13 research outputs found

    A genre analysis on the roles of rhetorical structures and discourse markers in Malaysian newspaper reports

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    There are a number of issues related to the rhetorical structures of newspaper reports. From the ESP perspective, students of journalism courses still lack the knowledge of using appropriate rhetorical structures of newspaper reports. Understanding various forms, functions and positions of the linguistic structure of a genre is crucial to overcome the issues to achieve the communicative purposes embedded in the genre. However, there are limited studies on newspaper report’s structural linguistics patterns from the aspect of rhetorical structures (moves) and the use of discourse markers. Thus, there is a need to analyse how the rhetorical structures (moves) and the discourse markers are used in a newspaper report. Using the genre theory, this study analysed the frequency, patterns and the functional relations of moves and discourse markers in the corpus of online newspaper articles. The corpus consisted of ninety articles from the crime, politics and environmental news published in The Star newspaper. A corpus-based approach was used to code and calculate the frequency and patterns of the moves and discourse markers. The functions of the moves and the discourse markers were examined to see the relations within the moves. The data indicated that nine-move structures were identified with five optional moves and four obligatory moves. A hybrid and cyclical pattern emerged from the distributional patterns. Different grammatical word classes of discourse markers existed in the newspaper report. Based on the distributional patterns, the discourse markers occurred in the initial, middle and end of the sentences. Most of these discourse markers were found to serve a number of roles with the most occurrences of concession, evaluation, reason, and elaboration. The findings of this study can be useful for journalists, curriculum designers, translators, learners and instructors. Implication of the study revealed the importance of the rhetorical moves and DMs in specific genres for writers. Further analyses indicated the need for research of various patterns of the moves and DMs on the basis of large-scale genre research, analyse other sub-genres and comparison of newspaper reports with other countries in the future

    Students’ Perception of Project-Based Learning Implementation in Teaching English to Young Learners Class

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan persepsi siswa tentang penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek (PjBL) di kelas Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL). TEYL adalah mata kuliah wajib untuk mahasiswa tahun ketiga sebagai penciri jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris sebuah universitas swasta di Indonesia. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian tersebut, data diperoleh melalui angket dan observasi. Hasil temuan penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap body of knowledge penelitian tentang TEYL dan secara khusus memberikan wawasan lebih bagi para peneliti di TEYL. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualiitatif dan dilaksanakan di kelas TEYL dengan 32 mahasiswa sebagai responden. Angket digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data tentang persepsi mahasiswa terhadap implementasi PjBL dan lembar observasi digunakan untuk mengetahui keterlibatan mahasiswa di kelas. Kuesioner dibuat berdasarkan teori Robbins and Judge (2013). Data kemudian dianalisis secara tematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa mempersepsikan proyek secara netral untuk tiga aspek perciever, target dan situation. Para siswa tidak terlalu termotivasi dan terlibat dalam proyek karena tantangan Covid 19 terjadi dalam waktu bersamaan pada pelaksanaan penelitian. Mereka dipaksa untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran online dan melaksanakan proyek secara individu dengan pembimbingan secara luring yang kurang intensif.This research is aimed to portray the students’ perception of the implementation of PjBL in a Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL)  class. To answer the questions, the data are obtained through a questionnaire and observation. The findings of the research are expected to contribute to the body of knowledge of research on TEYL and specifically to give more insights to researchers in TEYL. Using qualitative research design, the study was implemented in a TEYL class with 32 students as the participants of English Education Department of Universitas Muria Kudus in the academic year 2019/2020. A questionnaire was used to collect the data and was analyzed thematically using percentage. The research reveals that the students perceived the project neutrally for three aspects of perceiver, target and situation. The observation shows that the students have limited access to their group members out of classroom discussion. In addition, the lecturer only gave minimum assistance before and after the completion of the project. During the project completion, either the lecturer and students or the students and the students seemed not connected. Further factors that might contribute to the success of PjBL should be taken into account, such as the teacher’s role as facilitator, the use of various technological learning media and effective communication between students and teacher and among students themselves


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    The second language can be defined as any other language which is learned or acquired after their first language or their mother tongue. Learning or acquiring a second language can be a difficult task for anybody that wishes to speak or write in a language other than their first language. Teachers should have the basic knowledge of second language acquisition theories to provide a comprehensive teaching and learning environment to students. One of the most applied and well-accepted theories is Stephen Krashen’s theory of second language acquisition. The present study was carried out as an observation on students to address the importance of Krashen’s Monitor Model and the Natural Approach in the stages of second language development to ensure effective teaching of the second language. The findings show that the cause of the input factor should be taken into consideration when teaching a second language/foreign language. The findings also indicated that cooperative learning can be a good method for students to get comprehensible input from their classmates

    Exploring the Effectiveness of Graphic Organizers on EFL Learners’ Writing Performance Across Different Learning Style Preference and Gender at Higher Education

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    The research investigated the interaction effect amongst types of writing strategy (x1), learning styles (x2), and gender (x3) on writing accuracy (y) at Islamic University Students. The 70 participants consisted of three groups based on types of writing strategy: free writing (n= 34) versus graphic organizers (n=36); types of learning styles : visual (n=22) versus auditory (n=26) versus kinesthetic (n=22); and gender (x3): male (32), female (38). A three-way ANOVA test was applied in the investigation. The study revealed that an interaction effect occurred amongst three variables on average of writing accuracy at F (2, 69) =3.34, p=0.02, eta 0.10. Then, the interaction effect also occurred between writing strategy and learning styles at F (2, 69) =7.40, p=0.01; and between learning styles and gender at F (2, 69) =6.56, p=0.03. On the contrary, the interaction effect did not occur between writing strategy and gender at F (1, 69) =1.79, p=0.19. Further investigation is needed to validate the finding

    The Measurement of Validity, Stability and Consistency in Essay Writing Structuring Techniques Based on Interactive Multimedia Graphic: A Case-Study in Malaysia

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    In this modern era, the essay writing techniques are required to be aligned with the sustainability in acquiring information through digital and virtual materials. In getting research results, which are innovative, creative, and critical, this research was conducted to measure the validity, stability, and consistency of essay writing structuring techniques by using the interactive multimedia graphic materials. A quasi-experimental method is used based on the quantitative research design. The sample consists of 30 secondary school students in Shah Alam, Selangor. The data were analyzed descriptively through mean and standard deviation. The data were also tested by inference using ANCOVA statistics. The results showed a significant difference, that is, F=13.3, at the level of <0.05. The implication of this research is that the knowledge of the interactive multimedia graphic material is essential to the technical structure in essay writing especially when involving the writing skills element, namely in the Learning and Facilitation (PdPc) of Malay language

    Green tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic: health protocol moderation analysis

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    The growth rate of green tourism/ecotourism in the province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia decreased drastically because of the government's program in the community activity restriction program to reduce the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to analyze public perceptions of ecotourism conditions during the pandemic by implementing health protocols and maintaining environmental sustainability. The research employed descriptive and quantitative analysis. The research subject was 222 beach ecotourism tourists in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia during the pandemic period for a period of seven months (February-August 2021). They were recruited through incidental random sampling method. The analytical tools in testing the research instrument were convergent validity test with mean loading factors and square roots average variable extract, discriminant validity test with average variable extract (AVE), and reliability test with Cronbah's alpha and composite reliability (CR), structural equation modeling analysis (SEM) with Warp partial least square (PLS) 7.0. The results showed that ecotourism concern, ecotourism practices, were not significant on tourist satisfaction. Green promotion had an effect on ecotourism tourist satisfaction, and health protocols strengthened tourist satisfaction on tourists' interest in returning to ecotourism


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    Purpose – There is an absence of systematic review papers in the achievement motivation theories literature. In terms of current research trends, English learning motivation is gaining attention as a determiner of success in FLA. Hence, this review aims to trace the trends in the empirical studies on achievement motivation theories and tools, ranging from 1970 to 2022. Methodology – With a focus on theories, diversity of research participants, and practical ELT-related issues addressed by previous researchers, this paper applied the PRISMA Systematic Review Protocol to offer a comprehensive synthesis of 91 empirical studies on theories of achievement motivation. Findings – The majority of the published studies were from China and Iran. There was also a large number of studies conducted on tertiary-level learners. Structural equation modelling was found to be the most widely used analysis. In addition, technology-assisted learning is the current trend in achievement motivation research. Significance – This paper offers new insights into the existing achievement motivation literature and identifies the research gaps. This study recommends more studies on expectancy-value theory including in-depth qualitative studies involving culturally diverse populations and experimental research to develop more effective pedagogical approaches and expand the current understanding of achievement motivation.