11 research outputs found

    Aflatoksikoza u rotvajlera nakon uzimanja pljesnive hrane: kliničkopatološki nalazi i učinkovita terapija tetrasulfatom.

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the clinical, hematologic, gross, histopathologic and toxicologic findings and to report effective therapy application for aflatoxicosis in dogs, ascribed to the ingestion of moldy wet bread contaminated with aflatoxin. A prospective case series of 10 client-owned dogs from the same household developed toxicological signs after eating moldy bread treated with water that had been stored for an undetermined period, fully covered with a grey-green mold. All dogs exhibited vomiting followed by excessive salivation and hyperaesthesia. Among the surviving dogs (n = 7), three of them presented with diarrhea, depression, abdominal pain and two others showed icterus. One of the dead dogs was found on the initial referral. Two others were dead following initial diagnosis and prior to therapy application. The most common gross findings in the dogs were generalized icterus, mucosal or submucosal edema and petechial, to ecchymotic hemorrhages in the organs. Histopathological findings included focal necrotic areas extending from the periacinar to centroacinar regions in the liver, biliary hyperplasia, cholestasis and multifocal hemorrhages in the kidneys and lungs. Due to the sudden onset of clinical signs, the lack of exposure to other toxins, and the confirmed evidence of ingestion of moldy bread, the results of analysis of liver samples and the histopathological signs, the definitive diagnosis was mycotoxicosis. Therapeutic applications included tetrasulphate (an antidote) given orally, and supportive treatment with balanced electrolyte solutions, antiemetics and H2 receptor antagonist. All treated dogs (7/7) made a full recovery over 18-24 hours. The results of the present study reported here describe the clinicopathological features of aflatoxicosis in Rottweilers, suggesting that the use of tetrasulphate solution as an inexpensive and available therapy may have helped the survival of the dogs and might reverse the adverse health effects of mycotoxins.Svrha je ovog rada iznijeti kliničke, hematološke, patoanatomske, patohistološke i toksikološke nalaze te izvijestiti o uspješnom liječenju pasa koji su jeli pljesnivu i vlažnu hranu što je sadržavala aflatoksin. U 10 pasa jednog vlasnika primijećeni su znakovi otrovanja nakon što su jeli pljesniv kruh namočen u vodu koji je prethodno bio čuvan neodređeno vrijeme, a u potpunosti je bio prekriven sivo-zelenom plijesni. Svi su psi povraćali uz obilno slinjenje i hiperesteziju. Od sedam preživjelih pasa, tri su imala proljev, bili su potišteni te su pokazivali bol u trbuhu, a dva su imala i žuticu. Jedan od uginulih pasa na početku je upućivao na toksikozu. Dva su uginula nakon postavljene dijagnoze, a prije početka liječenja. Patoanatomski je ustanovljena generalizirana žutica, edem sluznice ili submukoze te petehijalna do ekhimotična krvarenja po organima. Patohistološki su ustanovljena nekrotična žarišna područja pružajući se od periacinarnih do centroacinarnih područja u jetri, zatim bilijarna hiperplazija, kolestaza i multifokalna krvarenja po bubrezima i plućima. Na osnovi nagle pojave kliničkih znakova, nedostatka dokaza izloženosti drugim toksinima, potvrđenog dokaza uzimanja pljesnivog kruha, rezultata analize uzoraka jetre i patohistoloških nalaza postavljena je konačna dijagnoza mikotoksikoze. Za liječenje je peroralno bio primijenjen tetrasulfat(antidot) i uravnotežena otopina elektrolita, zatim antiemetici i antagonisti H 2 receptora. Svi liječeni psi (7/7) u potpunosti su se oporavili za 18 do 24 sata. Prikazani rezultati opisuju kliničke i patološke značajke aflatoksikoze u rotvajlera i upućuju na zaključak da se ona može liječiti otopinom tetrasulfata kao jeftinim i pristupačnim lijekom koji može pomoći u preživljavanju pasa te smanjiti štetne učinke mikotoksina na zdravlj

    Fragmented QRS complexes are associated with left ventricular systolic and diastolic dysfunctions in patients with metabolic syndrome

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    Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is found to be associated with deterioration of the left ventricular (LV) systolic and diastolic functions. One of the factors for this impairment is myocardial fibrosis. Fragmented QRS (fQRS) complexes are found to be associated with myocardial fibrosis. The aim of the study was to evaluate if the presence of fQRS on electrocardiogram (ECG) can detect pronounced impairment in the LV systolic and diastolic functions in MetS patients. Methods: The study included 111 (mean age 47 ± 9, 49.5% male) MetS patients and 96 (mean age 45 ± 9, 58.3% male) control subjects without MetS. ECG was evaluated for the presence of fQRS. Each patient underwent conventional echocardiography and tissue Doppler imaging. Results: Fragmented QRS was more common among MetS patients (26.1% vs. 14.6%, p = 0.041). MetS was associated with subclinical LV systolic and LV diastolic dysfunctions. In subgroup analyses of MetS patients, the presence of fQRS on ECG had a higher E/E’ ratio and lower E’ velocity, indicating pronounced diastolic dysfunction, as well as lower isovolumic acceleration (IVA), indicating profound subclinical LV systolic dysfunction. E/E’ ratio and IVA were independent predictors of fQRS presence in patients with MetS. Conclusions: Fragmented QRS is more common among MetS patients compared to non-MetS patients. The presence of fQRS is associated with pronounced subclinical LV systolic and diastolic dysfunctions in MetS patients

    Association between premenstrual syndrome and alexithymia among Turkish University students

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    Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a heterogeneous disorder, which includes physical, cognitive, affective and behavioral symptoms. The aim of this study was to determine the factors affecting PMS and the relationship between PMS and alexithymia. The research was performed with 308 students. Data were collected using a demographic questionnaire, the Toronto alexithymia scale (TAS-20) and a premenstrual assessment form (PAF). The prevalence of PMS in our sample was 66.6%. The contributing factors to PMS were having a history of psychiatric treatment and having a smoking habit (p<0.05). The PMS group showed higher scores than the non-PMS group on all the items of the TAS-20 which includes the three factors: difficulty in identifying feelings, difficulty in describing feelings and externally oriented thinking (p<0.05). The alexithymic students showed higher scores on all PAF subscales (p <= 0.001). Further studies are needed to determine the probable role of alexithymia in the pathogenesis of PMS

    Disordered eating attitudes, alexithymia and suicide probability among Turkish high school girls

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    We aimed to examine association between disordered eating attitudes (DEAs), alexithymia and suicide probability among adolescent females and to explore potential link between alexithymia and suicide probability in subjects with DEAs. 381 female students completed Eating Attitude Test (EAT-26), Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) and Suicide Probability Scale (SPS). It was found that 13.2% (n=52) of the subjects have DEAs. Results indicated that total TAS-20 score and scores of Difficulty in Identifying Feelings (DIF) and Difficulty in Describing Feelings (DDF) subscales were significantly higher in DEAs group than in those non DEAs group (p<0.05). Additionally, total SPS score (p<0.001), Hopelessness (p=0.001), Suicide Ideation (p<0.001) and Hostility (p=0.003) subscales scores of SPS were significantly higher in the alexithymic DEAs than the non-alexithymic DEAs group. In order to control potential effect of depression, SPS subscales were used as covariate factors in ANCOVA. Negative Self-Evaluation subscale yielded a statistically significant difference between groups, other subscales did not. Results point out these; DEAs are relatively frequent phenomenon among female students in Turkey and presence of alexithymia was associated with an increased suicide probability in adolescents with DEAs. The results should be evaluated taking into account that depressive symptomatology was not assessed using a depression scale. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    A Critical Overview of the State-of-the-Art Methods for Biogas Purification and Utilization Processes

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    Biogas is one of the most attractive renewable resources due to its ability to convert waste into energy. Biogas is produced during an anaerobic digestion process from different organic waste resources with a combination of mainly CH₄ (~50 mol/mol), CO₂ (~15 mol/mol), and some trace gasses. The percentage of these trace gases is related to operating conditions and feedstocks. Due to the impurities of the trace gases, raw biogas has to be cleaned before use for many applications. Therefore, the cleaning, upgrading, and utilization of biogas has become an important topic that has been widely studied in recent years. In this review, raw biogas components are investigated in relation to feedstock resources. Then, using recent developments, it describes the cleaning methods that have been used to eliminate unwanted components in biogas. Additionally, the upgrading processes are systematically reviewed according to their technology, recovery range, and state of the art methods in this area, regarding obtaining biomethane from biogas. Furthermore, these upgrading methods have been comprehensively reviewed and compared with each other in terms of electricity consumption and methane losses. This comparison revealed that amine scrubbing is one the most promising methods in terms of methane losses and the energy demand of the system. In the section on biogas utilization, raw biogas and biomethane have been assessed with recently available data from the literature according to their usage areas and methods. It seems that biogas can be used as a biofuel to produce energy via CHP and fuel cells with high efficiency. Moreover, it is able to be utilized in an internal combustion engine which reduces exhaust emissions by using biofuels. Lastly, chemical production such as biomethanol, bioethanol, and higher alcohols are in the development stage for utilization of biogas and are discussed in depth. This review reveals that most biogas utilization approaches are in their early stages. The gaps that require further investigations in the field have been identified and highlighted for future research.Applied Science, Faculty ofEngineering, School of (Okanagan)ReviewedFacultyResearche