8 research outputs found

    An Adaptive Blended Learning in English Language Teaching

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    The post-Covid-19 outbreak exposes vulnerabilities in the educational system. The learning process shifts from online to blended learning. This article aims to describe the process of adapting blended learning for English education students. This article discusses the process of applying blended learning to English education students, the difficulties of doing so, and the impact on students who learn using blended learning at IAIN Ponorogo. This research was conducted on 6th-semester English education students at IAIN Ponorogo. The findings of this study show that the lectures were conducted in blended learning in the English education department at IAIN Ponorogo. The students said that blended learning helps them to understand the material easily. The finding of this study also revealed a positive impact experienced by students. Adaptive blended learning provides the students with new experiences as it combines virtual face-to-face learning and classroom interaction.

    Pelatihan Presentasi Materi Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Prezi sebagai Media pembelajaran

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    Tujuan yang ingin dicapai melalui kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan wawasan dan pelatihan penggunaan media pembelajaran Prezi bagi siswa-siswi di SMA Negeri 3  Pamekasan. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dengan memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap usaha peningkatan kualitas pendidikan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pelatihan, dan diikuti oleh siswa-siswi kelas  10 SMAN 3 Pamekasan. Diharapkan dari pengabdian ini secara umum peserta akan memahami media pembelajaran Prezi. Peserta memahami jika menguasai media pembelajaran dan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan siswa dalam membuat media melalui aplikasi prezi untuk presentasi. Berdasarkan angket motivasi diketahui bahwa peserta merasa mampu untuk menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi Prezi untuk mengajar dan memilih Prezi untuk dijadikan media pembelajaran

    Manajemen Pendidikan Berbasis Pembelajaran Inspiratif Dan Bermakna di Era Teknologi Digital

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis manajemen pendidikan berbasis pembelajaran inspiratif dan bermakna di era teknologi digital. Dimana pendidikan yang bermakna nantinya bisa memberikan inspirasi bagi peserta didik dalam dunia pendidikan di era serba digital, guna membangun suatu iklim pembelajaran yang menyenangkan, menginspirasi, bermakna serta terlaksana dengan  efektif dan efiseien. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan penelitian diatas, maka peneliti memilih jenis penelitian studi pustaka dengan pendekatan filosofis atau analisis konten dengan mengumpulkan literatur terkait, baik buku, artikel dan literasi relevan lainnya sebagai sumber data. Adapun hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam menjadikan iklim pembelajaran yang bersifat bermakna dan inspiratif di era digital ini, maka aspek yang paling dasar yang wajib dipahami oleh para pendidik ialah bagaimana para pendidik bisa mendorong serta menarik minat untuk menyukai serta senang terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran serta materi yang disampaikan. Untuk mewujudkan hal itu, proses pendidikan mesti dimanajerial dengan baik yaitu melalui substansi manajerial terkait inovasi pada model pembelajaran era digital, menguasai konten knowledge dan teknologi knowledge serta menjalankan evaluasi serta inovasi dalam pembelajaran dengan bantuan media digital

    Developing Teacher Professionalism Through Academic Supervision Activities of School Principle

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the development of teacher professionalism as a result of the principal's academic supervision activities. The research methodology employed is a qualitative method with a qualitative descriptive approach. Observation, interviews, and documentation studies were used as data gathering methods. Also, a qualitative analysis was performed while the activities of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion-making were in progress. The findings of this investigation suggest that school principals as supervisors have attempted to develop the potential and competence of teachers through teacher certification program activities which are attended by most teachers. The coaching program carried out by school principals for teachers consists of academic supervision activities, training (education and training), workshops, work meetings, PKG (teacher performance assessment), PKB (continuous professional assessment), technical guidance, and seminars. The outcomes of the teacher academic supervision activities carried out by the school principal show that the teacher development program activities through academic supervision activities have been progressing well. The problem preventing the principal's academic supervision from being put into effect is the learning method which is still teacher-centered so that it is monotonous and students become passive. The principal's strategy for achieving effective academic supervision is to conduct class observations and assign assignments to the teacher so that the teacher's academic abilities can be seen

    Pemanfaatan Google-Maps Sebagai Bentuk Digitalisasi Pemasaran Produk UMKM di Desa Bunder

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    Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan para pelaku UMKM didalam memanfaatkan Google Maps sebagai bentuk digitalisasi pemasaran produk-produk UMKM di Desa Bunder. Melalui pengabdian ini, para pelaku UMKM telah memanfaatkan berbagai fitur yang disediakan oleh Google Maps, seperti penanda lokasi, ulasan pelanggan, dan informasi kontak. Selain itu, para pelaku UMKM dapat membuat profil bisnis mereka yang informatif dan menarik bagi calon konsumen. Penggunaan Google Maps juga memberikan keuntungan bagi para konsumen, mereka dapat menemukan produk atau jasa yang dibutuhkan dengan bantuan peta interaktif, serta melihat ulasan dan rekomendasi dari pengguna lain. Adanya pengabdian ini juga telah membantu para pelaku UMKM melek digital. Kegiatan pendampingan atau pelatihan pembuatan Google Maps  yang diadakan oleh tim pengabdian dengan mengikut-sertakan pelaku UMKM dan remaja desa telah menumbuhkan jiwa digital entrepreneur mereka ditengah-tengah kemajuan teknologi saat ini. Dengan adanya pelatihan tersebut, para pelaku UMKM dan remaja desa menyadari pentingnya Google Maps sebagai wadah jual beli didalam mempromosikan produk UMKM mereka sehingga mudah dijangkau dan diminati oleh masyarakat luas.Kata kunci: Google Maps, Digitalisasi, UMKM

    The effectiveness of diary writing in the teaching of writing skill to senior high school students

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    Abstract: This research aims to describe School Violence phenomenon; the case of Teacher Budi Cahyanto from the perspectives of Education, Religion, and Law. The approach employed is a Descriptive-Qualitative approach, utilizing data from Participatory interviews and observations. Key informants include the Headmaster of SMAN 1 Torjun Sampang, Guidance and Counseling (BK) Teacher,  respective families of the perpetrator and victim, as well as witnesses to the incident. The findings indicate that the motivation behind the violence by students towards Teacher Budi Cahyanto at SMAN 1 Torjun Sampang is rooted, firstly, in a strong cultural legitimacy. The prevailing culture asserts that any action demeaning one's dignity deserves retribution. The student (M. Kholili) carried out this retribution through a ritual known as Atokar. Secondly, the perceived 'mischievous' behavior of the student (M. Kholili), despite attempts at subtle education, led the teacher, empowered by legitimacy, to resort to violence under the pretext of disciplining and subduing the student to meet expectations. Preventive measures against violence inflicted by students on Teacher Budi Cahyanto in Sampang Madura, within the realm of Education, involve guidance provided by the BK department regarding anti-violence values. From a Religious perspective, utilizing Religious Teachers to impart knowledge about violence within the framework of Islam is crucial. This religious program is continuously nurtured to become ingrained values shaping the students, ultimately leading to the abandonment of violence. Meanwhile, from a Legal perspective, BK units collaborate with Law Enforcement to disseminate regulations governing the prevention and mitigation of violence within the educational context.