9 research outputs found


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    This research aims to apply the concept of maslahah murrasa in Islamic family law, using a case study of a wife who is looking for a husband who can carry out household duties. The concept of maslahah murlah is one of the principles of Islamic law which prioritizes the public benefit and accommodates the needs of a developing society. The research method used is qualitative research with a case study approach. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with a number of respondents who have experience in finding a life partner who can carry out household duties. Data analysis was conducted using an inductive approach, involving data collection, coding, and understanding the findings that emerged. The research results show that the concept of maslahah murlah can be applied in the context of finding a life partner who can carry out household duties. In this case, maslahah murlah can be interpreted as an effort to achieve balance in the roles and responsibilities between husband and wife in the household. It is hoped that the results of this research can contribute to the understanding and implementation of the concept of maslahah murlah in Islamic family law, especially in the context of finding a life partner who can carry out household duties. This research can also be a source of information and guidance for individuals who are looking for a life partner who suits their household need


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    This research aims to explore the perspectives on consanguineous marriage in the context of Islamic jurisprudence (usul fiqh) and Islamic family law. Research adopts a comparative and descriptive approach, gathering primary data through in-depth interviews with experts in Islamic jurisprudence and Islamic family law. The findings reveal that consanguineous marriage is firmly grounded in Islamic law, with its theological basis found in the Quran and Hadith, which unequivocally prohibit it. However, variations exist in the interpretation and emphasis between usul fiqh and Islamic family law perspectives. Social and cultural factors influence the occurrence of consanguineous marriages, with differing community understandings in Kota Padang being a key factor in disparate viewpoints. Despite these distinctions, there are commonalities, such as the prohibition of consanguineous marriage, the reliance on the Quran and Hadith as legal foundations, and the acknowledgment of negative consequences by both perspectives. Lastly, the legal principles underpinning these views in both fields center on concepts such as maslahah (public interest), maqasid syariah (objectives of Islamic law), and ta'addud al-asbab (consideration of circumstances), all aimed at safeguarding the welfare of humanity. While emphasis may differ, these principles serve as guiding frameworks for understanding the phenomenon of consanguineous marriage in Kota Padan

    The Principles of the Concept of Maslahah in Islamic Family Law of a Wife Looking for Living Husband Taking Care of Household Work

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    This study aims to explore the implementation principles of the Maslahah concept in the context of Islamic Family Law, with a specific focus on the case study of a working wife and a husband responsible for household duties. Another purpose for knowing about the family harmonism. Apart from that, to understand that family harmony is when the family is managed by the husband or man. Researched using qualitative methods with a case study approach. The principles of maslahah use for this research about hifz al-mal, hifz al-nafs, hifz al-nasl, hifz al-‘aql, and hifz al-din. The data used is a total of 6 primary data and secondary data from various relevant research. The research instrument is validated through reference validation. Data analysis is carried out by presenting data, reducing data, interpreting data, and drawing conclusions. This research succeeded in finding the existence of maslahah principles that can look at the problem of wives working and husbands taking care of the house from several points of view. Meanwhile, each party's views can be answered through hifz al-mal, hifz al-nafs, hifz al-nasl, hifz al-'aql, and hifz al-din. The family wgom the wives go to work they are trustly always keep the harmonism family, because their reason about the economy

    Settlement of the Hadhanah Dispute After Divorce of a Husband and Wife of Different Ethnicities in Indonesia (Case Study of Rao Pasaman)

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    Post-divorce child care disputes between husband and wife of different ethnicities, namely Minangkabau and Tapanuli. The purpose of this discussion is to find the factors causing the emergence of differences in child custody rights and an analysis of Islamic law on the hadhanah dispute that occurred between the two ethnic Minangkabau and Tapanuli in Rao Pasaman. The factor that causes child custody in Rao Pasaman to fall to the father is because the population is Tapanuli while Minangkabau is a minority so that more hadhanah falls to the father. This research is a type of qualitative research using an ethnographic approach, where the author conducts interviews, observations and documentation studies on aspects or targets of the research subject. It turns out that in the author's findings in resolving the hadhanah dispute after a different ethnic divorce occurred in Rao Pasaman, it was the Minangkabau ethnic who wanted to resolve the dispute through the courts, while the Tapanuli ethnic only settled up to the non-litigation stage, namely through the village head (ninik mamak and hatobangon) without being resolved through a legal route. litigation (Religious Court). From the perspective of Islamic law, the settlement of the hadhanah dispute in Rao Pasaman does not use Islamic guidance. This is because in Rao Pasaman the majority of the people are Tapanuli while the Minangkabau people have become a minority Keyword: Dispute, Hadhanah, Ethnic, Minangkabau, TapanuliPost-divorce child care disputes between husband and wife of different ethnicities, namely Minangkabau and Tapanuli. The purpose of this discussion is to find the factors causing the emergence of differences in child custody rights and an analysis of Islamic law on the hadhanah dispute that occurred between the two ethnic Minangkabau and Tapanuli in Rao Pasaman. This research is a type of qualitative research using an ethnographic approach, where the author conducts interviews, observations and documentation studies on aspects or targets of the research subject. It turns out that in the author's findings in resolving the hadhanah dispute after a different ethnic divorce occurred in Rao Pasaman, it was the Minangkabau ethnic who wanted to resolve the dispute through the courts, while the Tapanuli ethnic only settled up to the non-litigation stage, namely through the village head (ninik mamak and hatobangon) without being resolved through a legal route. litigation (Religious Court). From the perspective of Islamic law, the settlement of the hadhanah dispute in Rao Pasaman does not use Islamic guidance. This is because in Rao Pasaman the majority of the people are Tapanuli while the Minangkabau people have become a minority. Keyword: Dispute, Hadhanah, Ethnic, Minangkabau, Tapanul


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    The 2013 curriculum that has been in force since 2016 until now has not been fully understood by all educators, so in implementing the curriculum many teachers have difficulty realizing the goals that have been set. Related to this problem, research was conducted to describe the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum, especially the subjects of the Hadith Quran in madrasah Tsanawiyah. Research is conducted without the use of treatment, therefore, the techniques used in collecting data are in the form of observations, interviews and documentation studies. Data collected through established techniques is then analyzed qualitatively, the data analysis process is carried out in a smultan manner, namely starting from data collection, data verification to the conclusion of data analysis. The results of the study are first, the Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum in the subjects of the Qur'anic Hadith has not taken place optimally, this conclusion is based on the reality that starting from the planning process to the evaluation there are inconsistencies and inconsistencies between all aspects. Second, the problem in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in the subjects of the Qur'anic Hadith is in the aspects of methods, media and evaluation of learning. Third, the step that can be done to minimize the problem is to maximize training activities that can improve the ability of teachers to carry out the 2013 curriculum

    Terobosan Kepala Madrasah dalam Menginternalisasikan Nilai Karakter di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri

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    Keberhasilan dalam internalisasi karakter di lingkungan pendidikan tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan bentuk kebijakan yang ditetapkan oleh kepala sekolah, sementara pada banyak lembaga ditemukan lambannya upaya internalisasi karakter dalam system pendidikan. Oleh karenanya, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bentuk peran kepala madrasah dalam menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai karakter. Penelitian dilakukan di MIN 5 Padang, hal ini sejalan dengan tujuan penelitian yang ingin mengekspos bentuk kebijakan yang dilakukan di MIN 5 seihingga dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan bagi setiap penyelenggara pendidikan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwasannya: 1) Dalam merencanakan pendidikan karakter mencakup beberapa unsur antara lain guru, siswa serta komite dan orang tua. Perencanaan internalisasi pendidikan karakter di MIN 5 Kota Padang melalui perencanaan kegiatan pembelajaran, budaya madrasah serta kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. 2) Nilai-nilai karakter di madrasah ini diaplikasikan melalui kegiatan pembelajaran serta budaya madrasah. 3) Kepala madrasah dengan guru dan komite sekolah melakukan pengawasan terhadap setiap kegiatan internalisasi karakter di MIN 5 Kota Padang dengan cara menetapkan indikator pencapaian internalisasi karakte

    The Protection of Islamic Women in Indonesia: Evaluation of Polygamy Sanctions and Its Implications

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    The background of polygamy in Indonesia involves complexity in protecting women, especially economic, social, and psychological disparities. The practice of polygamy reflects the uncertainty of marriage and divorce regulations, giving rise to negative impacts on women and children, including conflict and domestic violence. The protection of women requires legal reform, an educational approach, and active community involvement to overcome injustice in the practice of polygamy. This research aims to understand the phenomenon of women's protection in the context of polygamy in Indonesia with a focus on the city of Padang. Primary data was collected through interviews and observations using qualitative descriptive methods, while secondary data from various literature reviews was analyzed using data description and conclusion-drawing techniques. Women who are polygamous face verbal, nonverbal, and physical pressure. Even though there are religious and legal regulations, the effectiveness of sanctions in Indonesia is still low. Solutions include education, unconditional denial of consent, and legal protection, while spiritual experts face challenges resulting from societal misunderstanding and intimidation from prospective husbands

    Strategies to Increase Student Interest in Studying Islamic Religious Education During the Covid-19 Period

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    This study aims to determine the strategies used by Islamic Religious Education teachers in increasing the interest of students in SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Aur during the covid 19 pandemic, and the factors that affect student learning interests, and how the strategies used by Islamic religious teachers (PAI) at SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Aur. The method that the researcher uses is the descriptive qualitative research method. While the data sources of this study were taken from Islamic Religious Education teachers, school principals, and students who were determined by the researchers. The results of the study showed that teachers carried out various strategies in increasing interest in learning Islamic Religious Education for students of SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Aur during the covid 19 pandemic, namely using the WhatsApp application both in online assignments and in collecting assignments. In addition, the teacher gives praise, prizes for students who are Fast and precise in spelling out the tasks given. Then provide punishment for students who do not collect assignments by memorizing short letters. The factors that influence the interest in learning Islamic Religious Education students of SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Aur during the Covid-19 pandemic are internal and external