2,660 research outputs found

    Spectrum of a magnetized strong-leg quantum spin ladder

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    Inelastic neutron scattering is used to measure the spin excitation spectrum of the Heisenberg S=1/2S=1/2 ladder material (C7_7H10_10N)2_2CuBr4_4 in its entirety, both in the gapped spin-liquid and the magnetic field induced Tomonaga-Luttinger spin liquid regimes. A fundamental change of the spin dynamics is observed between these two regimes. DMRG calculations quantitatively reproduce and help understand the observed commensurate and incommensurate excitations. The results validate long-standing quantum field theoretical predictions, but also test the limits of that approach

    The magnetic exchange parameters and anisotropy of the quasi-two dimensional antiferromagnet NiPS3_3

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    Neutron inelastic scattering has been used to measure the magnetic excitations in powdered NiPS3_3, a quasi-two dimensional antiferromagnet with spin S=1S = 1 on a honeycomb lattice. The spectra show clear, dispersive magnons with a 7\sim 7 meV gap at the Brillouin zone center. The data were fitted using a Heisenberg Hamiltonian with a single-ion anisotropy assuming no magnetic exchange between the honeycomb planes. Magnetic exchange interactions up to the third intraplanar nearest-neighbour were required. The fits show robustly that NiPS3_3 has an easy axis anisotropy with Δ=0.3\Delta = 0.3 meV and that the third nearest-neighbour has a strong antiferromagnetic exchange of J3=6.90J_3 = -6.90 meV. The data can be fitted reasonably well with either J1<0J_1 < 0 or J1>0J_1 > 0, however the best quantitative agreement with high-resolution data indicate that the nearest-neighbour interaction is ferromagnetic with J1=1.9J_1 = 1.9 meV and that the second nearest-neighbour exchange is small and antiferromagnetic with J2=0.1J_2 = -0.1 meV. The dispersion has a minimum in the Brillouin zone corner that is slightly larger than that at the Brillouin zone center, indicating that the magnetic structure of NiPS3_3 is close to being unstable.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, 33 reference

    Quasiparticle Breakdown and Spin Hamiltonian of the Frustrated Quantum Pyrochlore Yb2_2Ti2_2O7_7 in Magnetic Field

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    The frustrated pyrochlore magnet Yb2_2Ti2_2O7_7 has the remarkable property that it orders magnetically, but has no propagating magnons over wide regions of the Brillouin zone. Here we use inelastic neutron scattering to follow how the spectrum evolves in cubic-axis magnetic fields. At high fields we observe in addition to dispersive magnons also a two-magnon continuum, which grows in intensity upon reducing the field and overlaps with the one-magnon states at intermediate fields leading to strong renormalization of the dispersion relations, and magnon decays. Using heat capacity measurements we find that the low and high field regions are smoothly connected with no sharp phase transition, with the spin gap increasing monotonically in field. Through fits to an extensive data set we re-evaluate the spin Hamiltonian finding dominant quantum exchange terms, which we propose are responsible for the anomalously strong fluctuations and quasiparticle breakdown effects observed at low fields.Comment: 5 pages main text + 19 pages supplemental materia

    Exotic magnetism on the quasi-FCC lattices of the d3d^3 double perovskites La2_2NaB'O6_6 (B' == Ru, Os)

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    We find evidence for long-range and short-range (ζ\zeta == 70 \AA~at 4 K) incommensurate magnetic order on the quasi-face-centered-cubic (FCC) lattices of the monoclinic double perovskites La2_2NaRuO6_6 and La2_2NaOsO6_6 respectively. Incommensurate magnetic order on the FCC lattice has not been predicted by mean field theory, but may arise via a delicate balance of inequivalent nearest neighbour and next nearest neighbour exchange interactions. In the Ru system with long-range order, inelastic neutron scattering also reveals a spin gap Δ\Delta \sim 2.75 meV. Magnetic anisotropy is generally minimized in the more familiar octahedrally-coordinated 3d33d^3 systems, so the large gap observed for La2_2NaRuO6_6 may result from the significantly enhanced value of spin-orbit coupling in this 4d34d^3 material.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetic soft modes in the locally distorted triangular antiferromagnet alpha-CaCr2O4

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    In this paper we explore the phase diagram and excitations of a distorted triangular lattice antiferromagnet. The unique two-dimensional distortion considered here is very different from the 'isosceles'-type distortion that has been extensively investigated. We show that it is able to stabilize a 120{\deg} spin structure for a large range of exchange interaction values, while new structures are found for extreme distortions. A physical realization of this model is \alpha-CaCr2O4 which has 120{\deg} structure but lies very close to the phase boundary. This is verified by inelastic neutron scattering which reveals unusual roton-like minima at reciprocal space points different from those corresponding to the magnetic order.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures and lots of spin-wave

    The representations of teachers’ role identity. A study on the “professional common sense”

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    The innovations introduced within a social and organizational context -the school context, in the case study discussed here- challenge the established systems of practices as well as people’s shared representations of their role and professional identity (Jensen &amp; Wagoner, 2009; Castro &amp; Batel, 2008). The innovations may even encourage the production of conflicting meanings (Elcheroth, Doise, &amp; Reicher, 2011) able to facilitate or, on the other hand, hinder the expected transformations. Therefore, the study of the shared symbolic meanings may contribute to the acknowledgement of the dynamics of development of a system in terms of resistance or adhesion to change… which is a mandatory issue for the school system