63 research outputs found

    Acquaintance Management Algorithm Based on the Multi-Class Risk-Cost Analysis for Collaborative Intrusion Detection Network

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    The collaborative intrusion detection network (CIDN) framework provides collaboration capability among intrusion detection systems (IDS). Collaboration selection is done by an acquaintance management algorithm. A recent study developed an effective acquaintance management algorithm by the use of binary risk analysis and greedy-selection-sort based methods. However, most algorithms do not pay attention to the possibility of wrong responses in multi-botnet attacks. The greedy-based acquaintance management algorithm also leads to a poor acquaintance selection processing time when there is a high number of IDS candidates. The growing number of advanced distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks make acquaintance management potentially end up with an unreliable CIDN acquaintance list, resulting in low decision accuracy. This paper proposes an acquaintance management algorithm based on multi-class risk-cost analysis and merge-sort selection methods. The algorithm implements merge risk-ordered selection to reduce computation complexity. The simulation result showed the reliability of CIDN in reducing the acquaintance selection processing time decreased and increasing the decision accuracy


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    AbstrakPerkembangan teknologi yang semakin cepat mendorong manusia untuk mengembangkan produk teknologi yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Di Indonesia pun telah banyak usaha yang dilakukan dalam bidang hemat energy, mobil prototype terdapat banyak sistem yang bekerja. Sistem-sistem tersebut bekerja saling berkaitan antara satu dengan yang lain, dan salah satunya adalah sistem kemudi, Sistem kemudi yang digunakan mobil prototype adalah sistem kemudi manual dengan mengacu pada steering linkage type recirculating ball, untuk keamanan dan kenyamanan maka dilakukan perubahan seperlunya pada komponennya, Model mekanisme nantinya mempunyai tuntutan dapat mengetahui front wheel alignment pada roda depan kendaraan prototype roda tiga, eksperimen dengan front wheel alignment (toe) pada besar toe in 2° - 4° dan besar toe out 2° – 4°. Ekperimen dilakukan dengan beberapa kali agar mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal, melakukan tahap perhitungan, maka didapat hasil data berupa besar toe pada roda depan sehingga kendaraan nyaman untuk dikemudikan, mengenai model sistem kemudi dan bahan yang akan digunakan karena dalam perancangannya harus efektif dan efisien sehingga untuk model sistem kemudi menggunakan atau mengacu pada type recilculating ball hanya saja pada sistem kemudi kendaraan prototype ini tidak menggunakan gear, komponen akan dievaluasi  dengan ditinjau proses manufaktur atau proses permesinannya. Proses permesinan dilakukan pada bahan yaitu mengelas, membubut, memotong dan mengubah komponen agar tepat pada saat perakitannya. Kata kunci: Prototype, kemudi manual, rancang bangun, sudut to


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada PT. Bank Riau Cabang Utama Pekanbaru yang beralamat Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 377 Pekanbaru. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah tingkat suku bunga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap permintaan kredit pengusaha kecil pada PT. Bank Riau Cabang Utama Pekanbaru. Jenis data yang digunakan penulis didalam melakukan penelitian adalah data sekunder dan data primer. Data-data tersebut penulis dapatkan dari hasil wawancara dengan Pimsi kredit dan pengumpulan kuisioner yang telah disebarkan. Data ini akan dianalisis oleh penulis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Dari hasil penelitian menggunakan hipotesis H 0 ( Tingkat suku bunga tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap permintaan kredit pengusaha kecil ) dan Ha ( Tingkat suku bunga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap permintaan kredit pengusaha kecil ) serta menggunakan uji_t maka dapat membuktikan bahwa nilai t_hitung = 5,457 dan nilai t_tabel = 1,986 ini berarti t_hitung > t_tabel ( 5,457 > 1,986 ) dengan menggunakan taraf signifikan α = 0,05 ( 5% ) atau pada taraf level signifikan 95% menunjukkan H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dengan demikian penulis mendapatkan kesimpulan yaitu tingkat suku bunga yang dibebankan pihak perbankan kepada masyarakat meskipun tetap, mempengaruhi keinginan masyarakat untuk mengajukan kredit, meskipun beban bunga yang dibayarkan besar. Hal ini terjadi karena masyarakat akan tetap berusaha memenuhi kebutuhannya semaksimal mungkin

    The Influence of The Power Of Two Type Of Cooperative Learning Model On The Learning Achiement Of Cililitan IV SDN Grade Students On Magnetic Material

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    Natural science is one of the subjects contained in the elementary or elementary level curriculum. In line with the learning of natural science in elementary school, learning natural science is one of the subjects that is still considered difficult by. In science learning there are several obstacles, namely the low student learning achievement, in the learning process in the classroom still using conventional learning models only with lectures and centered on textbooks only, there is no group discussion students tend to be passive and the teacher becomes the center of the learning process, so that students in science learning in the classroom feels boring and less challenging so students are less active in class. Based on the problem of difficulties in the learning process, the application of the power of cooperative tipe the power of two expected to be able to improve student learning achievement on magnetic material of class IV SDN Cililitan. The study uses quantitative research methods with experimental research methods using quasi-external design with nonequivalent control group design. The study was conducted at SDN Cililitan with a population of eighteen students by using a saturated sample that divides students into two classes, namely the control class of ten students and the experimental class of ten students. Data collection techniques were performed using pretest and posttest tests and the data were analyzed using SPSS version 16

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Visual, Auditori Dan Kinestetik (VAK) Berbantuan Media Jam Sudut Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas III

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran visual, auditori dan kinestetik (VAK) berbantuan media jam sudut terhadap prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas III SD Negeri 1 Linggawangi. Jenis penelitian  ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah adalah Quasi Eksperimen dengan desain Nonequivalent Control Group. Populasi yang digunakan adalah siswa kelas III SD Negeri 1 Linggawangi yang berjumlah 47 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik tes, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh diketahui bahwa model pembelajaran VAK berbantuan jam sudut memiliki pengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar siswa SD Negeri 1 Linggawangi pada materi sudut. Hal ini terlihat dari perbedaan hasil nilai rata-rata posttest kelas eksperimen yaitu 86,1 sedangkan pada kelas kontrol yaitu 78,6. Dalam uji hipotesis dilakukan dengan uji independent sample t-test yang diperoleh nilai thitung > ttabel (2,581 > 2,021) sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak. Hal ini menunjukkan terdapat berbedaan yang  signifikan antara hasil posttest kelas eksperimen yang mendapat perlakuan dengan model pembelajaran Visual, Auditori dan Kinestetik (VAK) dengan kelas kontrol yang mendapat perlakuan dengan metode konvensional

    Hubungan Antara Pengelolaan Kondisi Sosio Emosional dan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Pada Pembelajaran IPA Di Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

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    The management of socio-emotional condition is part of classroom management, as well as facilities and infrastructure, the management of socio-emotional condition is considered has important role in improving the students’ achievement. The aims of the research are to determine: 1) the management of socio-emotional condition in Class V of Elementary School Cluster 3 Salawu, 2) the students’ achievement in learning science in Grades V of Elementary School Cluster 3 Salawu. The place of this research is in SDN Cluster 3 Salawu of Tasikmalaya regency. The population and sample of this research are the fifth grade students in SDN Cluster 3 Salawu and there are 60 students. The sample of this study used a quota sampling technique. The method used in this research is quantitative associative method with quantitative approach. To collect the data, the researcher used questionnaires and test techniques. The data was collected, processed and analyzed quantitatively with correlation. The results of processing and analyzing data are as follows: 1) The condition of socio-emotional students in learning science in class V SDN Cluster 3 Salawu are in the very good and excellent category. There are 47 (78%) students are in the interval score 90 -120. It can be categorized as very high category. There are 13 (22%) students are in the interval score 70-90 with high category, 2) The students’ achievement in science learning in the fifth class of SDN Force 3 is in the very high, high and moderate category. There are 27 (45%) students in very high category, 25 (41.67%) students in the high category and 8 (13.33%) students in the middle category, 3) there is a relationship between the management of socio-emotional condition and the students’ learning achievement in learning science in the fifth grade of SDN Cluster 3 Salawu. It proved by the correlation between socio-emotional conditions and the students’ learning achievement reached 0.592 and it is in the level of strong enough relationship. The value of the probability or sig. (2-tailed) was 0,000 less than 0.05. According to the provisions: "if the probability value is bigger than 0.05 means that there is no significant correlation (Ho accepted) and when the probability value less than 0.05 means that there is a significant correlation (Ho rejected)". Based on that data above, Ho is rejected. It is clear that there is a significant correlation between the management of socio-emotional condition with the students’ learning achievement in science learning in the fifth grade students of SDN Cluster 3 Salawu

    The Influence of Make A Match Learning Model on Student Achiement in Class IV SDN Puspajaya Material of Style Benefits in Daily Life

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    Science learning is the science of natural phenomena in the form of facts generated based on field observations including science. In natural science learning there are several obstacles, namely the low learning achievement of students, in the learning process in the classroom still using conventional learning models only with lectures and centered on textbooks only, there is no group discussion students tend to be passive and the teacher becomes the center of the learning process, so that students in science learning in the classroom feels boring and less challenging so students are less active in class. Based on the problem of difficulties in the learning process, the application of the make a match learning model is expected to be able to improve student achievement in the material benefits of style in everyday life of class IV SDN Puspajaya. The study uses quantitative research methods with experimental research methods using quasi-external design with nonequivalent control group design. The study was conducted at SDN Puspajaya with a population of twenty students by using a saturated sample that divides students into two classes, namely the control class of ten students and the experimental class of ten students. Data collection techniques were performed using pretest and posttest tests and the data were analyzed using SPSS version 23


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    Berdasarkan masalah pada proses pembelajaran tersebut maka melalui penerapan media pembelajaran kartu kuartet diharapkan mampu meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada materi gaya kelas IV SDN 1 Linggawangi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen, desain yang digunakan quasi experimental dengan one-group pretest-posttest. Penelitian dilakukan di SDN 1 Linggawangi dengan populasi 20 orang siswa denga menggunakan sampel jenuh dengan membagi siswa kedalam dua kelas yaitu kelas kontrol sepuluh siswa dan kelas eksperimen sepuluh siswa. teknik pengumpulan data yaitu dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara tidak tersetruktur, dokumentasi, nilai. validitas instrumen peneliti melakukan expert judgement. Hasil yang didapat Pada siswa kelas eksperimen saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung siswa menjadi fokus dan antusias dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran dan berpengaruh pada prestasi belajar siswa dengan hasil yang diperoleh dari nilai rata-rata posttest dengan adanya peningkatan lebih besar dari kelas kontrol yaitu 83,5 > 61,5

    The Effect of Realistic Mathemathic Education (RME) Assisted by Number Hours on Learning Achievement in The Summing Operations Material in Class I SDN Batulawang

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    Mathematics learning is learning that develops student creativity to improve thingking skills, construct new knowledge to increase good mastery of mathematical material. In learning mathematics there are several obstacles, namely low student achievement, lack of student motivation and students still think that mathematics is difficult and difficult to learn. To overcome these obstacles there is a solution for learning mathematics that is using Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) assisted by the number of hours in the addition operation material. By using Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) assisted by number hours, it is expected to be able to improve student learning achievement in the addition operation material at SDN Batulawang. This research uses quantitative research using quasi experimental methods with the Nonequivalent Control Group Design. This research was conducted in SDN Batulawang with a population of thirty people and used a systematic sample that divided students into two classes using even odd numbers, so that the control class was fifteen people and the experimental class fifteen people. Data collection techniques were carried out through pretest and posttest. Data were analyzed using SPSS

    Perancangan Board Game Sebagai Media Penanaman Moral Bagi Anak Usia 6-9 Tahun Melalui Pendekatan Pendidikan Agama Kristen

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    Dengan adanya moral, manusia dapat menjalankan fungsi sebagai makhluk sosial dan ekonomi. Kemudian dilakukan sebuah penelitian untuk mendapatkan solusi dengan cara mengumpulkan data primer dan sekunder. Penulis merancang board game untuk menanamkan moral anak melalui pendekatan agama Kristen dengan topik khusus (toleransi dan kepedulian sosial) dengan genre christian’s children board game, khususnya untuk anak usia 6-9 tahun, memberi pengalaman perjalanan pelayanan Yesus melalui tantangan dan aktivitas rohani. Board game The Sheepo Adventure ini telah diuji coba dan memberikan dampak yang baik bagi anak. Board game The Sheepo Adventure dikembangkan menjadi kategori moral yang lain, sehingga anak-anak dapat bermain dan belajar mengenai topik moral lainnya
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