96 research outputs found

    Uttesting av naturlige antioksidanter i hvitfiskmel

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    Det er utført et akselerert lagringsforsøk på hvitfiskmel med tilsetting av tre ulike kommersielle antioksidanter, limvann og hydrolysert limvann for å undersøke effekten på stabilisering av harskning/oksidasjon i hvitfiskmel. Analyse av flyktige komponenter etter 6 uker ved lagring ved 40 °C viste et stort antall komponenter dominert av aminer, alkoholer, aldehyder, ketoner, hydrokarboner og furaner. Sekundære lipid oksidasjons-produkter forekom i høyest konsentrasjoner, der 1-penten-3-ol utgjorde 13 % av de flyktige komponentene i mel uten antioksidant (som forventet den mest oksiderte prøven). Fiskemel tilsatt limvann og hydrolysert limvann viste 10 % lavere nivå oksidasjonsprodukter sammenlignet med mel uten antioksidant. Dette tyder på at limvann og hydrolysert limvann har marginal antioksidant effekt. Best antioksidant effekt ble funnet for hvitfiskmel tilsatt 500 ppm av antioksidanten Guardian Toco 70 (60 % lavere nivå oksidasjonsprodukter sammenlignet med mel uten antioksidant). Resultatene viser også at 1-penten-3-ol, et typisk oksidasjonsprodukt fra omega-3 fettsyrer, vil være godt egnet til bruk som markør for lipidoksidasjon i fiskemel.Uttesting av naturlige antioksidanter i hvitfiskmelpublishedVersio

    CO2 packaging increases shelf life through reduction of off-odor production by CO2 tolerant bacteria in addition to growth inhibition of the spoilage bacteriota

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    Optimized packaging conditions to improve the shelf life of chicken fillets is important to prevent food spoilage and food waste. Anaerobic packaging with CO2 or by vacuum packaging is commonly used to increase the shelf life of skinless chicken fillets, but the literature is inconsistent about the spoilage bacteriota. The aim of this work was to determine which bacterial genera that spoil raw chicken fillets packaged under two common packaging conditions and how the packaging gas itself affects the production of off odors for these genera. The spoilage potential of Pseudomonas, Carnobacterium, Hafnia, Serratia, Brochothrix and Shewanella isolated from spoiled chicken fillets was evaluated. Fresh chicken fillets were inoculated with mono- and multi genera strain cocktails (4 log CFU/cm2) and packaged with 100% N2 or 60% CO2/40% N2, stored at 4 °C, and bacterial numbers, bacteriota, gas in headspace and sensory profiles assessed. Additionally, the effect of CO2 on the production of off-odors from fillets inoculated with similar levels of Shewanella spp. or Brochothrix spp. was determined by both sensory profiling and measuring volatile organic components. All bacterial cocktails grew relatively well in chicken meat packed with 100% N2, while 60% CO2/40% N2 resulted in growth inhibition of all isolates compared to 100% N2. All genera except Serratia and Pseudomonas gave rise to off-odors after 11 days of storage in 100% N2. During storage in 60% CO2/40% N2, only fillets with Carnobacterium spp. and Brochothrix spp. showed significantly higher intensities of off-odors compared to the reference fillets. Shewanella spp. and Brochothrix spp. also exhibited significantly higher intensities of negative odor attributes during storage in 100% N2 compared to 60% CO2/40% N2, at a similar total bacterial count. Thus, CO2 improves shelf life not only by reduction of the growth of CO2 tolerant and sensitive bacteria, but also through inhibition of the production of off-odors.CO2 packaging increases shelf life through reduction of off-odor production by CO2 tolerant bacteria in addition to growth inhibition of the spoilage bacteriotapublishedVersio

    Utnyttelse av restråstoff fra makrell og sild, ekstraksjon av fosfolipider - Faglig sluttrapport

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    I prosjektet er det studert egnethet til restråstoff fra filetering av makrell og sild til ekstraksjon av fosfolipider. Makrellavskjær er funnet lite egnet sammenlignet med sild og spesielt umoden silderogn. Konsentrasjon av fosfolipider på tørrstoffbasis kan økes ved å foreta en varmebehandling og pressing/separasjon for fjerning av olje (triglyserider) i samfengt restråstoff. Det er utviklet en prosessoppskrift for kostnadseffektiv ekstraksjon av fosfolipider basert på etanolekstraksjon av spraytørket umoden silderogn. Fremgangsmåten gir høyt utbytte av lipidekstrakt med >65 % fosfolipider og 31 % n-3 PUFA. Optimale betingelser er funnet å være 11,3 % vann i etanolfasen med ingen effekt av temperatur i området 20-60 °C. Direkte ekstraksjon av våt rogn gir 25 % lavere utbytte sammenlignet med spraytørket rogn. Ekstraktet har en lys farge, lavt oksidasjonsnivå og nivå av uønskede forbindelser godt under gjeldende grenseverdier. Effekt på viskositet ved tilsetting av raffinert makrellolje er dokumentert. Forsøk på stabilisering av lipidekstraktet har ikke dokumentert effekt av tilsetting av naturlige tokoferoler eller rosmarinekstrakt. Rapporten gir også en oversikt over patenter med relevans for den anvendte teknologi.Utnyttelse av restråstoff fra makrell og sild, ekstraksjon av fosfolipider - Faglig sluttrapportpublishedVersio

    Oxidized Dietary Oil, High in Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Induces Antioxidant Responses in a Human Intestinal HT29 Cell Line

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    When oxidized, dietary oils generate products which have the potential to cause adverse effects on human health. The objective of the study was to investigate whether lipid oxidation products in an oxidized dietary oil can be taken up in intestinal cells, induce antioxidant stress responses and potentially be harmful. The in vitro cell model HT29 was exposed to camelina oil with different extents of oxidation, or only 4-hydroxy-2-hexenal (HHE) or 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE). The cellular content of HHE increased with an increasing extent of oxidation of the camelina oil added to the cell’s growth media, whereas HNE did not show a similar trend. Deuterated HHE was taken up by the HT29 cells, with 140 μM HHE metabolized within 0.5–1 h. The low oxidation degree of the camelina oil increased the gene expression of antioxidant markers (GPX, ATF6, XBP1). The increase in the gene expression of SOD at medium oxidation levels of the oil might indicate different regulation mechanisms. Highly oxidized camelina oil and a low concentration of HHE, over time, induced SOD and catalase enzyme activity in HT29 cells. Oxidized camelina oil contains multiple oxidation products which can be responsible for the intracellular responses observed in HT29 cells, while HHE and HNE in combination with other oxidation products induce antioxidant defence responses.publishedVersio


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kesulitan siswa dalam pembelajaran menulis teks eksposisi. Kesulitan itu dialami siswa karena siswa kurang terlatih dalam mengungkapkan ide atau gagasan ke dalam bentuk tulisan dan diperlukannya pengetahuan yang memadai untuk menyusun teks eksposisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) profil pembelajaran menulis teks eksposisi pada siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Baleendah, 2) proses pembelajaran menulis teks eksposisi dengan menggunakan model CORE melalui media gambar pada siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Baleendah, 3) perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan siswa menulis teks eksposisi kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol pada siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Baleendah, 4) respons siswa dalam pembelajaran menulis teks eksposisi menggunakan model CORE melalui media gambar pada siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Baleendah. Peneliti menggunakan model CORE melalui media gambar, yaitu model pembelajaran yang membantu siswa untuk berbagi dan mengkonstruksi pengetahuan yang didapat berdasarkan hasil dikusi, sehingga siswa akan lebih aktif memecahkan suatu permasalahan. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen kuasi dengan desain penelitian nonequivalent control group design. Uji hipotesis dari data hasil prates dan pascates diperoleh nilai thitung ≥ ttabel atau 6,11 ≥ 2,0021 pada taraf kepercayaan 95%. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak atau dengan perkataan lain terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan menulis teks eksposisi siswa di kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Hasil pengujian hipotesis ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa model CORE melalui media gambar efektif dalam pembelajaran menulis teks eksposisi. --------- This research is motivated by the difficulty of students in learning to write exposition text. The students’ difficulty was experienced because of the poorly trained in expressing an idea or ideas into written form and the need for adequate knowledge to compose an exposition text. This study aims to determine : 1) the profile of learning to write exposition text in class VII SMP Negeri 1 Baleendah , 2) the process of learning to write exposition text by using the model of CORE ( Connecting , Organizing , Reflecting , Extending ) through media image in class VII SMP Negeri 1 Baleendah , 3) there is a significant difference between the students' ability to write exposition text in experiment class and control class in class VII SMP Negeri 1 Baleendah, 4) the response of students in learning to write exposition text using a model CORE (Connecting , Organizing , Reflecting , Extending) through the media image in class VII SMP Negeri 1 Baleendah. The researchers used a model CORE through the media image, the model of learning that helps students to share and construct knowledge gained popularity. Discussion of the results, so that students will be more actively solve a problem. The method in this study is a quasi experiment research design with a nonequivalent control group. Test the hypothesis of pre-test and post-test result data obtained tcount ≥ 6.11 ≥ 2.0021 ttable or at the level of 95 %. Under these conditions, Ha accepted and Ho rejected, or in other words, there is a significant difference between the ability to write text exposition students in the experimen class and control class. Results of testing this hypothesis can be concluded that the model CORE through media image are effective in learning to write exposition text

    Nutritional value of Ethyl Ester oils in fish diets: A review on their potential impact on growth and health

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    The Norwegian Pelagic sector plays a significant role in producing pelagic fish products for human consumption, including concentrated marine omega-3 fatty acids (FA) used in dietary supplements. To fully utilize fish sources, the sector must explore to use valuable side stream products as ingredients in aquaculture feeds, such as ethyl ester (EE) oils derived from production of concentrated omega-3 FA for dietary supplement. Despite annual production of approximately 10,000 tons of EE oils in Norway, there is limited knowledge about their suitability in aquafeeds. This knowledge gap may stem from the absence of EE in aquatic animals' natural diets, unlike in human dietary supplements. Moreover, varying FA compositions of EE oils used in different fish trials present challenges in drawing definitive conclusions about their effects. Fish metabolism differs from mammals in digesting dietary lipids, lacking the necessary lipase enzymes for monoacylglycerol production during TAG digestion. This may affect the efficiency of lipid transport and metabolism in salmonids, potentially influencing intestinal health and overall lipid metabolism. Furthermore, studies suggest lower digestibility of EE oils compared to free FA or TAG forms, indicating potential limitations in their re-esterification process in enterocytes. Concerns also arise regarding ethanol release during EE hydrolysis in the gut and its potential impact on intestinal health. Additionally, EE oils' susceptibility to oxidation suggests variations in stability in feeds depending on composition and antioxidant content. In SalmoE2, we aim to assess the safety and suitability of EE oils in salmonid diets, addressing the challenge of locally sourcing sustainable ingredients with low CO2 footprints. Understanding the effects of EE oils on salmon and trout performance, health, and fillet quality is crucial for both the pelagic industry and feed producers, optimizing the exploitation of side stream products while promoting sustainable marine product usage. Quantitative data on safety, optimal inclusion, and potential benefits of EE oil use in salmonid diets are essential.Nutritional value of Ethyl Ester oils in fish diets: A review on their potential impact on growth and healthpublishedVersio

    Feasibility of on/at line methods to determine boar taint and boar taint compounds: An overview

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    Classification of carcasses at the slaughter line allows an optimisation of its processing and differentiated payment to producers. Boar taint is a quality characteristic that is evaluated in some slaughter plants. This odour and flavour is mostly present in entire males and perceived generally by sensitive consumers as unpleasant. In the present work, the methodologies currently used in slaughter plants for boar taint classification (colorimetric method and sensory quality control-human nose) and the methodologies that have the potential to be implemented on/at the slaughter line (mass spectrometry, Raman and biosensors) have been summarized. Their main characteristics are presented and an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) has been carried out. From this, we can conclude that, apart from human nose, the technology that arises as very promising and available on the market, and that will probably become a substitute for the colorimetric method, is the tandem between the laser diode thermal desorption ion source and the mass spectrometry (LDTD-MS/MS) with automation of the sampling and sample pre-treatment, because it is able to work at the slaughter line, is fast and robust, and measures both androstenone and skatole.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Applying genetic technologies to combat infectious diseases in aquaculture

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    Disease and parasitism cause major welfare, environmental and economic concerns for global aquaculture. In this review, we examine the status and potential of technologies that exploit genetic variation in host resistance to tackle this problem. We argue that there is an urgent need to improve understanding of the genetic mechanisms involved, leading to the development of tools that can be applied to boost host resistance and reduce the disease burden. We draw on two pressing global disease problems as case studies—sea lice infestations in salmonids and white spot syndrome in shrimp. We review how the latest genetic technologies can be capitalised upon to determine the mechanisms underlying inter- and intra-species variation in pathogen/ parasite resistance, and how the derived knowledge could be applied to boost disease resistance using selective breeding, gene editing and/or with targeted feed treatments and vaccines. Gene editing brings novel opportunities, but also implementation and dissemination challenges, and necessitates new protocols to integrate the technology into aquaculture breeding programmes. There is also an ongoing need to minimise risks of disease agents evolving to overcome genetic improvements to host resistance, and insights from epidemiological and evolutionary models of pathogen infestation in wild and cultured host populations are explored. Ethical issues around the different approaches for achieving genetic resistance are discussed. Application of genetic technologies and approaches has potential to improve fundamental knowledge of mechanisms affecting genetic resistance and provide effective pathways for implementation that could lead to more resistant aquaculture stocks, transforming global aquaculture.publishedVersio

    DNA-overvåking av brunbjørn i Tana 2023 ved bruk av hårfeller

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    Hår fra brunbjørn ble samlet inn i 20 hårfeller med luktstoff i et 500 km2 stort område i Tana kommune (Troms og Finnmark fylke) i løpet av 2 måneder fra juni til august i 2023. Det ble brukt et 5 x 5 km rutesystem med én hårfelle i hver rute, og der hårfellen ble flyttet etter én måned til en annen lokalitet i samme rute. Hårrøttene ble DNA-analysert med 8 genetiske markører for individbestemmelse, i tillegg til en kjønnsbestemt markør. Totalt ble det samlet inn 48 hårprøver (i tillegg til 3 ekskrementprøver). Av de innsamlede hårprøvene var 27 (56 %) positive for brunbjørn. Ingen av ekskrementprøvene ga treff på DNA fra brunbjørn. Det ble påvist 4 ulike bjørner (2 hannbjørner og 2 hunnbjørner). Av disse 4 bjørnene var alle tidligere identifiserte individer, og gir en bjørnetetthet på 0,08 bjørn/10km2. Det ble påvist flere bjørner i første halvdel (juni-juli) enn i andre halvdel (juli-august) av prosjektet. Hårfellemetoden med DNA-analyse av hårrøtter har i dette arbeidet gitt unik geografisk og tidsmessig informasjon om brunbjørn i det undersøkte området.DNA-overvåking av brunbjørn i Tana 2023 ved bruk av hårfellerpublishedVersio