825 research outputs found

    Anatomical Differences across Cerebellar Neuronal Networks in Valproic Acid (VPA) Induced Rats

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    The cortico-cerebellar circuits are highly involved in the coordination of sensorimotor processes and are crucial for the expression of sensorimotor and, with more recent literature, cognitively demanding behaviors in early childhood. Through these circuits, cerebellar differences could impact behavioral changes characterized in many neurological disorders, including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Despite the increasing prevalence of the disorder, insights into the anatomical differences across cerebellar neuronal networks in ASD remain poorly understood. The objective of this thesis is to characterize the cerebellar circuitry in a valproic acid (VPA)-induced animal model of ASD. Tissues were stained with Cresyl violet and captured with a confocal microscope. First, we examined the counts in (1) Purkinje cell (PC) and (2) Deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN) cells while measuring their density. Consistent with our hypothesis, we found that there were: (1) significant losses in PC density in the posterior inferior regions of lobules Crus I, Crus II, PM, and Cop of the hemisphere, and (2) significantly higher DCN density of the medial nuclei, contrary to our hypothesis, in the VPA-exposed rats compared to the control. Then, we examined the granule cell layer (GCL) thickness measurements across the lobules of the vermis and hemisphere and found that GCL thickness of Lobule 6 was lower, while Lobule 7-8-9 and Lobule 10 were higher in the VPA-exposed rats compared to control. Finally, we found a correlation and cross-covariance between the PC and GCL thickness measurements in the lobules of the posterior lobe. These findings suggest alterations in cerebellar anatomy affected by the VPA, and therefore further support the implication of the cerebellum and cerebellar circuits in VPA-exposed rats

    Foreign Venture Capital Firms in a Cross-Border Context: Empirical Insights from India

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    Syndication or co-investment is a potent way of pooling resources among peer Venture Capital (VC) firms. This is even more vital for Foreign VC firms (FVCFs) when investing in destinations that are geographically distant from their countries of origin. Although FVCFs are relatively abundantly endowed in terms of financial capital, they are distinctly disadvantaged in terms of their social capital when investing in geographies that are distinctly different in terms of their institutions, norms, and culture from their own. One of the ways in which FVCFs overcome this impediment is by investing in human resources that serve as a bridge between their financial and social capital. Accordingly, the primary aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the resources of FVCFs and their syndication intensity. Using the technique of logistic regression, we arrive at several interesting findings. FVCFs with a greater proportion of investment executives with prior founding experience in India and those with lower proportions of professionals of Indian origin demonstrate lower syndication intensity. Similarly, the syndication intensity diminishes with the increase in size of the investing team. FVCFs with greater fund size demonstrate a lower need for syndication. Greater endowment of social capital as proxied by the age of the VC firm is seen to enhance the syndication intensity

    Internal Determinants Promoting Corporate Entrepreneurship in Established Organizations: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Due to the increasing dynamics and complexity in the corporate environment, the importance of Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE) for the development and long-term sustainability of established companies' competitive advantages is continuously increasing. However, the literature still lacks a CE framework that consolidates and integrates the different research findings illustrating the impact of particular CE drivers. We conduct a systematic literature review of the current CE research to ascertain which internal determinants promote CE in established organizations and how they nurture creativity and innovation. Building on a four-dimensional CE framework, we identify several central determinants of CE and provide practitioners in established organizations with guidelines for successful implementation of CE. By identifying several topical and outstanding issues, the paper encourages further debate and research activity. Implications for Central European audience: This paper advanced the current CE research by systematically consolidating and integrating top management literature invoking multiple research streams and discussing several directions for further research. The developed framework reflects the current state of CE research and hence can serve as a guide for successful implementation of CE in established organizations, as well as for further investigation of the CE concept. Thus, this paper makes an important contribution to solving the puzzle of successful implementation of CE in established corporations.O

    Biodiversidad del Parque Nacional Pre-Delta (Entre Ríos, Argentina). I) Riqueza del fitoplancton

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    Mirande, V., S. E. Haleblian, G. A. Barreto & B. C. Tracanna. 2009. Biodiversidad del Parque Nacional Pre-Delta (Entre Ríos, Argentina). I) Riqueza del fitoplancton. Lilloa 46 (1-2). El objetivo del presente trabajo fue contribuir al conocimiento de la riqueza del fitoplancton del Parque Nacional Pre-Delta. Hasta el presente se carece de un relevamiento ambiental y ficoflorístico de los cuerpos de agua de este parque, aunque sí se dispone de datos geomorfológicos, faunísticos y florísticos. Se seleccionaron siete sitios de muestreo correspondientes a ambientes lóticos y leníticos. Para la extracción de las muestras cualitativas se filtraron 32 litros de agua a través de una red de 20 µm de poro, las cuales fueron fijadas “in situ” con formaldehido al 4%. La comunidad estuvo compuesta por 102 especies pertenecientes a Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Charophyceae, Dinophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Xanthophyceae and Euglenophyceae, destacándose una mayor riqueza específica en las lagunas. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron a las diatomeas como el grupo que en líneas generales más contribuyó en especímenes. Se citan 26 especies y 3 variedades nuevas para el Noreste Argentino y, además de las mencionadas anteriormente, se aportan otras 18 especies y 6 variedades para la provincia de Entre Ríos. Todas las entidades comentadas son nuevos taxa para el área de estudio

    Evaluación abiótica y biótica de ambientes acuáticos de un parque nacional entrerriano

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    Mirande, V.; B. C. Tracanna; S. E. Haleblian; G. A. Barreto. 2012. “Evaluación abiótica y biótica de ambientes acuáticos de un parque nacional entrerriano”. Lilloa 49 (2). El objetivo del presente trabajo fue caracterizar ambientes leníticos y lóticos del Parque Nacional Pre-Delta (Argentina). Se estudiaron siete zonas (tres lagunas, un arroyo y dos riachos). Se consideraron variables abióticas (conductividad, iones mayoritarios, oxígeno disuelto, compuestos nitrogenados, otras) y bióticas (bacterias y fitoplancton), las cuales fueron determinadas mediante protocolos convencionales. Se empleó el análisis de componentes principales (ACP) para la ordenación de los sitios. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron una elevada carga bacteriana en los sistemas lóticos, mientras que en las lagunas fue baja o no detectada. Los mayores registros algales de abundancia, biomasa y diversidad se obtuvieron en los ambientes leníticos, opuesto a lo manifestado por las bacterias. Los tres primeros componentes del ACP permitieron explicar el 95% de la varianza total. Los ejes uno y dos separaron las aguas fluyentes de las estancadas, en lo cual contribuyeron tanto variables abióticas como bióticas. Entre las conclusiones se puede destacar que, en orden decreciente, en la separación de los ambientes seleccionados influyeron factores como la carga bacteriana, nitrato, iones mayoritarios, abundancia total y diversidad del fitoplancton, entre otros

    High-Grade Hydronephrosis Predicts Poor Outcomes After Radical Cystectomy in Patients with Bladder Cancer

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    We examined whether the presence and severity of preoperative hydronephrosis have prognostic significance in patients who underwent radical cystectomy for transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. The medical records of 457 patients who underwent radical cystectomy for bladder cancer between 1986 and 2005 were retrospectively reviewed. Following the Society for Fetal Urology grading system, patients were divided into low-, and high-grade hydronephrosis groups. Clinicopathologic factors associated with preoperative hydronephrosis and survival were evaluated. Of a total of 406 patients, unilateral hydronephrosis was found in 74 (18.2%), bilateral hydronephrosis in 11 (2.7%), and no hydronephoris in 321 (79.1%). Low-grade hydronephrosis was found in 57 (12.2%) patients and high-grade hydronephrosis in 28 (6%). Preoperative hydronephrosis was related to higher pT stage and lymph node invasion. In univariate analysis, the presence of hydronephrosis, hydronephrosis grade, age, pT and pN stage, tumor grade, surgical margin, number of retrieved nodes, carcinoma in situ, and lymphovascular invasion were significant prognostic factors for cancer-specific survival. In multivariate analysis, bilateral hydronephrosis and high-grade hydronephrosis remained significant predictors for decreased survival. The presence of preoperative hydronephrosis, and high-grade hydronephrosis are significant prognostic factors in patients with bladder cancer after radical cystectomy