985 research outputs found

    Stressing the Boundaries of Mobile Accessibility

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    Mobile devices gather the communication capabilities as no other gadget. Plus, they now comprise a wider set of applications while still maintaining reduced size and weight. They have started to include accessibility features that enable the inclusion of disabled people. However, these inclusive efforts still fall short considering the possibilities of such devices. This is mainly due to the lack of interoperability and extensibility of current mobile operating systems (OS). In this paper, we present a case study of a multi-impaired person where access to basic mobile applications was provided in an applicational basis. We outline the main flaws in current mobile OS and suggest how these could further empower developers to provide accessibility components. These could then be compounded to provide system-wide inclusion to a wider range of (multi)-impairments.Comment: 3 pages, two figures, ACM CHI 2013 Mobile Accessibility Worksho

    Asymptotic expansions, LL-values and a new Quantum Modular Form

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    In 2010 Zagier introduced the notion of a quantum modular form. One of his first examples was the "strange" function F(q)F(q) of Kontsevich. Here we produce a new example of a quantum modular form by making use of some of Ramanujan's mock theta functions. Using these functions and their transformation behaviour, we also compute asymptotic expansions similar to expansions of F(q)F(q).Comment: 7 page

    Clima de segurança no setor hoteleiro : o caso de alguns estabelecimentos no Litoral Alentejano

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    Este artigo reflete os resultados de um estudo realizado com o objetivo de caracterizar o clima de segurança no setor hoteleiro do Litoral Alentejano. Centraliza-se na identificação dos elementos que constituem o clima de segurança existente, conducentes a um clima de segurança positivo ou negativo. A pesquisa envolveu um inquérito por questionário a uma população de 103 respondentes, trabalhadores de 7 estabelecimentos hoteleiros do Litoral Alentejano. Na investigação realizada utilizou-se como método científico o método hipotético – indutivo. Relativamente à natureza da pesquisa recorreu-se à investigação aplicada e quanto à forma de abordagem a opção recaiu na investigação quantitativa. A análise de correspondências múltiplas, a determinação da consistência interna e o cálculo de médias e desvios padrão constituíram os instrumentos de operacionalização da informação recolhida. O estudo dos dados obtidos, para resposta às hipóteses levantadas nesta investigação, permitiu, numa perspetiva generalista, caracterizar o clima de segurança nos estabelecimentos hoteleiros analisados como positivo e tendencialmente forte.This article reflects the results obtained from a study which aims to characterize the safety climate of the hotel sector in Alentejo Litoral, focus on the assessment of the elements that constitute the existing safety climate. These elements can be strengths and weaknesses that lead to a positive or a negative safety climate. The study involved a questionnaire survey to a population of 103 respondents, employees of 7 hotel establishments in Alentejo Litoral. In this research we used the hypothetical-inductive scientific method. Regarding the nature of the research it was employed the applied research, and as for the approaching method it was used the quantitative research. The operationalization instruments of information collected were multiple correspondence analysis, internal consistency determination and the means and standard deviations calculation. The study of data obtained, for answering the hypothesis raised in this investigation, allowed, in a general perspective, to characterize the safety climate of hotel establishments in Alentejo Litoral as positive and tendentiously strong

    Pseudo rough vol-of-vol through Markovian approximation

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    We discuss a possible framework for a (pseudo) rough vol-of-vol model through a multi-factor Markovian approximation of the vol-of-vol process. We identify a key martingale condition which may allow to express the VIX in terms of the solution of a certain Riccati ordinary differential equation. We derive this equation and provide sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions. We also provide some partial results regarding the martingale condition. In particular, we verify a local martingale condition.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Consulting project for the optimization of the automative providers network of Europ assistance Portugal: overview of the network capillarity

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    After an in-depth analysis of EAP’s current situation, it was founda need to implementaction that, ,represent significant operation algains. The seinitiatives have as hort-termim pact, how ever ,they are meant to be a firsts tepfor the introduction of more profound changes. The analysis’ results proved that itis crucial to improve the network efficiency byre- structuring critical zones and excluding low-performing providers. Additionally, to guarantee that EA Pinternal systems runsmoothly, action sare recommended regarding the TASK and RoS systems. Finally, providers ’performance can be enhanced bylinking KPIsto SLA

    Is bitcoin a good investment asset?

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    Mestrado Bolonha em Economia Monetária e FinanceiraThis dissertation aims to analyze the consequences of adding Bitcoin to an in- vestment portfolio. The main methodology used is the Mean-Variance model combined with the Monte Carlo Simulation. Results show that Bitcoin can im- prove the Sharpe Ratio of an already diversified portfolio, however the inclusion of Bitcoin has to be done in proportions averaging 3.83% of the portfolio’s weight. This dissertation also found that Bitcoin does not seem to behave as a safe haven/hedge asset during the Covid-19 pandemic.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    From App Builders to App Editors

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    OutSystems provides a model-driven development and delivery platform aided by a rich visual environment, allowing developers to create enterprise-grade web and mobile applications. Until recently, most of this development capability came from Service Studio, the platform’s Integrated Development Environment (IDE), with which developers can quickly design a fully-fledged application. Nevertheless, in recent times the company has strived to offer a new collection of tools more focused on specific aspects of application development. The builders are tools that allow for non-IT related users to generate complete software solutions, with a small number of interactions, therefore reducing complexities correlated with the assembly of multiple-layer applications. Currently, there are two builders generally available: the Experience Builder providing greater focus towards the initial User Experience (UX) development, and theWorkflow Builder, associated with the design of task management and automation applications. Even though the OutSystems platform allows the combined use of the builders with Service Studio, currently this compatibility is unidirectional. That is, an application created using the Experience Builder, for instance, can be edited in the IDE but the inverse process is not possible. More specifically this shortcoming precludes a builder to update an application created or edited with any OutSystems tool. This substantially damages the chance for collaboration between different types of users employing different Out- Systems tools. The present dissertation sets as its paramount objective the enabling of different personas, both business and tech-oriented, to collaborate on the development of an enterprise-level application, employing the entire set of tools provided by the platform. From a more detailed standpoint, this work consists in the development of necessary model transformations proficient in supporting continuous and collaborative interoperability. Hence, this dissertation aims to expand the reach of the OutSystems product line, but also, from an academic standpoint, it hopes to provide a useful contribution to Model Driven Engineering and model transformations, advancing the state-of-the-art.A OutSystems fornece uma plataforma de desenvolvimento e entrega, orientada ao modelo e suportada num ambiente visual rico, permitindo aos seus programadores criarem aplicações móveis e web de nível empresarial. Durante vários anos, grande parte desta capacidade de desenvolvimento resultava do uso do Service Studio, o Integrated Development Environment da plataforma, capaz de rapidamente construir uma aplicação na sua plenitude. Ainda assim, nos últimos tempos a companhia empenhou-se em oferecer uma nova coleção de ferramentas, mais focadas em aspetos específicos do desenvolvimento aplicacional. Os builders, são então ferramentas que possibilitam que utilizadores não associados a áreas de IT possam gerar soluções completas de software atráves de um número reduzido de interações, conseguindo assim minorar complexidades correlacionadas com a montagem de múltiplas camadas aplicacionais. Atualmente, existem dois builders disponíveis para o público: o Experience Builder orientado ao desenvolvimento da User Experience (UX), o Workflow Builder, associado ao design de aplicações associadas a processos de gestão e automação de tarefas. Embora a plataforma OutSystems permita o uso combinado dos builders com o Service Studio, atualmente esta compatibilidade verifica-se como unidirecional. Isto é, uma aplicação criada no Experience Builder, por exemplo, pode ser editada no IDE, mas o processo inverso não é possível. Esta limitação impede um builder de atualizar uma aplicação criada ou editada utilizando uma qualquer ferramenta OutSystems. Isto prejudica substancialmente a colaboração entre diferentes tipos de utilizadores que empreguem diferentes ferramentas OutSystems. A presente tese define como objectivo principal capacitar diferentes personas não só orientadas ao negócio como às tecnologias, com a possibilidade de colaborar no desenvolvimento de uma aplicação de nível empresarial, podendo, para isso, utilizar a totalidade de ferramentas fornecidas pela plataforma. De um ponto de vista mais detalhado, este trabalho irá consistir no desenvolvimento das transformações de modelo necessárias para o suporte do desenvolvimento contínuo e colaborativo que se pretende. Deste modo, esta tese não só tem como propósito a expansão do alcance da linha de produtos OutSystems, como de um ponto de vista academico, pretende contibuir utilmente para o paradigma da Model Driven Engineering e das transformações de modelos, avançando assim o estado da arte

    Can redistribution be a reason to tax capital?

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    What is the optimal tax on capital when agents differ in wealth and income profiles? In this thesis, I develop a model of agent heterogeneity to consider optimal Ramsey taxation of labor, capital and consumption. When the only source of heterogeneity is initial wealth, and abstracting from the initial confiscation, the optimal tax on capital is zero, provided some relevant elasticities are constant. When, instead, differences are also in terms of labor characteristics, it may, in general, be desirable to use capital taxes. This follows from the imperfection of the tax system, resulting from the restriction that the same income tax must be levied on the different types of labor. This is then related to the findings of the representative agent literature with incomplete set of instruments. The results suggest that labor differences may provide a strong rational in favor of using capital taxes.Qual é o nível óptimo de tributação de capital quando os agentes diferem em termos de riqueza e perfis de rendimento? Nesta tese, é desenvolvido um modelo de agentes heterogéneos para considerar tributação óptima de trabalho, capital e consumo, numa estrutura de Ramsey. Quando a única fonte de heterogeneidade é o nível de riqueza, e abstraindo do confisco inicial, o imposto óptimo sobre rendimentos de capital é zero, se as elasticidades relevantes forem constantes. Quando as diferenças se reflectem também em termos de características de trabalho pode, em geral, ser desejável usar impostos sobre o capital. Isto resulta das imperfeições do sistema fiscal, que são uma consequência da restrição de tributar ambos os trabalhos à mesma taxa de imposto. Estes resultados são comparados a resultados da literatura de agente representativo com um conjunto incompleto de instrumentos fiscais. As conclusões sugerem que diferenças em termos das características do trabalho dos agentes poderão ser um argumento a favor da utilização de impostos sobre o capital