3,286 research outputs found

    Complex maps without invariant densities

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    We consider complex polynomials f(z)=zℓ+c1f(z) = z^\ell+c_1 for ℓ∈2N\ell \in 2\N and c1∈Rc_1 \in \R, and find some combinatorial types and values of ℓ\ell such that there is no invariant probability measure equivalent to conformal measure on the Julia set. This holds for particular Fibonacci-like and Feigenbaum combinatorial types when ℓ\ell sufficiently large and also for a class of `long-branched' maps of any critical order.Comment: Typos corrected, minor changes, principally to Section

    Comparison of large aperture scintillometer and eddy covariance measurements: Can thermal infrared data be used to capture footprint-induced differences?

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    Eddy covariance (EC) and large aperture scintillometer (LAS) measurements were collected over an irrigated olive orchard near Marrakech, Morocco. The tall, sparse vegetation in the experimental site was relatively homogeneous, but during irrigation events spatial variability in soil humidity was large. This heterogeneity caused large differences between the source area characteristics of the EC system and the LAS, resulting in a large scatter when comparing sensible heat fluxes obtained from LAS and EC. Radiative surface temperatures were retrieved from thermal infrared satellite images from the Landsat Enhanced Thematical Mapper and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellites. Using these images in combination with an analytical footprint model, footprint-weighted radiative surface temperatures for the footprints of the LAS and the EC system were calculated. Comparisons between the difference in measured sensible heat fluxes and the difference in footprint-weighted radiative surface temperature showed that for differences between the footprint-weighted radiative surface temperatures larger than 0.5 K, correlations with the difference in measured sensible heat flux were good. It was found that radiative surface temperatures, obtained from thermal infrared satellite imagery, can provide a good indication of the spatial variability of soil humidity, and can be used to identify differences between LAS and EC measurements of sensible heat fluxes resulting from this variability

    Safety risks among frail older people living at home in the Netherlands:A cross‐sectional study in a routine primary care sample

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    Frail older people face a range of problems and risks that could undermine their ability to live safely at home. A comprehensive overview of these risks, from a multidimensional perspective, is currently lacking. This study aims to examine the prevalence of risks in multiple domains of life among frail older people living at home. We used cross‐sectional data from 824 people aged 65 years and older, who received a comprehensive geriatric assessment (the interRAI Home Care [interRAI‐HC]) between 2014 and 2018, as part of routine care from 25 general practices in the region of West‐Friesland, the Netherlands. The interRAI‐HC identifies amenable risks related to people's clinical conditions, functioning, lifestyle and behaviour, and social and physical environment. Descriptive statistics were used to examine population characteristics (age, gender, marital status, living arrangements and presence of chronic conditions) and prevalence of risks. Most common risks were related to people's clinical conditions (i.e cardio‐respiratory health, urinary incontinence, pain), functioning (i.e. limitations in instrumental activities of daily living and mood) and social environment (i.e. limitations in informal care and social functioning). More than 80% of frail older people faced multiple risks, and often on multiple domains of life simultaneously. People experiencing multiple risks per person, and on multiple domains simultaneously, were more often widowed and living alone. The multidimensional character of risks among frail older people living at home implies that an integrated approach to care, comprising both health and social care, is necessary. Insight in the prevalence of these risks can give direction to care allocation decisions

    The multipliers of periodic points in one-dimensional dynamics

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    It will be shown that the smooth conjugacy class of an S−S-unimodal map which does not have a periodic attractor neither a Cantor attractor is determined by the multipliers of the periodic orbits. This generalizes a result by M.Shub and D.Sullivan for smooth expanding maps of the circle

    Mitochondrial dysfunction increases pro-inflammatory cytokine production and impairs repair and corticosteroid responsiveness in lung epithelium

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    COPD is characterized by chronic lung inflammation and irreversible lung tissue damage. Inhaled noxious gases, including cigarette smoke, are the major risk factor for COPD. Inhaled smoke first encounters the epithelial lining of the lungs, causing oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction. We investigated whether a mitochondrial defect may contribute to increased lung epithelial pro-inflammatory responses, impaired epithelial repair and reduced corticosteroid sensitivity as observed in COPD. We used wild-type alveolar epithelial cells A549 and mitochondrial DNA-depleted A549 cells (A549 Rho-0) and studied pro-inflammatory responses using (multiplex) ELISA as well as epithelial barrier function and repair (real-time impedance measurements), in the presence and absence of the inhaled corticosteroid budesonide. We observed that A549 Rho-0 cells secrete higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines than wild-type A549 cells and display impaired repair upon wounding. Budesonide strongly suppressed the production of neutrophil attractant CXCL8, and promoted epithelial integrity in A549 wild-type cells, while A549 Rho-0 cells displayed reduced corticosteroid sensitivity compared to wild-type cells. The reduced corticosteroid responsiveness may be mediated by glycolytic reprogramming, specifically glycolysis-associated PI3K signaling, as PI3K inhibitor LY294002 restored the sensitivity of CXCL8 secretion to corticosteroids in A549 Rho-0 cells. In conclusion, mitochondrial defects may lead to increased lung epithelial pro-inflammatory responses, reduced epithelial repair and reduced corticosteroid responsiveness in lung epithelium, thus potentially contributing to the pathogenesis of COPD

    Unknown makes unloved:A case study on improving integrated health and social care in the Netherlands using a participatory approach

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    Many initiatives integrating health and social care have been implemented in order to provide adequate care and support to older people living at home. Further development of existing initiatives requires iterative processes of developing, implementing and evaluating improvements to current practice. This case study provides insight into the process of improving an existing integrated care initiative in the Netherlands. Using a participatory approach, researchers and local stakeholders collaborated to develop and implement activities to further improve collaboration between health and social care professionals. Improvement activities included interprofessional meetings focussing on reflection and mutual learning and workplace visits. Researchers evaluated the improvement process, using data triangulation of multiple qualitative and quantitative data sources. According to participating professionals, the improvement activities improved their communication and collaboration by establishing mutual understanding and trust. Enabling factors included the safe and informal setting in which the meetings took place and the personal relationships they developed during the project. Different organisational cultures and interests and a lack of ownership and accountability among managers hindered the improvement process, whereas issues such as staff shortages, time constraints and privacy regulations made it difficult to implement improvements on a larger scale. Still, the participatory approach encouraged the development of partnerships and shared goals on the level of both managers and professionals. This case study highlights that improving communication between professionals is an important first step in improving integrated care. In addition, it shows that a participatory approach, in which improvements are co-created and tailored to local priorities and needs, can help in the development of shared goals and trust between stakeholders with different perspectives. However, stakeholders' willingness and ability to participate in such an improvement process is challenged by many factors

    Gcn5 and Rpd3 have a limited role in the regulation of cell cycle transcripts during the G1 and S phases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Activation of cell cycle regulated transcription during the G1-to-S transition initiates S phase entry and cell cycle commitment. The molecular mechanisms involving G1/S transcriptional regulation are well established and have been shown to be evolutionary conserved from yeast to humans. Previous work has suggested that changes to the chromatin state, specifically through histone acetylation, has an important role in the regulation of G1/S transcription in both yeast and human cells. Here we investigate the role of histone acetylation in G1/S transcriptional regulation in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Our work shows that histone acetylation at specific sites at G1/S target gene promoters peaks at the G1-to-S transition, coinciding with their peak transcription levels. Acetylation at G1/S target promoters is significantly reduced upon deletion of the previously implicated histone acetyltransferase Gcn5, but G1/S cell cycle regulated transcription is largely unaffected. The histone deacetylase Rpd3, suggested to have a role in Whi5-dependent repression, is required for full repression of G1/S target genes in the G1 and S phases. However, in the context of transcriptionally active levels during the G1-to-S transition, this seems to play a minor role in the regulation of cell cycle transcription. Our data suggests that histone acetylation might modulate the amplitude of G1/S cell cycle regulated transcription in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but has a limited role in its overall regulation

    The use of the scintillation technique for monitoring seasonal water consumption of olive orchards in a semi-arid region

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    To monitor seasonal water consumption of agricultural fields at large scale, spatially averaged surface fluxes of sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LvE) are required. The scintillation method is shown to be a promising device for obtaining the area-averaged sensible heat fluxes, on a scale of up to 10 km. These fluxes, when combined with a simple available energy model, can be used to derive area-averaged latent heat fluxes. For this purpose, a Large Aperture Scintillometer (LAS) was operated continuously for more than one year over a tall and sparse irrigated oliveyard located in south-central Marrakesh (Morocco). Due to the flood irrigation method used in the site, which induces irregular pattern of soil moisture both in space and time, the comparison between scintillometer-based estimates of daily sensible heat flux (HLAS) and those measured by the classical eddy covariance (EC) method (HEC) showed a large scatter during the irrigation events, while a good correspondence was found during homogenous conditions (dry conditions and days following the rain events). We found, that combining a simple available energy model and the LAS measurements, the latent heat can be reliably predicted at large scale in spite of the large scatter (R2 = 0.72 and RMSE = 18.25Wm2) that is obtained when comparing the LAS against the EC. This scatter is explained by different factors: the difference in terms of the source areas of the LAS and EC, the closure failure of the energy balance of the EC, and the error in available energy estimates. Additionally, the irrigation efficiency was investigated by comparing measured seasonal evapotranspiration values to those recommended by the FAO. It was found that the visual observation of the physical conditions of the plant is not sufficient to efficiently manage the irrigation, a large quantity of water is lost (37% of total irrigation). Consequently, the LAS can be considered as a potentially useful tool to monitor the water consumption in complex conditions

    Measuring older peoples’ experiences of person-centred coordinated care: experience and methodological reflections from applying a patient reported experience measure in SUSTAIN

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    Introduction While several evaluation studies on (cost-)effectiveness of integrated care have been conducted in recent years, more insight is deemed necessary into integrated care from the perspective of service users. In the context of a European project on integrated care for older people living at home (SUSTAIN), this paper shares the experience and methodological reflections from applying a Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM) on person-centred coordinated care -the P3CEQ- among this population. Methods A combination of quantitative and qualitative data and analysis methods was used to assess the usability and the quality of applying a PREM among older people presenting complex care needs, using the P3CEQ delivery in SUSTAIN as a case study. 228 service users completed the P3CEQ and nine SUSTAIN researchers participated in a consultation about their experience administering the questionnaire. P3CEQ scores were analysed quantitatively using principal component analysis and multilevel linear regression. P3CEQ open responses and researcher notes collected when administering the questionnaire were thematically analysed. Results Service user inclusion was high and most P3CEQ items had low non-response rates. Quantitative analysis and researcher experience indicate the relevance of face-to-face administration for obtaining such an amount of data in this population group. The presence of a carer increased inclusion of more vulnerable respondents, such as the cognitively impaired, but posed a challenge in data interpretation. Although several P3CEQ items were generally understood as intended by questionnaire developers, the analysis of open responses highlights how questions can lead to diverging and sometimes narrow interpretations by respondents. Cognitive impairment and a higher educational attainment were associated with lower levels of perceived person-centredness of care. Conclusion This study shows essential preconditions to meaningfully collect and analyse PREM data on older peoples' experiences with integrated care: face-to-face administration away from care providers, collection of reasons for non-response and open comments providing nuances to answers, and multilevel modelling taking into account diversity in the target population. Several areas of improvement for future PREM use in this population have been identified: use of administration and coding guides, inclusion of clear and easy to understand definitions and examples illustrating what questions do and do not mean, measures of the expectations of person-centred coordinated care, and procedures ensuring sound ethical research. These methodological learnings can enhance future evaluation of integrated care from a service user perspective
