33 research outputs found

    Fractalitat, determinisme i caos en el conjunt de Cantor

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    Aquest escrit és una modesta introducció a la teoria del caos i als objectes fractals, amb el fil conductor del conjunt ternari de Cantor.This paper is a modest introduction to chaos theory and fractal objects, taking the ternary Cantor set as the guiding example

    Fractalitat, determinisme i caos en el conjunt de Cantor

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    Aquest escrit és una modesta introducció a la teoria del caos i als objectes fractals, amb el fil conductor del conjunt ternari de Cantor

    On the sharpness of the Rüssmann estimates

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    Estimating the norm of the solution of the linear difference equation plays a fundamental role in KAM theory. Optimal (in certain sense) estimates for the solution of this equation were provided by Rüssmann in the mid 70's. The aim of this paper is to compare the sharpness of these classical estimates with more specific estimates obtained with the help of the computer. We perform several experiments to quantify the improvement obtained when using computer assisted estimates. By comparing these estimates with the actual norm of the solution, we can analyze the different sources of overestimation, thus encouraging future improvements

    Rigorous computer assisted application of KAM theory: a modern approach

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    Abstract In this paper, we present and illustrate a general methodology to apply KAM theory in particular problems, based on an a posteriori approach. We focus on the existence of real analytic quasi-periodic Lagrangian invariant tori for symplectic maps. The purpose is to verify the hypotheses of a KAM theorem in an a posteriori format: Given a parameterization of an approximately invariant torus, we have to check non-resonance (Diophantine) conditions, non-degeneracy conditions and certain inequalities to hold. To check such inequalities, we require to control the analytic norm of some functions that depend on the map, the ambient structure and the parameterization. To this end, we propose an efficient computer-assisted methodology, using fast Fourier transform, having the same asymptotic cost of using the parameterization method for obtaining numerical approximations of invariant tori. We illustrate our methodology by proving the existence of invariant curves for the standard map (up to ε=0.9716\varepsilon=0.9716 ), meandering curves for the non-twist standard map and 2-dimensional tori for the Froeschlé map

    Effective bounds for the measure of rotations

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    A fundamental question in dynamical systems is to identify regions of phase/parameter space satisfying a given property (stability, linearization, etc). Given a family of analytic circle diffeomorphisms depending on a parameter, we obtain effective (almost optimal) lower bounds of the Lebesgue measure of the set of parameters that are conjugated to a rigid rotation. We estimate this measure using an a posteriori KAM scheme that relies on quantitative conditions that are checkable using computer-assistance. We carefully describe how the hypotheses in our theorems are reduced to a finite number of computations, and apply our methodology to the case of the Arnold family. Hence we show that obtaining non-asymptotic lower bounds for the applicability of KAM theorems is a feasible task provided one has an a posteriori theorem to characterize the problem. Finally, as a direct corollary, we produce explicit asymptotic estimates in the so called local reduction setting (à la Arnold) which are valid for a global set of rotations

    Efficient and reliable algorithms for the computation of non-twist invariant circles

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    This paper presents a methodology to study non-twist invariant circles and their bifurcations for area preserving maps, which is supported on the theoretical framework developed in Gonzalez-Enriquez et al. (Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 227:vi+115, 2014). We recall that non-twist invariant circles are characterized not only by being invariant, but also by having some specified normal behavior. The normal behavior may endow them with extra stability properties (e.g., against external noise), and hence, they appear as design goals in some applications, e.g., in plasma physics, astrodynamics and oceanography. The methodology leads to efficient algorithms to compute and continue, with respect to parameters, non-twist invariant circles. The algorithms are quadratically convergent and, when implemented using FFT, have low storage requirement and low operations count per step. Furthermore, the algorithms are backed up by rigorous a posteriori theorems, proved and discussed in detail in Gonzalez-Enriquez et al. (Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 227:vi+115, 2014), which give sufficient conditions guaranteeing the existence of a true non-twist invariant circle, provided an approximate invariant circle is known. Hence, one can compute confidently even very close to breakdown. With some extra effort, the calculations could be turned into computer-assisted proofs, see Figueras et al. (Found. Comput. Math. 17:1123-1193, 2017) for examples of the latter. The algorithms are also guaranteed to converge up to the breakdown of the invariant circles, and then, they are suitable to compute regions of parameters where the non-twist invariant circles exist. The calculations involved in the computation of the boundary of these regions are very robust, and they do not require symmetries and can run without continuous manual adjustments, largely improving methods based on the computation of very long period periodic orbits to approximate invariant circles. This paper contains a detailed description of our algorithms, the corresponding implementation and some numerical results, obtained by running the computer programs. In particular, we include calculations for two-dimensional parameter regions where non-twist invariant circles (with a prescribed frequency) exist. Indeed, we present systematic results in systems that do not contain symmetry lines, which seem to be unaccessible for previous methods. These numerical explorations lead to some open questions, also included here

    The role of cognitive reserve and clinical symptoms in the association between genetic liability for educational attainment and functioning in first-episode psychosis: a mediation analysis

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    Background: Polygenic risk scores for educational attainment (PRSEA), cognitive reserve (CR), and clinical symptoms are associated with psychosocial functioning in first-episode psychosis (FEP). Nevertheless, the mechanisms underlying their complex interaction is yet to be explored. This study aimed to assess the mediating role of CR and clinical symptoms, both negative (NS) and positive (PS), on the interrelationship between PRSEA and functionality, one year after a FEP.Methods: A total of 162 FEP patients underwent clinical, functional, and genetic assessments. Using genome-wide association study (GWAS) summary results, PRSEA were constructed for each individual. Two mediation models were explored. The parallel mediation model explored the relationship of PRSEA with functionality through CR and clinical symptoms, NS, and PS. The serial mediation model tested a causal chain of the three mediators: CR, NS and PS. Mediation analysis was performed using the PROCESS function V.4.1 in SPSS V.22.Results: A serial mediation model revealed a causal chain for PRSEA > CR > NS > Functionality (β=-0.35, 95%CI [-0.85, -0.04], pConclusions: Both CR and NS mediate the relationship between PRSEA and functionality at one-year follow-up, using serial mediation analysis. This may be relevant for prevention and personalized early intervention to reduce illness impact and improve functional outcomes in FEP patients.</p

    The Primitive Function of an Exact Symplectomorphism. Variational principles, Converse KAM Theory and the problems of determination and interpolation

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    [eng] We have divided this thesis in four parts: a) PART I: Exact symplectic geometry (introduction of the problems). This part contains the basic tools of symplectic geometry and outlines the four subjects that we have study along the thesis: the determination problem, the interpolation problem, the variational problem and the breakdown problem. b) PART II: On the standard symplectic manifold (analytical part). We recall the necessary tools to work on R(d) x R(d). That is we perform a coordinate treatment of the results. First of all we relate different kinds of generating functions to the primitive function and later we solve formally the determination problem. Then we introduce different variational principles: for fixed points, periodic orbits and orbital segments. Their invariance under certain kind of transformations of phase space is proved, and we interpret physically such results. Finally we give the basic properties of invariant exact Lagrangian graphs obtaining at last that if our graph is minimizing then its orbits are minimizing. c) PART III: On the cotangent bundle (geometrical part). The first three chapters are similar to the three previous ones with the difference that we do an intrinsic treatment of the results by considering any cotangent bundle. The fourth chapter in this part deals with the solution of the interpolation problem given in analytic set up. d) PART IV: Converse KAM theory (numerical part). The last part deals with the applications to converse Kolmogorv-Arnold-Moser (KAM) theory. First of all we give a small list of different examples that we shall study later. Then we generalize converse KAM theory and we related it to the Lipschitz theory by Birkhoff and Herman. Then we perform our variational Greene method and apply it to different examples. Also we study numerically the Aubry-Mather sets in higher dimensions. After this we apply our methods to the rotational standard map that is a symplectic skew product. Then we give some ideas about the geometrical obstructions for existence of invariant tori showing them with a simple example. We also find some known Birkhoff normal forms using our methods. Finally we explain briefly how our theory can be used for arbitrary Lagrangian foliations.[cat] La present memòria es troba dividida en quatre parts ben diferenciades. La primera conté les eines bàsiques de la geometria simplèctica i planteja els quatre problemes que tractarem al llarg de la memòria: el problema de determinació, el problema d'interpolació, el problema variacional i el problema del trencament de tors invariants. La segona part tracta sobre la varietat simpléctica estàndard, i vindria a ser la part analítica. Aquí hem treballat a R(d) x R(d), és a dir hem fet un tractament coordenat dels resultats. Primer relacionem les funcions generatrius amb la funció primitiva i després resolem formalment el problema de determinación. Tot seguit tractem diferents principis variacionals per als punts fixos per a les òrbites periòdiques i per als segments orbitals. La seva invariància respecte a certs tipus de transformacions de l'espai de fase és demostrada donant una interpretació física. Finalment donem les propietats bàsiques dels grafs Lagrangians invariants, especialment aquella que diu que les òrbites sobre un graf minimitzant són minimitzants. La tercera part abraça el tema del fibrat cotangent, la part geométrica de l'obra. Els tres primers capítols segueixen més o menys la línia dels tres precedents amb la diferéncia fonamental que aquí considerem qualsevol fibrat cotangent. Fem llavors un tractament intrínsec. El quart capítol d'aquesta part està dedicat a resoldre el problema d'interpolació en el cas analític. La quarta i darrera part (que vindria a ser la secció numèrica de la tesi), tracta de les aplicacions a la teoria Kolmogorv, Arnold i Moser (KAM) inversa o del trencament dels tors invariants. Primer donem una llista d'exemples que utilitzarem més endavant. Després generalitzem la teoria KAM inversa i la relacionem amb la teoria Lipschitziana de Birkhoff i Herman. Llavors implementem el nostre criteri de Greene variacional i l'apliquem a diferents exemples. També estudiem els equivalents dels conjunts d'Aubry-Mather en dimensió alta (bé = 4). Després apliquem aquesta metodologia a l'aplicació estàndard rotacional (3D), indicant abans la teoria necessària. Llavors donem algunes idees de com generalitzar els criteris obstruccionals a dimensions altes hi ho mostrem amb un petit exemple. Finalment retrobem algunes formes normals de Birkhoff utilitzant la nostra metodologia basada en la funcióprimitiva i expliquem una mica com es podria considerar la nostra teoria tenint en compte foliacions Lagrangianes arbitràries

    New mechanisms for lack of equipartition of energy

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    We describe several mechanisms that prevent equipartition of energy in mechanical systems. In certain regimes, we present a quantitative prediction of the relative abundance of orbits exhibiting these mechanisms. This quantitative prediction is confirmed in numerical experiments

    Fractalitat, determinisme i caos en el conjunt de Cantor

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    Aquest escrit és una modesta introducció a la teoria del caos i als objectes fractals, amb el fil conductor del conjunt ternari de Cantor