14 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan E-Commerce Sebagai Solusi Inovasi Dalam Menjaga Sustainability Bisnis

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    Proses peralihan bisnis dari konvensional menjadi digital menyebabkan perusahaan perlu memikirkan langkah strategis untuk membuat bagaimana proses bisnis yang ada di dalamya menjadi keberlanjutan. Salah satu caranya adalah memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi pada bidang pemasaran yang mengubah cara pengerjaan suatu pekerjaan dari cara konvensional mengarah kepada teknologi digital dengan memanfaatkan e-commerce. Pertumbuhan pengguna internet yang semakin pesat pada tahun 2017 sebesar 143,26 juta juga menjadi faktor utama pergeseran perilaku belanja masyarakat menjadi lebih dinamis, dimana konsumen menginginkan distribusi produk yang lebih cepat dengan hasil yang lebih baik. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tinjauan konseptual, yaitu metode yang dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data dan informasi yang berkaitan potensi pasar, perubahan perilaku konsumen dan bagaimana memanfaatkan teknologi e-commerce sebagai solusi alternatif dalam melakukan inovasi pada strategi pemasaran dengan tujuan untuk menjaring potensi pasar yang lebih besar

    Pengaruh Motivasi Dalam Bekerja dan Technology Acceptance Model Sebagai Mediasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja (Studi Komparasi Pada Mitra Go-Jek dan Grab di Surabaya)

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    Pada era digital saat ini masyarakat sangat terbantu dengan kehadiran transportasi online berbasis aplikasi. Pemanfaatan aplikasi transportasi online membuat masyarakat dapat mengakses kemudahan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari dengan lebih praktis dan murah. Namun kita harus menyadari bahwa pemenuhan kebutuhan itu tidak akan terlaksana dengan baik tanpa adanya peran dari para mitra dalam hal ini adalah driver transportasi online. Menyadari pentingnya peran para mitra maka pada penelitian ini mengambil topik penelitian untuk mengukur motivasi dan kepuasan kerja dengan dimediasi oleh model penerimaan teknologi (TAM) yang dalam hal ini adalah aplikasi manajemen mitra yang mereka gunakan sehari-hari. Metode pengolahan data menggunakan analisis Structural Equation Modelling, dengan data primer yang didapatkan melalui pengambilan sampel penelitian menggunakan metode purposive sampling terhadap 115 responden merupakan mitra Gojek dan 115 responden mitra Grab dengan cronbach alpha 95%, pengambilan sampel penelitian ini dilakukan khusus bagi mitra Gojek dan Grab yang berdomisili di Surabaya. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah variabel motivasi tidak berpengaruh terhadap variabel kepuasan kerja pada mitra Gojek namun berpengaruh pada mitra Grab dan model penerimaan teknologi berperan sebagai mediasi dalam memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap mitra Gojek dan mitra Grab dalam membentuk hubungan antara motivasi dan kepuasan kerja mereka

    Pengaruh Rekrutmen, Pelatihan Kerja Dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Di Pt Sinar Mandiri Semesta (Tara Hotel Yogyakarta)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether the recruitment process, training, and job satisfaction and determine which of the three independent variables have the most effect on employee performance. The procedure used in data collection uses a survey method, distributing questionnaires through Google Forms. While data analysis is done through SPSS and Annova software testing. The results showed that (1) recruitment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance based on the t value of the recruitment variable (X1) is 2.279 and the t table value is 1.692. The magnitude of the influence of recruitment (X1) on employee performance (Y) is 0.353, which means that every time there is recruitment (X1), it will increase employee performance (Y) by 0.353 units, (2) training has a positive and significant effect on employee performance based on the t value of the training variable (X2) is 1.935 and the t table value is 1.692. The magnitude of the effect of training (X2) on employee performance (Y) is 0.217, which means that every time there is training (X2), it will increase employee performance (Y) by 0.217 units, (3) job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance based on the t value of the satisfaction variable (X3) is 6.548 and the t table value is 1.692. The magnitude of the effect of satisfaction (X3) on employee performance (Y) is 0.678, which means that every time there is satisfaction (X3), it will increase employee performance (Y) by 0.678 units, (4) job satisfaction (X3) is the most influential variable on employee performance seen from the t-test value and multiple linear regression

    The Influence of E-Service Quality, and Customer Satisfaction On Go-Send Customer Loyalty In Surabaya

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    The shipping industry is currently one of the vital aspects of industrial business, especially in the current Covid-19 pandemic era. Delivery of goods, both products and foodstuffs, can be done quickly by using courier services that can be accessed through online media such as personal gadgets, namely computers and smartphones. One of the features of GO-Jek Indonesia is a courier service called Go-Send, the problem that arises is that there is competition in the same line of business, causing consumers to have many choices when making deliveries. Measuring the level of loyalty makes researchers interested in measuring Go-Send users' perceptions of the level of customer loyalty as measured by e-service quality and customer satisfaction. This study used a quantitative method using a questionnaire with a Likert scale measurement and a sample of 109 respondents was obtained which was then measured using the Structural-Equation-Modeling (SEM) method with a 95% confidence level. The results of this study indicate that Go-Send user loyalty is positively and significantly influenced by customer satisfaction and the level of e-service quality

    Pengaruh Digital Marketing Dan Brand Image Aplikasi Shopee Terhadap Consumer Trust Karyawan PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Cabang Indrapura Surabaya

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    Technology progress offers an positive impact for marketing technique become digital marketing as company motivator to improve company performance which has a positive effect for the consumer by make it easier whether make an improvement evaluation for the company. The better assessment that the company get for the digital marketing technique that the company have also enhancement for the better brand image that the company have. With the improvement obtained the brand image of the company also it will increase the quality of service, and the popularity of the products that are owned also a higher level of consumer trust appears as well. The purpose of this study is to find out digital marketing and brand image have a significant influence on consumer trust . The type of research that used in this study is quantitative research with purposive sampling with 61 respondent. The results of this study showed that digital marketing has a significant effect on consumer trust and brand image also has a significant impact on consumer trust

    Pengaruh Harga, Cita Rasa, Dan Kemasan Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Canteen Anugerah School Sidoarjo

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    This study aims to examine the effect of price, taste, and packaging both individually and simultaneously on customer satisfaction at Canteen Anugerah School Sidoarjo. The population taken is consumers of Canteen Anugerah School Sidoarjo aged 10 to 70 years who made purchases in the last 2 months. 76 respondents filled out the questionnaire and met the requirements. The variables in this study are price, taste, packaging, and customer satisfaction of Canteen Anugerah School Sidoarjo, with indicators, namely price affordability, price compatibility with product quality, price competitiveness, price compatibility with benefits, smell, taste, oral stimulation, packaging quality, packaging innovation, conformity to expectations, interest in visiting again, and willingness to recommend. Data collection methods using questionnaires. The data analysis used is Multiple Linear Regression Test. The results showed that the price variable (X1) was found to have a t value of 1.569 < 1.992 (t-table) and a sig. of 0.121> 0.05. From these results, it can be interpreted that price has no influence on customer satisfaction at Canteen Anugerah School Sidoarjo. The Taste variable (X2) is known to have a t value of 4.851> 1.992 (t-table) and sig. of 0.000 < 0.05 and the Packaging variable (X3) is known to have a t value of 5.195> 1.992 (t-table) and sig. of 0.000 < 0.05. From these results, it can be interpreted that Taste and Packaging have an influence on customer satisfaction at Canteen Anugerah School Sidoarjo

    Kiat dan Strategi Perguruan Tinggi dalam Pemberdayaan Potensi Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) Daerah dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Daya Saing Perekonomian Daerah sebagai Bagian Dari Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi

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    Pemberdayaan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) sangat dibutuhkan dalam rangka meningkatkan daya saing perekonomian daerah. UMKM dalam menjalankan bisnisnya memiliki banyak kendala dan hambatan,untuk itu diperlukan kiat dan strategi dalam mengatasi kendala dan hambatan yang dialamai. Sebagai wujud dari TriDharma Perguruan Tinggi, yang meliputi pendidikan dan pengajaran, penelitian, dan pengabdian terhadap masyarakat. maka pihak perguruan tinggi memerlukan kolaborasi dengan praktisi UMKM untuk membentuk Lembaga Kajian Pemberdayaan (LKP) UMKM daerah, serta perlu pula berkolaborasi dengan pihak pemerintah daerah dalam rangka pemberdayaan UMKM.  Adapun kegiatan yang perlu dilakukan LKP UMKM Daerah dalam rangka membantu pemberdayaan UMKM seperti pelatihan dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia, penataan administrasi, pendampingan dan konsultasi manajemen, riset pasar, dan perencanaan skema pembiayaan

    Mudah memahami dan mengimplementasikan ekonomi makro : disertai teori, soal diskusi, dan studi kasus

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    Buku ini berisi tentang suatu pengetahuan bagi pembaca yang akan mempelajari, memahami, dan mengimplementasikan ekonomi makro dalam aktivitas bisnis. Perekonomian pada zaman sekarang ini sangat berkaitan dengan kehidupan manusia, mereka bekerja keras untuk mendapatkan penghasilan dan memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Tujuan akhir dari suatu kebijakan ekonomi makro adalah dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Di dalam buku ini, selain kita dapat mengetahui dan memahami ekonomi makro, disajikan pula data -data real yang merupakan publikasi resmi

    Peranan Media Sosial terhadap Kenaikan Nilai Omset Penjualan di "Tiktok" pada Pedagang dengan Cara Live Shopping

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    This research utilizes a qualitative descriptive research method. Data will be collected through literature review, observation, and interviews with merchants who use live shopping on TikTok. Data analysis will be conducted using an inductive and qualitative approach. This research underscores the role of social media, particularly TikTok, in enhancing sales revenue for merchants through live shopping. In this study, it was found that TikTok provides significant support for merchants in reaching a broader audience, expanding the reach of products, and engaging directly with potential consumers. This support includes the live shopping feature that combines real-time streaming with purchase transactions, allowing for direct product introductions to the audience and facilitating quick and easy transactions. Furthermore, TikTok also offers features and support such as business accounts, promotion assistants, ad support, live streaming, popular campaign content support, data analytics, Shopping Center Analytics, and TikTok Shop Academy. These supports help merchants increase brand exposure, build customer relationships, and ultimately boost sales and revenue. Through the combination of these features and support, TikTok provides merchants with the opportunity to maximize the potential of the platform and achieve success in their businesses. This research concludes that the role of social media, especially TikTok, in live shopping is highly significant in enhancing sales revenue for merchants. Keywords: Tiktok, Live Shopping, Omset, Media Sosia