339 research outputs found

    The effect of population density on shoot morphology of herbs in relation to light capture by leaves

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    Plants change their shapes, depending on their environment, for example, plant height increases with increasing population density. We examined the density-dependent plasticity in shoot morphology of herbs by analysing a mathematical model which identifies a number of key factors that influence shoot morphology, namely (i) solar radiation captured by leaves; (ii) shading from neighbouring plants; and (iii) utilisation efficiency of resource by leaves, stems and veins. An optimisation theory was used to obtain optimal shoot morphology in relation to maximal light capture by leaves, under trade-offs of resource partition among organs. We first evaluated the solar radiation flux per unit leaf area per day for different shoot forms. Our model predicts that the optimal internodal length of the stem that brings about the maximal light capture by leaves increases with plant population density, and this is consistent with experimental data. Moreover, our simple model can also be extended to explain the morphological plasticity in other herbs (i.e. stemless plants) that are different from our model plants with a stem. These findings illustrate how optimisation theory can be used for the analysis of plasticity in shoot morphology of plants in response to environmental changes, as well as the analysis of diversity in morphology

    Sustainable Phosphorus Loadings from Effective and Cost-Effective Phosphorus Management Around the Baltic Sea

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    Nutrient over-enrichment of the Baltic Sea, accompanied by intensified algal blooms and decreasing water clarity, has aroused widespread concern in the surrounding countries during the last four decades. This work has used a well-tested dynamic mass-balance model to investigate which decrease in total phosphorus loading would be required to meet the environmental goal to restore the trophic state in the Baltic Sea to pre-1960s levels. Furthermore, the extent to which various abatement options may decrease the phosphorus loading in a cost-effective manner has been studied. Upgrading urban sewage treatment in the catchment could, alone or in combination with banning phosphates in detergents, be sufficient to meet the set environmental goal, at an estimated annual basin-wide cost of 0.21–0.43 billion euro. Such a plan would potentially decrease the total phosphorus loading to the Baltic Sea with 6,650–10,200 tonnes per year

    Coupling of plasmonic nanoparticles to their environments in the context of van der Waals-Casimir interactions

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    We present experiments in which the interaction of a single gold nanoparticle with glass substrates or with another gold particle can be tuned by in-situ control of their separations using scanning probe technology. We record the plasmon resonances of the coupled systems as a function of the polarization of the incident field and the particle position. The distinct spectral changes of the scattered light from the particle pair are in good agreement with the outcome of finite difference time-domain (FDTD) calculations. We believe our experimental technique holds promise for the investigation of the van der Waals-Casimir type interactions between nanoscopic neutral bodies.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    How do MNC R&D laboratory roles affect employee international assignments?

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    Research and development (R&D) employees are important human resources for multinational corporations (MNCs) as they are the driving force behind the advancement of innovative ideas and products. International assignments of these employees can be a unique way to upgrade their expertise; allowing them to effectively recombine their unique human resources to progress existing knowledge and advance new ones. This study aims to investigate the effect of the roles of R&D laboratories in which these employees work on the international assignments they undertake. We categorise R&D laboratory roles into those of the support laboratory, the locally integrated laboratory and the internationally interdependent laboratory. Based on the theory of resource recombinations, we hypothesise that R&D employees in support laboratories are not likely to assume international assignments, whereas those in locally integrated and internationally interdependent laboratories are likely to assume international assignments. The empirical evidence, which draws from research conducted on 559 professionals in 66 MNC subsidiaries based in Greece, provides support to our hypotheses. The resource recombinations theory that extends the resource based view can effectively illuminate the international assignment field. Also, research may provide more emphasis on the close work context of R&D scientists rather than analyse their demographic characteristics, the latter being the focus of scholarly practice hitherto
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