28 research outputs found

    Unique contributions of perceptual and conceptual humanness to object representations in the human brain

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    The human brain is able to quickly and accurately identify objects in a dynamic visual world. Objects evoke different patterns of neural activity in the visual system, which reflect object category memberships. However, the underlying dimensions of object representations in the brain remain unclear. Recent research suggests that objects similarity to humans is one of the main dimensions used by the brain to organise objects, but the nature of the human-similarity features driving this organisation are still unknown. Here, we investigate the relative contributions of perceptual and conceptual features of humanness to the representational organisation of objects in the human visual system. We collected behavioural judgements of human-similarity of various objects, which were compared with time-resolved neuroimaging responses to the same objects. The behavioural judgement tasks targeted either perceptual or conceptual humanness features to determine their respective contribution to perceived human-similarity. Behavioural and neuroimaging data revealed significant and unique contributions of both perceptual and conceptual features of humanness, each explaining unique variance in neuroimaging data. Furthermore, our results showed distinct spatio-temporal dynamics in the processing of conceptual and perceptual humanness features, with later and more lateralised brain responses to conceptual features. This study highlights the critical importance of social requirements in information processing and organisation in the human brain

    An empirically driven guide on using Bayes factors for M/EEG decoding

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    Bayes factors can be used to provide quantifiable evidence for contrasting hypotheses and have thus become increasingly popular in cognitive science. However, Bayes factors are rarely used to statistically assess the results of neuroimaging experiments. Here, we provide an empirically driven guide on implementing Bayes factors for time-series neural decoding results. Using real and simulated magnetoencephalography (MEG) data, we examine how parameters such as the shape of the prior and data size affect Bayes factors. Additionally, we discuss the benefits Bayes factors bring to analysing multivariate pattern analysis data and show how using Bayes factors can be used instead or in addition to traditional frequentist approaches

    Decoding images in the mind's eye : the temporal dynamics of visual imagery

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    Mental imagery is the ability to generate images in the mind in the absence of sensory input. Both perceptual visual processing and internally generated imagery engage large, overlapping networks of brain regions. However, it is unclear whether they are characterized by similar temporal dynamics. Recent magnetoencephalography work has shown that object category information was decodable from brain activity during mental imagery, but the timing was delayed relative to perception. The current study builds on these findings, using electroencephalography to investigate the dynamics of mental imagery. Sixteen participants viewed two images of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and two images of Santa Claus. On each trial, they viewed a sequence of the four images and were asked to imagine one of them, which was cued retroactively by its temporal location in the sequence. Time-resolved multivariate pattern analysis was used to decode the viewed and imagined stimuli. Although category and exemplar information was decodable for viewed stimuli, there were no informative patterns of activity during mental imagery. The current findings suggest stimulus complexity, task design and individual differences may influence the ability to successfully decode imagined images. We discuss the implications of these results in the context of prior findings of mental imagery

    Temporal dissociation of neural activity underlying synesthetic and perceptual colors

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    Grapheme-color synesthetes experience color when seeing achromatic symbols. We examined whether similar neural mechanisms underlie color perception and synesthetic colors using magnetoencephalography. Classification models trained on neural activity from viewing colored stimuli could distinguish synesthetic color evoked by achromatic symbols after a delay of ∼100 ms. Our results provide an objective neural signature for synesthetic experience and temporal evidence consistent with higher-level processing in synesthesia

    A humanness dimension to visual object coding in the brain

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    Neuroimaging studies investigating human object recognition have primarily focused on a relatively small number of object categories, in particular, faces, bodies, scenes, and vehicles. More recent studies have taken a broader focus, investigating hypothesized dichotomies, for example, animate versus inanimate, and continuous feature dimensions, such as biologically similarity. These studies typically have used stimuli that are identified as animate or inanimate, neglecting objects that may not fit into this dichotomy. We generated a novel stimulus set including standard objects and objects that blur the animate-inanimate dichotomy, for example, robots and toy animals. We used MEG time-series decoding to study the brain's emerging representation of these objects. Our analysis examined contemporary models of object coding such as dichotomous animacy, as well as several new higher order models that take into account an object's capacity for agency (i.e. its ability to move voluntarily) and capacity to experience the world. We show that early (0–200 ​ms) responses are predicted by the stimulus shape, assessed using a retinotopic model and shape similarity computed from human judgments. Thereafter, higher order models of agency/experience provided a better explanation of the brain's representation of the stimuli. Strikingly, a model of human similarity provided the best account for the brain's representation after an initial perceptual processing phase. Our findings provide evidence for a new dimension of object coding in the human brain – one that has a “human-centric” focus

    Human EEG recordings for 1,854 concepts presented in rapid serial visual presentation streams

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    The neural basis of object recognition and semantic knowledge has been extensively studied but the high dimensionality of object space makes it challenging to develop overarching theories on how the brain organises object knowledge. To help understand how the brain allows us to recognise, categorise, and represent objects and object categories, there is a growing interest in using large-scale image databases for neuroimaging experiments. In the current paper, we present THINGS-EEG, a dataset containing human electroencephalography responses from 50 subjects to 1,854 object concepts and 22,248 images in the THINGS stimulus set, a manually curated and high-quality image database that was specifically designed for studying human vision. The THINGS-EEG dataset provides neuroimaging recordings to a systematic collection of objects and concepts and can therefore support a wide array of research to understand visual object processing in the human brain

    A primer on running human behavioural experiments online

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    Moving from the lab to an online environment opens up enormous potential to collect behavioural data from thousands of participants with the click of a button. However, getting the first online experiment running requires familiarisation with a number of new tools and terminologies. There exist a number of tutorials and hands-on guides that can facilitate this process, but these are often tailored to one specific online platform. The aim of this paper is to give a broad introduction to the world of online testing. This will provide a high-level understanding of the infrastructure before diving into specific details with more in-depth tutorials. Becoming familiar with these tools allows one to move from hypothesis to experimental data within hours

    An online browser-based attentional blink replication using visual objects

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    The complex relationship between attention and visual perception can be exemplified and investigated through the Attentional Blink. The attentional blink is characterised by impaired attention to the second of two target stimuli, when both occur within 200 – 500ms. The attentional blink has been well studied in experimental lab settings. However, despite the rise of online methods for behavioural research, their suitability for studying the attentional blink has not been fully addressed yet, the main concern being the lack of control and timing variability for stimulus presentation. Here, we investigated the suitability of online testing for studying the attentional blink with visual objects. Our results show a clear attentional blink effect between 200 to 400ms following the distractor including a Lag 1 sparing effect in line with previous research despite significant inter-subject and timing variability. This work demonstrates the suitability of online methods for studying the attentional blink with visual objects, opening new avenues to explore its underlying processes

    The influence of image masking on object representations during rapid serial visual presentation

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    Rapid image presentations combined with time-resolved multivariate analysis methods of EEG or MEG (rapid-MVPA) offer unique potential in assessing the temporal limitations of the human visual system. Recent work has shown that multiple visual objects presented sequentially can be simultaneously decoded from M/EEG recordings. Interestingly, object representations reached higher stages of processing for slower image presentation rates compared to fast rates. This fast rate attenuation is probably caused by forward and backward masking from the other images in the stream. Two factors that are likely to influence masking during rapid streams are stimulus duration and stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA). Here, we disentangle these effects by studying the emerging neural representation of visual objects using rapid-MVPA while independently manipulating stimulus duration and SOA. Our results show that longer SOAs enhance the decodability of neural representations, regardless of stimulus presentation duration, suggesting that subsequent images act as effective backward masks. In contrast, image duration does not appear to have a graded influence on object representations. Interestingly, however, decodability was improved when there was a gap between subsequent images, indicating that an abrupt onset or offset of an image enhances its representation. Our study yields insight into the dynamics of object processing in rapid streams, paving the way for future work using this promising approach