206 research outputs found

    Correlation of severity of hyperandrogenism with ovarian stroma to area ratio and stromal echogenicity in polycystic ovary syndrome patients

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    Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the most common endocrine disorders of reproductive age group. Rotterdam consensus although includes ovarian volume in diagnosis of PCOS but its ovarian stroma area that corresponds histological and thus its clinical features.Methods: A prospective study conducted on 55 PCOS cases and 55 age and weight matched healthy volunteers. Detailed medical, menstrual history and examination for clinical hyperandrogenism and anthropometry was done. Fasting venous blood samples were obtained on day 2 for androgen profiles. All the patients were subjected to pelvic ultrasound and also a 3D ultrasound was done. The S/A (ovarian stroma to area ratio) were obtained by outlining the peripheral profile of the stroma with a caliper and similarly total ovarian area by outlining in the maximum plane section. Stromal echogenicity was assessed semi quantatively.Results: S/A exhibits positive and significant correlation with DHEAS (r = 0.565, p0.05) in cases, whereas stoma echogenicity was increased in 78.2% cases and 20% controls and correlated significantly with DHEAS levels and not H score, probably due to small sample size.Conclusions: S/A bears a positive significant correlation with androgenic parameters studied and can be considered as one of the best predictor of hyperandrogenism. The stroma echogenicity measured semiquantatively can act as a clue for PCOS diagnosis. Their measurement and follow up during course of treatment may show significant role in defining the severity, progression or regression of the disease

    Natural Phyto-Active Antihyperglycemic Moieties as Preventive Therapeutics for Diabetes Type II

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    Diabetes mellitus type II (DM II) is a state characterized by hyperglycemia as fallout of endocrine dysfunction. This condition comes under the category of lifestyle diseases. The impaired insulin secretion, resistance or a combination of both results in the dysregulation of carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism. The extremities of this state are associated with other detrimental complications such as cardiomyopathy, retinopathy, nephropathy, hepatopathy, neuropathy etc. DM II has now become a growing epidemic and a major health concern globally. Naturopathy deals with the development of promising therapeutics using herbal origin to ensure minimal or no other side effects with best efficacy of the drug as a promising candidate against a diseased condition. Therefore the review aims to find out a range of medicinal plants that can be used as a natural remedy for the management of DM II, through isolation of active plant moieties (specifically proteins) with antihyperglycemic properties. The active plant metabolites, with antidiabetic potential based on the available pharmacological reports are used as herbal cure against DM II. These isolated active plant moieties, possessing antihyperglycemic properties, might play a significant role in the development of a formulation of plant protein moieties (as a preventive therapeutic) to reduce the prevalence of DM II and to serve the mankind

    Review of method of preparation of Dhoomvarti

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    The Importance of Ayurveda in global scenario is because of its holistic approach towards positive life style. It consists of internal as well as external medicine. Dhoompana has significant role in Urdhwa Jatrugat Rogas, respiratory conditions and post operative procedure (Paschat Karma of Samsodhana).[1] Acharya’s have described various types of internal medications in the form of Kashaya, Choorna etc; along with various Nasya and Dhoompana Yoga. Classics explain the different types of Dhoomvarti and their method of preparation. Sirovairechanik Dhoomvarti is one type of Dhoomvarti which have preventive, promotive and curative aspect, frequently given in the form of Post operative procedure (Vamana and Nasya Karma) of Panchakarma. Shirovirechanadi Dravyas mentioned in Charak Samhita Sutrasthana was used for the preparation of Dhoomvarti with bamboo as base.[2] Observations were noted during preparation and burning of the Dhoomvarti


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    Enterprise data centers employ a distributed block storage architecture for their Tier 1 workloads. Business-critical applications are hosted on servers having local compute and memory resources, but the storage is centralized within distributed storage devices. Although a distributed block storage architecture helps an enterprise data center in efficiently using storage, when an application slowdown is experienced, the troubleshooting process becomes more difficult and manual. To address these types of challenges, techniques are presented herein that support a data-driven and algorithmic approach to pinpoint the exact root-cause (e.g., a host, a storage area network (SAN), or a storage array) of a storage slowdown. The presented techniques are operable even when no obvious errors are present (e.g., the storage access is sick-but-not-dead). The presented techniques leverage the latency metrics Exchange Completion Time (ECT), Data Access Latency (DAL), and Host Response Latency (HRL) to pinpoint the exact root-cause of the storage slowdown in a distributed block storage architecture using Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) and nonvolatile memory express (NVMe) over any transport (e.g., Fibre Channel (FC), FC over Ethernet (FCoE), Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI), NVMe over Transmission Control Protocol (NVMe/TCP), remote direct memory access (RDMA) over Converged Ethernet (RoCE), etc.)

    Thanatophoric dysplasia, an enigmatic dilemma: a case report

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    Thanatophoric dysplasia is a rare, fatal form of skeletal dysplasia that affects fetus in utero. It is characterized by marked underdevelopment of fetal skeleton and short limbs. This disorder can be diagnosed antenatally and the couple should be counselled for termination of pregnancy. 20 years old female came in her second trimester carrying an ultrasound report which showed features of thanatophoric dwarfism. She was advised to terminate her pregnancy but she decided to continue with her pregnancy. She was induced after 40 weeks and she delivered a stillborn baby with dwarf like features, a condition identified as thanatophoric dwarfism. Early diagnosis can be done by ultrasound as early as 13 weeks of gestation and since babies born with thanatophoric dysplasia have a very poor prognosis, couples should be counselled regarding early termination of pregnancy. 3D ultrasound scan and molecular analysis can also help identify this disorder

    Rare incidence of yolk sac tumor in pregnancy posing management challenge: a case report

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    Yolk sac tumor of the ovary, although rare but highly malignant, when diagnosed in a pregnant woman is difficult to manage because of risks involved to the fetus but with the advent of surgery and chemotherapy prognosis has greatly improved.A G3P2L2, 35 years old, woman got admitted at 8 months amenorrhea with absent fetal movements since two days with labor pains. She carried an ultrasound report, done at a private clinic which showed intrauterine death of fetus along with a pelvic tumor. Her CT done at our hospital confirmed a pelvic tumor mass posterior to the uterus and in close proximity with the rectum. A laparotomy was planned for her as the pelvic mass was preventing the descent of fetal head thus hindering vaginal delivery. Biopsy from the tumor mass revealed yolk sac tumor of the ovary. Her general condition was poor with low Hb levels and deranged LFT and KFT and was shifted to ICU for intensive care but she could not survive despite the best efforts.Early diagnosis of ovarian yolk sac tumor in pregnancy leads to timely intervention in the forms of surgery and chemotherapy which greatly improves the survival rates

    A study of prevalence of peripheral neuropathy in patients with impaired glucose tolerance

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    Background: It is estimated that about half of the diabetics develop diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). Prediabetes is the precursor of type 2 diabetes and it is projected that by 2045 nearly 8.6% of the global adult population may be affected by prediabetes. Pre diabetics also shares the vascular complications of diabetes. Evaluation of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and its association with neuropathy is hence very essential. According to International Diabetes Federation, number of global impaired glucose regulation (IGR) patients will reach 471 million by 2035. It is imperative that management strategies aimed at timely diagnosis and prevention of these complications be framed.Methods: 30 patients with IGT were recruited from outpatient/inpatient department of JSS hospital who met the following WHO diagnostic criteria (HbA1C of 5.7-6.4%, fasting blood sugar of 100-125 mg/dl, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) 2-hour blood sugar of 140-199 mg/dl) were included in the study. All the patients underwent nerve conduction studies as per the established clinical practice and results were compared with the standard values of our laboratory.Results: 13 patients (43.33%) had neuropathy based on nerve conduction studies (NCS). Sensory neuropathy (53.85%) was most common followed by motor and mixed types with 3 patients each (23.08%).Conclusions: Prevalence of neuropathy was high in prediabetics. Small fibre involvement as manifested by sensory component was predominant in our study. Family history of diabetes was an important risk factor associated with higher neuropathy prevalence.

    Analysis of Phenomenon at Quantum Capacitance Limit of SNWFET using FETToy

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    In The proposed paper several interesting phenomenon that happens at Quantum Conductance Limit (QCL) like transconductance of One Dimensional-Silicon Nano Wire Field Effect Transistor (1D-SNWFET), mobile electron density and injection velocity is studied and simulated using Fettoy simulation tool. The selected gate material in silicon nanowire field effect transistor is SiO2 with K=3.9 and HFO2 with K=20. A coaxial SNWFET is simulated and the results illustrate the essential physics and peculiarities of 1D nanowire FETs, such as the saturation of channel conductance at full degenerate limit and the saturation of transconductance at the quantum capacitance limit and the full degenerate limit

    Protecting Scattered Database by Enforcing Data Preservation Using Data Protection Facilitator

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    In this paper we are incorporating data preservation in scattered database structure i.e. method of preserving data in scattered database structure and having secure access over it. In this paper data preservation is examined and solution is provided on the aforesaid condition. This paper is a summarized concept of documentation, authorization, access control and encryption that are main points to be taken in consideration in data preservation in scattered database structure. We propose a new method for secure access based on service provider comprising security application. This model set out for safe search on server and user relation. In this paper we used heuristic approach for preservation for scattered database system regarding security, as the importance of secure access is increasing in scattered domains on different issues, in this way we enhanced the database security in Scattered database environment

    A multi-label, dual-output deep neural network for automated bug triaging

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    Bug tracking enables the monitoring and resolution of issues and bugs within organizations. Bug triaging, or assigning bugs to the owner(s) who will resolve them, is a critical component of this process because there are many incorrect assignments that waste developer time and reduce bug resolution throughput. In this work, we explore the use of a novel two-output deep neural network architecture (Dual DNN) for triaging a bug to both an individual team and developer, simultaneously. Dual DNN leverages this simultaneous prediction by exploiting its own guess of the team classes to aid in developer assignment. A multi-label classification approach is used for each of the two outputs to learn from all interim owners, not just the last one who closed the bug. We make use of a heuristic combination of the interim owners (owner-importance-weighted labeling) which is converted into a probability mass function (pmf). We employ a two-stage learning scheme, whereby the team portion of the model is trained first and then held static to train the team--developer and bug--developer relationships. The scheme employed to encode the team--developer relationships is based on an organizational chart (org chart), which renders the model robust to organizational changes as it can adapt to role changes within an organization. There is an observed average lift (with respect to both team and developer assignment) of 13%-points in 11-fold incremental-learning cross-validation (IL-CV) accuracy for Dual DNN utilizing owner-weighted labels compared with the traditional multi-class classification approach. Furthermore, Dual DNN with owner-weighted labels achieves average 11-fold IL-CV accuracies of 76% (team assignment) and 55% (developer assignment), outperforming reference models by 14%- and 25%-points, respectively, on a proprietary dataset with 236,865 entries.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 9 table
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