149 research outputs found

    Sebaran Total Suspended Solid (Tss) di Kawasan Muara Sungai Kampar Kabupaten Pelalawan Provinsi Riau

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    The study was conducted from January to February 2017 in Kampar River Estuary Area of Pelalawan District of Riau Province. Water sample analysis was done at the Chemical Oceanography Laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine. This study aims to determine the distribution of TSS (total suspended solid) at high tide and low tide. The method used is survey method and determination of station point using pur-posive sampling. The results showed that the total suspended solid (TSS) distribution during tidal to low tide with the average value of the lowest TSS content at station 2 was 91 mg/l and the highest was in station 7 of 670 mg/l. At low tide, the average val-ue of the lowest TSS content at station 1 is 65 mg/l and the highest is at station 6 of 448 mg/l


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang Pengaruh Pola Asuh Orang Tua Pada Anak Usia Dini TerhadapAkhlak Anak di Kesatuan Bintaldam XIV/ Hasanuddin Makassar. Permasalahan pokok yang dibahasadalah seberapa besar Pengaruh Pola Asuh Orang Tua Pada Anak Usia Dini Terhadap Akhlak Anak diKesatuan Bintaldam XIV/ Hasanuddin Makassar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatifdengan kategori penelitian survey (survey research), dengan pendekatan metodologis yaitupositivistik dan pendekatan ilmiah yang digunakan adalah pedagogik. Populasi penelitian inisebanyak 63 orang, sampel sebanyak 63 orang personil. Penentuan pengambilan sampelmenggunakan teknik sampling jenuh yaitu semua anggota populasi dijadikan sampel dalampenelitian. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan instrumen pengumpulan data denganmenggunakan angket. Teknik pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif daninferensial, dengan analisis data regresi linear sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Polaasuh orang tua pada anak usia dini di Kesatuan Bintaldam XIV/Hasanuddin Makassar berada padakategori kondusif dengan persentase 82% dari kriteria yang ditetapkan. Implikasi penelitian inibahwa 1) Pembinaan akhlak anak seharusnya dilakukan sedini mungkin disaat anak masih berusiadini dengan pola asuh orang tua yang baik, sebab mendidik anak di usia dini pengaruhnya sangatkuat untuk anak; 2) Pembinaan akhlak anak, bukan hanya dengan jalan menyuruh atau memerintah,tetapi juga harus diikuti dengan contoh teladan yang baik dari orang tua; dan 3) Pola asuh orang tuaterhadap anak usia dini sebaiknya dilakukan dengan memadukan antara pola asuh otoriter, polaasuh demokratis, dan pola asuh permisif sesuai dengan tingkatan usia dan kondisi anak


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    Electrochemical decolorization of direct black textile dye was studied in the presence of sodium hydroxide (NaCl). Electrochemical cell occupy about 1 liter of working electrolyte supplied with graphite electrodes for both anode and cathode was constructed for this purpose. Decolorization percent, treatment time, power consumption, and pH were studied as a function of the applied voltage and salt concentration. Results show that decolorization increase with increasing salt concentration and applied voltage. Best decolorization of 86% can be achieved after 17 min at 7 volt and 5 g/l salt concentration. Further decolorization can be achieved but this will be accompanied with a sharp increase in power consumption. No significant decrease in pH value was observed at the end of each experiment

    Enhancement of A Sustainable Performance of Prismatic and Non-Prismatic Plane Concrete Frame Under Static Load

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    هذا البحث يتحرى عمليا تقليل الغازات المنبعثة من الهيكل الخرساني المستوي عن طريق تقليل كمية الخرسانة نتيجة استخدام مقاطع غير منشوريه (المدببة) تحت حمل ساكن. الدراسة تتضمن صب ثلاث هياكل خراسانية ذو مقاومة اعتيادية. هيكلان مستويان بمقاطع عرضية غير منشوريه بالأعمدة والعتبة وهيكل خرساني بمقاطع منشوريه. جميع الهياكل فحصت تحت حمل ساكن عن طريق تسليط حملين مركزين على العتبة. النتائج بينت تحسن في اداء الهيكل الخرساني عند استخدام مقاطع غير منشوريه وزيادة في سعة تحمل الهيكل وبنفس كمية الخرسانة المستخدمة، لذلك كلفة المشروع والغازات المنبعثة يمكن تقليلها باستخدام مقاطع غير منشوريه. الحمل الاقصى للهيكل الخرساني ذو مقاطع غير منشوريه بالأعمدة والعتبة تزداد بمقدار 25% و16% على التوالي. استخدام مقاطع غير منشورية (الاعمدة والعتبة) يقلل صلادة الهيكل الخرساني ويحسن خصائص فشل القص ويجعله اقل هشاشة.This research investigates experimentally the reduction of gases emitted from a plane concrete frame by reducing the amount of concrete due to the use of non-prismatic cross-sections. The study includes casting three frames using normal-strength concrete. Two plane frames with non-prismatic cross-sections of the columns and beam and one frame with prismatic cross-sections. The amount of concrete used for all three specimens is the same. The frame was tested under static load by two concentrated loads on the beam. The results showed that the use of non-prismatic sections improves the performance of the concrete frame and increases the load capacity of the frame in the same amount of concrete, so the cost of the project and the gases emitted can be reduced through the use of non-prismatic sections. The ultimate load of the non-prismatic concrete frame with columns and beam increases by 25% and 16%, respectively. Using non-prismatic sections decreases the frame\u27s stiffness (at beam and columns) and using non-prismatic sections in the beam, the frame\u27s shear failure is improved and less fragile than the prismatic sectional frame

    Efficacious, effective, and embedded interventions: Implementation research in infectious disease control

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    Background: Research in infectious disease control is heavily skewed towards high end technology; development of new drugs, vaccines and clinical interventions. Oft ignored, is the evidence to inform the best strategies that ensure the embedding of interventions into health systems and amongst populations. In this paper we undertake an analysis of the challenge in the development of research for the sustainable implementation of disease control interventions. Results: We highlight the fundamental differences between the research paradigms associated with the development of technologies and interventions for disease control on the one hand and the research paradigms required for enhancing the sustainable uptake of those very same interventions within the communities on the other. We provide a definition for implementation research in an attempt to underscore its critical role and explore the multidisciplinary science needed to address the challenges in disease control. Conclusion: The greatest value for money in health research lies in the sustainable and effective implementation of already proven, efficacious solutions. The development of implementation research that can help provide some solutions on how this can be achieved is sorely needed

    Poverty and Wellbeing Impacts of Microfinance : What Do We Know?

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    Over the last 35 years, microfinance has been generally regarded as an effective policy tool in the fight against poverty. Yet, the question of whether access to credit leads to poverty reduction and improved wellbeing remains open. To address this question, we conduct a systematic review of the quantitative literature of microfinance’s impacts in the developing world, and develop a theory of change that links inputs to impacts on several welfare outcomes. Overall, we find that the limited comparability of outcomes and the heterogeneity of microfinance-lending technologies, together with a considerable variation in socio-economic conditions and contexts in which impact studies have been conducted, render the interpretation and generalization of findings intricate. Our results indicate that, at best, microfinance induces short-term dynamism in the financial life of the poor; however, we do not find compelling evidence that this dynamism leads to increases in income, consumption, human capital and assets, and, ultimately, a reduction in poverty

    Therapeutic and immunomodulatory activities of short-course treatment of murine visceral leishmaniasis with KALSOME™10, a new liposomal amphotericin B

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL), a potentially fatal disease, is most prevalent in the Indian subcontinent, East Africa and South America. Since the conventional antileishmanial drugs have many limitations we evaluated a new ergosterol rich liposomal amphotericin B formulation, KALSOME™10 for its leishmanicidal efficacy, tolerability and immunomodulatory activity. Normal healthy mice were treated with 3.5 mg/kg single and 7.5 mg/kg single and double doses ofKALSOME™10. Liver and kidney function tests were performed fourteen days after treatment. Next, normal mice were infected with Leishmania donovani amastigotes. Two months post infection they were treated with the above mentioned doses of KALSOME™10 and sacrificed one month after treatment for estimation of parasite burden in the liver and spleen by Limiting Dilution Assay. Leishmanial antigen stimulated splenocyte culture supernatants were collected for cytokine detection through ELISA. Flow cytometric studies were performed on normal animals treated with KALSOME™10, Amphotericin B (AmB) and AmBiosome to compare their immunomodulatory activities. The drug was found to induce no hepato- or nephrotoxicities at the studied doses. Moreover, at all doses, it led to significant reduction in parasite burden in two month infected BALB/c mice, with 7.5 mg/kg double dose resulting in almost complete clearance of parasites from both liver and spleen. Interestingly, the drug at 7.5 mg/kg double dose could almost completely inhibit the secretion of disease promoting cytokines, IL-10 and TGFβ, and significantly elevate the levels of IFNγ and IL-12, cytokines required for control of the disease. Mice treated with KALSOME™10 showed elevated levels of IFNγ and suppressed IL-10 secretion from both CD4+ and CD8+ subsets of T cells, as well as from culture supernatants of splenocytes, compared to that of normal, AmB and AmBisome treated animal Treatment of infected mice with 7.5 mg/kg double dose of KALSOME™10 was safe and effective in clearing the parasites from the sites of infection. The drug maintains the inherent immunomodulatory activities of AmB by effectively suppressing disease promoting cytokines IL-10 and TGFβ, thereby boosting IL-12 and IFNγ levels. This emphasizes KALSOME™10 as a promising drug alternative for lifelong protection from VL