17 research outputs found

    Factors of formation of innovative potential of the enterprises

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    The decision of tasks of constant economic development of the country is directly connected with development of innovative activity which should provide strengthening of competitiveness of domestic subjects of economic activities. One of prominent aspects thus is the interrelation of innovative activity with the environment. As without doubts influence of results of innovative activity on an ecological condition is one of defining parameters of the further manufacture of innovative products. Under such circumstances there is a necessary efficient control of innovative activity with a view of ecological aspect. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1344

    Microscopic fungi of wheat grain in the Polissya zone

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    The article presents the data on the quantitative and qualitative composition of micromycetes of wheat grain grown in the Polissya region. During the research period, an average of 2.88-104 ± 3.62-103 colony forming units (CFU) per 1 g of grain was found in wheat grain samples collected in the Polissya region. Twenty species of microscopic fungi belonging to 9 genera were isolated from the wheat grain of the Polissya zone. Among them were the genera Alternaria (92.5 %), Mucor (92.5 %), Aspergillus (83.0 %), Penicillium (47.2 %), Fusarium (60.4 %), Phoma (15,.1 %), Mycelia (15.1 %), Trichotecium (1.9 %) and Monascus (1.9 %) of the samples. Aspergillus niger (17.0 %), Aspergillus candidus (9.4 %), and Aspergillus terreus (1.9 %) were detected less frequently among Aspergillus. Fusarium spp. (17.0 %), Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium moniliforme, Fusarium semitectum in (5.7 %), and Fusarium culmorum (3.8 %) of the samples were identified among Fusarium. A smaller number of microscopic fungi species represents the endophytic mycobiota of wheat grain. Among the isolates of micromycetes isolated from the Polissya zone, pure cultures were obtained from F. sporotrichiella var. tricinctum isolate 1218/4, and F. sporotrichiella isolate 1218/5. These isolates were atoxic against the test culture Candida pseudotropicalis strain 44 PC, but F. sporotrichiella var. tricinctum 1218/4 produced a growth retardation zone with Rf 0.05 and produced an unidentified trichothecene mycotoxin (TTMT). Among the isolated fungi, Aspergillus flavus isolate 1219/3 and Aspergillus flavus isolate 1221/1 were the first to produce kojic and aspergillic acids and the second to synthesize penicillic and aspergillic acids. To reduce the negative effect of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol on the body of chickens of the meat and egg breed Adler Silver, the birds were fed the sorbent “Mikosorb”. It was found that when added to the diet, the sorbent “Mikosorb” in the amount of 2.0 % of the total feed weight reduces the negative effect of deoxynivalenol on the body of chickens of the experimental group. This was confirmed by a 12.0 % reduction in bird mortality. Feeding “Microsorb” in the amount of 2.0 % by weight of complete feed contributed to an increase in the average daily weight gain of poultry during the experiment by 5.43 % compared to the experimental group that consumed feed with the toxin deoxynivalenol (DON). During the experiment, the birds of the experimental group No. 2 consumed 28.91 kg of feed more than group No. 2. Feeding the sorbent “Mikosorb” in the amount of 2.0 % of the feed weight to chickens of the meat and egg breed Adler silver contributes to an increase in gross weight gain by 9.69 kg during the experiment. The use of “Mikosorb” in the technology of feeding chickens of experimental group No. 2 contributed to an increase in the profitability of poultry production by up to 12.0 % compared to poultry that consumed feed affected by DON toxin. After analyzing the scientific results from the literature and our research results, we concluded that the abovementioned studies on wheat grain should be carried out throughout Ukraine during harvesting and storage in warehouses or storages

    Formation of ecological thinking and ecological outlook of students-geographers while studying the course «Рhysical geography of continents and oceans»

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    The environmental issues addressed in the Physical Geography of the continents and oceans course are dictated by the growing global problem of environmental protection. Environmental education of students in the study of continents and oceans contributes acquaintance with issues such as changing the terrain under the influence of human activities, the problem of air pollution and the problem of acid rain; scarcity of fresh water in some areas of the mainland as a result of depletion and pollution of reservoirs, change of natural conditions as a result of predatory attitude of the person to the environment; interaction of nature and society, international cooperation in solving the problems of nature protection of the Eart

    Transformation of the national legislation of Ukraine in the context of globalization

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    The article studies the directions of transformation of the national legislation of Ukraine in the context of globalization based on the dialectical method. Specifically, the notions “legislation” and “globalization” are analyzed; the meaning of the concepts of “national legislation of Ukraine” and “legal globalization” is specified; the factors which define features of transformation of the national legislation of Ukraine in modern conditions of globalization are established. As a result of the study it is proved that the main directions of transformation of the national legislation of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization are the following: borrowing the European (Western) legal tradition and its adaptation to the national legal system of Ukraine; reception of innovative legal institutions while preserving the national legal tradition; the influence of international law, first of all, the Acquis communautaire (adaptation of the national legislation of Ukraine to the law of the European Union); hierarchical (vertical) and sectoral (horizontal) structure of legislation, which is characteristic of the legal systems of the Romano-Germanic legal family; development of such types of normative activity of public authorities as systematization, codification, ordering, unification, etc. &nbsp

    Mechatronic control system of ultrasonic tubular cavitator

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    В роботі проаналізовані основні конструкції ультразвукових проточних кавітаторів. Показані особливості формування кавітаційних областей при різних умовах збудження стінок кавітатора. Проведена оцінка проблем, що виникають при проектуванні електронної системи керування ультразвуковими приводами кавітатора. Запропоновано структурну схему керування ультразвуковими приводами багатосекційного ультразвукового проточного кавітатора. Описано особливості реалізації запропонованої системи керування з урахуванням кількості встановлених секцій трубчастого кавітатора. Наведено алгоритм підтримки резонансного режиму роботи ультразвукового приводу. Наведені приклади апаратно-програмної реалізації систем керування проточними кавітаторами.The aim of the article is to provide control algorithm of multisection tubular ultrasonic flow cavitator. In the present paper analyzes the basic construction of ultrasonic flow cavitators. This article shows the features of cavitation fields formation under various conditions of fluctuations of walls cavitator. We have analyzed the problems that arise in the design of an electronic control system with ultrasonic cavitators. The article discusses questions which touched the features of modern element base for control system ultrasonic cavitators. The authors of this paper was developed a control block diagram of multisection ultrasonic flow cavitator. In the present study were shown the possible changes that may occur in the control block diagram associated with changes in the number of cavitator sections. This article describes the implementation features of the proposed control system. An example selecting element base for the implementation of the control system. Shows the interaction functional units of the control system among each other. We have an algorithm for maintaining the resonant mode of the ultrasonic actuator work. We have examples of hardware and software implementation of control systems once and multisection by flow cavitators. Conclusion. Proved the feasibility of direct digital synthesis signal to control the ultrasonic actuators. Stabilization of the consumed power by the cavitator sections allows maintaining ultrasound energy density means productivity of technological process at set level. Using of programmatic facilities of management allows you to adjust the ultrasonic cavitator the requirements of the technological process without making structural changes in the mechatronic systems of control. The use of parallel structure control system improves reliability by reducing the load factor of the power components and power supply generator with external excitation. Using a binary feedback signal sharply improves the overall noise immunity.В работе проанализированы основные конструкции ультразвуковых проточных кавитаторов. Описаны особенности форм кавитационных областей при различных модах колебаний стенок кавитатора. Проведена оценка проблем, возникающих при проектировании электронной системы управления ультразвуковыми приводами кавитатора. Рассмотрены особенности современной элементной базы систем управления ультразвуковыми приводами. Предложена структурная схема управления ультразвуковыми приводами многосекционного ультразвукового проточного кавитатора. Описаны особенности реализации предложенной системы управления. Приведен пример выбора элементной базы для реализации системы управления. Показано взаимодействие функциональных узлов системы управления между собой. Предложен алгоритм поддержания резонансного режима работы ультразвукового привода. Приведены примеры аппаратно-программной реализации систем управления одно и многосекционным проточными кавитаторами

    Методика розрахунку циліндричної ультразвукової кавітаційної камери фільтра з ефектом регенерації

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    Introduction. The creation of modern ultrasonic cavitation equipment for filtering working fluids in various technological processes is associated with the study of the interaction of a liquid load with ultrasonic emitters, taking into account the influence of the geometric shape of the cavitation chamber. The efficiency of the operation of ultrasonic cavitation devices for filtration is a rather urgent issue today and directly depends on the quality of this agreement. Problem statement. To build an ultrasonic filter with a regeneration effect and to increase its efficiency, it is necessary to create a calculation method that will take into account both the impedance of electro-acoustic emitters and the complexity of the geometric shape of the cavitation chamber. Development of calculation methods. The proposed method for calculating the geometric dimensions of the acoustic resonance system of the modular section of the tubular ultrasonic cavitator, which is excited by folded piezoelectric drive-emitters, which carry out longitudinal vibrations and are installed on the outer surface of the tubular vibrator. Simulation results. The results of modeling in the Abaqus Student Edition 2018 software environment are presented, confirming the possibility of creating ultrasonic flow cavitators, the vibrator, which are excited in a radial-flexion mode of vibration, for the technological process of ultrasonic cavitation filtration with the regeneration effect. Conclusions. The proposed calculation technique allows designing cylindrical ultrasonic cavitation filter chambers with a regeneration effect. Repeated practical verification of the presented method for calculating resonant acoustic systems has confirmed its sufficient accuracy under the applied assumptions.Введение. Создание современного ультразвукового кавитационного оборудования для фильтрования рабочих жидкостей в различных технологических процессах, связано с изучением вопросов взаимодействия жидкостной нагрузки с ультразвуковыми излучателями с учетом влияния геометрической формы кавитационной камеры. Их согласование напрямую влияет на эффективность работы ультразвуковых кавитационных устройств для фильтрации и является достаточно актуальным вопросом на сегодня. Постановка задачи. Для построения ультразвукового фильтра с эффектом регенерации и для повышения его эффективности необходимо создать методику расчета, которая будет учитывать как импеданс электроакустических излучателей, так и сложность геометрической формы кавитационной камеры. Разработка методики расчета. Предложена методика расчета геометрических размеров акустической резонансной системы модульной секции трубчатого ультразвукового кавитатора, что возбуждается сложенными пьезоэлектрическими приводами-излучателями, которые осуществляют продольные колебания и установлены на внешней поверхности трубчатого вибратора. Результаты моделирования. Представлены результаты моделирования в программной среде Abaqus Student Edition 2018, подтверждающие возможность создания ультразвуковых проточных кавитаторов, вибраторы которых возбуждаются на радиально-сгибательной моде колебаний, для технологического процесса ультразвуковой кавитационной фильтрования с эффектом регенерации. Выводы. Предложенная методика расчета позволяет проектировать цилиндрические ультразвуковые кавитационные камеры фильтра с эффектом регенерации. Многократная практическая проверка представленной методики расчета резонансных акустических систем подтвердила ее достаточную точность при примененных предположений.Розглянуті питання розрахунку ультразвукових проточних кавітаторів з циліндричним трубчастим вібратором, для створення систем ультразвукового кавітаційного фільтрування з ефектом регенерації фільтрувального елементу. Запропонована методика розрахунку геометричних розмірів акустичної резонансної системи модульної секції трубчастого ультразвукового кавітатора, що збуджується складеними п’єзоелектричними приводами-випромінювачами, які здійснюють поздовжні коливання і встановлені на зовнішній поверхні трубчастого вібратора. Представлені результати моделювання, які підтверджують можливість створення ультразвукових проточних кавітаторів, вібратор яких збуджується на радіально-згинальній моді коливань, для технологічного процесу ультразвукового кавітаційного фільтрування з ефектом регенерації

    Anatomical and morphological features of Zea mays L. and Pisum sativum L. root system forming under action of fluorine compounds

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    It has studied the fluorine influence in concentrations 5; 10; 50 і 100 mg/l on the forming of Zea mays L. and Pisum sativum L. root system. It has well-proven the greater influence of fluorine on forming of P. s a t i v u m and Z. mays root system both at the morphological level (length of main root, its weight, amount of lateral roots) and anatomical (histological elements of bark part and central cylinder) structure

    The species specificity changes cuticular lipids and lipid peroxidation processes in leaves of woody plants in industrial environments

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    It was found that in the industrial conditions all species at the end of vegetation period most intensively accumulate zinc. The highest phytoextraction capacity for most heavy metals was in P. italica, whereas A. negundo and A. hippocastanum was characterized by average rate of heavy metals accumulation. Polyelement environmental pollution is excessive accumulation of heavy metals in leaves of woody plants resulted in the lipid peroxidation activation. A slight increase in the P. italica leaves TBA-active compounds content at the high level of heavy metals accumulating evidence of sufficient low intensity of free radical processes in their cells. On the other hand, referred toxicants, even at minimal concentrations, led to intensification of lipid peroxidation in assimilation organs A. hippocastanum, as shown by over 3 times increase in the contents of TBA-active products. In response to the heavy metals, stressful effects occur restructuring in composition of the leaves cuticle surface layer of woody plants. Enough informative indicator of the crystal structure of the cuticle surface lipids are terpenoids. Moreover, A. negundo was characterized by a variety of terpenoid compounds range. A common feature for species with an average rate of majority toxins accumulation was an increased content of almost all groups of terpenoids and especially medium-polar. In P. italica (species with a high phyto extraction potential of studied heavy metals) their amount decreased