36 research outputs found

    Consideraciones sobre el final del relleno endorreico de las fosas de Calatayud y Teruel y su paso al exorreísmo. Implicaciones morfoestratigráficas y estructurales

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    [Resumen] Se pone en evidencia como la edad de la Superficie de Erosión Fundamental y el final del relleno endorreico de las fosas de Calatayud y Teruel, en la Cordillera Ibérica, no es un evento isócrono, sino variable en ambas depresiones yen. distintos sectores de una misma. La información geomorfológica y estratigráfica demuestra como la captura de una depresión endorreica y su paso al exorreismo es un proceso gradual en el espacio y en el tiempo, sin que necesariamente esté relacionado con estímulos tectónicos o climáticos. Así un intervalo de tiempo postcaptura puede estar representado en distintos sectores de una fosa por sedimentos endorreicos, hiatos erosivos o de no depósito y depósitos aluviales exorreicos. Por otra parte se cuestiona la cronoestratigrafía tradicional de los mantos aluviales depositados en condiciones exorreicas. Finalmente se esboza la evolución espacio temporal de la captura y paso al exorreismo de las fosas de Calatayud y Teruel y de las semifosas pliocuaternarias del sector central de la Cordillera Ibérica.[Abstract] It is shown how the age of the "Fundamental Erosión Surface" and the end of the endorheic infill of Calatayud and Teruel grabens, in the Iberian Range, is not isochronous, but variable between both basins and among different sectors of a certain one. Both, geomorphological and stratigraphical evidences demonstrate how the capture of an endorheic basin and its transition to exorheic conditions is a gradual process, which not necessarily has to be related with tectonic or climatic factors. A po~t-capture time span may be represented in different sectors of a graben by endorheic sediments, erosional and nondepositional hiatus and alluvial exorheic deposits. On the other hand, the traditional chronostratigraphy of the alluvial fans deposited under exorheic conditions is argued. Finally, the space and time evolution of the capture and transition to exorheic conditions in Teruel and Calatayud grabens and in the Plioquaternary halfgrabens of the central sector of the Iberian range is outlined

    Retroceso de escarpes en ambientes semiáridos a partir de facetas triangulares de ladera (depresión del Ebro)

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    [Resumen] La evolución de las laderas en las regiones áridas puede dar lugar a la generaciónde facetas triangulares de ladera situadas al pie de relieves estructurales. Al Surde Zaragoza (Depresión del Ebro) existe un buen ejemplo de secuencias de facetas triangulares donde se pueden identificar cinco estadios de evolución de laderas (Sl a Ss' de la más reciente a la más antigua). Los depósitos de estas laderas contienen fragmentos de cerámicas, carbón vegetal y cenizas que permiten obtener dataciones relativas y absolutas. El contenido en cerámicas de las acumulaciones indica una edad final de generación posterior al siglo XIX para Sl y posterior al Bronce Medio-Final (3.500-3.100 BP) para S2. Las dataciones por Carbono-14 obtenidas son 2.529±52 BP y 2.930±60 BP para S2' 27.862±444 BP para S3 y 35.570±490 BP' para S4. La acumulación más antigua no ha podido ser datada. La extrapolación de las ecuaciones logarítmicas ajustadas a los perfiles de las facetas permite calcular los retrocesos del escarpe. Los datos obtenidos indican velocidades de retroceso del escarpe de 0.9-1 m/l.000 años para los últimos 35.000 años.[Abstract] Slope evolution in arid regions may result in the development of talus flatiron sequences at the foot of structural reliefs. A good example exists to the South of Zaragoza (Ebro Basin), where five stages of slope evolution have been identified in the talus flatiron sequences (Sl to Ss' youngest to oldest). The deposits of these slopes contain pottery remains, charcoal and ashes which permit to carry out relative and absolute datings of the slope accumulations. Based on the pottery content, the most recent accumulation stage (Sl) is post-19th century. The pottery remains of the previous one (S2) indicate an age post-Middle-Late Bronze (3.5003.100 BP) and 14C datings obtained for this accumulation are 2.529±52 BP and 2.930±60 BP. The talus flatirons S3 have provided an age of 27.862±444 BP by 14C and for S4 the age is 35.570±490 BP. The oldest accumulation has not been dated. The extrapolation of the logaritmic equation fit from the talus flatiron profiles allows to calculate the scarp retreats. The data supplied indicate rates of scarp retreat of 0.9-1 m/1.000 years over the past 35.000 years

    Los valles tectónicos recientes de Rubielos de la Cerida (Teruel)

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    [Resumen] La actividad tectónica cuaternaria y reciente ha dado lugar en este área a un conjunto de depresiones alargadas de orientación submeridiana, enmarcadas por fallas, que constituyen valles tectónicos[Abstract] Quaternary and recent tectonic activity led to a series of elongated depressions in the studied area of roughly N-S orientation, framed by faults, and developping as tectonic valleys

    Depósitos periglaciales en la vertiente septentrional de la Sierra de Lújar. Implicaciones neotectónicas

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    En la vertiente septentrional de la Sierra de Lújar afloran depósitos cuaternarios antiguos, colgados varias decenas de metros sobre los cauces actuales. Están representados por encostramientos que configuran morfológicamente un paleorelieve bien conservado, y por grèzes litées subyacentes. En esta nota se discute el origen y significado de estos depósitos periglaciales que llegan a alcanzar cotas relativamente bajas, dada la latitud del sector estudiado y su escasa distancia -sólo 20 km- de la costa mediterránea. Se plantea la hipótesis de un hundimiento importante en tiempos recientes, asociado a las fallas que jalonan el Corredor de las Alpujarras.In the northern side of Sierra de Lújar outcrop ancient quaternary deposits overhanging several tens of meters the present river system. They are represented by hardened crusts, morphologically constituting a well preserved paleotopography, and by underlying grèzes litées. In this paper we discuss the origin and meaning of these periglacial deposits occurring at rather low heights, considering the latitude of the surveyed area, located, in the other hand, at hardly 20 km from the mediterranean coast. We put forward the hypothesis of a significant subsidence in recent times, related to the fault system of the Alpujarras Corridor

    Morfología de vertientes y neotectónica en el Macizo de Javalambre (provincia de Teruel)

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    [Resumen] El modelado actual de las vertientes del macizo de Javalambre es consecuencia de tres tipos principales de procesos que actúan a partir de su elevación a comienzos del Plioceno -superior: (a) la dinámica periglaciar, (b) una etapa de activida~ tect6nica ocurrida hacia el Pleistoceno medio-superior, y (c) deslizamientos gravitacionales, translacionales y rotacionales producidos a favor de un sustrato plástico en las áreas de mayor incisión de la red -fluvial.Abstract] The present slope form in Javalambre area results from three principal types of processes which are active after its elevation in the early Upper Pliocene: (a) periglacial dynamics, (b) a tectonic phase in Middle-Upper Pleistocene, and (c) gravitational, translational and rotational landslides generated over plastic rocks in zones with a intensive fluvial incisio

    Evapotranspiration and crop coefficients of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under sprinkler irrigation in a semiarid climate determined by the surface renewal method

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    The evapotranspiration (ETc) of sprinkler-irrigated rice was determined for the semiarid conditions of NE Spain during 2001, 2002 and 2003. The surface renewal method, after calibration against the eddy covariance method, was used to obtain values of sensible heat flux (H) from high-frequency temperature readings. Latent heat flux values were obtained by solving the energy balance equation. Finally, lysimeter measurements were used to validate the evapotranspiration values obtained with the surface renewal method. Seasonal rice evapotranspiration was about 750–800 mm. Average daily ETc for mid-season (from 90 to 130 days after sowing) was 5.1, 4.5 and 6.1 mm day−1 for 2001, 2002 and 2003, respectively. The experimental weekly crop coefficients fluctuated in the range of 0.83–1.20 for 2001, 0.81–1.03 for 2002 and 0.84–1.15 for 2003. The total growing season was about 150–160 days. In average, the crop coefficients for the initial (Kcini), mid-season (Kcmid) and late-season stages (Kcend) were 0.92, 1.06 and 1.03, respectively, the length of these stages being about 55, 45 and 25 days, respectively

    Large scale multifactorial likelihood quantitative analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants: An ENIGMA resource to support clinical variant classification

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    The multifactorial likelihood analysis method has demonstrated utility for quantitative assessment of variant pathogenicity for multiple cancer syndrome genes. Independent data types currently incorporated in the model for assessing BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants include clinically calibrated prior probability of pathogenicity based on variant location and bioinformatic prediction of variant effect, co-segregation, family cancer history profile, co-occurrence with a pathogenic variant in the same gene, breast tumor pathology, and case-control information. Research and clinical data for multifactorial likelihood analysis were collated for 1,395 BRCA1/2 predominantly intronic and missense variants, enabling classification based on posterior probability of pathogenicity for 734 variants: 447 variants were classified as (likely) benign, and 94 as (likely) pathogenic; and 248 classifications were new or considerably altered relative to ClinVar submissions. Classifications were compared with information not yet included in the likelihood model, and evidence strengths aligned to those recommended for ACMG/AMP classification codes. Altered mRNA splicing or function relative to known nonpathogenic variant controls were moderately to strongly predictive of variant pathogenicity. Variant absence in population datasets provided supporting evidence for variant pathogenicity. These findings have direct relevance for BRCA1 and BRCA2 variant evaluation, and justify the need for gene-specific calibration of evidence types used for variant classification

    Estudios geológicos en los alrededores de los Ausines (Burgos - NW Ibérica)

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    Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Talus flatirons as palaeocllmatic indicators in semiarid environments (Ebro Basin)

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    Talus flatirons are relic slope accumulations preserved at the foot of structural platforms and mesas. The generation of talus flatiron sequences involves alternating accumulation and incision periods indicating clear changes in the activity of the geomorphological processes. A good example exists to the South of Zaragoza within the Ebro Basin, where five stages of slope evolution have been identified in the talus flatiron sequences (S, to Sy youngest to oldest). The deposits of these slope accumulations contain pottery remains, charcoal and ashes which permit to carry out relative and absolute datings of the slope accumulations. Based on the pottery content, the most recent accumulation stage (S) is post-19th century. The pottery remains of the previous one (SJ indicates a post-Middle-Late Bronze and the 14C datings obtained for this accumulation are 2.529±52 BP and 2.930±60 BP. The talus flatirons S3 has provided an age of 27.862±444 years BP by UC and for the S4 the age is 35.570±490 BP. The oldest accumulation has not been dated. The datings allow to correlate the accumulation stages with cold climatic periods of the Upper Pleistocene and Holocene. These cold periods alternate with warm climatic periods during which the dominant water erosion isolates the talus flatiro

    Tectónica cuaternaria en el área de Almunia (provincia de Zaragoza)

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    [Resumen] Los depósitos pliocuaternarios de la Almunia aparecen basculados contra las sierras ibéricas como consecuencia de la probable reactivación de una falla de borde NW-SE. Las deformaciones parecen prolongarse durante el Pleistoceno antíguo[Abstract] Pliocuaternary deposits of La Almunia are –tilted to Iberian Range by probable reactivation of a NW-SE fault on the boundary with the Ebro Bassin. The deformations are probably prolongated during Early Pleistocen