability to direct learners, especially in distinguishing reality and delusion

    Femtocell Performance Over Non-SLA xDSL Access Network

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    Environmental medicin

    Peringkasan paper dengan metode Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization untuk Pemeriksaan Kesesuaian dengan Abstrak Tugas Akhir

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    Salah satu jurusan yang terdapat di Universitas Madura adalah teknik informatika dimana ketika mahasiswa sebelum yudisium maka harus mengumpulkan paper terlebih dahulu sebagai salah satu syarat untuk yudisium. Isi dari paper yang tulis oleh mahasiswa terkadang tidak sesuai dengan abstrak paper tersebut. Sehingga diperlukan sebuah sistem yang dapat memeriksa kesesuaian isi dari paper dengan abstrak paper yang ditulis.Metode yang digunakan dalam meringkas dokumen/paper adalah dengan menggunakan model graph. Model graph ini digunakan untuk menentukan bobot masing-masing kalimat supaya dapat di cluster. Cluster yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode SNMF (Sparse Non Negative Matrix Faktorization) kemudian dari hasil cluster diambil 2 kalimat tertinggi dari hasil masing-masing cluster untuk menentukan hasil ringkasan, dan sebagai pembandingnya adalah hasil ringkasan yang dibuat oleh pakar. Untuk membuktikan seberapa efektif metode SNMF dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan, penulis melakukan beberapa uji coba. Setelah melewati beberapa uji coba, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa algoritma SNMF mampu menyelesaikan dengan baik untuk permasalahan pada peringkasan paper dan mampu memeriksa kesesuaian abstrak terhadap tugas akhir mahasiswa Universitas Madura dengan hasil akurasi recall 54.63.Kata Kunci—Perangkuman Otomatis, SNMF, Bobot Graf, Recall
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