115,874 research outputs found

    Sustainable Hydrogen from Bio-Oil - Catalytic Steam Reforming of Acetic Acid as a Model Oxygenate

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    Studies were conducted with acetic acid (HAc) as model oxygenate for the design of active and stable catalysts for steam reforming of bio-oil. Pt/ZrO2 catalysts were prepared by wet impregnation technique. The Pt/ZrO2 catalysts showed high activities at initial time on stream, but lost its activity for steam reforming (H2 production) rapidly. During HAc/H2O reaction over Pt/ZrO2, conversion was close to 100% and constant for 3 hr, however, yields of products changed with time. In the beginning (5 min), H2 and CO2 were the main products, CH4 and CO were observed in small quantities. During HAc/H2O reaction over ZrO2 (without Pt), HAc conversion was close to 90%. The conversion of HAc and yields of the products were constant for 3 hr. However, no steam reforming activity (H2 and CO) was observed, and only acetone and CO2 were observed as products. Both Pt/ZrO2 and ZrO2 were very active for HAc conversion. However, H2 and CO, i.e., steam reforming products, were produced only over Pt/ZrO2 and not over ZrO2. ZrO2 showed acetone yields similar to those observed over Pt/ZrO2 after 25 min time on stream. The presence of acetone in the product mixture and formation of deposits on ZrO2 indicated a role for acetone in catalyst deactivation

    Improved HAC Covariance Matrix Estimation Based on Forecast Errors

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    We propose computing HAC covariance matrix estimators based on one-stepahead forecasting errors. It is shown that this estimator is consistent and has smaller bias than other HAC estimators. Moreover, the tests that rely on this estimator have more accurate sizes without sacrificing its power.forecast error, HAC estimator, kernel estimator, recursive residual, robust test

    Monitoring the response of canine hyperadrenocorticism to trilostane treatment by assessment of acute phase protein concentrations

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    <b>Background</b>: Acute phase proteins (APPS) include haptoglobin (Hp), C-reactive protein (CRP) and serum amyloid A (SAA). Increased Hp concentrations may be induced by endogenous or exogenous glucocorticoids in dogs. <b>Objectives</b>: To assess whether control of hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) affects the concentrations of Hp, CRP, SAA, alkaline phosphatase (ALKP) and cholesterol, to determine whether these analytes can be used to assess control of HAC following trilostane treatment, and whether a combination of these tests offers a valid method of assessing disease control. <b>Methods</b>: Hp, CRP, SAA, ALKP and cholesterol were assessed in 11 dogs with spontaneous HAC before and after treatment with trilostane. Adequate control of HAC was defined as post-ACTH cortisol less than 150 nmol/l. <b>Results</b>: Significant reductions in Hp, ALKP, cholesterol and SAA (P<0·05) but not of CRP were found after control of HAC. Only Hp, cholesterol and ALKP were moderately informative (Se & Sp>0·7) of disease control when compared to adrenocorticotropin or corticotropin (ACTH) stimulation test. SAA and CRP were unhelpful (Se & Sp<0·7). The analysis of the combination of the analytes did not improve the correlation with ACTH stimulation test. <b>Clinical Relevance</b>: Relying on these analytes does not provide additional information over ACTH stimulation test results when assessing control of HAC treated with trilostane

    Automatic positive semidefinate HAC covariance matrix and GMM estimation

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    This paper proposes a new class of heteroskedastic and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) covariance matrix estimators. The standard HAC estimation method reweights estimators of the autocovariances. Here we initially smooth the data observations themselves using kernel function–based weights. The resultant HAC covariance matrix estimator is the normalized outer product of the smoothed random vectors and is therefore automatically positive semidefinite. A corresponding efficient GMM criterion may also be defined as a quadratic form in the smoothed moment indicators whose normalized minimand provides a test statistic for the overidentifying moment conditions

    Response of human engineered cartilage based on articular or nasal chondrocytes to interleukin-1? and low oxygen

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    Previous studies showed that human nasal chondrocytes (HNC) exhibit higher proliferation and chondrogenic capacity as compared to human articular chondrocytes (HAC). To consider HNC as a relevant alternative cell source for the repair of articular cartilage defects it is necessary to test how these cells react when exposed to environmental factors typical of an injured joint. We thus aimed this study at investigating the responses of HNC and HAC to exposure to interleukin (IL)-1? and low oxygen. For this purpose HAC and HNC harvested from the same donors (N=5) were expanded in vitro and then cultured in pellets or collagen-based scaffolds at standard (19%) or low oxygen (5%) conditions. Resulting tissues were analyzed after a short (3 days) exposure to IL-1?, mimicking the initially inflammatory implantation site, or following a recovery time (1 or 2 weeks for pellets and scaffolds, respectively). After IL-1? treatment, constructs generated by both HAC and HNC displayed a transient loss of GAG (up to 21.8% and 36.8%, respectively) and, consistently, an increased production of metalloproteases (MMP)-1 and -13. Collagen type II and the cryptic fragment of aggrecan (DIPEN), both evaluated immunohistochemically, displayed a trend consistent with GAG and MMPs production. HNC-based constructs exhibited a more efficient recovery upon IL-1? withdrawal, resulting in a higher accumulation of GAG (up to 2.6-fold) compared to the corresponding HAC-based tissues. On the other hand, HAC displayed a positive response to low oxygen culture, while HNC were only slightly affected by oxygen percentage. Collectively, under the conditions tested mimicking the postsurgery articular environment, HNC retained a tissue-forming capacity, similar or even better than HAC. These results represent a step forward in validating HNC as a cell source for cartilage tissue engineering strategies

    Heteroskedasticity-Autocorrelation Robust Standard Errors Using the Bartlett Kernel without Truncation

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    In this paper we analyze heteroskedasticity-autocorrelation (HAC) robust tests constructed using the Bartlett kernel without truncation. We show that while such an HAC estimator is not consistent, asymptotically valid testing is still possible. We show that tests using the Bartlett kernel without truncation are exactly equivalent to recent HAC robust tests proposed by Kiefer, Vogelsang and Bunzel (2000, Econometrica, 68, pp 695-714).

    The Ammount of Interstellar Carbon Locked in Solid Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon

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    We review the literature and present new experimental data to determine the amount of carbon likely to be locked in form of solid hydrogenated amorphous carbon (HAC) grains. We conclude on the basis of a thorough analysis of the intrinsic strength of the C-H stretching band at 3.4 micron that between 10 and 80 ppM H of carbon is in the form of HAC grains. We show that it is necessary to know the level of hydrogenation (H/C) of the interstellar HAC to determine more precisely the amount of carbon it ties up. We present optical constants, photoluminescence spectroscopy, and IR absorption spectroscopy for a particular HAC sample that is shown to have a 3.4 micron absorption feature that is quantatively consistent with that observed in the diffuse interstellar medium.Comment: This paper is 14 pages long with 5 figures and will appear in the 1 December 1999 issue of Ap

    Effect of Intravenous or Perivascular Injection of Synthetic Adrenocorticotropic Hormone on Stimulation Test Results in Dogs.

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    BackgroundStandard protocols for adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation testing (ACTHst) often involve intravenous (IV) injection of corticotropin. ACTH might be unintentionally injected into the perivascular (PV) space.ObjectiveTo compare stimulation test results after IV and PV injections of ACTH.AnimalsTwenty privately owned dogs were studied: 10 healthy and 10 with trilostane-treated naturally occurring hyperadrenocorticism (HAC).MethodsProspective study. Each of 20 dogs underwent 2 ACTHst not <4 nor more than 14 days apart. Five healthy and 5 HAC dogs had an IV ACTHst first and PV second; 5 healthy and 5 HAC dogs had a PV ACTHst first and IV second. Blood samples for measurement of serum cortisol concentration were collected before and 1 hour after ACTH administration.ResultsNo significant difference in results was demonstrated when comparing serum cortisol concentrations after IV and PV ACTH administration in all 20 dogs (median μg/dL; interval μg/dL: 8.2; 1.4-17.4 versus 7.8; 0.9-16.9; P = .23). No significant difference in results was demonstrated when comparing serum cortisol concentrations after IV and PV ACTH administration in the 10 healthy dogs (median μg/dL; interval μg/dL: 10.9; 7.3-17.4 versus 10.6; 7.1-16.9; P = .54) or in the 10 HAC dogs (median μg/dL; interval μg/dL: 6.3; 1.4-8.6 versus 5.2; 0.9-8.7; P = .061).Conclusions and clinical importancePerivascular administration of ACTH does not significantly alter stimulation test results in healthy dogs or in dogs with HAC undergoing therapy with trilostane

    HMM in dynamic HAC models

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    Understanding the dynamics of high dimensional non-normal dependency structure is a challenging task. This research aims at attacking this problem by building up a hidden Markov model (HMM) for Hierarchical Archimedean Copulae (HAC), where the HAC represent a wide class of models for high dimensional dependency, and HMM is a statistical technique to describe time varying dynamics. HMM applied to HAC provide flexible modeling for high dimensional non Gaussian time series. Consistency results for both parameters and HAC structures are established in an HMM framework. The model is calibrated to exchange rate data with a VaR application, where the model’s performance is compared with other dynamic models, and in the second application we simulate rainfall process.Hidden Markov model, Hierarchical Archimedean Copulae, Multivariate Distribution

    Fragmenting densely mineralised acellular protrusions from articular calcified cartilage: a role in osteoarthritis?

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    Fragmenting densely mineralised acellular protrusions from articular calcified cartilage: a role in osteoarthritis? A. Boyde a, G.R. Davis a, D. Mills a, T. Zikmund a, V.L. Adams b, L.R. Ranganath b, N. Jeffery b, J.A. Gallagher b a Dental Physical Sciences, Oral Growth and Development, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK b Department of Musculoskeletal Biology, Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK Objectives High density mineralised protrusions (HDMP) from the tidemark mineralising front into hyaline articular cartilage (HAC) were first discovered in Thoroughbred racehorse fetlock joints and later in Icelandic horse hock joints. If these fragment, they could make a significant contribution to joint destruction in osteoarthritis. We looked for them in human material. Methods Whole femoral heads removed at operation for joint replacement or from dissection room cadavers were studied by MRI DESS at 0.23mm resolution and 26 micron resolution high contrast x-ray microtomography (XMT), then sectioned and embedded in PMMA, and block faces polished and the blocks re-imaged with 6 micron resolution XMT. Tissue mineralisation density was imaged qualitatively by backscattered electron SEM (BSE SEM) at 20kV using uncoated samples at 50Pa chamber pressure to achieve charge neutralisation. HAC histology was studied by BSE SEM after staining block faces with ammonium triiodide solution. Block surfaces were sequentially repolished and restained. Results Figure: 3D rendering of 6 micron voxel resolution XMT data set showing HDMP complex projecting above subchondral bone plate. Human femoral head removed at arthroplasty. We found examples of HDMP in HAC in human hips. Their 3D shapes are complex and may show cutting blade forms. Their mineral content (a) exceeds that of articular calcified cartilage (ACC), otherwise the densest tissue in the joint and (b) is not uniform. The mineral phase morphology frequently shows the agglomeration of many fine particles into larger concretions. Cracks within them are frequent. Dense fragments may be found within damaged HAC. Conclusions HDMP arise via the extrusion of an uncharacterised matrix into clefts in HAC. Little evidence of their existence remains after tissue has been decalcified with usual histological protocols. Their formation may be an extension of a normal but poorly recognised crack self-healing mechanism found in bone and ACC. They are surrounded by HAC, are dense and brittle and show innumerable fault lines within them. We provide evidence that they break in vivo by being able to find matching fragments in HAC. We conclude that these hard and sharp particles contribute to the shredding destruction of HAC. The osteoarthritis research community should be aware of their existence so that the frequency and possible clinical significance can be assessed in the future. Larger HDMP can be detected with the best MRI imaging