44 research outputs found

    Diabetes knowledge in nursing homes and home-based care services: a validation study of the Michigan Diabetes Knowledge Test adapted for use among nursing personnel

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    Background: Providing high-quality diabetes care in nursing homes and home-based care facilities requires suitable instruments to evaluate the level of diabetes knowledge among the health-care providers. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Michigan Diabetes Knowledge Test adapted for use among nursing personnel. Methods: The study included 127 nursing personnel (32 registered nurses, 69 nursing aides and 26 nursing assistants) at three nursing homes and one home-based care facility in Norway. We examined the reliability and content and construct validity of the Michigan Diabetes Knowledge Test. Results: The items in both the general diabetes subscale and the insulin-use subscale were considered relevant and appropriate. The instrument showed satisfactory properties for distinguishing between groups. Item response theory-based measurements and item information curves indicate maximum information at average or lower knowledge scores. Internal consistency and the item-total correlations were quite weak, indicating that the Michigan Diabetes Knowledge Test measures a set of items related to various relevant knowledge topics but not necessarily related to each other. Conclusions: The Michigan Diabetes Knowledge Test measures a broad range of topics relevant to diabetes care. It is an appropriate instrument for identifying individual and distinct needs for diabetes education among nursing personnel. The knowledge gaps identified by the Michigan Diabetes Knowledge Test could also provide useful input for the content of educational activities. However, some revision of the test should be considered.publishedVersio

    Learning transitions-a descriptive study of nurses\u27 experiences during advanced level nursing education

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    BACKGROUND: Building capacity in a changing health care system is a challenge for advanced nursing education programs. Master-level nursing education is increasingly becoming the required education level for specialist nurses, and additional studies are needed to learn more about students\u27 experiences and learning transitions while undertaking such education. This study aimed to explore nursing students\u27 experience of their learning transitions while undertaking advanced nursing education and to describe how they translated the new knowledge and competence they gained into clinical practice. METHODS: We used a qualitative research design with narrative self-reported reflections. 34 nurses (95 % women) from both urban and rural areas working with children, with adults in outpatient and inpatient endocrinology clinics in hospitals or with adults, including older people, attending primary health care services participated in the study. We collected data at two time points 15 months apart. Time one was the first week of the advanced nursing education, and time two was the completion of the education program. We used Malterud\u27s modification of Giorgi\u27s phenomenological analysis, otherwise known as systematic text condensation, to analyze the data. RESULTS: Two core themes captured the participants\u27 experiences. The first theme was "assessing the situation of people with diabetes from a different perspective", with the subthemes "an expanded perspective of practice and higher level of reflection", "applying critical thinking in practice" and "changing patient-nurse relationships in diabetes care". The second core theme was "a change in participants\u27 perception of their professional position", with the subthemes "a greater knowledge base enhancing professional confidence" and "a more equal position within the professional team". CONCLUSIONS: The study provides in-depth information about transition into advanced nursing education and can inform curriculum developers, nurse educators, policy-makers and nursing managers about how nursing education broadened participants\u27 perspectives of nursing and enhanced their confidence and professional position

    Har satsingen pÄ pedodonti gitt resultater? Henvisninger til spesialister i pedodonti i Hordaland i 2014-2019

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    HovedmĂ„let med denne studien var Ă„ vurdere om satsingen i pedodonti i vest fra 2013 hadde fĂžrt til en Ăžkning i henvisninger til spesialisttjenesten i pedodonti i Bergen sammenlignet med en tidligere kartlegging 2006–2013. DelmĂ„l var Ă„ registrere antall henvisninger, geografisk spredning, alderssammensetning, henvisningsĂ„rsaker, hvilke yrkesgrupper helsepersonell som henviste, ventetid, samt Ă„ sammenligne resultatene med andre norske og svenske studier. Grunnlaget for studien var alle mottatte henvisninger til spesialisttjenesten i pedodonti ved Tannhelsetjenestens kompetansesenter Vest/Hordaland i lĂžpet av seksĂ„rsperioden 2014–2019. Totalt ble 1781 henvisninger registrert. Prosentandelen av den totale befolkningen barn og ungdom som ble henvist fra tidligere Hordaland, var markant hĂžyere enn tilsvarende prosentandel rapportert i en tidligere studie i samme omrĂ„de (0,23 % vs. 0,03 %). Økt avstand fra behandlingsstedet resulterte i fĂŠrre henvisninger, og sĂŠrlig var henvisningsantallet fra tidligere Sogn & Fjordane fylke bekymringsfullt lavt. Aldersgruppen 7–15 Ă„r utgjorde nesten tre-fjerdedel av henvisningene, og erupsjonsproblematikk var Ă„rsaken til flest henvisninger. Den gjennomsnittlige ventetiden for spesialistbehandling var ca. 2 mĂ„neder. I tillegg utgjorde rĂ„dgivningstjeneste fra spesialister en viktig del av tilbudet. Studien viser at satsingen har gitt et bedre spesialisttilbud for barn og unge i vĂ„r region, men at det bĂžr satses pĂ„ Ă„ utdanne flere spesialister slik at en kan oppnĂ„ en bedre regional dekning.publishedVersio

    Young adults with type 1 diabetes and their experiences with diabetes follow‐up and participation in the DiaPROM pilot trial: A qualitative study

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    This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Aim To explore young adults' experiences of outpatient follow‐up appointments, completing electronic Patient‐Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs), and using the Problem Areas In Diabetes (PAID) scale during the Diabetes Patient‐Reported Outcome Measures (DiaPROM) pilot trial. Methods We performed a qualitative study among 19 young adults (aged 22–39 years) with type 1 diabetes who participated in the pilot trial. Between February and June 2019, we conducted individual, semi‐structured telephone interviews with participants from the intervention and control arms. We analysed the data using thematic analysis. Results Our analyses generated three themes, each with two subthemes: (1) Follow‐up with limitations; (i) Marginal dialogue about everyday challenges, (ii) Value of supportive relationships and continuity, indicate that previous follow‐up had been experienced as challenging and insufficient. (2) New insights and raised awareness; (i) More life‐oriented insights, (ii) Moving out of the comfort zone, suggest mostly positive experiences with completing questionnaires and discussing the PAID scores. (3) Addressing problem areas with an open mind; (i) Need for elaboration, (ii) Preparedness for dialogue, indicate that both openness and explanations were vital in the follow‐up. Conclusions Participants characterised the previous follow‐up as challenging and insufficient. They described completing and using the PAID as somewhat uncomfortable yet worthwhile. Our findings also suggest that by utilising diabetes distress data alongside health and biomedical outcomes, consultations became more attuned to the young adults' wishes and needs, mainly because the dialogue was more focused and direct. Hence, the PAID has the potential to facilitate person‐centredness and improve patient–provider relationships.publishedVersio

    Decreasing lifetime prevalence of diabetes-related foot ulcers in Norway: repeated cross-sectional population-based surveys from the HUNT study (1995-2019)

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    Background and aimsDiabetes-related foot ulcers (DFU) are a persistent healthcare challenge, impacting both patients and healthcare systems, with adverse effects on quality of life and productivity. Our primary aim was to examine the trends in lifetime prevalence of DFU, as well as other micro- and macrovascular complications in the TrĂžndelag Health Study (HUNT) in Norway.MethodsThis study consists of individuals ≄20 years with diabetes participating in the population-based cross-sectional HUNT surveys (1995-2019). Prevalence ratios, comparing the lifetime prevalence of DFU and other relevant micro- and macrovascular complications between the HUNT surveys, were calculated using Poisson regression.ResultsThe lifetime prevalence (95% confidence interval (CI)) of a DFU requiring three or more weeks to heal was 11.0% (9.5-12.7) in HUNT2, 7.5% (6.3-8.8) in HUNT3 and 5.3% (4.4-6.3) in HUNT4. The decrease in DFU prevalence from 1995 to 2019 was observed in both men and women, for all age groups, and for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The highest lifetime prevalence of DFU was found among those with type 1 diabetes. The decrease in HbA1c from HUNT2 to HUNT4 did not differ between those with and without a DFU. The prevalence of chronic kidney disease (eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 (eGFR categories G3-G5)) increased in both individuals with and without a DFU.ConclusionResults from the HUNT surveys show a substantial decline in the lifetime prevalence of DFU from 1995 to 2019

    Psychosocial family factors and glycemic control among children aged 1-15 years with type 1 diabetes: a population-based survey

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    Background: Being the parents of children with diabetes is demanding. Jay Belsky’s determinants of parenting model emphasizes both the personal psychological resources, the characteristics of the child and contextual sources such as parents’ work, marital relations and social network support as important determinants for parenting. To better understand the factors influencing parental functioning among parents of children with type 1 diabetes, we aimed to investigate associations between the children’s glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and 1) variables related to the parents’ psychological and contextual resources, and 2) frequency of blood glucose measurement as a marker for diabetes-related parenting behavior. Methods: Mothers (n = 103) and fathers (n = 97) of 115 children younger than 16 years old participated in a population-based survey. The questionnaire comprised the Life Orientation Test, the Oslo 3-item Social Support Scale, a single question regarding perceived social limitation because of the child’s diabetes, the Relationship Satisfaction Scale and demographic and clinical variables. We investigated associations by using regression analysis. Related to the second aim hypoglycemic events, child age, diabetes duration, insulin regimen and comorbid diseases were included as covariates. Results: The mean HbA1c was 8.1%, and 29% had HbA1c ≀ 7.5%. In multiple regression analysis, lower HbA1c was associated with higher education and stronger perceptions of social limitation among the mothers. A higher frequency of blood glucose measurement was significantly associated with lower HbA1c in bivariate analysis. Higher child age was significantly associated with higher HbA1c both in bivariate and multivariate analysis. A scatterplot indicated this association to be linear. Conclusions: Most families do not reach recommended treatment goals for their child with type 1 diabetes. Concerning contextual sources of stress and support, the families who successfully reached the treatment goals had mothers with higher education and experienced a higher degree of social limitations because of the child’s diabetes. The continuous increasing HbA1c by age, also during the years before puberty, may indicate a need for further exploring the associations between child characteristics, context-related variables and parenting behavior such as factors facilitating the transfer of parents’ responsibility and motivation for continued frequent treatment tasks to their growing children

    Diabetespleie som virker

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    Prevalence among adolescents in Bergen, Western Norway, of temporomandibular disorders according to the DC/TMD criteria and examination protocol

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    Objective: The aims of this study were to assess the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) among adolescents and to contrast the prevalence of TMD according to the DC/TMD clinical examination protocol versus the prevalence of pain related to TMD according to two screening questions. Material and methods: Two hundred and ten adolescents living in the county of Bergen, Norway, were offered an additional examination for TMD in connection with their regular dental check-up appointment. Five dental clinics were selected with differing socio-economic patient populations, as reflected by stratification of average levels of DMFT, and an equal number of girls and boys were invited to participate. The participants answered two screening questions for pain related to TMD followed by a clinical examination according to the DC/TMD protocol by five calibrated examiners. Results: Acceptable calibration results were obtained. Approximately 80% of eligible participants consented to partake. According to the criteria of DC/TMD, the prevalence of TMD among the study participants was 11.9%, with a peak at 16 years of age. According to the self-reported screening questions for pain related to TMD, 7.2% responded positively. Only seven participants with a TMD diagnosis established according to the DC/TMD clinical examination protocol reported also pain related to TMD based on answering the two screening questions. Conclusion: The prevalence of TMD is higher for girls than for boys and the prevalence of TMD established according to the DC/TMD criteria was higher than the prevalence of pain related to TMD estimated by use of two screening questions for self-reported pain

    Oxygen therapy for children in hospitals

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    Assessing fear of hypoglycemia in a population-based study among parents of children with type 1 diabetes – psychometric properties of the hypoglycemia fear survey – parent version

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    Background: In the treatment of childhood type 1 diabetes, being aware of the parents’ fear of hypoglycemia is important, since the parents’ fear may influence the management of treatment and the children’s blood glucose regulation. The availability of proper instruments to assess the parents’ fear of hypoglycemia is essential. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Hypoglycemia Fear Survey – Parent version (HFS-P). Methods: In a Norwegian population-based sample, 176 parents representing 102 children with type 1 diabetes (6–15 years old) completed the HFS-P, comprising a 15-item worry subscale and a 10-item behavior subscale. We performed exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and further analysis of the scales’ construct validity, content validity and reliability. Results: The Norwegian version of the HFS-P had an acceptable factor structure and internal consistency for the worry subscale, whereas the structure and internal consistency of the behavior subscale was more questionable. The HFS-P subscales were significantly correlated (from moderately to weakly) with symptoms of emotional distress, as measured by the Hopkins Symptom Checklist – 25 items. The mothers scored higher than fathers on both HFS-P subscales, but the difference was not statistically significant for the worry subscale. Conclusions: The HFS-P worry subscale seems to be a valid scale for measuring anxiety-provoking aspects of hypoglycemia, and the validity of the HFS-P behavior subscale needs to be investigated further