179 research outputs found

    Orcid - Offener Standard zur Vernetzung von Forschenden

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    Aktionsfeld Open Access

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    Description of various fields of action for executive boards and managers of research institutions to implement Open Access in their organizations

    Promoting Open Access in Research-Performing Organizations

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    Le libre accĂšs signifie rendre les publications savantes accessibles et rĂ©utilisables en ligne sans obstacles financiers, techniques et juridiques. La dĂ©finition de Budapest–Bethesda–Berlin (BBB) dĂ©finit l’ OA. lors de trois confĂ©rences Ă  Budapest (2001), Bethesda (2003), et Berlin (2003) au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 2000. De nouvelles approches de la communication savante numĂ©rique ont Ă©tĂ© discutĂ©es, ce qui a conduit Ă  une comprĂ©hension de base du terme OA parmi les universitaires

    ORCID DE - Stand des Projektes

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    Presentation at the 2. ORCID DE Implementation Workshop. Frankfurt a. M., Germany, September 7, 2017

    "Data Librarianship" – Rollen, Aufgaben, Kompetenzen

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    Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung der Wissenschaft fĂŒhrt zu einem rasant ansteigenden Aufkommen an digitalen Forschungsdaten. Wissenschaftspolitisch gewinnt die Forderung nach einem verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit diesen Daten an Bedeutung. Im Rahmen von E-Science und Cyberinfrastructure werden Konzepte des Managements von Forschungsdaten diskutiert und angewendet. Die vielfĂ€ltigen und hĂ€ufig disziplinspezifischen Herausforderungen beim Umgang mit wissenschaftlichen Daten fordern eine engere Kooperation zwischen Wissenschaft und infrastrukturellen Serviceeinrichtungen. Bibliotheken bietet sich die Chance, die Entwicklung organisatorischer und technischer Lösungen des Forschungsdatenmanagements aktiv zu gestalten und eine tragende Rolle in diesem Feld zu ĂŒbernehmen. Hierzu werden von Bibliothekaren zunehmend kommunikative und Schnittstellen-Kompetenzen gefordert.

    Le potentiel des infrastructures d’information pour les donnĂ©es de la recherche

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    Internet et l’expansion du numĂ©rique ont ouvert la voie Ă  de nouvelles possibilitĂ©s de diffusion et d’échanges des connaissances et d’information pour la science. Outre le concept de Science ouverte parallĂšle Ă  celui d’AccĂšs ouvert, l’accessibilitĂ© et la rĂ©utilisabilitĂ© des donnĂ©es de la recherche sont sources de dĂ©bats. Les travaux de Peter Schirmbacher en recherche et dans son enseignement ont visĂ© la pertinence, la conception et l’exploitation d’offres dans les infrastructures d’information pour les donnĂ©es de la recherche Ă  l’ùre du numĂ©rique et ont ainsi assurĂ© des contributions pionniĂšres pour le dĂ©veloppement de ces services au profit des activitĂ©s scientifiques. La prĂ©sente contribution propose un panorama sur l’état de l’art de ces infrastructures d’information et de leurs offres et les situent dans le contexte actuel des dĂ©bats sur la Science ouverte.The Internet and the expansion of digital technology have opened up new opportunities for the dissemination and exchange of knowledge and information for science. In addition to the concepts of Open Science and Open Access, the accessibility and reusability of research data have become sources of debate. Peter Schirmbacher has focused in his research and teaching on the relevance, design and use of information infrastructures for research data in the digital age. Schirmbacher has made pioneering contributions to development of these services for the benefit of scientific activities. This contribution provides an overview of these information infrastructures and their potential, and situates them in the current context of Open Science debates

    Disappearing repositories -- taking an infrastructure perspective on the long-term availability of research data

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    Currently, there is limited research investigating the phenomenon of research data repositories being shut down, and the impact this has on the long-term availability of data. This paper takes an infrastructure perspective on the preservation of research data by using a registry to identify 191 research data repositories that have been closed and presenting information on the shutdown process. The results show that 6.2 % of research data repositories indexed in the registry were shut down. The risks resulting in repository shutdown are varied. The median age of a repository when shutting down is 12 years. Strategies to prevent data loss at the infrastructure level are pursued to varying extent. 44 % of the repositories in the sample migrated data to another repository, and 12 % maintain limited access to their data collection. However, both strategies are not permanent solutions. Finally, the general lack of information on repository shutdown events as well as the effect on the findability of data and the permanence of the scholarly record are discussed

    Organization IDs in Germany—Results of an Assessment of the Status Quo in 2020

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    Persistent identifiers (PIDs) for scientific organizations such as research institutions and research funding agencies are a further decisive piece of the puzzle to promote standardization in the scholarly publication process—especially in light of the already established digital object identifiers (DOIs) for research outputs and ORCID iDs for researchers. The application of these PIDs enables automated data flows and guarantees the persistent linking of information objects. Moreover, PIDs are fundamental components for the implementation of open science. For example, the application of PIDs for scientific organizations is of crucial importance when analyzing publications and the costs of the transition to open access at an institution. To find out more about the status quo of the use and adoption of organization IDs in Germany, a ‘Survey on the Need for and Use of Organization IDs at Higher Education Institutions and Non-University Research Institutions in Germany’ was conducted among 548 scientific institutions in Germany in the period from July 13 to December 4, 2020, as part of the DFG-funded project ORCID DE. One hundred and eighty-three institutions participated in what was the largest survey to date on organization IDs in Germany. The survey included questions on the knowledge, adoption, and use of organization IDs at scientific institutions. Moreover, respondent institutions were asked about their needs with regard to organization IDs and their metadata (e.g., in terms of relationships and granularity). The present paper provides a comprehensive overview of the results of the survey conducted as part of the aforementioned project and contributes to the promotion and increased awareness of organization IDs

    ORCID in Deutschland – Ergebnisse einer Bestandsaufnahme im Jahr 2016

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    Die Open Researcher and Contributor ID, kurz ORCID, ist eine eindeutige Kennung fĂŒr Forscherinnen und Forscher und ermöglicht die Verbindung zwischen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern mit ihren AufsĂ€tzen, Forschungsdaten und weiteren Produkten des wissenschaftlichen Schaffens. Im Rahmen des dreijĂ€hrigen DFG-Projektes „ORCID DE – Förderung der Open Researcher and Contributor ID in Deutschland“ wird die vielerorts erwogene Implementierung der ORCID an Hochschulen und außeruniversitĂ€ren Forschungseinrichtungen gefördert. Der vorliegende Beitrag bietet einen umfassenden Überblick ĂŒber die Ergebnisse der im Rahmen des Projekts durchgefĂŒhrten Umfrage zum Stand der Implementierung von ORCID an wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen in Deutschland. Die Umfrage wurde im Zeitraum vom 13.07.2016 bis 03.08.2016 durchgefĂŒhrt und bietet zahlreiche Erkenntnisse sowohl ĂŒber den Stand der Implementierung von ORCID an wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen in Deutschland als auch ĂŒber bestehende technische, rechtliche und organisatorische HĂŒrden bei der Implementierung des Dienstes.The Open Researcher and Contributor ID, ORCID, enables connections between researchers and their articles and research data using a unique ID for researchers. The three-year project „ORCID DE – Promotion of the Open Researcher and Contributor ID in Germany”, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), was recently launched in order to foster adoption of ORCID at scientific institutions in Germany. This article offers a comprehensive overview about the results of a survey of the current status of ORCID at scientific institutions accomplished as part of the project. The survey ran from 13 July 2016 until 3 August 2016 and offers numerous findings concerning the current status of the implementation of ORCID at scientific institutions and also with regard to existing technical, legal and organizational barriers which hinder a successful implementation of ORCID
