97 research outputs found

    Research on the Coupling Mechanism and Practice Path of “Education Chain” and “Industry Chain” in Vocational Education Design Majors

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    The collaborative coupling of the education chain and industry chain in vocational education for design majors is an important content related to social development and progress, as well as the optimization and upgrading of enterprise development. In the current era of unprecedented prosperity in social culture and art, China’s socio-economic development and transformation require innovative vocational education models for high-quality talents in design majors. Based on the perspective of industry and education integration, this article explores the construction of a collaborative coupling mechanism between the education chain and the industry chain, which helps to solve the problems of student skills and enterprise positions, talent supply and employment demand in vocational education for design majors

    An Efficient Sum Query Algorithm for Distance-based Locally Dominating Functions

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    In this paper, we consider the following sum query problem: Given a point set P in R^d, and a distance-based function f(p,q) (i.e. a function of the distance between p and q) satisfying some general properties, the goal is to develop a data structure and a query algorithm for efficiently computing a (1+epsilon)-approximate solution to the sum sum_{p in P} f(p,q) for any query point q in R^d and any small constant epsilon>0. Existing techniques for this problem are mainly based on some core-set techniques which often have difficulties to deal with functions with local domination property. Based on several new insights to this problem, we develop in this paper a novel technique to overcome these encountered difficulties. Our algorithm is capable of answering queries with high success probability in time no more than ~O_{epsilon,d}(n^{0.5 + c}), and the underlying data structure can be constructed in ~O_{epsilon,d}(n^{1+c}) time for any c>0, where the hidden constant has only polynomial dependence on 1/epsilon and d. Our technique is simple and can be easily implemented for practical purpose

    Strong Revenue (Non-)Monotonicity of Single-parameter Auctions

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    Consider Myerson's optimal auction with respect to an inaccurate prior, e.g., estimated from data, which is an underestimation of the true value distribution. Can the auctioneer expect getting at least the optimal revenue w.r.t. the inaccurate prior since the true value distribution is larger? This so-called strong revenue monotonicity is known to be true for single-parameter auctions when the feasible allocations form a matroid. We find that strong revenue monotonicity fails to generalize beyond the matroid setting, and further show that auctions in the matroid setting are the only downward-closed auctions that satisfy strong revenue monotonicity. On the flip side, we recover an approximate version of strong revenue monotonicity that holds for all single-parameter auctions, even without downward-closedness. As applications, we get sample complexity upper bounds for single-parameter auctions under matroid constraints, downward-closed constraints, and general constraints. They improve the state-of-the-art upper bounds and are tight up to logarithmic factors

    Distributed and Robust Support Vector Machine

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    In this paper, we consider the distributed version of Support Vector Machine (SVM) under the coordinator model, where all input data (i.e., points in R^d space) of SVM are arbitrarily distributed among k nodes in some network with a coordinator which can communicate with all nodes. We investigate two variants of this problem, with and without outliers. For distributed SVM without outliers, we prove a lower bound on the communication complexity and give a distributed (1-epsilon)-approximation algorithm to reach this lower bound, where epsilon is a user specified small constant. For distributed SVM with outliers, we present a (1-epsilon)-approximation algorithm to explicitly remove the influence of outliers. Our algorithm is based on a deterministic distributed top t selection algorithm with communication complexity of O(k log (t)) in the coordinator model. Experimental results on benchmark datasets confirm the theoretical guarantees of our algorithms

    Small Candidate Set for Translational Pattern Search

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    In this paper, we study the following pattern search problem: Given a pair of point sets A and B in fixed dimensional space R^d, with |B| = n, |A| = m and n >= m, the pattern search problem is to find the translations T\u27s of A such that each of the identified translations induces a matching between T(A) and a subset B\u27 of B with cost no more than some given threshold, where the cost is defined as the minimum bipartite matching cost of T(A) and B\u27. We present a novel algorithm to produce a small set of candidate translations for the pattern search problem. For any B\u27 subseteq B with |B\u27| = |A|, there exists at least one translation T in the candidate set such that the minimum bipartite matching cost between T(A) and B\u27 is no larger than (1+epsilon) times the minimum bipartite matching cost between A and B\u27 under any translation (i.e., the optimal translational matching cost). We also show that there exists an alternative solution to this problem, which constructs a candidate set of size O(n log^2 n) in O(n log^2 n) time with high probability of success. As a by-product of our construction, we obtain a weak epsilon-net for hypercube ranges, which significantly improves the construction time and the size of the candidate set. Our technique can be applied to a number of applications, including the translational pattern matching problem

    Improved Algorithms for Clustering with Outliers

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    Clustering is a fundamental problem in unsupervised learning. In many real-world applications, the to-be-clustered data often contains various types of noises and thus needs to be removed from the learning process. To address this issue, we consider in this paper two variants of such clustering problems, called k-median with m outliers and k-means with m outliers. Existing techniques for both problems either incur relatively large approximation ratios or can only efficiently deal with a small number of outliers. In this paper, we present improved solution to each of them for the case where k is a fixed number and m could be quite large. Particularly, we gave the first PTAS for the k-median problem with outliers in Euclidean space R^d for possibly high m and d. Our algorithm runs in O(nd((1/epsilon)(k+m))^(k/epsilon)^O(1)) time, which considerably improves the previous result (with running time O(nd(m+k)^O(m+k) + (1/epsilon)k log n)^O(1))) given by [Feldman and Schulman, SODA 2012]. For the k-means with outliers problem, we introduce a (6+epsilon)-approximation algorithm for general metric space with running time O(n(beta (1/epsilon)(k+m))^k) for some constant beta>1. Our algorithm first uses the k-means++ technique to sample O((1/epsilon)(k+m)) points from input and then select the k centers from them. Compared to the more involving existing techniques, our algorithms are much simpler, i.e., using only random sampling, and achieving better performance ratios

    A Fast Hierarchically Preconditioned Eigensolver Based on Multiresolution Matrix Decomposition

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    In this paper we propose a new iterative method to hierarchically compute a relatively large number of leftmost eigenpairs of a sparse symmetric positive matrix under the multiresolution operator compression framework. We exploit the well-conditioned property of every decomposition component by integrating the multiresolution framework into the implicitly restarted Lanczos method. We achieve this combination by proposing an extension-refinement iterative scheme, in which the intrinsic idea is to decompose the target spectrum into several segments such that the corresponding eigenproblem in each segment is well-conditioned. Theoretical analysis and numerical illustration are also reported to illustrate the efficiency and effectiveness of this algorithm

    Mechanical Behavior of Shale Rock under Uniaxial Cyclic Loading and Unloading Condition

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    In order to investigate the mechanical behavior of shale rock under cyclic loading and unloading condition, two kinds of incremental cyclic loading tests were conducted. Based on the result of the short-term uniaxial incremental cyclic loading test, the permanent residual strain, modulus, and damage evolution were analyzed firstly. Results showed that the relationship between the residual strains and the cycle number can be expressed by an exponential function. The deformation modulus E50 and elastic modulus ES first increased and then decreased with the peak stress under the loading condition, and both of them increased approximately linearly with the peak stress under the unloading condition. On the basis of the energy dissipation, the damage variables showed an exponential increasing with the strain at peak stress. The creep behavior of the shale rock was also analyzed. Results showed that there are obvious instantaneous strain, decay creep, and steady creep under each stress level and the specimen appears the accelerated creep stage under the 4th stress of 51.16 MPa. Based on the characteristics of the Burgers creep model, a viscoelastic-plastic creep model was proposed through viscoplastic mechanics, which agrees very well with the experimental results and can better describe the creep behavior of shale rock better than the Burgers creep model. Results can provide some mechanics reference evidence for shale gas development

    A Unified Framework of FPT Approximation Algorithms for Clustering Problems

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    In this paper, we present a framework for designing FPT approximation algorithms for many k-clustering problems. Our results are based on a new technique for reducing search spaces. A reduced search space is a small subset of the input data that has the guarantee of containing k clients close to the facilities opened in an optimal solution for any clustering problem we consider. We show, somewhat surprisingly, that greedily sampling O(k) clients yields the desired reduced search space, based on which we obtain FPT(k)-time algorithms with improved approximation guarantees for problems such as capacitated clustering, lower-bounded clustering, clustering with service installation costs, fault tolerant clustering, and priority clustering

    Combination and compression of multiple pulses with same or different wavelengths

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    Funding Information: This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61675008 and in part by Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission under Grant GJHZ20180411185015272. K. Nakkeeran wishes to thank The Royal Society Kan Tong Po International Fellowship 2018 for the financial support to visit The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.Peer reviewedPostprin
