18 research outputs found

    Method for the Intraoperative Detection of IDH Mutation in Gliomas with Differential Mobility Spectrometry

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    Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutation status is an important factor for surgical decision-making: patients with IDH-mutated tumors are more likely to have a good long-term prognosis, and thus favor aggressive resection with more survival benefit to gain. Patients with IDH wild-type tumors have generally poorer prognosis and, therefore, conservative resection to avoid neurological deficit is favored. Current histopathological analysis with frozen sections is unable to identify IDH mutation status intraoperatively, and more advanced methods are therefore needed. We examined a novel method suitable for intraoperative IDH mutation identification that is based on the differential mobility spectrometry (DMS) analysis of the tumor. We prospectively obtained tumor samples from 22 patients, including 11 IDH-mutated and 11 IDH wild-type tumors. The tumors were cut in 88 smaller specimens that were analyzed with DMS. With a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) algorithm, the DMS was able to classify tumor samples with 86% classification accuracy, 86% sensitivity, and 85% specificity. Our results show that DMS is able to differentiate IDH-mutated and IDH wild-type tumors with good accuracy in a setting suitable for intraoperative use, which makes it a promising novel solution for neurosurgical practice.Peer reviewe

    Russia of Challenges

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    In 2007 the Ministry of Defence conducted the research project Stable Russia – an evaluation of the security situation in Finland’s neighbourhood. The goal of the project was to paint an all-round picture of the factors affecting stability in Russia as well as possible destabilizing developments which could alter the security situation close to the Finnish borders. The project comprehensively tapped into Finnish Russia-expertise. This publication is based on the reports written for that project

    USB-väylän kehitys

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli tutustua Universal Serial Bus -standardin historiaan ja kehitykseen. Työssä perehdyttiin USB-väyläarkkitehtuurin kehityksen taustoihin, keskeisiin toimintaperiaatteisiin sekä USB-standardin eri versioihin vuosien varrelta. Tutkimuslähtöisessä työssä koottiin tietoa USB-väylän käyttökohteista ja siitä, miten USB-standardi on yli 20-vuotisen historiansa aikana sopeutunut ja muokkautunut muun teknologian vaatimuksiin. Lähteinä käytettiin lähinnä sähköisiä julkaisuja, kuten USB Implementers Forum -organisaation julkaisemat USB-standardiasiakirjat. Raportissa esitellään myös USB-standardin määrittelemät liittimet sekä portit. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on antaa kattava kuva USB-standardin nykytilasta ja siitä, miten USB-liittimet ja -portit ovat osana jokapäiväistä elämäämme nyt ja tulevaisuudessa.The subject of this thesis was to explore the history and development of Universal Serial Bus. The thesis examined the background behind USB development, its key principles and the different versions of USB standard throughout the years. With a research-based approach, the aim of the thesis was to gather information about different applications of USB and how USB has adapted to the demands of other technology during its over 20-year history. The source material consists mostly of electronic documents such as the USB specification documents released by the USB Implementers Forum. The thesis report also presents connectors and ports defined by the USB standard. The aim was to give a comprehensive view of the current state of USB standard and how USB connectors are a part of our everyday life now and in the future

    Temperature before the heating cycle from the sea ice mass balance buoy DTC16 during MOSAiC 2019/2020

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    Temperature and heating-induced temperature were measured along a chain of thermistors. Digital Thermistor Chain DTC16 is an autonomous instrument that was installed on drifting sea ice in the Arctic Ocean during the MOSAiC expedition on 7 November 2019. The thermistor chain was 4.16 m long and included sensors with a regular spacing of 2 cm. The resulting time series describes the evolution of temperature during the heating cycle of 20 s and after the heating cycle during the following 40 s as a function of geographic position (GPS), depth, and time between 7 November 2019 and 27 April 2020 in sample intervals of 6 hours. It also contains manually estimated position of air-snow, snow-ice, and ice-water interfaces. The DTC was installed in deformed second-year ice next to the HSVA stress panels close to RV Polarstern

    Temperature and heating induced temperature difference measurements from the sea ice mass balance buoy DTC16 during MOSAiC 2019/2020

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    Temperature and heating-induced temperature were measured along a chain of thermistors. Digital Thermistor Chain DTC16 is an autonomous instrument that was installed on drifting sea ice in the Arctic Ocean during the MOSAiC expedition on 7 November 2019. The thermistor chain was 4.16 m long and included sensors with a regular spacing of 2 cm. The resulting time series describes the evolution of temperature during the heating cycle of 20 s and after the heating cycle during the following 40 s as a function of geographic position (GPS), depth, and time between 7 November 2019 and 27 April 2020 in sample intervals of 6 hours. It also contains manually estimated position of air-snow, snow-ice, and ice-water interfaces. The DTC was installed in deformed second-year ice next to the HSVA stress panels close to RV Polarstern

    Temperature after the cooling cycle from the sea ice mass balance buoy DTC16 during MOSAiC 2019/2020

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    Temperature and heating-induced temperature were measured along a chain of thermistors. Digital Thermistor Chain DTC16 is an autonomous instrument that was installed on drifting sea ice in the Arctic Ocean during the MOSAiC expedition on 7 November 2019. The thermistor chain was 4.16 m long and included sensors with a regular spacing of 2 cm. The resulting time series describes the evolution of temperature during the heating cycle of 20 s and after the heating cycle during the following 40 s as a function of geographic position (GPS), depth, and time between 7 November 2019 and 27 April 2020 in sample intervals of 6 hours. It also contains manually estimated position of air-snow, snow-ice, and ice-water interfaces. The DTC was installed in deformed second-year ice next to the HSVA stress panels close to RV Polarstern

    Temperature difference after the heating cycle from the sea ice mass balance buoy DTC15 during MOSAiC 2019/2020

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    Temperature and heating-induced temperature were measured along a chain of thermistors. Digital Thermistor Chain DTC15 is an autonomous instrument that was installed on drifting sea ice in the Arctic Ocean during the MOSAiC expedition on 07 November 2019. The thermistor chain was 4.16 m long and included sensors with a regular spacing of 2 cm. The resulting time series describes the evolution of temperature during the heating cycle of 20 s and after the heating cycle during the following 40 s as a function of geographic position (GPS), depth, and time between 05 November 2019 and 07 January 2020 in sample intervals of 6 hours. It also contains manually estimated positions of air-snow, snow-ice, and ice-water interfaces. The DTC was installed in the deformed second-year ice ridge next to RV Polarstern and remote sensing site RS1

    Temperature difference after the heating cycle from the sea ice mass balance buoy DTC16 during MOSAiC 2019/2020

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    Temperature and heating-induced temperature were measured along a chain of thermistors. Digital Thermistor Chain DTC16 is an autonomous instrument that was installed on drifting sea ice in the Arctic Ocean during the MOSAiC expedition on 7 November 2019. The thermistor chain was 4.16 m long and included sensors with a regular spacing of 2 cm. The resulting time series describes the evolution of temperature during the heating cycle of 20 s and after the heating cycle during the following 40 s as a function of geographic position (GPS), depth, and time between 7 November 2019 and 27 April 2020 in sample intervals of 6 hours. It also contains manually estimated position of air-snow, snow-ice, and ice-water interfaces. The DTC was installed in deformed second-year ice next to the HSVA stress panels close to RV Polarstern

    Temperature before the heating cycle from the sea ice mass balance buoy DTC15 during MOSAiC 2019/2020

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    Temperature and heating-induced temperature were measured along a chain of thermistors. Digital Thermistor Chain DTC15 is an autonomous instrument that was installed on drifting sea ice in the Arctic Ocean during the MOSAiC expedition on 07 November 2019. The thermistor chain was 4.16 m long and included sensors with a regular spacing of 2 cm. The resulting time series describes the evolution of temperature during the heating cycle of 20 s and after the heating cycle during the following 40 s as a function of geographic position (GPS), depth, and time between 05 November 2019 and 07 January 2020 in sample intervals of 6 hours. It also contains manually estimated positions of air-snow, snow-ice, and ice-water interfaces. The DTC was installed in the deformed second-year ice ridge next to RV Polarstern and remote sensing site RS1