4,443 research outputs found

    Estimates of global terrestrial isoprene emissions using MEGAN (Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature)

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    Reactive gases and aerosols are produced by terrestrial ecosystems, processed within plant canopies, and can then be emitted into the above-canopy atmosphere. Estimates of the above-canopy fluxes are needed for quantitative earth system studies and assessments of past, present and future air quality and climate. The Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN) is described and used to quantify net terrestrial biosphere emission of isoprene into the atmosphere. MEGAN is designed for both global and regional emission modeling and has global coverage with ~1 km<sup>2</sup> spatial resolution. Field and laboratory investigations of the processes controlling isoprene emission are described and data available for model development and evaluation are summarized. The factors controlling isoprene emissions include biological, physical and chemical driving variables. MEGAN driving variables are derived from models and satellite and ground observations. Tropical broadleaf trees contribute almost half of the estimated global annual isoprene emission due to their relatively high emission factors and because they are often exposed to conditions that are conducive for isoprene emission. The remaining flux is primarily from shrubs which have a widespread distribution. The annual global isoprene emission estimated with MEGAN ranges from about 500 to 750 Tg isoprene (440 to 660 Tg carbon) depending on the driving variables which include temperature, solar radiation, Leaf Area Index, and plant functional type. The global annual isoprene emission estimated using the standard driving variables is ~600 Tg isoprene. Differences in driving variables result in emission estimates that differ by more than a factor of three for specific times and locations. It is difficult to evaluate isoprene emission estimates using the concentration distributions simulated using chemistry and transport models, due to the substantial uncertainties in other model components, but at least some global models produce reasonable results when using isoprene emission distributions similar to MEGAN estimates. In addition, comparison with isoprene emissions estimated from satellite formaldehyde observations indicates reasonable agreement. The sensitivity of isoprene emissions to earth system changes (e.g., climate and land-use) demonstrates the potential for large future changes in emissions. Using temperature distributions simulated by global climate models for year 2100, MEGAN estimates that isoprene emissions increase by more than a factor of two. This is considerably greater than previous estimates and additional observations are needed to evaluate and improve the methods used to predict future isoprene emissions

    The Angular Momentum Evolution of 0.1-10 Msun Stars From the Birthline to the Main Sequence

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    (Abridged) Projected rotational velocities (vsini) have been measured for a sample of 145 stars with masses between 0.4 and >10 Msun (median mass 2.1 Msun) located in the Orion star-forming complex. These measurements have been supplemented with data from the literature for Orion stars with masses as low as 0.1 Msun. The primary finding from analysis of these data is that the upper envelope of the observed values of angular momentum per unit mass (J/M) varies as M^0.25 for stars on convective tracks having masses in the range ~0.1 to ~3 Msun. This power law extends smoothly into the domain of more massive stars (3 to 10 Msun), which in Orion are already on the ZAMS. This result stands in sharp contrast to the properties of main sequence stars, which show a break in the power law and a sharp decline in J/M with decreasing mass for stars with M <2 Msun. A second result of our study is that this break is seen already among the PMS stars in our Orion sample that are on radiative tracks, even though these stars are only a few million years old. A comparison of rotation rates seen for stars on either side of the convective-radiative boundary shows that stars do not rotate as solid bodies during the transition from convective to radiative tracks.Comment: to appear in Ap

    Volatile organic emissions from the distillation and pyrolysis of vegetation

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    International audienceLeaf and woody plant tissue (Pinus ponderosa, Eucalyptus saligna, Quercus gambelli, Saccharum officinarum and Oriza sativa) were heated from 30 to 300°C and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions were identified and quantified. Major VOC emissions were mostly oxygenated and included acetic acid, furylaldehyde, acetol, pyrazine, terpenes, 2,3-butadione, phenol and methanol, as well as smaller emissions of furan, acetone, acetaldehyde, acetonitrile and benzaldehyde. Total VOC emissions from distillation and pyrolysis were on the order of 10 gC/kgC dry weight of vegetation, as much as 33% and 44% of CO2 emissions (gC(VOC)/gC(CO2)) measured during the same experiments, in air and nitrogen atmospheres, respectively. The emissions are similar in identity and quantity to those from smoldering combustion of woody tissue and of different character than those evolved during flaming combustion. VOC emissions from the distillation of pools and endothermic pyrolysis under low turbulence conditions may produce flammable concentrations near leaves and may facilitate the propagation of wildfires. VOC emissions from charcoal production are also related to distillation and pyrolysis; the emissions of the highly reactive VOCs from production are as large as the carbon monoxide emissions

    Rapid formation of isoprene photo-oxidation products observed in Amazonia

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    Isoprene represents the single most important reactive hydrocarbon for atmospheric chemistry in the tropical atmosphere. It plays a central role in global and regional atmospheric chemistry and possible climate feedbacks. Photo-oxidation of primary hydrocarbons (e.g. isoprene) leads to the formation of oxygenated VOCs (OVOCs). The evolution of these intermediates affects the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere (by reacting with OH) and can contribute to secondary aerosol formation, a poorly understood process. An accurate and quantitative understanding of VOC oxidation processes is needed for model simulations of regional air quality and global climate. Based on field measurements conducted during the Amazonian Aerosol Characterization Experiment (AMAZE-08) we show that the production of certain OVOCs (e.g. hydroxyacetone) from isoprene photo-oxidation in the lower atmosphere is significantly underpredicted by standard chemistry schemes. Recently reported fast secondary production could explain 50% of the observed discrepancy with the remaining part possibly produced via a novel primary production channel, which has been proposed theoretically. The observations of OVOCs are also used to test a recently proposed HO&lt;sub&gt;x&lt;/sub&gt; recycling mechanism via degradation of isoprene peroxy radicals. If generalized our observations suggest that prompt photochemical formation of OVOCs and other uncertainties in VOC oxidation schemes could result in uncertainties of modelled OH reactivity, potentially explaining a fraction of the missing OH sink over forests which has previously been largely attributed to a missing source of primary biogenic VOCs

    Evolutionary model and oscillation frequencies for alpha Ursae Majoris: A comparison with observations

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    Inspired by the observations of low-amplitude oscillations of alpha Ursae Majoris A by Buzasi et al. using the WIRE satellite, a,grid of stellar evolutionary tracks has been constructed to derive physically consistent interior models for the nearby red giant. The pulsation properties of these models were then calculated and compared with the observations. It is found that, by adopting the correct metallicity and for a normal helium abundance, only models in the mass range of 4.0-4.5 M. fall within the observational error box for alpha UMa A. This mass range is compatible, within the uncertainties, with the mass derived from the astrometric mass function. Analysis of the pulsation spectra of the models indicates that the observed alpha UMa oscillations can be most simply interpreted as radial (i.e., l = 0) p-mode oscillations of low radial order n. The lowest frequencies observed by Buzasi et al. are compatible, within the observational errors, with model frequencies of radial orders n = 0, 1, and 2 for models in the mass range of 4.0-4.5 M.. The higher frequencies observed can also be tentatively interpreted as higher n-valued radial p-modes, if we allow that some n-values are not presently observed. The theoretical l = 1, 2, and 3 modes in the observed frequency range are g-modes with a mixed mode character, that is, with p-mode-like characteristics near the surface and g-mode-like characteristics in the interior The calculated radial p-mode frequencies are nearly equally spaced, separated by 2-3 mu HZ. The nonradial modes are very densely packed throughout the observed frequency range and, even if excited to significant amplitudes at the surface, are unlikely to be resolved by the present observations

    MOST photometry of the enigmatic PMS pulsator HD 142666

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    We present precise photometry of the pulsating Herbig Ae star HD 142666 obtained in two consecutive years with the MOST (Microvariability & Oscilations of STars) satellite. Previously, only a single pulsation period was known for HD 142666. The MOST photometry reveals that HD 142666 is multi-periodic. However, the unique identification of pulsation frequencies is complicated by the presence of irregular variability caused by the star's circumstellar dust disk. The two light curves obtained with MOST in 2006 and 2007 provided data of unprecedented quality to study the pulsations in HD 142666 and also to monitor the circumstellar variability. We attribute 12 frequencies to pulsation. Model fits to the three frequencies with the highest amplitudes lie well outside the uncertainty box for the star's position in the HR diagram based on published values. The models suggest that either (1) the published estimate of the luminosity of HD 142666, based on a relation between circumstellar disk radius and stellar luminosity, is too high and/or (2) additional physics such as mass accretion may be needed in our models to accurately fit both the observed frequencies and HD 142666's position in the HR diagram.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Plant physiological and environmental controls over the exchange of acetaldehyde between forest canopies and the atmosphere

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    We quantified fine scale sources and sinks of gas phase acetaldehyde in two forested ecosystems in the US. During the daytime, the upper canopy behaved as a net source while at lower heights, reduced emission rates or net uptake were observed. At night, uptake generally predominated throughout the canopies. Net ecosystem emission rates were inversely related to foliar density due to the extinction of light in the canopy and a respective decrease of the acetaldehyde compensation point. This is supported by branch level studies revealing much higher compensation points in the light than in the dark for poplar (&lt;i&gt;Populus deltoides&lt;/i&gt;) and holly oak (&lt;i&gt;Quercus ilex&lt;/i&gt;) implying a higher light/temperature sensitivity for acetaldehyde production relative to consumption. The view of stomata as the major pathway for acetaldehyde exchange is supported by strong linear correlations between branch transpiration rates and acetaldehyde exchange velocities for both species. In addition, natural abundance carbon isotope analysis of gas-phase acetaldehyde during poplar branch fumigation experiments revealed a significant kinetic isotope effect of 5.1&amp;plusmn;0.3&amp;permil; associated with the uptake of acetaldehyde. Similar experiments with dry dead poplar leaves showed no fractionation or uptake of acetaldehyde, confirming that this is only a property of living leaves. We suggest that acetaldehyde belongs to a potentially large list of plant metabolites where stomatal resistance can exert long term control over both emission and uptake rates due to the presence of both source(s) and sink(s) within the leaf which strongly buffer large changes in concentrations in the substomatal airspace due to changes in stomatal resistance. We conclude that the exchange of acetaldehyde between plant canopies and the atmosphere is fundamentally controlled by ambient acetaldehyde concentrations, stomatal resistance, and the compensation point which is a function of light/temperature

    Prediction of asynchronous cell survival with the cell cycle extended GLOBLE model

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