23 research outputs found

    Substantial hysteresis in emergent temperature sensitivity of global wetland CH4 emissions

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    Wetland methane (CH4) emissions (FCH4) are important in global carbon budgets and climate change assessments. Currently, FCH4 projections rely on prescribed static temperature sensitivity that varies among biogeochemical models. Meta-analyses have proposed a consistent FCH4 temperature dependence across spatial scales for use in models; however, site-level studies demonstrate that FCH4 are often controlled by factors beyond temperature. Here, we evaluate the relationship between FCH4 and temperature using observations from the FLUXNET-CH4 database. Measurements collected across the globe show substantial seasonal hysteresis between FCH4 and temperature, suggesting larger FCH4 sensitivity to temperature later in the frost-free season (about 77% of site-years). Results derived from a machine-learning model and several regression models highlight the importance of representing the large spatial and temporal variability within site-years and ecosystem types. Mechanistic advancements in biogeochemical model parameterization and detailed measurements in factors modulating CH4 production are thus needed to improve global CH4 budget assessments. Wetland methane emissions contribute to global warming, and are oversimplified in climate models. Here the authors use eddy covariance measurements from 48 global sites to demonstrate seasonal hysteresis in methane-temperature relationships and suggest the importance of microbial processes.Peer reviewe

    Gap-filling eddy covariance methane fluxes : Comparison of machine learning model predictions and uncertainties at FLUXNET-CH4 wetlands

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    Time series of wetland methane fluxes measured by eddy covariance require gap-filling to estimate daily, seasonal, and annual emissions. Gap-filling methane fluxes is challenging because of high variability and complex responses to multiple drivers. To date, there is no widely established gap-filling standard for wetland methane fluxes, with regards both to the best model algorithms and predictors. This study synthesizes results of different gap-filling methods systematically applied at 17 wetland sites spanning boreal to tropical regions and including all major wetland classes and two rice paddies. Procedures are proposed for: 1) creating realistic artificial gap scenarios, 2) training and evaluating gap-filling models without overstating performance, and 3) predicting halfhourly methane fluxes and annual emissions with realistic uncertainty estimates. Performance is compared between a conventional method (marginal distribution sampling) and four machine learning algorithms. The conventional method achieved similar median performance as the machine learning models but was worse than the best machine learning models and relatively insensitive to predictor choices. Of the machine learning models, decision tree algorithms performed the best in cross-validation experiments, even with a baseline predictor set, and artificial neural networks showed comparable performance when using all predictors. Soil temperature was frequently the most important predictor whilst water table depth was important at sites with substantial water table fluctuations, highlighting the value of data on wetland soil conditions. Raw gap-filling uncertainties from the machine learning models were underestimated and we propose a method to calibrate uncertainties to observations. The python code for model development, evaluation, and uncertainty estimation is publicly available. This study outlines a modular and robust machine learning workflow and makes recommendations for, and evaluates an improved baseline of, methane gap-filling models that can be implemented in multi-site syntheses or standardized products from regional and global flux networks (e.g., FLUXNET).Peer reviewe

    An Ecosystem-Scale Flux Measurement Strategy to Assess Natural Climate Solutions.

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    Eddy covariance measurement systems provide direct observation of the exchange of greenhouse gases between ecosystems and the atmosphere, but have only occasionally been intentionally applied to quantify the carbon dynamics associated with specific climate mitigation strategies. Natural climate solutions (NCS) harness the photosynthetic power of ecosystems to avoid emissions and remove atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), sequestering it in biological carbon pools. In this perspective, we aim to determine which kinds of NCS strategies are most suitable for ecosystem-scale flux measurements and how these measurements should be deployed for diverse NCS scales and goals. We find that ecosystem-scale flux measurements bring unique value when assessing NCS strategies characterized by inaccessible and hard-to-observe carbon pool changes, important non-CO2 greenhouse gas fluxes, the potential for biophysical impacts, or dynamic successional changes. We propose three deployment types for ecosystem-scale flux measurements at various NCS scales to constrain wide uncertainties and chart a workable path forward: "pilot", "upscale", and "monitor". Together, the integration of ecosystem-scale flux measurements by the NCS community and the prioritization of NCS measurements by the flux community, have the potential to improve accounting in ways that capture the net impacts, unintended feedbacks, and on-the-ground specifics of a wide range of emerging NCS strategies

    Carbon Flux Trajectories and Site Conditions from Restored Impounded Marshes in the Sacramento‐San Joaquin Delta

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    Wetlands can sequester carbon over the long term, providing natural climate solutions. This requires that existing carbon stocks be maintained and additional greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are outweighed by carbon sequestration. We analyzed 25 site-years of continuous CO 2 and methane fluxes by eddy covariance from 4 restored wetlands to detect long-term trends and estimate their GHG budgets. Sites showed large interannual variability with no clear trends in CO 2 fluxes beyond the initial uptake phase during vegetation establishment following restoration. Methane emissions followed either decreasing or increasing trends likely because of variable site conditions, such as water level fluctuations and soil mineral concentrations. Several site-years were GHG neutral or sinks depending on the global warming potential used. Carbon sink sites were projected to offset the radiative forcing from methane emissions after 62 to 202 years. We compared and contrasted restoration design and management strategies based on this and previous studies at these sites to balance the climate mitigation potentials with other beneficial wetland services. We conclude that these restored wetlands indeed provide climate mitigation benefits provided they are appropriately maintained over the long term (100 years), as poor management can cause large carbon losses even decades after restoration

    Impact of Insolation Data Source on Remote Sensing Retrievals of Evapotranspiration over the California Delta

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    The energy delivered to the land surface via insolation is a primary driver of evapotranspiration (ET)—the exchange of water vapor between the land and atmosphere. Spatially distributed ET products are in great demand in the water resource management community for real-time operations and sustainable water use planning. The accuracy and deliverability of these products are determined in part by the characteristics and quality of the insolation data sources used as input to the ET models. This paper investigates the practical utility of three different insolation datasets within the context of a satellite-based remote sensing framework for mapping ET at high spatiotemporal resolution, in an application over the Sacramento⁻San Joaquin Delta region in California. The datasets tested included one reanalysis product: The Climate System Forecast Reanalysis (CFSR) at 0.25° spatial resolution, and two remote sensing insolation products generated with geostationary satellite imagery: a product for the continental United States at 0.2°, developed by the University of Wisconsin Space Sciences and Engineering Center (SSEC) and a coarser resolution (1°) global Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) product. The three insolation data sources were compared to pyranometer data collected at flux towers within the Delta region to establish relative accuracy. The satellite products significantly outperformed CFSR, with root-mean square errors (RMSE) of 2.7, 1.5, and 1.4 MJ·m−2·d−1 for CFSR, CERES, and SSEC, respectively, at daily timesteps. The satellite-based products provided more accurate estimates of cloud occurrence and radiation transmission, while the reanalysis tended to underestimate solar radiation under cloudy-sky conditions. However, this difference in insolation performance did not translate into comparable improvement in the ET retrieval accuracy, where the RMSE in daily ET was 0.98 and 0.94 mm d−1 using the CFSR and SSEC insolation data sources, respectively, for all the flux sites combined. The lack of a notable impact on the aggregate ET performance may be due in part to the predominantly clear-sky conditions prevalent in central California, under which the reanalysis and satellite-based insolation data sources have comparable accuracy. While satellite-based insolation data could improve ET retrieval in more humid regions with greater cloud-cover frequency, over the California Delta and climatologically similar regions in the western U.S., the CFSR data may suffice for real-time ET modeling efforts

    Fire effects on the persistence of soil organic matter and long-term carbon storage

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    One paradigm in biogeochemistry is that frequent disturbance tends to deplete carbon (C) in soil organic matter (SOM) by reducing biomass inputs and promoting losses. However, disturbance by fire has challenged this paradigm because soil C responses to frequent and/or intense fires are highly variable, despite observed declines in biomass inputs. Here, we review recent advances to illustrate that fire-driven changes in decomposition, mediated by altered SOM stability, are an important compensatory process offsetting declines in aboveground biomass pools. Fire alters the stability of SOM by affecting both the physicochemical properties of the SOM and the environmental drivers of decomposition, potentially offsetting C lost via combustion, but the mechanisms affecting the SOM stability differ across ecosystems. Thus, shifting our focus from a top-down view of fire impacting C cycling via changes in plant biomass to a bottom-up view of changes in decomposition may help to elucidate counterintuitive trends in the response of SOM to burning. Given that 70% of global topsoil C is in fire-prone regions, using fire to promote SOM stability may be an important nature-based climate solution to increase C storage