158 research outputs found

    Significance of the Sm-Nd isotopic systematics of the Akilia Association

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    Samarium-Neodymium analyses were carried out on fourteen samples of basic to ultrabasic metavolcanics from several enclaves of the Amitsoq gneisses (T = to or approximately 3,700 Ma). Field observations suggest that all the analyzed rocks belong to the pre-Amitsoq Akilia Association. Consequently, a minimum age of 3,700 Ma is postulated for the emplacement of their protoliths. When all the data points are put together in a conventional isochron diagram, no clear isochron relationship can be discerned. However, the points seem to fall within a band broadly corresponding to an age of 3,600 Ma. The isotopic results are difficult to interpret satisfactorily. Two contrasting interpretations are offered and summarized: (1) data scatter as a result of open system behavior; and (2) data scatter due to a melange of data sets defining two distinct isochrons

    Dosage du carbone organique dissous dans les eaux douces naturelles. Intérêt, Principe, Mise en Oeuvre et Précautions Opératoires

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    International audienceCe mémoire présente un travail de validation du dosage du carbone organique dissous(COD) et du carbone inorganique (CI) contenus dans les eaux douces naturelles développé surl'analyseur Shimadzu©, modèle TOC 5050A.Les limites de détection calculées pour cet analyseur avec un catalyseur de sensibilitédite normale sont de 0.31 ppm pour le COD et de 0.10 ppm pour le CI, respectivement. Leslimites de quantification sont logiquement plus élevées: 0.41 ppm (COD) et 0.13 ppm (CI).Ces résultats permettent de conclure que le catalyseur dit de "sensibilité normale" qui équipeen routine cet analyseur est adapté à l'analyse de la plupart des eaux douces naturelles.Les tests d'étalonnage effectués ont montré que l'appareil Shimadzu© TOC 5050A étaittrès stable dans le temps, les dérives constatées étant inférieures à 5%. De ce fait, uneprocédure allégée d'étalonnage comprenant l'injection d'un seul point de gamme en début dechaque série d'échantillons suffit à garantir une bonne justesse des résultats, même si celle-ciest difficile à quantifier du fait de l'absence de solutions standard certifiées.Les trois méthodes susceptibles d'être mises en oeuvre par l'analyseur Shimadzu©, TOC5050A (COD = CT – CI; NPOC, NPIW) ont été testées. Seules la méthode COD = CT – CIpermet de doser la totalité du compartiment "matière organique dissoute" des eaux doucesnaturelles. Les deux autres ne permettent pas d'appréhender les molécules les plus volatiles,les écarts entre valeurs "vraies" et valeurs "mesurées" pouvant aller jusqu'à 25%.Des expériences visant à tester les modalités de préparation et de conservation deséchantillons ont également été effectuées. Les résultats montrent que pour des eaux peuchargées en matière organique (COD 5%) entre valeurs mesurées et valeurs vraies. Dans ce cas,l'opérateur soucieux de produire des résultats justes sera conduit à filtrer les eaux directementsur le terrain et à réduire au maximum l'intervalle de temps entre le prélèvement et l'analyse

    Dry-season length and runoff control annual variability in stream DOC dynamics in a small, shallowgroundwater-dominated agricultural watershed

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    International audienceAs a phenomenon integrating climate conditions and hydrological control of the connection betweenstreams and terrestrial dissolved organic carbon (DOC) sources, groundwater dynamics controlpatterns of stream DOC characteristics (concentrations and fluxes). Influence of intra-annualvariations in groundwater level, discharge and climatic factors on DOC concentrations and fluxeswere assessed over 13 years at the headwater watershed of Kervidy-Naizin (5 km²) in westernFrance. Four seasonal periods were delineated within each year according to groundwaterfluctuations (A: rewetting, B: high flow, C: recession, and D: drought). Annual and seasonal baseflow vs stormflow DOC concentrations were defined based on daily hydrograph readings. Highinter-annual variability of annual DOC fluxes (5.4-39.5 kg.ha-1.yr-1) indicates that several years ofdata are required to encompass variations in water flux to evaluate the actual DOC export capacity ofa watershed. Inter-annual variability of mean annual DOC concentrations was much lower (4.9-7.5mg C.l-1), with concentrations decreasing within each year from ca. 9.2 mg C.l-1 in A to ca. 3.0 mgC.l-1 in C. This indicates an intra-annual pattern of stream DOC concentrations controlled by DOCsource characteristics and groundwater dynamics very similar across years. Partial least squareregressions combined with multiple linear regressions showed that the dry season characteristics(length and drawdown) determine the mean annual DOC concentration while annual runoffdetermines the annual flux. Antagonistic mechanisms of production-accumulation and dilution depletioncombined with an unlimited DOC supply from riparian wetland soils can mitigate theresponse of stream concentrations to global changes and climatic variations

    Relative Decay of Fecal Indicator Bacteria and Human-Associated Markers: A Microcosm Study Simulating Wastewater Input into Seawater and Freshwater

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    Fecal contaminations of inland and coastal waters induce risks to human health and economic losses. To improve water management, specific markers have been developed to differentiate between sources of contamination. This study investigates the relative decay of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB, Escherichia coli and enterococci) and six human-associated markers (two bacterial markers: Bacteroidales HF183 (HF183) and Bifidobacterium adolescentis (BifAd); one viral marker: genogroup II F-specific RNA bacteriophages (FRNAPH II); three chemical markers: caffeine and two fecal stanol ratios) in freshwater and seawater microcosms seeded with human wastewater. These experiments were performed in darkness, at 20 °C and under aerobic conditions. The modeling of the decay curves allows us (i) to compare FIB and markers and (ii) to classify markers according to their persistence in seawater (FRNAPH II < HF183, stanol ratios < BifAd, caffeine) and in freshwater (HF183, stanol ratios < FRNAPH II < BifAd < caffeine). Although those results depend on the experimental conditions, this study represents a necessary step to develop and validate an interdisciplinary toolbox for the investigation of the sources of fecal contaminations

    Synthesis and Detection of Oxygen-18 Labeled Phosphate

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    Phosphorus (P) has only one stable isotope and therefore tracking P dynamics in ecosystems and inferring sources of P loading to water bodies have been difficult. Researchers have recently employed the natural abundance of the ratio of 18O/16O of phosphate to elucidate P dynamics. In addition, phosphate highly enriched in oxygen-18 also has potential to be an effective tool for tracking specific sources of P in the environment, but has so far been used sparingly, possibly due to unavailability of oxygen-18 labeled phosphate (OLP) and uncertainty in synthesis and detection. One objective of this research was to develop a simple procedure to synthesize highly enriched OLP. Synthesized OLP is made up of a collection of species that contain between zero and four oxygen-18 atoms and, as a result, the second objective of this research was to develop a method to detect and quantify each OLP species. OLP was synthesized by reacting either PCl5 or POCl3 with water enriched with 97 atom % oxygen-18 in ambient atmosphere under a fume hood. Unlike previous reports, we observed no loss of oxygen-18 enrichment during synthesis. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometertry (ESI-MS) was used to detect and quantify each species present in OLP. OLP synthesized from POCl3 contained 1.2% P18O16O3, 18.2% P18O216O2, 67.7% P18O316O, and 12.9% P18O4, and OLP synthesized from PCl5 contained 0.7% P16O4, 9.3% P18O316O, and 90.0% P18O4. We found that OLP can be synthesized using a simple procedure in ambient atmosphere without the loss of oxygen-18 enrichment and ESI-MS is an effective tool to detect and quantify OLP that sheds light on the dynamics of synthesis in ways that standard detection methods cannot

    Nature of the Earth's earliest crust from hafnium isotopes in single detrital zircons

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    Continental crust forms from, and thus chemically depletes, the Earth's mantle. Evidence that the Earth's mantle was already chemically depleted by melting before the formation of today's oldest surviving crust has been presented in the form of Sm-Nd isotope studies of 3.8-4.0 billion years old rocks from Greenland(1-5) and Canada(5-7). But this interpretation has been questioned because of the possibility that subsequent perturbations may have re-equilibrated the neodymium-isotope compositions of these rocks(8). Independent and more robust evidence for the origin of the earliest crust and depletion of the Archaean mantle can potentially be provided by hafnium-isotope compositions of zircon, a mineral whose age can be precisely determined by U-Pb dating, and which can survive metamorphisms(4). But the amounts of hafnium in single zircon grains are too small for the isotopic composition to be precisely analysed by conventional methods. Here we report hafnium-isotope data, obtained using the new technique of multiple-collector plasma-source mass spectrometry(9), for 37 individual grains of the oldest known terrestrial zircons (from the Narryer Gneiss Complex, Australia, with U-Pb ages of up to 4.14 Gyr (refs 10-13)). We find that none of the grains has a depleted mantle signature, but that many were derived from a source with a hafnium-isotope composition similar to that of chondritic meteorites. Furthermore, more than half of the analysed grains seem to have formed by remelting of significantly older crust, indicating that crustal preservation and subsequent reworking might have been important processes from earliest times.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62681/1/399252a0.pd

    Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Segregation in Metallic Alloys

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    International audienceElectromagnetic levitation (EML) has been used as an experimental technique for investigating the effect of the nucleation and cooling rate on segregation and structure formation in metallic alloys. The technique has been applied to aluminum-copper alloys. For all samples, the primary phase nucleation has been triggered by the contact of the levitated droplet with an alumina plate at a given undercooling. Based on the recorded temperature curves, the heat extraction rate and the nucleation undercooling for the primary dendritic and the secondary eutectic structures have been determined. Metallurgical characterizations have consisted of composition measurements using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry and the analysis of SEM images. The distribution maps drawn for the composition, the volume fraction of the eutectic structure, and the dendrite arm spacing (DAS) reveal strong correlations. Analysis of the measurements with the help of a cellular-automaton (CA)-finite-element (FE) model is also proposed. The model involves a new coupling scheme between the CA and FE methods and a segregation model accounting for diffusion in the solid and liquid phases. Extensive validation of the model has been carried out on a typical equiaxed grain configuration, i.e., considering the free growth of a mushy zone in an undercooled melt. It demonstrates its capability of dealing with mass exchange inside and outside the envelope of a growing primary dendritic structure. The model has been applied to predict the temperature curve, the segregation, and the eutectic volume fraction obtained upon single-grain nucleation and growth from the south pole of a spherical domain with and without triggering of the nucleation of the primary solid phase, thus simulating the solidification of a levitated droplet. Predictions permit a direct interpretation of the measurements

    The Blob Division

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