30 research outputs found

    The internal mechanisms of entrepreneur´s social capital: A multi-network analysis

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    Producción CientíficaThe present work addresses how and to what extent the personal and professional relationship networks of small-scale local entrepreneurs help improve their scarce resource endowments. Adopting a mechanistic and functioning oriented view of social capital, the paper suggests the existence of two different mechanisms which may explain the enrichment and entrepreneurial exploitation processes of social capital's resources: (1) the resource mechanism, based on a network's size and diversity, providing quantity and variety of social capital resources, and (2) the exchange mechanism, based on a network's cohesion and relational quality, favouring the interchangeability of these resources among network members. The empirical study individually explores both the personal and professional networks of 958 Spanish entrepreneurs. Findings reveal how the two mechanisms are necessary and mutually complementary, although the resource mechanism proves more advantageous when exploiting personal networks, whereas the exchange mechanism prevails in the case of professional networks.Junta de Castilla y León (proyecto VA085G18)Fondo europeo de desarrollo regional (proyecto VA112P17)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y competitividad (proyecto ECO2017-86628-P

    La política de dividendos en los bancos privados españoles: modelos de comportamiento

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    Dividend Policy in Spanish Prívate Banks: Behavioral Models. The purpose of this paper is to verify different behavioral models in dividend policy. The research has been done with a sample of Spanish private banks which are divided in two periods: 1976-80 and 1981-85. We test the hypothesis of partíal adjustement and the hypothesis of adaptative expectations for both periods. We use an integration model which refunds the two assumptions. The empirical results show that in the first period of time we can accept that only one of the effects is instant, while during 1981-85 both efects are it.El propósito de este trabajo es contrastar diferentes modelos de comportamiento en política de dividendos. La investigación se efectúa sobre una muestra de bancos privados españoles, durante los subperiodos 1976-80 y 1981-85. Se contrastan tanto la hipótesis de ajuste parcial como la de contenido informativo, presentándose la estimación de un modelo integrado. Los resultados empíricos confirman que en el primer subperiodo podemos aceptar que sólo uno de los efectos es instantáneo, mientras que en el segundo ambos lo son

    How brand post content contributes to user's Facebook brand-page engagement. The experiential route of active participation

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    Producción CientíficaCreating and developing a firm-hosted virtual brand community forms part of a rela-tionship marketing strategy; therefore, it makes sense to evaluate its effectiveness in termsof relational outcomes. In an attempt to know how marketers can foster the relationship withthe brand through virtual communities, we posit and estimate a model of relational efficacyfor a firm-managed Facebook brand page (FBP) in which the brand posts created by the firminfluence the behavioural engagement of individual users through the utilitarian and hedonicvalues derived from their interactive experiences within the FBP. The findings highlight thatinformation posts stimulate user behavioural engagement through the utilitarian experientialroute. Aside from any experiential route and adopting a more direct path, interaction posts arethe main drivers of engagement behaviour. Image posts contribute towards the perception ofutility, but in no way affect engagement. Finally, in order to gain a deeper insight, we explorethe moderating effect of user brand purchase intensity on the relations posited in the model.Ministerio de economía y competitividad (proyecto ECO2012-36275

    Lecciones básicas de Derecho e instituciones de la Unión Europea

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    Los materiales docentes que aquí se presentan pretenden ser un texto de ayuda y consulta para aquellos que se acercan al Derecho de la Unión Europea; en ellos no sólo se contienen los conceptos básicos de la materia, sino que se han añadido a éstos, una serie de actividades didácticas y formativas específicamente orientadas al estudiante, y que le han de servir como instrumento para poder asentar sus conocimientos mediante la realización de prácticas y autoevaluaciones.The teaching materials presented here are intended as a help text and consultation for those who come to the European Union law; they not only contain the basic concepts of matter, but that have been added to these, a series of educational activities and training specifically geared toward the student, and that you have to serve as the instrument to be able to hone their knowledge through practical work and self-evaluations

    La relación precio-calidad percibida: un estudio empírico

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    Precios de referencia y comportamiento de compra

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    La relación precio-calidad objetiva: un examen de la literatura empírica

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    La relación precio-calidad percibida: un análisis de la evidencia empírica disponible

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    Los factores determinantes del crecimiento sostenible: una análisis agregado para los bancos privados españoles

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