Review of method of preparation of Dhoomvarti


The Importance of Ayurveda in global scenario is because of its holistic approach towards positive life style. It consists of internal as well as external medicine. Dhoompana has significant role in Urdhwa Jatrugat Rogas, respiratory conditions and post operative procedure (Paschat Karma of Samsodhana).[1] Acharya’s have described various types of internal medications in the form of Kashaya, Choorna etc; along with various Nasya and Dhoompana Yoga. Classics explain the different types of Dhoomvarti and their method of preparation. Sirovairechanik Dhoomvarti is one type of Dhoomvarti which have preventive, promotive and curative aspect, frequently given in the form of Post operative procedure (Vamana and Nasya Karma) of Panchakarma. Shirovirechanadi Dravyas mentioned in Charak Samhita Sutrasthana was used for the preparation of Dhoomvarti with bamboo as base.[2] Observations were noted during preparation and burning of the Dhoomvarti

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