119 research outputs found

    Learn, teach and share, participation in expanded educational communities: Madrid Pikler Seminar as a practice of continuing education between childhood professionals

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    This article analyzes an expanded learning experience, expanded in the sense that this experience is mediated by public digital space, in which a very active collective of educators that work with young children strive to improve their professional practice incorporating the pedagogical approaches of Emmi Pikler. Although, initially, the format of this seminar was based on discussion and analysis meetings, a few years back the author and researcher joined to suggest open and connected activities, promoting the use of standard tools of the social web that enable participants to create knowledge before, during and after the sessions; as well as disseminate, debate and recover it afterwards. The interpretation and analysis of this experience showcase the diversity and evolution of the trajectories of participation that take place within this community of practice, and the design of its functional elements and protocols intend to inspire an expanded approach in other learning scenarios

    Maker culture, hype or social revolution: Study of a project to transform learning spaces

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    Esta comunicación presenta un estudio de investigación acción participativa desarrollado con dos grupos de educación primaria en un centro educativo de Madrid capital, que indaga en los procesos de participación infantil en un proyecto de diseño y fabricación digital, transformación de espacios y experiencias innovadoras de aprendizaje. La intención es promover el interés por una investigación educativa basada en la interpretación de usos y prácticas que puede ayudar a intervenir en procesos de cambio educativo, al mismo tiempo que genera conocimiento científico, dando importancia al contexto local y a las diferencias de cada comunidad. El objetivo es situar y destacar algunas particularidades metodológicas de una investigación de orientación transdisciplinar que ha implicado a la comunidad educativa del colegio, a investigadores y a profesionales de una institución cultural de reconocido prestigio internacional. Este trabajo plantea entender las lógicas de la cultura digital como una forma de estar y dar sentido al mundo en el que vivimos (Horst y Miller, 2012), de manera que sus modestos aportes ayuden a los participantes y a los agentes de socialización (familias, profesores, comunidad, medios de comunicación, etc.) a analizar, interpretar y mejorar su realidad socialThis paper presents a participatory action research study developed with two groups of primary education in an educational center in Madrid, which investigates the processes of child participation in a project of digital design and manufacturing, transformation of spaces and innovative learning experiences. The intention is to promote interest in an educational research based on the interpretation of uses and practices that can help intervene in processes of educational change, while generating scientific knowledge, giving importance to the local context and the differences of each community. The objective is to locate and highlight some methodological peculiarities of a research of transdisciplinary orientation that has involved the educational community of the school, researchers and professionals of a cultural institution of recognized international prestige. This work aims to understand the logic of digital culture as a way to be and give meaning to the world in which we live (Horst & Miller, 2012), so their modest contributions help participants and socialization agents (families, teachers, community, media, etc.) to analyze, interpret and improve their social realit

    Some of the challenges and experiences of formal education in a Mobile-Centric Society (MCS)

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    The aim of the paper is to describe some of the challenges faced by schools, or by formal education in general, as a consequence of today's mobile-centric society (henceforth MCS), the term we will use to denote the new, networked learning ecology that has arisen from the massive penetration of digital media in everyday life. After revisiting some of the ideas of McLuhan and Vygotsky in the light of this new technological scenario, we describe five traits of the MCS and the challenges - illustrated through educational practices - that we believe schools will face if they wish to preserve their function of individualization and socialization. We believe that despite the emergence of the MCS, the main function of the school is still to provide the "box of tools" (a set of psychological instruments, such as reading, writing, mathematical notation, digital literacy, etc.) that enables people to develop their learning skills and life projects and to become part of communities and groups. However, the complexity and mobility of the new learning environments means that the position held by schools needs to be re-evaluated in the face of the informal learning paths and experiences - both online and offline - to which learners now have access. We also need to re-evaluate the meaning of the school itself as an institution and the model of learner it should be training

    Children at home in Madrid

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    In this article we focus on transformations occurring in middle/upper-class children’s homes in Madrid (Spain). We examine emergent patterns of use and appropriation of domestic space in children’s lives and focus on two themes: (1) the reutilization of daily tasks and home spaces for children’s leisure and socialization, (2) the role of new technologies of communication in children’s lives and social relations from home. The results show children’s active role in the appropriation of domestic space and suggest that discussions of children’s withdrawal from public space need to be reconsidered from an ecological-systemic perspectiv

    From home to the city as a way of coming and going in the development of identity: the case of medium/high class urban childhood routines in Madrid

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    Se viene definiendo el hogar como un espacio dinámico (POVEDA et al., 2012), que no forma parte únicamente de lo público o lo privado, los límites entre ambos se vuelven más difusos, ya que los medios digitales ponen al alcance el espacio público dentro del entorno privado. Presentamos un estudio cualitativo de las rutinas y el uso que la infancia hace de los recursos que su entorno les proporciona. Se realizó con 4 menores de entre 9-13 años de 2 distritos de clase alta de Madrid. El análisis muestra cómo reparten su tiempo entre el espacio público y privado, cómo hacen uso de los recursos a tienen acceso y que les proporciona el hogar, y a su vez la familia, ambos ofrecen un amplio acceso al capital económico y cultural (BOURDIEU, 1994), asociado a su clase socioeconómica. (LAREAU, 2002)Home has been defined as a dynamic space (POVEDA et al, 2012), which is not just part of either the public or the private space. The boundaries between these spaces become more diffuse, since digital media place the public space within the private environment. We present a qualitative study of children’s routines and the use of resources that their environment provides. It was conducted with 4 children aged between 9-13, in 2 upper-class districts of Madrid. The analysis shows how they share their time between public and private spaces, how they make use of the resources they have access to, and what their homes, and in turn their families, provide to them; both offer broad access to economic and cultural capital (BOURDIEU, 1994) associated with their socioeconomic class. (LAREAU, 2002)La maison a été définie comme un espace dynamique (POVEDA et al, 2012), qui n’est pas exclusivement un espace public ni privé, les frontières entre les deux deviennent plus diffuse, car les médias numériques mettent accessible l’espace public dans l’environnement privé. Nous présentons une étude qualitative des routines et de l’usage des enfants qui s’en utilise des ressources offertes par l’environnement. L’étude a été réalisée avec 4 enfants âgés de 9 à 13 ans, de 2 districts de la classe privilégiée de Madrid. L’analyse montre comment ils partagent leur temps entre l’espace public et privé, comment ils font l’usage des ressources pour en avoir l’accès et les fournir à la maison, et à son tour, à la famille, les deux offrent un large accès au capital économique et culturel (BOURDIEU, 1994) associés à la classe socio-économique. (LAREAU, 2002

    Participação infantil na transformação de espacios de aprendizagem: Democratizando a criação através de um projeto de fabricação digital em um Fablab

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    Se presenta un proyecto participativo incluido en la programación de aula de dos grupos de educación primaria de un centro escolar situado en Madrid. El objetivo es situar y señalar ciertas particularidades metodológicas de este estudio de caso, un proyecto de investigación acción de orientación transdisciplinar que ha implicado a la comunidad educativa del colegio, a investigadores y a profesionales de una institución cultural de reconocido prestigio internacional, con la pretensión de promover el interés y la relevancia de una investigación educativa basada en las prácticas que puede ayudar a intervenir e innovar en procesos de cambio educativo, al mismo tiempo que genera conocimiento científico, dando importancia al contexto local y a las diferencias de cada comunidadThis paper introduces a participatory project included in the classroom programming of two groups of primary education in a school situated in Madrid. The main interest is to situate and mark certain methodological particularities of this case study, a transdisciplinary action research project that has involved the educational community of the school, researchers and professionals of a cultural institution with international prestige, with the aim of promoting the interest and relevance of practice-based educational research that can help to intervene and innovate in educational change processes, while generating scientific knowledge, giving importance to the local context and the differences of each communityEste artigo apresenta um projecto participativo incluso na programação das aulas de dois grupos de alunos de educação primária de um centro escolar em Madrid. O objectivo é assinalar e indicar algumas particularidades metodológicas deste estudo, um projeto de investigação e de orientação interdisciplinar que tem envolvido a comunidade educativa do colégio, além de pesquisadores e profissionais de uma instituição cultural de reconhecido prestígio internacional. O objectivo é o de promover o interesse na pertinência de uma pesquisa educativa baseada nas práticas que podem ajudar a intervir e inovar os processos educativos ao mesmo tempo que geram conhecimento científico, dando importância ao contexto local e as diferenças de cada comunidad

    Participatory Culture in Chinese Transmedia Fictions

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    As a new literary form in China, Transmedia fictions are constantly impacting the status of traditional paper novels. Participation culture is an important feature of Transmedia fictions, and it plays an important role in transmedia creation and communication modes. As a representative of mass culture and grassroots culture, Transmedia fictions continuously increase their influence in people's spiritual and cultural life and impact the status of traditional elite culture through a very participatory creative process and communication process. Through the study of the participating culture in Chinese Transmedia fictions, we can have a deeper understanding of the characteristics of this literary form, which will promote the future development of world literatur

    Privilegiando la Individualidad a través del Compromiso Colectivo: Estrategias Parentales y Dinámicas de Participación en una Escuela de Clase Media

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    This paper attempts to contribute to the growing literature focusing on middle-class parents, their educational strategies and their role in the construction of socio-educational advantages/inequalities especially in the contexts of Spanish educational discourses, to the de-naturalization of middle-class parental ideologies and the educational policies that are presented as ideologically neutral but are closely aligned to this middle-class ideological complex.The findings come from an action research project in a public (state-run) primary school in Spain, attempting to track and document the “natural history” of the various strategies of “school involvement” displayed by parents which range from collaboration with classroom, school and teacher-initiated activities, to surveillance of school policies and programming to open confrontation with the school administration and among parents.This case study uncovers a complex scenario in a relatively homogeneous (in socio-economic and ethnic terms) site where parental dynamics of school involvement are varied and shaped by a complex and heterogeneous set of interests and beliefs that seriously invite to reconsider “school-family continuity” in middle-class settings. Additionally, we would also like to use the case study to raise some ethical and methodological questions in relation to the complexities of holding multiple identities and roles in the field.Este trabajo intenta contribuir a la creciente literatura centrada en las familias de clase media, sus estrategias educativas y su papel en la construcción de oportunidades y desigualdades socioeducativas, especialmente en el contexto de los discursos educativos españoles, y a la des-naturalización de las ideologías parentales y de las políticas educativas que son presentadas como ideológicamente neutrales y sin embargo se alinean estrechamente con este complejo ideológico de clase media. Los hallazgos proceden de un proyecto de investigación acción en un colegio público de educación infantil y primaria en España, tratando de indagar y documentar la "historia natural" de las diversas estrategias de "participación en la escuela" mostradas por los padres y que van, desde la colaboración en el aula, en el colegio y en actividades promovidas por el profesor, hasta la vigilancia de las políticas y programas escolares abriendo una confrontación con la dirección del colegio y entre las familias. Este estudio de caso revela un escenario complejo en una localización relativamente homogénea (en términos socioeconómicos y étnicos) donde las dinámicas parentales de participación en la escuela son variadas y conformadas por un conjunto heterogéneo y complejo de intereses y creencias que invitan a reconsiderar la “continuidad familia-escuela” en el contexto de la clase media. Además, nos gustaría utilizar el estudio de caso para plantear cuestiones éticas y metodológicas en relación con las complejidades de asumir múltiples identidades y roles en el trabajo de campo

    Estado del arte: reconocimiento automático del iris humano

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    Este artículo presenta una revisión de los desarrollos más notables en la tecnología de reconocimiento del iris humano, así como nuevas aproximaciones que buscan una mayor robustez del proceso con diferentes optimizaciones a través de técnicas computacionales y/o matemáticas. Se pretende brindar una visión completa pero sucinta de los avances logrados, así como futuros desarrollos que pueden aportar a la consolidación de esta tecnología biométrica

    Legitimate peripheral participation in learning practices for lifelong learning: Study of a project with early Childhood Education professional

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    Esta comunicación procede de un proyecto de investigación acción en el que participaron los autores y un colectivo de educadoras de infantil que se propusieron mejorar su práctica profesional incorporando los planteamientos pedagógicos de Emmi Pikler. La práctica de aprendizaje que desarrollaron se centró en la creación de conocimiento distribuido, es decir, en lugar de recurrir a educación formal plantearon una dinámica basada en la participación y que ponía especial énfasis en cuestiones relativas a la identidad de aprendiz, como las que se dan en las comunidades de práctica. Asimismo, se promovieron actividades de carácter abierto a través del uso de herramientas de la web social para producir conocimiento antes, durante y después de las sesiones, así como, difundirlo, debatirlo y recuperarlo con posterioridad. El análisis de esta experiencia pone de manifiesto la diversidad de las trayectorias de participación que se dan en esta comunidad de prácticaThis communication comes from an action research project in which participated the authors and a group of children's educators, who set out to improve their professional practice by incorporating the pedagogical approaches of Emmi Pikler. The learning practice they developed focused on the creation of distributed knowledge, that is, instead of resorting to formal education, they proposed some dynamics based on participation and that placed special emphasis on issues related to learner identity, such as those occur in communities of practice. Likewise, open-ended activities were promoted through the use of social web tools to produce knowledge before, during and after the sessions, as well as disseminate, debate and retrieve it later. The analysis of this experience shows the diversity of the trajectories of participation that occur in this community of practic