943 research outputs found

    El hijo del Hombre de Jn 3,13 a la luz de la literatura apocalíptica

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    Las palabras de Jesús en el diálogo con Nicodemo: «Nadie ha subido al cielo, sino el que bajó del cielo, el Hijo del Hombre» (Jn 3,13) parecen contradecir la tradición judía que asume los ascensos al cielo de patriarcas o profetas como Henoc, Elías, etc. Así lo sugiere el pronombre «nadie». El presente trabajo se propone ayudar a comprender mejor esta afirmación. En primer lugar se determina el contexto de 3,13 en la estructura del evangelio de Juan y se analiza el uso paralelo de los verbos y expresiones más relevantes de este versículo en el cuarto evangelio. A continuación, se presentan los relatos de ascensos al cielo en la literatura judía apocalíptica y la figura del Hijo del Hombre. Seguidamente, se proponen las características del Hijo del Hombre joánico y las posibles relaciones con el Hijo del Hombre y los viajeros celestiales apocalípticos. Finalmente, se analiza cómo este texto ha sido recibido por los Padres y autores eclesiásticos de los siglos II y III. El trabajo en su conjunto muestra la continuidad del evangelio con la tradición literaria anterior, al mismo tiempo que destaca la novedad de la figura de Jesús y la autoridad de su mensaje de salvación.The words of Jesus in dialogue with Nicodemus: «No one has ascended to heaven but he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man» (Jn 3:13) seem to contradict the Jewish tradition that assumes the ascent to heaven of patriarchs or prophets like Enoch, Elijah, etc. This is suggested by the phrase «no one». This paper aims to better understand this statement. First, the context of 3:13 in the structure of the Gospel of John is determined, and the parallel use of verbs and most relevant expressions of this verse in the fourth gospel are analyzed. Then the accounts of ascents to heaven in Jewish apocalyptic literature and the figure of the Son of Man are presented. Next, the features of the Johannine Son of Man and possible relations with the apocalyptic Son of Man and celestial travelers are proposed. Finally, it is discussed how this text has been received by the Fathers and ecclesiastical authors of the 2nd and 3rd centuries. The work as a whole shows the continuity of the Gospel with the previous literary tradition, while highlighting the novelty of the figure of Jesus and the authority of his message of salvation

    Junghun Bae, John Chrysostom: On Almsgiving and the Therapy of the Soul, Brill, Leiden 2021, 207 pp. [RESEÑA]

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    La fórmula «pro multis»: perspectiva bíblica y dogmática

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    In the Spanish translation of the chalice’s consecratory formula, the expression «por todos los hombres» has been substituted by «por muchos ». This article briefly analyzes the formula from both the exegetical and the dogmatic standpoints. It examines some New Testament passages and the foundation they provide for the approved change and considers its theological scope. This article also insists that, since Jesus’ blood is shed for all mankind, this change of formula is not due to purely doctrinal reasons and underlines that the new translation makes it easier for one to rectify the erroneous conception that salvation is something «automatic» which hardly depends on man’s free cooperation.En la traducción al español de la fórmula de consagración del cáliz se ha sustituido la expresión «por todos los hombres» con «por muchos ». En este artículo se analiza brevemente esta fórmula desde dos perspectivas: la exegética y la dogmática. Se analizan los textos del Nuevo Testamento y el fundamento que ofrecen para el cambio establecido, y se considera el alcance teológico que tiene. Se pone de relieve que el cambio en la fórmula no obedece a motivos estrictamente doctrinales, puesto que la sangre de Jesús se derrama efectivamente por todos los hombres, y se subraya, sin embargo, que la nueva traducción facilita deshacer el equívoco de que la salvación es algo casi «automático», que apenas depende de la libre cooperación del hombre

    Transmission electron microscopy study of vertical quantum dots molecules grown by droplet epitaxy

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    3 páginas, 3 figuras.-- Progress in Applied Surface, Interface and Thin Film Science - SURFINT SREN II.-- PACS codes: 68.37.Lp; 81.05.Ea; 81.15.HiThe compositional distribution of InAs quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs capped InAs quantum dots has been studied in this work. Upper quantum dots are nucleated preferentially on top of the quantum dots underneath, which have been nucleated by droplet epitaxy. The growth process of these nanostructures, which are usually called as quantum dots molecules, has been explained. In order to understand this growth process, the analysis of the strain has been carried out from a 3D model of the nanostructure built from transmission electron microscopy images sensitive to the composition.This work was supported by the Spanish MCI (TEC2008-06756-C03-02/TEC), CONSOLIDER CSD2009-00013, and the Junta de Andalucia (PAI research groups TEP-120 and TIC-145, project P08-TEP-03516).Peer reviewe


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    Enseñar a solucionar problemas, es sin dudas, uno de los temas más complejos a tratar y resolver en cualquier educación. Las bajas cifras que arrojan las comprobaciones de conocimientos por las diferentes instancias, la insuficiente importancia que se le da a este tópico, la falta de dominio para el tratamiento por algunos docentes y su propia complejidad, exigen priorizar la preparación básica de los profesores, sobre cómo enseñar para que los alumnos aprendan a resolver problemas aritméticos. Con el presente trabajo, se pretende reflexionar y persuadir a los profesores sobre la importancia de seguir un modelo de actuación, donde se consideren los elementos básicos que no deben faltar en el tratamiento metodológico de la resolución de problemas aritméticos, para lograr el éxito en el aprendizaje de sus alumnos. Para realizar el artículo fue consultada una bibliografía pertinente y actualizada, así como la propia práctica educativa donde se desempeñan los autores. Este material sugiere un modo de actuación a todos los docentes que imparten Matemática en las diferentes educaciones

    Ambient Intelligence Systems for Personalized Sport Training

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    Several research programs are tackling the use of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) at specific fields, such as e-Health, e-Inclusion or e-Sport. This is the case of the project “Ambient Intelligence Systems Support for Athletes with Specific Profiles”, which intends to assist athletes in their training. In this paper, the main developments and outcomes from this project are described. The architecture of the system comprises a WSN deployed in the training area which provides communication with athletes’ mobile equipments, performs location tasks, and harvests environmental data (wind speed, temperature, etc.). Athletes are equipped with a monitoring unit which obtains data from their training (pulse, speed, etc.). Besides, a decision engine combines these real-time data together with static information about the training field, and from the athlete, to direct athletes’ training to fulfill some specific goal. A prototype is presented in this work for a cross country running scenario, where the objective is to maintain the heart rate (HR) of the runner in a target range. For each track, the environmental conditions (temperature of the next track), the current athlete condition (HR), and the intrinsic difficulty of the track (slopes) influence the performance of the athlete. The decision engine, implemented by means of (m; s)-splines interpolation, estimates the future HR and selects the best track in each fork of the circuit. This method achieves a success ratio in the order of 80%. Indeed, results demonstrate that if environmental information is not take into account to derive training orders, the success ratio is reduced notably.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia; DEP2006-56158-C03-01/02/03Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia; TEC2007-67966 -01/02/TCM CON-PARTE-1/2Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio ; TSI-020301-2008-16 ELISAMinisterio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio ; TSI-020301-2008-2 PIRAmID

    Experiments with the NNMFPACK library: influence of beta parameter in the NNMF approximation error

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    [EN] NnmfPack is a numerical library designed to compute efficiently the Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NNMF). It has been conceived for shared memory heterogeneous parallel systems, and it supports, from its conception, both conventional multi-core processors and many-core coprocessors. NnmfPack offers different algorithms which allow to handle different metrics options such as beta-divergence or Frobenius norm. In real applications the choice of the beta parameter presents a problem for the users of the NNMF that must decide which value to use to obtain the best approximation. In this paper, the influence of the parameter beta in the NNMF approximation error for different problems is empirically evaluated. Different datasets have been used in order to analyze and evaluate the dependency between the quality of the approximation provided by NnmfPack and the value of the beta parameter used.This work has been partially supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad from Spain, under the projects TEC2012-38142-C04-01 and TEC2012-38142-C04-04 and by PROMETEO FASE II 2014/003 projects of Generalitat Valenciana.San Juan Sebastián, P.; Vidal Maciá, AM.; García Mollá, VM.; Martínez Zaldívar, FJ.; Ranilla, J.; Alonso, P.; Alonso-González, M.... (2015). Experiments with the NNMFPACK library: influence of beta parameter in the NNMF approximation error. CMMSE. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/75307