653 research outputs found

    A robust partial least squares method with applications

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    Partial least squares regression (PLS) is a linear regression technique developed to relate many regressors to one or several response variables. Robust methods are introduced to reduce or remove the effect of outlying data points. In this paper we show that if the sample covariance matrix is properly robustified further robustification of the linear regression steps of the PLS algorithm becomes unnecessary. The robust estimate of the covariance matrix is computed by searching for outliers in univariate projections of the data on a combination of random directions (Stahel-Donoho) and specific directions obtained by maximizing and minimizing the kurtosis coefficient of the projected data, as proposed by Peña and Prieto (2006). It is shown that this procedure is fast to apply and provides better results than other procedures proposed in the literature. Its performance is illustrated by Monte Carlo and by an example, where the algorithm is able to show features of the data which were undetected by previous methods

    A multivariate generalized independent factor GARCH model with an application to financial stock returns

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    We propose a new multivariate factor GARCH model, the GICA-GARCH model , where the data are assumed to be generated by a set of independent components (ICs). This model applies independent component analysis (ICA) to search the conditionally heteroskedastic latent factors. We will use two ICA approaches to estimate the ICs. The first one estimates the components maximizing their non-gaussianity, and the second one exploits the temporal structure of the data. After estimating the ICs, we fit an univariate GARCH model to the volatility of each IC. Thus, the GICA-GARCH reduces the complexity to estimate a multivariate GARCH model by transforming it into a small number of univariate volatility models. We report some simulation experiments to show the ability of ICA to discover leading factors in a multivariate vector of financial data. An empirical application to the Madrid stock market will be presented, where we compare the forecasting accuracy of the GICA-GARCH model versus the orthogonal GARCH one

    A multivariate generalized independent factor GARCH model with an application to financial stock returns

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    We propose a new multivariate factor GARCH model, the GICA-GARCH model , where the data are assumed to be generated by a set of independent components (ICs). This model applies independent component analysis (ICA) to search the conditionally heteroskedastic latent factors. We will use two ICA approaches to estimate the ICs. The first one estimates the components maximizing their non-gaussianity, and the second one exploits the temporal structure of the data. After estimating the ICs, we fit an univariate GARCH model to the volatility of each IC. Thus, the GICA-GARCH reduces the complexity to estimate a multivariate GARCH model by transforming it into a small number of univariate volatility models. We report some simulation experiments to show the ability of ICA to discover leading factors in a multivariate vector of financial data. An empirical application to the Madrid stock market will be presented, where we compare the forecasting accuracy of the GICA-GARCH model versus the orthogonal GARCH one.ICA, Multivariate GARCH, Factor models, Forecasting volatility

    Exploring ICA for time series decomposition

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    In this paper, we apply independent component analysis (ICA) for prediction and signal extraction in multivariate time series data. We compare the performance of three different ICA procedures, JADE, SOBI, and FOTBI that estimate the components exploiting either the non-Gaussianity, or the temporal structure of the data, or combining both, non-Gaussianity as well as temporal dependence. Some Monte Carlo simulation experiments are carried out to investigate the performance of these algorithms in order to extract components such as trend, cycle, and seasonal components. Moreover, we empirically test the performance of those three ICA procedures on capturing the dynamic relationships among the industrial production index (IPI) time series of four European countries. We also compare the accuracy of the IPI time series forecasts using a few JADE, SOBI, and FOTBI components, at different time horizons. According to the results, FOTBI seems to be a good starting point for automatic time series signal extraction procedures, and it also provides quite accurate forecasts for the IPIs.ICA, Signal extraction, Multivariate time series, Forecasting

    La atención a la situación de emergencia planetaria en los museos de ciencias: El inicio de un cambio necesario

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    En el presente trabajo analizamos el contenido de dos importantes museos franceses que han empezado a incorporar de forma clara y extensa, no meramente incidental, la atención a la actual situación de emergencia planetaria. Se trata de dos ejemplos notables de superación todavía parcial de la orientación tradicional de los museos como meros exponentes propagandísticos de los logros científicos y de respuesta positiva a los llamamientos de Naciones Unidas para que todos los educadores contribuyamos a favorecer la participación ciudadana en la toma de decisiones fundamentadas, generando actitudes y comportamientos orientados a la consecución de un futuro sostenible

    Otro mundo es posible: De la emergencia planetaria a la sociedad sostenible

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    Los Museos de ciencias, que han sido concebidos, tradicionalmente, como exponentes de los logros científicos, no están respondiendo, en general, al llamamiento que numerosos expertos y organismos internacionales vienen haciendo a los educadoras, incluidos los responsables de la educación no reglada, para que contribuyan a la percepción ciudadana de la situación de emergencia planetaria. En este trabajo se realiza una propuesta de museo que pretende responder a dicho llamamiento, facilitando una reflexión sobre los problemas de la humanidad y la forma de hacerles frente

    Museos para la 'glocalidad': Una propuesta de museo que ayude a analizar los problemas de una región dada en el marco de la situación del mundo

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    Se contempla en este trabajo la posibilidad de una reorientación de los museos con el fin de que puedan contribuir a la formación ciudadana para hacer frente a la actual situación de emergencia planetaria a partir del nuevo concepto de 'glocalidad', como expresión de la estrecha vinculación entre los problemas globales del planeta y los locales de cualquier región. Se ilustra la posibilidad de esta orientación analizando, como ejemplo, el contenido del 'Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature', en Winnipeg (Canadá)

    Exploring ICA for time series decomposition

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    In this paper, we apply independent component analysis (ICA) for prediction and signal extraction in multivariate time series data. We compare the performance of three different ICA procedures, JADE, SOBI, and FOTBI that estimate the components exploiting either the non-Gaussianity, or the temporal structure of the data, or combining both, non-Gaussianity as well as temporal dependence. Some Monte Carlo simulation experiments are carried out to investigate the performance of these algorithms in order to extract components such as trend, cycle, and seasonal components. Moreover, we empirically test the performance of those three ICA procedures on capturing the dynamic relationships among the industrial production index (IPI) time series of four European countries. We also compare the accuracy of the IPI time series forecasts using a few JADE, SOBI, and FOTBI components, at different time horizons. According to the results, FOTBI seems to be a good starting point for automatic time series signal extraction procedures, and it also provides quite accurate forecasts for the IPIs

    Plan de viaje entre Tenerife, La Gomera y La Palma

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    En el trabajo de fin de grado que veremos a continuación, se muestra de una manera sencilla los pasos a efectuar en la elaboración de un plan de viaje. Con el objetivo que pueda servir de ayuda al marino que necesite navegar entre las islas de Tenerife, La Gomera y La Palma. Ya que muestra las características de la zona y la travesía en cuestión. Contando y mostrando las diferentes cualidades que nos podemos encontrar al navegar entre las islas occidentales de canarias. Y así con esto aportar un ejemplo real al marino para su perfecta formación y conocimiento de la profesión. Es un trabajo de recopilación de datos sobre los puertos, las mareas, los vientos, las comprobaciones antes de la llegada o salida de puerto, y las medidas para salvaguardar la fauna que se encuentra en esta área registrada como zona de protección de cetáceos. Es importante resaltar la relación que a pesar de que este trabajo se base en la ruta especifica que realiza a diario el buque “Volcán de Taburiente”, mostrando de una manera sencilla las pautas a seguir por el oficial a cargo de crear un plan de viaje, puede servir como guía para elaborar o desempeñar esta tarea en cualquier otra ruta en la que queramos navegar.In the final degree project that we will see next, the steps to carry out in preparing a travel plan are shown in a simple way. With the aim that it can help the sailor who needs to navigate between the islands of Tenerife, La Gomera and La Palma. Since it shows the characteristics of the area and the journey in question. Counting and showing the different qualities that we can find when navigating between the western islands of the Canary Islands. And so with this, provide a real example to the sailor for his perfect training and knowledge of the profession. It is a work of data collection on ports, tides, winds, checks before arrival or departure, and measures to safeguard the fauna found in this area registered as a cetacean protection zone. It is important to highlight the relationship that despite the fact that this work is based on the specific route carried out daily by the ship "Volcán de Taburiente", showing in a simple way the guidelines to be followed by the officer in charge of creating a travel plan , can serve as a guide to elaborate or carry out this task in any other route in which we want to sail

    European Newspapers’ Digital Transition: New Products and New Audiences = La transición digital de los diarios europeos: nuevos productos y nuevas audiencias

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    The adaptation of traditional newspapers to new digital media and its interface, far from being a mere technical transformation, has contributed to a gradual change in the media themselves and their audiences. With a sample including the top general information pay newspaper in each of the 28 countries of the European Union, this research has carried out an analysis using 17 indicators divided in 4 categories. The aim is to identify the transformations that the implementation of digital media have brought to the top European newspapers. In general terms, the results show that most dailies have managed to keep their leadership also in online environment. Moreover, an emerging group of global media is growing up, based in preexisting national media. Digital and mobile media have contributed to the appearance of new consumption habits as well, where users read more superficially and sporadically. The audience uses several formats at a time, and digital devices already bring the biggest amount of users to many media. The Internet-created new information windows –search engines, social networks, etc. –are also contributing to the change in professional work routines