141 research outputs found


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    The bilingual turn required education systems to undergo structural changes in order to adapt to the new situations. These adjustments included better language training for teachers, the adoption of alternative teaching methods, the increased use of ICT and self-designed materials, the curricular integration of content and language and the creation of competence-based assessment guidelines. In order to evaluate the depth of this transformation and the actual effect that it had on students and schools, a sustained observation covering a sufficiently wide timespan needed to be performed. Two decades after the inception of bilingual education in Andalusia—Southern Spain—, this paper will describe the configuration of the Bilingual Program as perceived by the change agents: the school teachers. L1 Spanish teachers, L2 teachers and content teachers adopted different practices and therefore hold slightly divergent opinions. Nevertheless, there exists a consensus on the general benefits of CLIL bilingual education. Drawing from their perceptions, which will be presented for each of the above-mentioned aspects, this paper Will counter the most recurrent criticisms that CLIL education meets.El auge del bilingüismo ha hecho necesario que los sistemas educativos experimenten cambios estructurales para adaptarse a las nuevas situaciones. Entre estos ajustes se encuentran la mejora de la formación lingüística del profesorado, la adopción de métodos docentes alternativos, el aumento del uso de las TIC y de materiales propios, la integración curricular de lenguas y contenidos y la creación de criterios de evaluación basados en competencias. Para evaluar la profundidad de esta transformación y el verdadero efecto que ha tenido en los estudiantes y los centros educativos, se necesita una observación prolongada que abarque un periodo de tiempo lo suficientemente amplio. Tras dos décadas de educación bilingüe en Andalucía —la comunidad autónoma del sur de España—, este artículo pretende describir la implantación del Programa Bilingüe tal y como la perciben los agentes del cambio: el profesorado. Los profesores de Lengua Española (L1), los de Lengua Inglesa (L2) y los de áreas no lingüísticas han adoptado diferentes prácticas y manifiestan por tanto opiniones ligeramente distintas. Sin embargo, existe un consenso generalizado en cuanto a los beneficios que ofrecen la metodología AICLE y la educación bilingüe. En este artículo presentaremos las percepciones del profesorado del Programa Bilingüe de Andalucía sobre cada uno de los aspectos anteriores y, basándonos en estas, defenderemos la metodología AICLE de las críticas más recurrentes de sus detractores.The bilingual turn required education systems to undergo structural changes in order to adapt to the new situations. These adjustments included better language training for teachers, the adoption of alternative teaching methods, the increased use of ICT and self-designed materials, the curricular integration of content and language and the creation of competence-based assessment guidelines. In order to evaluate the depth of this transformation and the actual effect that it had on students and schools, a sustained observation covering a sufficiently wide timespan needed to be performed. Two decades after the inception of bilingual education in Andalusia—Southern Spain—, this paper will describe the configuration of the Bilingual Program as perceived by the change agents: the school teachers. L1 Spanish teachers, L2 teachers and content teachers adopted different practices and therefore hold slightly divergent opinions. Nevertheless, there exists a consensus on the general benefits of CLIL bilingual education. Drawing from their perceptions, which will be presented for each of the above-mentioned aspects, this paper Will counter the most recurrent criticisms that CLIL education meets

    Market study of the Carbon Footprint in commercial aviation in comparison with another means of transport

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    Transportation is a critical aspect of modern society, enabling the movement of goods and people across the globe. However, the environmental impact of transportation has become a major concern in recent years, particularly with regard to greenhouse gas emissions and their contribution to climate change. As such, there is a growing need to understand and mitigate the impact of transportation on the environment. This study aims to investigate the impact of the carbon footprint (CF) in different means of transport. Specifically, the study will examine the greenhouse gas emissions associated with various modes of transportation and their industries, including aviation, automotive, railway, and nautical industries. By analyzing the carbon footprint of each industry, this study seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of them and identify opportunities for reducing their carbon footprint. By shedding light on the carbon footprint of different means of transport, this study will contribute to efforts to reduce emissions, promote sustainable transportation, and mitigate the impact of transportation on the environment

    MiRNAs in Cervical Cancer Radio- and Chemotherapy Response

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    Cervical cancer (CC) is a very frequent women disease with high mortality and morbidity incidence worldwide, being the developing countries the most affected. Persistent infection with an oncogenic high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) type is the primary cause of cervical cancer, but other etiologies are needed for complete malignancy such as patient immune response, genetic, and cellular factors, and/or environment. Radiotherapy in combination with cisplatinum is the standard treatment for invasive cervical cancer. Nevertheless, this conventional treatment is restricted due to eventual development of drug resistance and systemic toxicity. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate the expression of protein-coding genes involved in various cellular processes including cancer where they play a very important role in the development and progression of malignancy. As part of this complex disease, miRNAs have been implicated in the process of drug and radiation resistance and sensitivity. Recent studies have been directed to understand how miRNAs under or over-expressed are determinants of clinical response, and other studies have focused to clarify how the process of radio and/or chemotherapy affects miRNA expression. These works could lead to the design of safer and more effective therapy approaches based on miRNA expression and their target regulation

    Estudio sobre la medida del error de planitud con láser interferométrico

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    Las medidas tienen una gran importancia en nuestra vida, ya que las utilizamos desde la estimación a simple vista de una distancia hasta en una investigación compleja. Para realizar medidas de alta precisión o para la puesta a punto de equipos de precisión es necesario un plano de referencia lo más exacto posible, dado por una mesa de planitud. Esta referencia debe ser controlada metrológicamente realizando, por ejemplo, una medida del error de planitud de dicha mesa. Toda medida tiene un grado de variabilidad, y es importante conocerlo. Por ello estudiamos la variabilidad, repetibilidad, reproducibilidad en la medida del error de planitud con el láser interferométrico en varios controles. Por último, hemos estudiado y desarrollado un programa en Excel que realiza los mismos cálculos que el láser interferométrico en el control de planitud, dando claridad y transparencia a los cálculos que realiza el software del láser.Departamento de Ciencias de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería, Ingeniería Cartográfica, Geodesia y Fotogrametría, Ingeniería Mecánica e Ingeniería de los Procesos de FabricaciónGrado en Ingeniería Mecánic

    Estudio de adición de una nueva ruta a una compañía de transporte aéreo de pasajeros ya existente

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    Este proyecto tiene como finalidad la creación de una ruta comercial entre 2 ciudades las cuáles no se hallen conectadas actualmente. Hace años que la aviación se ha convertido en un medio de transporte indispensable, capaz de unir poblaciones en cuestión de horas que, de antaño, sería toda una odisea haberse realizado dicha conexión. El objetivo es ser capaz de diseñar una nueva línea aérea con rentabilidad a corto plazo y que sea capaz de competir las demás líneas aéreas que unan poblaciones cercanas a las propuestas o que, a través de la realización de una escala en un punto intermedio, acabe conectando las ciudades para las que se elabora este informe.La metodología para llevar a cabo esta actividad se basa en primer lugar en el conocimiento de la normativa respecto a operaciones aéreas. Una vez tenida en cuenta esta última, debe realizarse tanto la elección del aeroplano escogido para dicha operación y de la ruta que desea operarse, todo ello a partir de un elaborado y minucioso estudio. A partir de aquí, puede determinarse físicamente la ruta a realizar para, finalmente, concluir realizando un análisis de costes, de la planificación horaria que se debe llevar, de las tarifas que se piensan aplicar y acerca de los resultados obtenidos.Los resultados obtenidos se han analizado al finalizar el desarrollo del informe: en líneas generales, los mismos han sido bastante satisfactorios. Tal vez, el único pero que puede ponerse es el referente a las tarifas: la idea original era implantar una línea aérea low cost, pero tras el análisis de datos esto se antojaba imposible. A pesar de este detalle, y reparando en el cash flowa lo largo de los primeros 10 años, siempre y cuando se obtenga un factor de ocupación mayor al 70 %, el modelo de aerolínea si que puede ser reconducido al de una low cost, pues el amplio margen de beneficios obtenidos así lo permite.Finalmente, destacar que en los últimos puntos se incluyen una serie de conclusiones y mejoras a realizar del trabajo. Estas mejoras podrían haberse aplicado de haberse dispuesto del tiempo necesario para realizar las modificaciones oportunas y ayudarían en gran manera a la fiabilidad, versatilidad y originalidad del trabajo

    ZnO on rice husk: a sustainable photocatalyst for urban air purification

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    A cost-effective and sustainable De-NOx photocatalyst is prepared usingzinc acetate and rice husk. ZnO@SiO2samples are obtained from the calcination of a homogenised precursor mixture at 600 C. ZnO nanoparticles (70 –180 nm) grow aggregated in spheres and well dispersed (40 –53 m2g-1surface area) covering the silicon skeleton. The corresponding band gap for ZnO@SiO2photocatalysts was estimated at3.1 –3.2 eV. When the samples are irradiated by sunlight in anitrogen oxide atmosphere the NO HNO2NO2NO3-photochemical oxidation takes place. In comparison to unsupported ZnO and TiO2-P25, ZnO@SiO2samples exhibit high NOXremoval values (70 %) and outstanding selectivity (> 90%), the latter related to the sensitivity of zinc oxide towards NO2gas. This new photocatalyst is easily recyclable and reusabl

    Zn-Al layered double hydroxides as efficient photocatalysts for NOx abatement

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    In this study,we report that layered double hydroxides (LDH) exhibited high photocatalytic activitiesin degrading NOx gases for the first time. ZnAl-CO3LDHs with a 1.5 to 3.0 Zn/Al ratio were prepared by a coprecipitation method both with and without hydrothermal treatment.Syntheses were carried out with high and low metal concentrations, the latter being the most favorablein obtaining pure LDHs in the whole Zn/Al ratio range. The samples were characterized by different techniques suchas PXRD, FT-IR, ICP mass, TGA, SBET, SEM and Diffuse reflectance (DR). The LDH particlesgrew as well-defined hexagonal nanolayers, whosesize and crystallization dependedon the synthetic procedure and the Zn/Al ratio. Those samples with lower crystallinity exhibit the highest specific surface area values (> 50 m2·g-1). The ZnAl-CO3LDHs were UV light responsive with band–gap valuescloseto 3.5 eV. The LDH photocatalysts show a high performance towards the photochemical oxidation process of NO gas, withefficiencies of around 55 %. Remarkably, the ZnAl-CO3photocatalysts exhibit an impressive selectivity towards the deNOx process, avoiding the emission of the toxic NO2gas into the atmosphere. Interestingly,these promising deNOx results are repeated when working for a long irradiation period or with the highest concentration of NO in polluted atmospheres

    Conspecific density and habitat quality drive the defence and vocal behaviour of a territorial passerine

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    Territorial defence depends on highly interrelated factors such as food abundance and conspecific density. We used Dupont’s Lark Chersophilus duponti as a model species to evaluate the response of a territorial bird to a foreign male playback, examining how conspecific density, habitat quality and male body condition impact responses. The study was conducted in central Spain with variable male density. Response (yes/no), latency time, distance to the playback speaker, and the number of songs and other vocalizations were monitored for 5 min. Habitat quality was estimated using BlueNDVI vegetation index extracted from high-resolution drone imagery, which is a proxy for arthropod prey biomass. Conspecific density (Kernel Density Estimator) and male body condition were calculated to assess their effect on response and intensity. We applied generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) to determine which factors predicted the response and its intensity. There was a greater response probability in areas with a higher density of conspecifics and in areas of poorer habitat quality (i.e. lower BlueNDVI values). In contrast, latency time was longer in areas with lower conspecific density. Intrasexual communication (singing and calling rates) increased with habitat quality. Intraspecific communication (other vocalizations) increased in poorer quality habitats and at a higher density of conspecifics. Body condition was not related to any variables. Our results suggest that male density, sometimes used as an indicator of an area being well conserved for the species, may reflect areas of poorer habitat quality occupied by unpaired floater males, whereas paired territorial males would occupy and defend higher quality areas, leading to lower densityThis study was supported by the European Union (LIFE Ricoti project LIFE15-NAT-ES-000802 and LIFE Connect Ricoti project LIFE20-NAT/ES/ 000133) and the BBVA-Ricoti project, funded by the BBVA Foundation. This paper contributes to project REMEDINAL-TE from CAM. There was no additional external funding received for this study. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the articl

    Expanding the tunability and applicability of exchange-coupled/decoupled magnetic nanocomposites

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    CoFe2O4/Co-Fe magnetic composites are usually prepared through partial reduction of CoFe2O4, which often yields monoxides (i.e., FeO, CoO) as secondary phases. Since these compounds are paramagnetic at ambient conditions, the presence of a small amount of monoxide is generally downplayed in the literature, and the possible effects on the magnetic properties are simply ignored. However, the present study shows that even a low concentration of monoxide results in decoupling of the soft and hard magnetic phases, which inevitably leads to a deterioration of the magnetic properties. Additionally, it is confirmed that a partial reduction of CoFe2O4 is a suitable method to produce CoFe2O4/Co-Fe nanocomposites, provided that the treatment is well controlled with respect to duration, temperature and flow of reductant. A monoxide-free nanocomposite was produced and its magnetic properties evaluated both at room and low temperature. Our model system exemplifies the potential of exchange-coupling (and decoupling) as a tool to tune the magnetic properties of a material within a relatively wide range of values, thus widening its spectrum of potential applications

    Évaluation du comptage des détections pour estimer la densité d'oiseaux à l'aide d'un suivi sonore passif : recommandations pour estimer un taux de détections fiable

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    Cue counting is a method developed for estimating vocally active wildlife density by dividing the density of cues (number of cues per unit area surveyed per unit time) by the average cue rate (ACR) at which individuals vocalize. It has been used successfully to estimate whale density using passive acoustic monitoring, but its efficacy has had limited testing in birds. We tested whether cue counting can be used to infer bird abundance using autonomous recording units and estimated the minimum effort required to obtain a reliable cue rate at individual and population levels. We recorded Dupont's Lark (Chersophilus duponti) vocalizations at 31 sites where traditional field censuses were also performed. We estimated the ACR using three methodologies: directional recordings, recordings from an online database of bird sounds (xeno-canto), and behavioral field studies. The ACRs estimated using directional recordings and behavioral field studies were similar, and bird numbers were over and underestimated by 0.8 and 10%, respectively (74–77% of the sampling sites were well estimated). However, the ACR estimated using xeno-canto recordings was much higher than those estimated using the other two methods, and bird numbers were underestimated by 41%. We also performed a cost-effectiveness assessment of the number of individuals and recording durations needed to optimize the estimation of a reliable ACR. We found that ACR estimates were more efficient if long (25 min) recordings were used when < 4 males were recorded, whereas 5-min recordings were more efficient for ≥ 20 males. We conclude that cue counting can be useful to infer bird density around recorders but requires an accurate measure of the ACR. Further research should evaluate the effectiveness of passive cue counting on a large number of species and under different circumstances.Le comptage des détections est une méthode qui a été élaborée pour estimer la densité de la faune active vocalement en divisant la densité de détections (nombre de détections par unité de surface étudiée par unité de temps) par le taux moyen de détections (TMD) auquel les individus chantent ou crient. Cette méthode a été utilisée avec succès pour calculer la densité des baleines à l'aide d'un suivi sonore passif, mais son efficacité a peu été testée chez les oiseaux. Nous avons testé si le comptage des détections pouvait être utilisé pour déduire l'abondance des oiseaux en utilisant des enregistreurs automatisés et avons calculé l'effort minimum requis pour obtenir un taux de détections fiable au niveau des individus et des populations. Nous avons enregistré les manifestations sonores du Sirli de Dupont (Chersophilus duponti) sur 31 sites où des recensements traditionnels ont également été effectués. Nous avons calculé le TMD de trois façons : à partir d'enregistrements directionnels, d'enregistrements provenant d'une base de données de cris et de chants d'oiseaux accessible en ligne (xeno-canto) et d'études comportementales sur le terrain. Les TMD calculés à l'aide d'enregistrements directionnels et d'études comportementales étaient similaires, et le nombre d'oiseaux était surestimé et sous-estimé de 0,8 et 10 %, respectivement (la mesure de 74-77 % des sites d'échantillonnage était juste). Cependant, le TMD calculé à l'aide d'enregistrements de xeno-canto était beaucoup plus élevé que ceux obtenus au moyen des deux autres méthodes, et le nombre d'oiseaux était sous-estimé de 41 %. Nous avons également réalisé une évaluation coût-efficacité du nombre d'individus et des durées d'enregistrement nécessaires pour optimiser le calcul d'un TMD fiable. Nous avons constaté que la mesure du TMD était meilleure si des enregistrements longs (25 min) étaient utilisés lorsque < 4 mâles étaient enregistrés, tandis que des enregistrements de 5 min étaient plus efficaces pour ≥ 20 mâles. Nous concluons que le comptage des détections peut être utile pour calculer la densité d'oiseaux autour des enregistreurs, mais une mesure précise du TMD doit d'abord être effectuée. D'autres recherches devraient se pencher sur l'évaluation de l'efficacité du comptage passif des détections dans le cas d'un grand nombre d'espèces et dans différentes circonstances.This study was supported by the Programa de Investigación y Conservación del Zoo de Barcelona within the project “Nuevas tecnologías para viejos trabajos: Uso de grabadores automáticos para la detección y censo de especies raras y amenazadas: El caso de la alondra ricotí en Lleida y otras poblaciones pequeñas”; the Education, Youth and Sport Bureau (Madrid Regional Government); and the European Social Fund for the Youth Employment Initiative (PEJ15/AMB/AI-0059 and PEJ1D-2018-PRE/AMB-8063). This work is a contribution to the Excellence Network Remedinal 3CM (S2013/MAE2719), supported by Comunidad de Madrid; and to the projects “Census of Dupont’s Lark in Guadalajara 2017 (SSCC/046/2017)”, supported by Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha; LIFE Ricotí (LIFE15-NAT-ES-000802), supported by the European Commission, and “BBVA-Dron Ricotí”, funded by the BBVA Foundation