29 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh Total Quality Management, sistem reward dan profit center terhadap kinerja manajerial pada Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Kabupaten Purwakarta. Pendekatan peneltian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan menggunakan data primer. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah nonprobability sampling dengan metode sampling jenuh. Analisis statistik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji analisis regresi berganda, korelasi, pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji t dan F serta analisis koefisien determinasi. Populasi penelitian ini adalah top manager, midel manager, dan low mananger yang ada di PDAM Kabupaten Purwakarta, sampel penelitian yang digunakan adalah 23 orang dengan sumber data yang diperoleh melalui hasil pengisian kuesioner. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa secara parsisal total quality management, sistem reward dan profit center berpengaruh terhadap kinerja manajerial. Dimana besarnya pengaruh total quality management sebesar 56%, sistem reward 5,8%, profit center 19,3% terhadap kinerja maanjerial. Secara simultan total quality management, sistem reward dan profit center berpengaruh terhadap kinerja manajerial sebesar 82% , sedangkan sisanya yaitu sebesar 18% merupakan pengaruh lain di luar ketiga variabel independen yang sedang di teliti. Kata Kunci : Total Quality Management, Sistem Reward, Profit Center, Kinerja Manajerial ABSTRACT This research aims to determine the influence of the total quality management, reward system, and profit center fit to the managerial performance at Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Kabupaten Purwakarta. The research approach used in this study is a descriptive and verification analysis by using prmary data. The sampling technique used is nonprobability sampling with the method is jenuh sampling. Statistical analysis used in this study is the multiple regression analysis, correlation, hypothesis testing using t-test and F-test and analysis of the coefficient of determination. The population of this research is to top manager, midel manager and lower manager at the PDAM Kabupaten Purwakarta, the sample used in this reaearch are 23 people with the sources of the data obtained through the results of questionnaire. Based on the results conducted by partial evaluation can be seen that the total quality management, reward system an profit center to the managerial performance. Where the influence of the total quality management as much as 56%, reward system as much as 5,8% and proft center as much as 19,3% to the managerial performance. Simultaneously, the effect of the total quality management, reward system and profit center as much as 82% while the remaining as much 18% is the infulence of other factors outside of the independent variables in the research. Keywords: Total Quality Management, Reward System, Profit Center, Managemen


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    AbstractThis study  aimed to determine students' critical thinking skills toward IPS subject inVIII F Grade of MTS Negeri 1 Pontianak with the application of problem posing learning model. The variables in this study were problem posing learning model and students' critical thinking skills using Quasi Experimental Design research method. The data samples of this research were from 30 students of VIII F Grade in MTs Negeri 1 Pontianak. The data collection used direct observation techniques, documentary study techniques, and measurement techniques. The results showed of the comparison score between the first posttest with the second posttest showed that 20 out of 30 students experienced an increase and the comparison of the second posttest with the third posttest indicated that 17 out of 30 students had increased. Therefore, generally the application of the problem posing learning model was proven could improve students' critical thinking skills in VIII F Grade of MTS Negeri 1 Pontianak. Keyword: IPS, Problem Posing, Student’ Critical Thinkin

    Gambaran Kesiapsiagaan Masyarakat dalam Antisipasi Bencana Banjir Di Kecamatan Danau Kerinci Barat Kabupaten Kerinci

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    Flood disaster is one of the biggest disasters in the world. It is hoped that the readiness and knowledge of the community in dealing with floods is expected to be proactive in being able to take preventive, emergency response and rehabilitation measures in collaboration with the government to maintain the environment that can cause flooding in order to minimize the impact it causes. The magnitude of the potential for flooding in Kerinci prompted the need for community preparedness measures to reduce losses due to these impacts. This study aims to determine the description of community preparedness in anticipation of flood disasters in Danau Kerinci Barat District, Kerinci Regency. This type of research used a quantitative descriptive design. This research was conducted in 5 villages located in the West Lake Kerinci District, namely, the villages of Tanjung Pauh Mudik, Pancuran Tiga, Punai Merindu, Bukit Pulai and Sumur Jauh. The population of all family heads in the 5 villages was 1,580 with a sample size of 110 samples. Technique Sampling used Cluster Random SamplingThe results showed the parameters of knowledge are classified as very ready, the parameters for policies and guidelines are not ready, the parameters for the emergency response plan are classified as less ready, the parameters for disaster warning are classified as less ready, and the parameters for resource mobilization are classified as not ready. It can concluded that the description of community preparedness in anticipation of flood disasters in Danau Kerinci Barat District, Kerinci Regency is classified as almost ready. ABSTRAK Bencana banjir termasuk bencana terbesar di dunia. Kesiapan  dan  pengetahuan masyarakat dalam menghadapi banjir diharapkan bersifat proaktif  untuk dapat  melakukan  langkah-langkah pencegahan,  tanggap  darurat  serta rehabiitasi  yang  bekerjasama  dengan pemerintah  untuk  memelihara lingkungan  yang  dapat  menyebabkan banjir agar  dapat  meminimalisir  dampak yang ditimbulkan. Besarnya potensi kejadian banjir di Kerinci mendorong kebutuhan akan tindakan kesiapsiagaan masyarakat untuk mengurangi kerugian akibat dampak tersebut.Penelitian Ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kesiapsiagaan masyarakat dalam antisipasi bencana banjir di Kecamatan Danau Kerinci Barat Kabupaten Kerinci. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di 5 desa yang berada di Kecamatan Danau Kerinci Barat yaitu, desa Tanjung Pauh Mudik, Pancuran Tiga, Punai Merindu, Bukit Pulai dan Sumur Jauh. Populasi seluruh kepala keluarga yang berada di 5 desa tersebut sebanyak 1.580 dengan jumlah sampel 110 sampel. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode Cluster Random SamplingHasil penelitian menunjukkan pada parameter pengetahuan tergolong sangat siap, parameter kebijakan dan panduan tergolong belum siap, parameter rencana tanggap darurat tergolong kurang siap, parameter peringatan bencana tergolong kurang siap, dan parameter mobilisasi sumber daya tergolong belum siap. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan gambaran kesiapsiagaan masyarakat dalam antisipasi bencana banjir di Kecamatan Danau Kerinci Barat Kabupatn Kerinci tergolong hampir siap. Kata Kunci : Kesiapsiagaan, Bencana Banji


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemahaman wajib pajak orang pribadi terhadap pelaksanaan kewajiban perpajakan di kota Bukittinggi. Pajak memiliki kontribusi yang sangat besar dalam APBN negara Republik Indonesia, yang berarti perannya sangat besar bagi kelangsungan pembangunan bangsa ini. Melalui pajak, pemerintah dapat membiayai sarana dan prasarana publik di seluruh sektor kehidupan. Agar penerimaan dari sektor pajak dapat maksimal, diperlukan kesadaran dan pemahaman yang memadai dari wajib pajak tentang perpajakan. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan menguji pemahaman masyarakat kota Bukittinggi terhadap peraturan pelaksanaan kewajiban perpajakan. Tingkat pemahaman diukur dengan menggunakan media kuisioner yang terdiri dari 25 pertanyaan dan dilakukan kepada 57 orang wajib pajak PPh orang pribadi di kota Bukittinggi dengan kriteria wajib pajak yang mempunyai NPWP dan berpenghasilan di atas PTKP per tahunnya. Hal yang diukur adalah pemahaman terhadap pengetahuan umum PPh, prosedur pelaksanaan kewajiban wajib pajak dan pelaksanaan pembayaran PPh. Setelah dilakukan penelitian, diperoleh hasil bahwa wajib pajak PPh orang pribadi di Kota Bukittinggi masih kurang paham dengan skor tingkat pemahaman 47,44 %

    Membangun Motivasi Pelajar Untuk Melanjutkan Pendidikan Ke Jenjang Perguruan Tinggi

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    Realizing the quality and competency of people who can assist in the success of development is one of higher education's key roles. Graduates of high school, vocational school, or madrasah aliyah programs might choose to enroll in classes, work, pursue further education, or remain unemployed. They lack knowledge about scholarship information, tuition funding plans, or higher education. The implementation of this community service program aims to raise student motivation about the value of higher education for the growth of self-potential, careers, and standards of living in all facets of society. It also aims to increase knowledge, insight, understanding, and awareness about the importance of continuing education. The delivery of the subject takes the form of lectures and discuss, as well as practice sessions and individual work. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Dengan Metode CD (Ceramah, Demonstrasi) Terhadap Peningkatan Prilaku Ibu alam Pencegahan Diare Pada Balita Usia (0-1 Tahun) Di Puskesmas Keputih Surabaya

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    Diarrhea is one of primary cause of morbidity and mortality in all age group and area. One of the factors that can cause diarrhea is mother‟s behavior. Thus, diarrhea prevention is an important thing that should be known by the family, especially the mother. The purpose of this study was to analyzed the influence of CD (Ceramah & Demontrasi) method in increasing the mother‟s behavior in preventing the diarrhea in toddler aged 0-1 year. This study used quasy-experimental method involving 36 mothers, 18 mothers as the treatment group and 18 mothers as the control group. Sample was taken using cluster sampling. The Data were collected using questionnaires and then analyzed using Wilcoxon signed rank and Mann Whitney test with the level of significance α=0.05. The result showed that mother‟s behavior significantly increased after CD with knowledge variable for treatment group (p=0.001), the control group (p=0,001), Mann Whitney U Test posttest (p=0.018). Analysis of attitude variable for treatment group (p=0.025), the control group (p= 157), Mann Whitney U Test posttest (p=0.0791). Analysis of practice variable for treatment group (p=0.0584), the control group (p=0,000), Mann Whitney posttest (p=0.091).This result suggested that health education with CD method can be used as a way to improve the knowledge and practice of mother in preventing diarrhea in toddler aged 0-1

    Analysis of Ethyl p-Methoxycinnamate from Kaempferia galanga L. Extract by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

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    Ethyl para-methoxycinamate (EPMS) is a major compound of Kaempferia galanga L that has anti-inflammatory effect.  The purpose of this study was to determine of EPMS in Kaempferiae galanga L rhizome extract by  High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and evaluated the performance of the analysis. This study included determination of system suitability, accuracy, precision, linearity and range, limit of detection (LOD) and Limit of quantitation (LOQ) and selectivity.  The results of system suitability test  HPLC System for EPMS analysis were as follows isocratic elution system of a mobile phase mixture of methanol: water (70:30) containing 0.1% TFA, uv detector at a wavelength of 308 nm using column C18 (150 × 4, 6mm, 5?m) flow rate 1 ml / min. From the analysis, it was found that the average EPMS content was 78.74%. Then method had linear concentration range from 5-360 ppm, with R ² = 0.9999. The LOD and LOQ were 7.0722 ppm and 21.4311 ppm respectively. The accuracy of this method that represented by % recovery was 98.02% - 101.26%. The precision of this method that expressed by Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) was 1.57%. The selectivity of this method that showed by  resolution value was 2.6. Based on the results of the system suitability test and analysis performance evaluation,all parameters met the requirements


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    ABSTRACT  Lignin of lignosulfonate was made by a waste product of pulp and paper industry which can be used as a water reducer in a mortar mixture  which consisted of 338 grams of water, 1050 grams of stone granule, 520 grams cement and 0.3 percent of natrium lignosulfonate. The mechanical characteristics of this mortar substances can influence such as diameter of flow, flexural strength, compressive strength, and setting time of cement paste. Lignosulfonate shows its function as dispersant on cement hydration for 3 days as it was analyzed by x-ray difractometer. Research result showed that flow of fresh mortar rise with increase of concentration (from weight of cement) of synthetic natrium lignosulfonate (NaLS). It showed that mortar homogenity also increased. The result of flexural strength and compressive strength tests using synthetic NaLS of 0.1-0.3% from weight of cement showed that addition of synthetic NaLS of 0.2% was the best result as shown it had the highest of flexural strenght and compressive strength values. Initial setting time of cement paste increased about 50% with addition of synthetic NaLS 0.2%. Whereas the final setting time decreased about 8%. Cement hydration test showed the increases of hydration product peak, Ca(OH)2 and calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) contents.  Keywords: black liquor, lignosulfonate, mortar, compressive strength, flexural strength


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    ABSTRACT  Lignin of lignosulfonate was made by a waste product of pulp and paper industry which can be used as a water reducer in a mortar mixture  which consisted of 338 grams of water, 1050 grams of stone granule, 520 grams cement and 0.3 percent of natrium lignosulfonate. The mechanical characteristics of this mortar substances can influence such as diameter of flow, flexural strength, compressive strength, and setting time of cement paste. Lignosulfonate shows its function as dispersant on cement hydration for 3 days as it was analyzed by x-ray difractometer. Research result showed that flow of fresh mortar rise with increase of concentration (from weight of cement) of synthetic natrium lignosulfonate (NaLS). It showed that mortar homogenity also increased. The result of flexural strength and compressive strength tests using synthetic NaLS of 0.1-0.3% from weight of cement showed that addition of synthetic NaLS of 0.2% was the best result as shown it had the highest of flexural strenght and compressive strength values. Initial setting time of cement paste increased about 50% with addition of synthetic NaLS 0.2%. Whereas the final setting time decreased about 8%. Cement hydration test showed the increases of hydration product peak, Ca(OH)2 and calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) contents.  Keywords: black liquor, lignosulfonate, mortar, compressive strength, flexural strength

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Bawang Merah dan Air Kelapa terhadap Pematahan Dormansi Biji dan Pertumbuhan Kecambah Bidara Ziziphus nummularia (Rhamnaceae)

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    Bidara (Ziziphus nummularia (Brum.f.) Wight & Arn.) merupakan tumbuhan yang memiliki beragam manfaat, termasuk sebagai obat. Akan tetapi, informasi mengenai teknik budidaya bidara masih terbatas. Tumbuhan ini juga relatif sulit dibudidaya secara generatif karena memiliki lapisan endokarp yang keras sehingga dormansi bijinya sulit untuk dipatahkan. Beragam zat pengatur tumbuh (ZPT) dikembangkan untuk mematahkan dormansi biji. Ekstrak bawang merah dan air kelapa mengandung ZPT yang diketahui dapat mematahkan dormansi biji beberapa jenis tumbuhan. Akan tetapi penggunaan ekstrak bawang merah dan air kelapa terhadap pematahan dormanis biji bidara belum pernah dipublikasikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh ekstrak bawang merah dan air kelapa terhadap pematahan dormansi biji dan pertumbuhan kecambah bidara. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Garut pada bulan Juli sampai Agustus 2021. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Non Faktorial dengan 6 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari A1: air kelapa, perendaman selama 12 jam, A2: air kelapa, 24 jam, A3: air kelapa, 36 jam, A4: ekstrak bawang merah, 12 jam, A5: ekstrak bawang merah, 24 jam, A6: ekstrak bawang merah, 36 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada perlakuan dengan air kelapa, durasi perendaman biji terbaik adalah 24 jam karena menghasilkan jumlah kecambah normal terbanyak dan pertumbuhan kecambah paling cepat yang diamati berdasarkan tinggi, panjang, dan bobot kecambah. Pada perlakuan dengan ekstrak umbi bawang merah, semakin lama perendaman biji, pertumbuhan kecambah semakin cepat yang diamati berdasarkan tinggi dan panjang kecambah serta panjang akar, akan tetapi jumlah kecambah normal menurun. Air kelapa lebih baik dibandingkan ekstrak bawang merah dalam menghasilkan jumlah kecambah normal. Ekstrak bawang merah lebih baik dibandingkan air kelapa dalam mempercepat pertumbuhan kecambah. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar dalam pengembangan teknik budidaya bidara secara generatif