14 research outputs found


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    Introductions: Medication errors are one of many types of errors that coulddecrease the quality and safety in health care. Increasing number of adverse events (KTD) reflects the number of medication errors. This study aims to develop a medication error prevention model based onknowledge management. This model is expected to improve knowledge and skill of nurses in order to prevent medication errors which characterized by the decrease of adverse events (KTD). Methods: This study was consisted of two stages. First stage of research was an explanative survey using cross sectional approach involving 15 respondents selected by purposive sampling. The second stagewas a pre-test experiment involving 29 respondents selected with cluster sampling. Partial Leas square (PLS) was used to examine the factors affecting medication error prevention model while the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used to test the effect of medication error prevention model against adverse events (KTD). Results: Individual factors (path coefficient 12:56, t = 4,761) play important role in nurse behavioral changes about medication error prevention based in knowledge management, organizational factor (path coefficient = 0276, t = 2.504) play important role in nurse behavioral changes about medication error prevention based in knowledge management. Work characteristic factor (path coefficient = 0309, t = 1.98) play important role in nurse behavioral changes about medication error prevention based in knowledge management. The medication error prevention model based on knowledge management was also significantly decrease near missed (p = 0.000, α <0.05) and adverse event (p = 0.000, α <0.05). Conclusions: Factors of individuals, organizations and work characteristics were important in the development of medication errorprevention models based onknowledge management. Keywords: Medication error, knowledge management, adverse events (KTD


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    ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Perkembangan kognitif anak adalah perkembangan anak dalam menggunakan kekuatan berfikirnya, dalam hal ini otak mulai mengembangkan kemampuan untuk berfikir, belajar, dan mengingat. Alat permainan merupakan salah satu cara untuk menstimulasi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. Variasi bermain diperlukan untuk kesehatan fisik, mental, dan perkembangan emosionalnya. Merangsang anak dengan variasi bermain diharapkan dapat membantu perkembangan kognitif anak. Namun pada kenyataannya meskipun anak sudah mendapatkan variasi bermain, banyak anak yang perkembangan kognitifnya dinilai kurang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara variasi bermain dengan perkembangan kognitif pada anak usia pra sekolah. Metode: Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasinya adalah seluruh murid TK PGRI 01 Kedungkandang Malang. Jumlah sampel 30 responden yang didapatkan dengan teknik total sampling. Variabel yang diteliti yaitu variasi bermain dan perkembangan kognitif. Pengambilan data variasi bermain dengan cara wawancara terstruktur dan observasi tidak langsung, sedangkan data perkembangan kognitif diambil dari dokumentasi. Analisa data menggunakan uji statistik Rank Spearman dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%.Hasil: penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 20 responden (67%) permainannya bervariasi dan sebanyak 20 responden (67%) perkembangan kognitifnya baik. Dari uji statistik didapatkan xy hitung sebesar 0,512 sedangkan dari tabel sebesar 0,346 (rho tabel < rho hitung). Dengan demikian Ho ditolak dan Hi diterima, yang berarti bahwa ada hubungan antara variasi bermain dengan perkembangan kognitif anak usia prasekolah kelompok A TK PGRI 01 Desa Slorok Kecamatan Kromengan Kabupaten Malang. Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, maka variasi bermain pada usia pra sekolah diperlukan untuk menstimulasi perkembangan kognitif anak agar dapat tumbuh secara optimal. Kata Kunci : Variasi Bermain, Perkembangan Kognitif, Pra Sekola


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    BACKGROUND :  Most people with hypertension assume that consumption drugs can control their blood pressure. In fact, lifestyle factor such as physical activity contribute to the burden of account for substantial morbidity, mortality, and rising in hypertension, highlighly the much for prevention afford to curb public health epidemic. Health coaching was one way for the nurse to improve motivation and patient’s beliefs concerning their disease so that they would show good compliance behavior. Objective of this study was to analyze the effect of health coaching toward physical activity.SUBJECT AND METHODE : This study used quasy experiment design with pre-post test control group design. Sample collection technique was by purposive sampling. The amount of sample was 26 person for each group. There were two variables, the dependent and independent variables, the dependent variable was physical activity and the independent variable was health coaching. The location in the work Pandanwangi Public Health Center  and the time was April 4th – June 7th , 2019. Statistic analysis used Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann Whitney.RESULTS : Health coaching has effect toward physical activities. Difference test in treatment group using Wilcoxon obtain p value 0,025, while differece test with Mann Whitney obtain p value 0,000.DISCUSSION :  There is physical activity differences between treatment and control group. furthermore, physical activity as a management of hypertension.  It is expected hypertension patients should be always doing physical activity that has been recommended

    Anthropometric Parameters among Children Under 6 Years with Stunting

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    Anthropometric measurement is a quantitative measurement as a nutritional status and can describe composition of the body. Stunting is when children have a low height-for-age. There are potential causes of stunting in Indonesia, including factor maternal nutritional status, breastfeeding practice, complementary feeding practice, exposure to infection, and related distal determinants such as education, dietary pattern, health care, and water sanitation hygiene. The objective of the research was to assess the association between gender, age and anthropometric parameters (weight-for-age, weight-for-height, body mass index for age) among children-under-six-years with stunting.  The research used a cross sectional method which used documentation research of gender, weight, height or length and age reports of 25.158 children under six years. The anthropometric parameters of the children were categorized using weight-for-age (WAZ), weight-for-height (WHZ), body mass index for age. This research used spearman rank test and binary logistic regression to analyze association between gender, age, weight-for-age, weight-for-height, body mass index for age, and height or length-for-age. Results: There were male 14.027 (55.8%), 2-6 years 15.789 (62.8%), with normal anthropometric parameter (weight- for-age, weight-for-height, and body mass index for age in stunted children. There was no significantly correlation between the children's gender and height-for-age (=0.096) and OR 0.993 (0.933- 1.056). Furthermore, there was low significantly correlation between age, anthropometric parameter (weight-for-age WAZ, weight-for-height WHZ and body mass index for age) with height-for-age (=0.000). Stunted children who had normal nutritional status were 0.469 times more likely to experience stunting


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    Introductions: Hand washing is a way to prevent disease and is a process that mechanically removes impurities from the skin of the hands using a handrub. Hand washing has been regarded as one of the most important measures to reduce transmission of microorganisms and prevent infection for more than 150 years. In 2009 the WHO formulated a strategy for implementing 5 6-step moments for health workers. The hand washing procedure is performed before contact with the patient, before performing aseptic procedures, after exposure to fluid, after contact with the patient, after contact with the environment (Ernawati, 2014). Hand-washing behavior of nurses is one of the factors that have a major influence in preventing the occurrence of nosocomial infections. Previous research from Fatmawati, found the number of nurses who perform handwashing procedures 5 moments 6 steps there are in accordance with the stage, and some are not in accordance with the stages that have been set. It was found that more than 20% of nurses on duty only did hand washing after taking action to the patient and did not wash their hands before contact with the patient. Method: The design of this study used pre experimental design with one shot case study approach. Data analysis in this research use with univariate analysis. Result : Compliance nurse about hand washing 5 moments 6 steps of high compliance as much as 335 times the action (70%) and low compliance as much as 65 times the action (14%). While for 5 moments most have low compliance as much as 289 times action (61%) and a small part 86 times action (18%). The nurse performs hand wash in step 1 as much as 439 (99,7%), step 2 count 413 (93,86%), step 3 counted 421 (95,68%), step 4 342 (77,3%), 5 as many as 335 (76.14%) and step 6 of 335 (76.14%). The nurse performs handwashing at moment 1 of 78 (18%), moment 2 is 61 (14%), moment 3 is 276 (73%), moment 4 and moment 5 are 440 (100%)


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    ABSTRACT Introductions: Medication errors are one of the types of errors that can lower the quality and safety of health care. Nurses play an important role in preventing medication errors due to improper administration of drugs. In general actions the administration of drugs to the act of injection is less committed to the principles 7 right medicine that is really the time and documentation for the current administration of the drug does not simultaneously but rather through a sequence of patient rooms while on documentation nurses only write action alone and missed report on how the patient's response to the drugs given. This study aimed to analyze the effect of applying the prevention of medication errors to correct the behavior of the nurses on seven drug administration. Method :This research uses experimental design approach quasy pre posttest design with control group involving 29 respondents treatment group and the control group of 29 people selected by purposive sampling. Analysis of the data by using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used to test the effect of medication error prevention models of the behavior of the nurses about seven correct administration of drugs and Mann Whitney were used to compare between the control group and the treatment group. Results: The results of statistical tests showed that improper patients (p = 0.071), improper medication (p = 0.689), not exactly the way (p = 0.79), not on time (p = 0.062), improper documentation (0.353), is not exactly a side effect (p = 0.01) and the incidence is not expected (p = 0.03). Of interventions on the application of medication error prevention to the behavior of the nurses on the principles of correct drug administration showed that it was not the right time (p = 0.000), no proper documentation (p = 0.000), not exactly adverse events (p = 0.000). Conclusion: The application of medication error prevention effect on the timeliness, accuracy of documentation, to check the accuracy of side effects. Keywords: Medication error, nurse behaviour, 7 right drug administration ABSTRAK Introduksi: Medication error merupakan salah satu tipe kesalahan yang mampu menurunkan kualitas dan keamanan pelayanan kesehatan. Perawat berperan penting dalam mencegah terjadinya medication error akibat kesalahan pemberian obat. Secara umum tindakan pemberian obat pada tindakan injeksi kurang melakukan prinsip 7 benar obat yaitu benar waktu dan dokumentasi karena saat pemberian obat tidak bersamaan melainkan melalui urutan kamar pasien sedangkan pada dokumentasi perawat hanya menuliskan tindakan saja dan melewatkan melaporkan tentang bagaimana respon pasien terhadap obat yang diberikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh penerapan pencegahan medication error terhadap perilaku perawat tentang tujuh benar pemberian obat. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasy eksperimen dengan pendekatan pre posttest design with control grup yang melibatkan 29 responden kelompok perlakukan dan 29 orang kelompok kontrol yang dipilih secara cluster sampling. Analisa data dengan menggunakan Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test digunakan untuk menguji pengaruh model pencegahan medication error terhadap perilaku perawat tentang tujuh benar pemberian obat dan Mann Whitney digunakan untuk membandingkan antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan. Hasil: Dari hasil uji statistik didapatkan hasil bahwa tidak tepat pasien (p= 0,071), tidak tepat obat (p=0,689), tidak tepat cara (p=0,79), tidak tepat waktu (p=0,062), tidak tepat dokumentasi (0,353), tidak tepat efek samping (p=0,01) dan kejadian tidak diharapkan (p=0,03). Dari intervensi tentang penerapan pencegahan medication error terhadap perilaku perawat tentang prinsip benar pemberian obat didapatkan hasil bahwa tidak tepat waktu (p=0,000), tidak tepat dokumentasi (p=0,000), tidak tepat efek samping (p=0,000). Kesimpulan: Penerapan pencegahan medication error berpengaruh terhadap ketepatan waktu, ketepatan dokumentasi, ketepatan untuk mengecek efek samping. Kata Kunci: Medication error, perilaku perawat, prinsip 7 benar pemberian obat

    Smart Health Village in Improving Disaster Preparedness

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    Background: Disaster-prone areas are areas that have the potential for natural disasters such as earthquakes, mountain eruptions, landslides caused by activity or movement from the base of the earth. Understanding the potential for natural disasters in each region as one of the anticipatory steps to minimize the number of victims of natural disasters. Precise and accurate information is needed for disaster management. The slope of the area is quite steep, and road access to villages and tourist attractions is vulnerable to landslides. The current disaster incident information reporting system still applies the conventional model. The community also experiences difficulties in receiving information and submitting reports regarding village conditions. Purpose: This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of smart health villages in improving disaster preparedness. Method: The research design used a pre-experiment with a pre-test and post-test design approach with a sample size of 64 volunteers who were taken using purposive sampling. The independent variable in this study is Smart Health Village and the dependent variable is the voluntary task force's ability to preparedness disaster. The research instrument used a questionnaire for each variable. Data analysis in this study is the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The implementation of this activity consists of the design stage, application creation, system design, socialization and training, and trial. Results: The research results showed that the voluntary task force's preparedness was in a good category as much as 88% and as enough as 12% with p value = 0.000. This application system smart health village based on the web allows both the community (users), admin (task force), and verifiers (village officials) to access anywhere and at any time, thus increasing the capability and quality of human resources in disaster preparedness and disaster-prone areas. Conclusion: Based on the results it can be concluded that smart health village can improve ability in preparedness of disaster in disaster- prone areas thus reducing impact of anxiety and and panic due to disaster

    The Phenomenon of Sleeping in Sand Based On Culture In Elderly With Osteoarthritis

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    Background: Pain in the elderly with osteoarthritis requires alternative therapy to fulfill their comfort. The purpose of this study was to explore the culture of sleeping on the sand among the coastal elderly with osteoarthritis pain.   Methods: This research method used a qualitative research approach with phenomenological research design and data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The time of the research is from April to May 2023, located in Legung Village, Batang-Batang District, Sumenep Regency. The technique was judgment sampling, with nurses as key informants, the elderly as main informants, and traditional and community leaders as supporting informants, so the informants in this study were 18 participants. Data analysis uses athematic analysis based on values, activities, and artifacts.   Results: 1. Cultural elements in the form of values and ideas in the culture of sleeping on the sand include sleep history, belief in sleeping on the sand, and concepts or values in society. 2. The form of activity can be seen in several sand extraction activities or the implementation procedure of preparing sand to be used as the basic material for bedding. 3. The form of the artifacts is related to the tools and materials used in this case, which are related to sleep culture.   Conclusion: The culture of sleeping on the sand has a comforting effect on older people based on three forms of culture, including ideas and values, activities, and artifacts. The culture of sleeping on the sand can be used as a daily activity to overcome the problem of osteoarthritis in older people. This research can be developed regarding the implementation of culture-based transcultural nursing care


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    Introduksi: Medication error merupakan salah satu tipe kesalahan yang mampu menurunkan kualitas dan keamanan pelayanan kesehatan. Jumlah kejadian tidak diharapkan (KTD) yang meningkat mencerminkan tingginya medication error. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pencegahan medication error berbasis knowledge management yang diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kemampuan dan ketrampilan perawat untuk mencegah medication error yang ditandai dengan menurunnya angka KTD. Metode: Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua tahap. Penelitian tahap pertama menggunakan explanative survey dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang melibatkan 15 responden yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Penelitian tahap kedua merupakan penelitian pre-eksperimen yang melibatkan 29 responden yang dipilih secara cluster sampling. Partial Least Squre (PLS) digunakan untuk menguji faktor yang mempengaruhi model pencegahan medication error sedangkan Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test digunakan untuk menguji pengaruh model pencegahan medication error terhadap KTD.Hasil: Faktor individu (koefisien jalur 0.56, t =4.761) berperan terhadap perubahan perilaku perawat dalam pencegahan medication error berbasis knowledge management, faktor organisasi (koefisien jalur=0.276, t=2.504) berperan terhadap perilaku perawat dalam pencegahan medication error berbasis knowledge management dan faktor work characteristic (koefisien jalur=0.309, t=1.98) berperan terhadap perilaku perawat dalam pencegahan medication error berbasis knowledge management. Uji coba model pencegahan medication error berbasis knowledge management menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kejadian tidak diharapkan (p= 0.000, α<0.05).Kesimpulan:Faktor individu, organisasi dan work characteristic merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi pencegahan medication error berbasis knowledge management yang pada akhirnya dapat menurunkan kejadian KT