141 research outputs found

    Mantenimiento predictivo de motores diesel marinos mediante correlación de imágenes termográficas y análisis de vibraciones

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    El presente trabajo permite de una forma rápida y eficaz la implementación de un programa de monitoreo por condición (correlación de imágenes termograficas y análisis de vibraciones) en los motores propulsores de las fragatas de la Armada Nacional de Colombia, las cuales deben estar prestas a cumplir la misión institucional de salvaguardar la soberanía nacional. Para la elaboración de esta metodología se utilizaron conceptos a partir de las mejores técnicas de mantenimiento como lo es el RCM (mantenimiento centrado en la confiabilidad). Esta metodología no solo va a ayudar a predecir futuros daños en la maquinaria los cuales se podrán evitar de una forma rápida sin poner en riesgo la misión de la unidad, sino también reducirá costos en mantenimiento por compra inapropiada de repuestos. Por otra parte estas técnicas no son suficientes si no se construyen metodologías que brinden la posibilidad de involucrar a todo el personal que en el diario vivir esta a cargo de la operación y el mantenimiento de maquinarias y equipos y son los que en muchos casos poseen la información valiosa que en conjunto con la información recolectada por los equipos de vibraciones y de termografía, son piezas fundamentales para aumentar la disponibilidad, mantenibilidad y confiabilidad de la maquinaria y equipos

    Preliminary Study of the Effects of a Comprehensive Teaching Program, Based on Questioning, to Improve Tactical Actions in Young Footballers

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of a comprehensive teaching program, based on questioning on decision making, and execution in football. The intervention program, based on teaching games for understanding model and including the application of questioning in a context of modified games, was applied during 21 training sessions. A quasi-experimental study with a prepost design with 18 male football players (M¿=¿10.7 years, SD¿=¿0.6) was developed over 18 weeks. Participants were divided into experimental group (n¿=¿9) and control group (n¿=¿9). A total of 1532 actions were observed (1120 passes and 412 dribbling). Results showed that after applying the intervention program, the players in the experimental group showed better decision making in the pass and dribbling actions, and better execution in the pass action, compared with the players from the control group. These results suggest that the application of questioning in a context of modified games must be taken into account to promote tactical training in young footballers and to improve their tactical behavior

    Escuela de investigadores: un programa de innovación y transferencia del conocimiento en investigación educativa

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    Póster presentado en: VIII Jornadas de Innovación Docente de la UBU, Burgos, 5 de abril de 2016, organizadas por el Instituto de Formación e Innovación Educativa-IFIE de la Universidad de Burgo

    Levels of physical activity in university students: differences by gender, age and states of change

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer los niveles de actividad física moderada-vigorosa (AFMV) en estudiantes universitarios. Asimismo, se analizaron los niveles de AF en función del género, edad y los estados de cambio del Modelo Transteórico. 901 estudiantes, 408 hombres y 493 mujeres, cumplimentaron el IPAQ-SF y una pregunta que evaluaba los estados de cambio. Entre los resultados obtenidos, se destaca que el 51.39% de los estudiantes no alcanzan los 30 minutos diarios de práctica de AFMV recomendados por los organismos internacionales, siendo el grado de cumplimiento superior en los hombres. En relación a los estados de cambio, en cuanto a los niveles de AFMV se refiere, se aprecian valores significativamente superiores en los estados de acción y mantenimiento respecto al resto de estados de cambio. Todo ello sugiere pautas de intervención para el desarrollo de programas de intervención que incidan en la promoción de AF en la etapa universitaria.The objective was to analyze the levels of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in university students. Likewise, it was analyzed PA levels by gender, age and state of change of the Transtheoretical Model. 901 students, 408 men and 493 women, completed the IPAQ-SF and a question to evaluate the stages of change. Among the results, it highlights that 51.39% of students do not achieve the international recommendations of 30 minutes of MVPA practice per day, with a higher compliance in men. Regarding the states of change, in terms of levels of MVPA is concerned, significantly higher values were seen in the action stage and maintenance stage, compared to other stages of change. This suggests intervention guidelines for the development of intervention programs that affect the promotion of PA in the university stage.peerReviewe

    Atypical presentation of Gorham-Stout syndrome. Case report

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    Gorham-Stout syndrome is an extremely rare pathology, of unknown etiology. It is characterized by proliferation of vascular channels that causes destruction and reabsorption of the bone matrix. We present a nine year-old male patient with an acute episode characterized by fever, chest pain, respiratory distress and dyspnea. The patient was submitted to computed tomography scan and a biopsy. The findings in the biopsy were multiple lytic lesions, osteolysis, and a mediastinal lymphangioma (lymphangiomatosis). The diagnosis was Gorham-Stout syndrome with atypical [email protected] síndrome de Gorham-Stout es una patología ósea extremadamente rara de etiología desconocida, caracterizada histopatológicamente por proliferación de los canales vasculares, que origina destrucción y resorción de la matriz ósea. Se presenta el caso de un paciente varón de nueve años de edad con un cuadro agudo caracterizado por fiebre, dolor torácico, dificultad respiratoria y disnea ante pequeños esfuerzos. Se realizaron estudios de imágenes y patología, en los que se encontraron lesiones liticas múltiples y presencia de un linfangioma mediastínico. Se diagnosticó síndrome de Gorham-Stout. Esta es una presentación atípica debido a la localización de la linfangiomatosis y al tamaño de la masa.Revisión por pare


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    The article presents a theoretical proposal for the pedagogic professional reorientation in the career Degree in Education, Instructor specialty of Art, in the semipresent modality in the University of Granma, to secure the professional in its acting. The categories pedagogic professional reorientation, pedagogic professional conceptualization, pedagogic professional systematizing and appropriation of the pedagogic professional culture are approached. The objective is the socialization of a subsystem of the pedagogic pattern that intends for the pedagogic professional reaffirmation in this career, of the first author's doctoral thesis, the one that you can generalize to others. One kept in mind a population of 30 students the first years. It is considered a novel proposition in the field of the pedagogic theory, when expressing the logic of the relationships of integration of the artistic and pedagogic contents that to favor the process of pedagogic professional reaffirmation and they generate the pedagogic professional establishment, as essential quality, in the content of the career Degree in Education, Instructor specialty of Art.El artículo presenta una propuesta teórica para la reorientación profesional pedagógica en la carrera Licenciatura en Educación, especialidad Instructor de Arte, en la modalidad semipresencial en la Universidad de Granma, para afianzar al profesional en su desempeño. Se abordan las categorías reorientación profesional pedagógica, conceptualización profesional pedagógica, sistematización profesional pedagógica y apropiación de la cultura profesional pedagógica. Tiene como objetivo la socialización de un subsistema del modelo pedagógico que se propone para la reafirmación profesional pedagógica en esta carrera, de la tesis doctoral del primer autor, la cual se puede generalizar. Se tuvo en cuenta una población de 30 estudiantes del primer año. Se considera una proposición novedosa en el campo de la teoría pedagógica, al expresar la lógica de las relaciones de integración de los contenidos artísticos y pedagógicos que favorecen el proceso de reafirmación profesional pedagógica y generan el afianzamiento profesional pedagógico, como cualidad esencial, en el contenido de la carrera Licenciatura en Educación, especialidad Instructor de Arte

    Identification of molecular biomarkers associated with disease progression in the testis of bulls infected with Besnoitia besnoiti

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    [EN]Breeding bulls infected with Besnoitia besnoiti may develop sterility during either acute or chronic infection. The aim of this study was to investigate the molecular pathogenesis of B. besnoiti infection with prognosis value in bull sterility. Accordingly, five well-characterized groups of naturally and experimentally infected males were selected for the study based on clinical signs and lesions compatible with B. besnoiti infection, serological results and parasite detection. A broad panel of molecular markers representative of endothelial activation and fibrosis was investigated and complemented with a histopathological approach that included conventional histology and immunohistochemistry. The results indicated the predominance of an intense inflammatory infiltrate composed mainly of resident and recruited circulating macrophages and to a lesser extent of CD3+ cells in infected bulls. In addition, a few biomarkers were associated with acute, chronic or subclinical bovine besnoitiosis. The testicular parenchyma showed a higher number of differentially expressed genes in natural infections (acute and chronic infections) versus scrotal skin in experimental infections (subclinical infection). In subclinical infections, most genes were downregulated except for the CCL24 and CXCL2 genes, which were upregulated. In contrast, the acute phase was mainly characterized by the upregulation of IL-1α, IL-6 and TIMP1, whereas in the chronic phase, the upregulation of ICAM and the downregulation of MMP13, PLAT and IL-1α were the most relevant findings. Macrophages could be responsible for the highest level of gene regulation in the testicular parenchyma of severely affected and sterile bulls, and all these genes could be prognostic markers of sterility.SIThis study was financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL-2016-75202-R), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-103960RB-I00) and by the Community of Madrid (PLATESA P2018/ BAA-4370). DG-B was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science through a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship (FJCI-2016-27875). CD-D was financially supported through a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BES-2014-069839) and AJ-M through a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (FPU, Grant Number FPU13/05481). I. Ferre, L.M. Ortega Mora y G. Álvarez-García are part of the TOXOSOURCES consortium, supported by funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 773830: One Health European Joint Programme. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Aplicación de un programa de intervención para mejorar la comprensión táctica en fútbol sala: un estudio en contexto educativo

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar el efecto de un programa de Enseñanza Comprensiva sobre la toma de decisiones y ejecución del pase y de la conducción en el fútbol sala en un contexto educativo. Participaron 21 alumnos con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 14 años. Las variables independientes fueron el programa de intervención basado en el modelo Teaching Games for Understanding (TGFU) y la experiencia en fútbol sala federado. Las variables de toma de decisiones y ejecución fueron evaluadas a través del instrumento de observación Game Performance Evaluation Tool (GPET). Los resultados mostraron una mejoría significativa en la toma de decisión del pase en el grupo sin experiencia tras la aplicación del programa. Sin embargo, en el grupo con experiencia no fueron encontradas diferencias en ninguna de las variables. Los resultados destacan la necesidad de establecer adaptaciones e individualizar las tareas de aprendizaje en el contexto educativo, en función del nivel de habilidad de los alumnos. The purpose of the study was to analyse the effects of a Comprehensive Teaching Programme on decision-making and execution, pass and dribbling actions in indoor football within an educational context. Participants were 21 students aged 12-14. Independent variables were the intervention program based on the “Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU)” model and the experience in federated indoor football. Decisionmaking and execution variables were assessed through the observation instrument “Game Performance Evaluation Tool (GPET)”. The results show significant improvement in decision making for pass after the application of the program to the unexperienced group; however, those differences were not found in the experienced group. The results point out the need to adjust and individualize learning tasks in the educational context, depending on students’ skill level

    Vascular wall injury and inflammation are key pathogenic mechanisms responsible for early testicular degeneration during acute besnoitiosis in bulls

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    [EN] BACKGROUND: Bovine besnoitiosis, caused by the apicomplexan parasite Besnoitia besnoiti, is a chronic and debilitating cattle disease that notably impairs fertility. Acutely infected bulls may develop respiratory signs and orchitis, and sterility has been reported in chronic infections. However, the pathogenesis of acute disease and its impact on reproductive function remain unknown. METHODS: Herein, we studied the microscopic lesions as well as parasite presence and load in the testis (pampiniform plexus, testicular parenchyma and scrotal skin) of seven bulls with an acute B. besnoiti infection. Acute infection was confirmed by serological techniques (IgM seropositive results and IgG seronegative results) and subsequent parasite detection by PCR and histological techniques. RESULTS: The most parasitized tissue was the scrotal skin. Moreover, the presence of tachyzoites, as shown by immunohistochemistry, was associated with vasculitis, and three bulls had already developed juvenile tissue cysts. In all animals, severe endothelial injury was evidenced by marked congestion, thrombosis, necrotizing vasculitis and angiogenesis, among others, in the pampiniform plexus, testicular parenchyma and scrotal skin. Vascular lesions coexisted with lesions characteristic of a chronic infection in the majority of bulls: hyperkeratosis, acanthosis and a marked diffuse fibroplasia in the dermis of the scrotum. An intense inflammatory infiltrate was also observed in the testicular parenchyma accompanied by different degrees of germline atrophy in the seminiferous tubules with the disappearance of various strata of germ cells in four bulls. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirmed that severe acute besnoitiosis leads to early sterility that might be permanent, which is supported by the severe lesions observed. Consequently, we hypothesized that testicular degeneration might be a consequence of (i) thermoregulation failure induced by vascular lesions in pampiniform plexus and scrotal skin lesions; (ii) severe vascular wall injury induced by the inflammatory response in the testis; and (iii) blood-testis barrier damage and alteration of spermatogenesis by immunoresponseSIThis study was fnanced by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitive‑ ness (AGL-2016-75202-R) and by the Community of Madrid (PLATESA P2018/ BAA-4370). DG-B is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science through a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship (FJCI-2016-27875). CD-D was fnancially supported through a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Com‑ petitiveness (BES-2014-069839) and AJ-M through a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (FPU, Grant Number FPU13/05481