17 research outputs found

    Patient‐centered treatment outcomes with full‐arch peek rehabilitation supported on four immediate or conventionally loaded implants. A randomized clinical trial

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    [ES]Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar los resultados del tratamiento (funcionales y subjetivos) de rehabilitaciones híbridas fijas de arco completo hechas de PEEK (poliéter-éter-cetona) con coronas fresadas de compuesto nanorelleno (NFC) soportadas sobre cuatro a seis implantes. En este ensayo clínico aleatorizado, 34 pacientes desdentados en la mandíbula superior y/o inferior fueron tratados con dentaduras postizas híbridas fijas. En 16 pacientes (47,1% de la muestra), los implantes fueron cargados inmediatamente (IL) mediante una rehabilitación fija provisional de PMMA (polimetilmetacrilato) atornillada sobre pilares Multi-Unit (MU) conectados tras la colocación del implante; sin embargo, en las contrapartes (n = 18) estos pilares MU se cubrieron con cofias de cicatrización y se dejaron sin carga durante dos meses (protocolo de carga convencional-CL), cuando todos los pacientes recibieron una rehabilitación híbrida fija de PEEK-NFC en la parte superior y/o la mandíbula inferior. Los resultados del tratamiento se evaluaron 12 meses después de la entrega de las prótesis. Los resultados funcionales se calcularon de acuerdo con el rendimiento masticatorio, estimado mediante pruebas de capacidad de mezcla de dos chicles de colores después de diez golpes de masticación, por la fuerza/área oclusal registrada por láminas sensibles a la presión y por electromiografía de los músculos maseteros y temporales con la fuerza de mordida máxima. Los resultados subjetivos del tratamiento se evaluaron utilizando tanto la escala de satisfacción oral (escala visual analógica) como la versión española del Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-20). Los hallazgos del presente estudio mostraron que el tratamiento con prótesis híbridas fijas de PEEK-NFC mejoró significativamente el rendimiento masticatorio, la fuerza de mordida, el patrón oclusal, la calidad de vida y la satisfacción, siendo el grupo IL los que presentaron fuerzas de mordida oclusal significativamente mayores y mayor satisfacción. en comparación con el grupo CL. Se debe concluir que las prótesis híbridas PEEK-NFC pueden mejorar varios resultados centrados en el paciente y que el protocolo de carga afecta significativamente la satisfacción autocalificada del paciente.[EN]This study aims to assess the treatment outcomes (functional and subjective) of full-arch fixed hybrid rehabilitations made of PEEK (poly-ether-ether-ketone) with milled crowns of nano-filled composite (NFC) supported on four to six implants. In this randomized clinical trial, 34 edentate patients in the upper and/or the lower jaws were treated with the fixed hybrid dentures. In 16 patients (47.1% of the sample), the implants were loaded immediately (IL) by means of a provisional fixed rehabilitation made of PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) screwed on Multi-Unit (MU) abutments connected after emplacement of the implant; however, in the counterparts (n = 18) these MU abutments were covered by healing caps and were left unloaded during two months (conventional loading protocol—CL), when all patients received a fixed hybrid PEEK-NFC rehabilitation on the upper and/or the lower jaw. Treatment outcomes were assessed 12 months after prostheses delivery. Functional outcomes were calculated according to masticatory performance, estimated by mixing ability tests of two colored chewing gums after ten chewing strokes, by the occlusal force/area recorded by pressure-sensitive sheets, and by electromyography of masseters and temporal muscles at maximum biteforce. The subjective outcomes of the treatment were assessed using both the oral satisfaction scale (visual analog scale) and the Spanish version of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-20). The findings of the present study showed that treatment with fixed PEEK-NFC hybrid prostheses significantly improved the masticatory performance, bite force, occlusal pattern, quality of life, and satisfaction, with the IL group being those with significantly higher occlusal bite forces and greater satisfaction in comparison with CL group. It should be concluded that PEEK-NFC hybrid prostheses can improve several patient-centered outcomes and that loading protocol significantly affects the patient’s self-rated satisfaction

    Nanostructured Zn-Substituted onetite Based Material Induces Higher Bone Regeneration Than Anorganic Bovine Bone and β-Tricalcium Phosphate in Vertical Augmentation Model in Rabbit Calvaria

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    [ES]Se comparó la capacidad de un material multicomponente nanoestructurado compuesto de monetita sustituida con Zn, fosfato cálcico amorfo, hidroxiapatita y gel de sílice (MSi) para promover el aumento óseo vertical frente a hueso bovino anorgánico (ABB) y β-fosfato tricálcico sintético (β-TCP). . También se estudió la relación entre el comportamiento biológico y las propiedades fisicoquímicas de los materiales. El estudio in vivo se realizó en un modelo de aumento óseo vertical en cráneo de conejo con un período de ciactrización de 10 semanas. Se observaron diferencias histológicas significativas en el comportamiento biológico de los materiales. MSi mostró una regeneración ósea significativamente mayor (39%) que ABB y β-TCP (24%). El volumen del cilindro lleno fue similar en MSi (92%) y ABB (91%) y significativamente menor en los implantes β-TCP (81%). Además, el β-TCP mostró la mayor cantidad de partículas no osteointegradas (17%). MSi fue superior a los materiales de control porque mantiene el volumen del defecto casi completo, con la mayor formación ósea, el menor número de partículas restantes, que están casi completamente osteointegradas y con la menor cantidad de tejido conectivo. Además, el hueso formado era maduro, con trabéculas anchas, alta vascularización y actividad osteogénica. MSi se reabsorbe gradualmente con el tiempo con un evidente incremento de la porosidad y colonización simultánea de hueso nuevo vascularizado. Además, se evidenció el comportamiento osteoinductivo del material MSi.[EN]The capacity of a nanostructured multicomponent material composed of Zn-substituted monetite, amorphous calcium phosphate, hydroxyapatite and silica gel (MSi) to promote vertical bone augmentation was compared with anorganic bovine bone (ABB) and synthetic β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP). The relation between biological behavior and physicochemical properties of the materials was also studied. The in vivo study was conducted in a vertical bone augmentation model in rabbit calvaria for 10 weeks. Significant differences in the biological behavior of the materials were observed. MSi showed significantly higher bone regeneration (39%) than ABB and β-TCP (24%). The filled cylinder volume was similar in MSi (92%) and ABB (91%) and significantly lower in β-TCP (81%) implants. In addition, β-TCP showed the highest amount of non-osteointegrated particles (17%). MSi was superior to the control materials because it maintains the volume of the defect almost full, with the highest bone formation, the lowest number of remaining particles, which are almost fully osteointegrated and having the lowest amount of connective tissue. Besides, the bone formed was mature, with broad trabeculae, high vascularization and osteogenic activity. MSi resorbs gradually over time with an evident increment of the porosity and simultaneous colonization for vascularized new bone. In addition, the osteoinductive behavior of MSi material was evidenced

    Functional and patient-centered treatment outcomes with mandibular overdentures retained by two immediate or conventionally loaded Implants: A randomized clinical Trial

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    [ES]Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar los resultados del tratamiento (funcionales y subjetivos) de sobredentaduras mandibulares retenidas sobre dos implantes con o sin un protocolo de carga inmediata. En este ensayo clínico aleatorizado, veinte pacientes completamente edéntulos fueron tratados con una sobredentadura mandibular retenida por dos implantes y una dentadura maxilar nueva completa. En la mitad de la muestra, los implantes se cargaron inmediatamente mediante pilares VulkanLoc® tras la colocación del implante, pero en las contralaterales, estos pilares VulkanLoc® se conectaron a los implantes dos meses después de la cirugía (protocolo convencional), y hasta ese momento las dentaduras postizas fueron retenidas por pilares de cicatrización. Los resultados del tratamiento se evaluaron a los dos, seis y doce meses después de la cirugía. Los resultados funcionales se calcularon según el rendimiento masticatorio, estimado por la fracción mixta de un chicle bicolor después de cinco, diez y quince golpes de masticación, por la fuerza oclusal registrada por las láminas sensibles a la presión y por la actividad muscular bioeléctrica. Los resultados subjetivos del tratamiento se evaluaron utilizando tanto la escala de satisfacción oral (escala visual analógica) como la versión española del Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-20). Los hallazgos del presente estudio muestran que las nuevas dentaduras postizas completas dieron como resultado mejoras significativas en la capacidad de masticación, la satisfacción del paciente y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud bucal y que las posteriores sobredentaduras implantosoportadas produjeron mejoras significativas adicionales y más rápidas. El protocolo de carga puede influir en esos resultados positivos auto-informados en lugar de las evaluaciones funcionales objetivas[EN]This study aims to assess the treatment outcomes (functional and subjective) of mandibular overdentures retained on two implants with or without an immediate loading protocol. In this randomized clinical trial, twenty fully edentulous patients were treated with a mandibular twoimplant-retained overdenture and a complete new maxillary denture. In half of the sample, the implants were loaded immediately by means of VulkanLoc® abutments after emplacement of the implant, but in the counterparts, these VulkanLoc® abutments were connected to implants two months after the surgery (conventional protocol), and until that time the dentures were retained by healing abutments. Treatment outcomes were assessed at two, six, and twelve months after surgery. Functional outcomes were calculated according to masticatory performance, estimated by the mixed fraction of a two-coloured chewing gum after five, ten, and fifteen chewing strokes, by the occlusal force recorded by pressure-sensitive sheets, and by the bioelectrical muscular activity. The subjective outcomes of the treatment were assessed using both the oral satisfaction scale (visual analogue scale) and the Spanish version of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-20). The findings of the present study show that new complete dentures resulted in significant improvements in chewing ability, patient satisfaction, and oral health-related quality of life and that subsequent implant-retained overdentures produced further and faster significant improvements. The loading protocol may influence those positive self-reported outcomes rather than the objective functional evaluations

    "Training The Test" (TTT) for dental teaching in Studium

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    Memoria ID2022-056. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2022-2023

    Biomimetic gradient scaffolds containing hyaluronic acid and sr/zn folates for osteochondral tissue engineering

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    Regenerative therapies based on tissue engineering are becoming the most promising alternative for the treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. However, regeneration of full-thickness articular osteochondral defects that reproduces the complexity of native cartilage and osteochondral interface still remains challenging. Hence, in this work, we present the fabrication, physic-chemical characterization, and in vitro and in vivo evaluation of biomimetic hierarchical scaffolds that mimic both the spatial organization and composition of cartilage and the osteochondral interface. The scaffold is composed of a composite porous support obtained by cryopolymerization of poly(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate (PEGDMA) in the presence of biodegradable poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), bioactive tricalcium phosphate β-TCP and the bone promoting strontium folate (SrFO), with a gradient biomimetic photo-polymerized methacrylated hyaluronic acid (HAMA) based hydrogel containing the bioactive zinc folic acid derivative (ZnFO). Microscopical analysis of hierarchical scaffolds showed an open interconnected porous open microstructure and the in vitro behaviour results indicated high swelling capacity with a sustained degradation rate. In vitro release studies during 3 weeks indicated the sustained leaching of bioactive compounds, i.e., Sr, Zn and folic acid, within a biologically active range without negative effects on human osteoblast cells (hOBs) and human articular cartilage cells (hACs) cultures. In vitro co-cultures of hOBs and hACs revealed guided cell colonization and proliferation according to the matrix microstructure and composition. In vivo rabbit-condyle experiments in a critical-sized defect model showed the ability of the biomimetic scaffold to promote the regeneration of cartilage-like tissue over the scaffold and neoformation of osteochondral tissue.This research was funded by Spanish MICINN (MAT201573656-JIN), AEI-MICINN (PID2020- 114086RB-100) and CAM (IND2018/BMD-9485