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    The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between parental involvement (communication, motivation and reading promotion) and educational achievement in baccalaureate students. A quantitative, cross-sectional, non-experimental and correlational study was conducted with 13,478 parents or legal guardians and students undertaking the educational stage under study in Mexico in 2018. A questionnaire was administered to parents or legal guardians, in which they provided information about their children. The questionnaire included items to measure factors pertaining to communication, motivation and reading promotion. The validity and internal consistency of each factor was established using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, according to the resulting Cronbach’s alpha (a) and McDonald’s omega () coefficients, respectively. Educational achievement was determined according to student reading, mathematics and science outcomes in PISA 2018. In order to empirically verify the proposed theoretical model, a structural equation modelling approach was taken and, from this, the empirical model was obtained. Based on the above, educational achievement was found to be directly related with communication and reading promotion. Likewise, an indirect relationship was obtained between motivation and educational achievement. The relationship between the factors examined in the present study and educational achievement is not sufficiently considered in in baccalaureate students. It is, therefore, important to recognise family as a valuable entity with a meaningful impact in the school environment.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la relación existente entre el Involucramiento parental (Comunicación, Motivación y Fomento lector) y el Logro educativo en estudiantes de bachillerato. Fue un estudio cuantitativo, transversal, no experimental y correlacional que estuvo conformado por 13,478 madres, padres y/o tutores y estudiantes que cursaban el nivel educativo en mención en México en el año 2018. Fue aplicado un cuestionario para madres, padres y/o tutores, en el cual, brindaban información acerca de sus hijas e hijos. De este cuestionario fueron seleccionadas preguntas para medir los factores de Comunicación, Motivación y Fomento lector, determinando validez y consistencia interna de cada factor a través de los análisis factoriales exploratorio y confirmatorio y los coeficientes alfa (a) de Cronbach y omega () de McDonald, respectivamente. El logro educativo se midió a través de los resultados del estudiantado en lectura, matemáticas y ciencias en PISA 2018. Para comprobar empíricamente el modelo teórico propuesto, se aplicó el modelaje con ecuaciones estructurales. Una vez que se aplicó dicho modelaje se obtuvo el modelo empírico. Con base en lo anterior, se encontró una relación directa entre la Comunicación y el Fomento lector con el Logro educativo, asimismo, se obtuvo una relación indirecta entre la Motivación y el propio Logro educativo. Por consiguiente, se da por sentada la relación entre los factores analizados y el Logro educativo en estudiantes de bachillerato, de ahí la importancia de reconocer a la familia como un ente valioso que tiene impacto en el ámbito escolar.O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a relação entre o Envolvimento dos Pais (Comunicação, Motivação e Incentivo à Leitura) e a Realização Educativa nos alunos do ensino secundário. Foi um estudo quantitativo, transversal, não experimental e correlacional que foi composto por 13 478 mães, pais e/ou tutores e estudantes que frequentavam o nível educativo em questão no México, em 2018. Foi aplicado um questionário a mães, pais e/ou tutores, no qual estes forneciam informações sobre os seus filhos. A partir deste questionário, foram selecionadas perguntas para medir os fatores de Comunicação, Motivação e Incentivo à Leitura, determinando a validade e consistência interna de cada fator através da análise exploratória e confirmatória dos coeficientes alfa (a) de Cronbach e Omega () de McDonald, respetivamente. A realização educativa foi medida através dos resultados dos estudantes em leitura, matemática e ciências no PISA 2018. Para testar empiricamente o modelo teórico proposto, foi aplicada a modelação com equações estruturais. Uma vez aplicada esta modelização, obteve-se o modelo empírico. Com base no acima exposto, foi encontrada uma relação direta entre Comunicação e Incentivo à Leitura e Realização Educativa, e foi encontrada uma relação indireta entre Motivação e a própria Realização Educativa. Por conseguinte, a relação entre os fatores analisados e os resultados escolares dos alunos do ensino secundário é tida como certa, daí a importância de reconhecer a família como uma entidade valiosa que tem um impacto no ambiente escolar.O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a relação entre o Envolvimento dos Pais (Comunicação, Motivação e Incentivo à Leitura) e a Realização Educativa nos alunos do ensino secundário. Foi um estudo quantitativo, transversal, não experimental e correlacional que foi composto por 13 478 mães, pais e/ou tutores e estudantes que frequentavam o nível educativo em questão no México, em 2018. Foi aplicado um questionário a mães, pais e/ou tutores, no qual estes forneciam informações sobre os seus filhos. A partir deste questionário, foram selecionadas perguntas para medir os fatores de Comunicação, Motivação e Incentivo à Leitura, determinando a validade e consistência interna de cada fator através da análise exploratória e confirmatória dos coeficientes alfa (a) de Cronbach e Omega () de McDonald, respetivamente. A realização educativa foi medida através dos resultados dos estudantes em leitura, matemática e ciências no PISA 2018. Para testar empiricamente o modelo teórico proposto, foi aplicada a modelação com equações estruturais. Uma vez aplicada esta modelização, obteve-se o modelo empírico. Com base no acima exposto, foi encontrada uma relação direta entre Comunicação e Incentivo à Leitura e Realização Educativa, e foi encontrada uma relação indireta entre Motivação e a própria Realização Educativa. Por conseguinte, a relação entre os fatores analisados e os resultados escolares dos alunos do ensino secundário é tida como certa, daí a importância de reconhecer a família como uma entidade valiosa que tem um impacto no ambiente escolar.该研究旨在确定父母参与(沟通、激励和阅读推广)与学业成就在高中生身上的关系。这是非实验性、非相关性的研究,采用定量、横向研究方法对2018年墨西哥高中阶段的学生及其父母或监护人,共计13478人进行分析。我们对父母或监护人进行了问卷调查,就其孩子的信息进行询问。我们对该问卷中的问题进行了精心地挑选,以便更好地测量沟通、激励和阅读推广这三大因素。通过探索性因素分析、确认性因素分析、克隆巴赫系数、麦当劳的欧米伽系数确定因素的效度和内部一致性。使用2018年国际学生能力评估计划中的阅读、数学和科学衡量学生的学业成就。为了实证检验提出的理论模型,研究使用了结构方程,从而得到了经验模型。在此基础上,研究发现沟通和阅读推广与学业成就间有直接的联系,而激励与学业成就间的联系为非直接联系。研究证实了分析因素与学业成就在高中生身上的关联,也表明了家庭这个重要的存在,在学校领域也发挥着非常深刻的影响

    Involucramiento docente y condiciones del aula: una díada para mejorar la convivencia escolar en bachillerato

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    An improvement in school coexistence figures as a decisive factor influencing relationships within the school community. However, in order to achieve such an improvement, it is necessary to know the elements that may favor the aforementioned interaction and community life. Hence, the objective of the present work is to determine the relationship between several factors, namely Attention, Participation, Sanctions and Classroom Conditions, in secondary education. The sample consisted of 47397 students from the Mexican Republic, and a questionnaire conducted by the National Institute for Evaluation in Mexico as part of the Assessment of Basic Conditions for Teaching and Learning (ECEA) was used. After a review of the literature, a theoretical model considering the mentioned factors was proposed. Subsequently, the modeling technique with structural equations was applied and an empirical model was obtained. Here, the relationship between the aforementioned factors and school interaction became evident; that is, the attention provided by the teachers, the participation promoted, the sanctions applied and the conditions of the classroom were proven crucial to improving the school environment. It is hence concluded that both the involvement of teachers and educational authorities are transcendental in this area.Una mejora en la convivencia escolar resulta ser un baluarte que viene a influir en las relaciones que se dan al interior de las escuelas, no obstante, para alcanzar dicha mejora, es necesario conocer aquellos elementos que la favorecen. Derivado de esto, el objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la relación entre los factores Atención, Participación, Sanciones y Condiciones del Aula con la Convivencia escolar en alumnos de bachillerato. La muestra estuvo conformada por 47397estudiantes de la República Mexicana; fue utilizado un cuestionario que forma parte de la Evaluación de Condiciones Básicas para la Enseñanza y el Aprendizaje (ECEA) realizado por el Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación en México. Después de una revisión de la literatura, se propuso un modelo teórico con los factores mencionados. Posteriormente, fue aplicada la técnica de modelaje con ecuaciones estructurales y se obtuvo un modelo empírico. Se hizo evidente la relación entre los factores citados con la convivencia escolar, esto es, la atención que proporcionan los maestros, la participación que promueven, las sanciones que aplican y las condiciones del aula son cruciales para mejorar la convivencia. Se concluye que tanto el involucramiento de los docentes como de las autoridades educativas es transcendental en este tema


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    Undoubtedly, there are variables that influence the educational achievement of baccalaureate students, which is why it is a priority to know them closely, this in order to generate strategies that allow a positive impact on the school context. Derived from the above, the present work aims to determine the relationship between the variables Disgust in Decision Making (DTD), Postponement in Decision Making (PTD), Bullying (AE) and Emotional Understanding (CE) with Educational achievement in baccalaureate students. This was a correlational, non-experimental study and a quantitative methodology was used. The sample consisted of 117539 students from all states of the Mexican Republic. The mean age and standard deviation were 18.2 years and 1.2 years, respectively; 47.2% women and 52.8% men. Two instruments were used, one of them was the National Plan for the Evaluation of Learning (PLANEA 2017) and the other was a context questionnaire. A theoretical model was developed that included the variables DTD, PTD, AE and CE and relationships from the literature consulted. The technique of structural equation modeling was applied to empirically verify the proposed theoretical model. Among the main manifestations, the relationship between DTD, PTD, AE and CE with Educational achievement stands out. Based on this, it is concluded that there are variables that should be considered when working from the educational environment, since these will bring benefits at the level of achievement.Sin duda, existen variables que influyen en el logro educativo de los estudiantes de bachillerato, es por ello que resulta prioritario conocerlas de cerca, esto con el fin de generar estrategias que permitan incidir de manera positiva en el contexto escolar. Derivado de lo anterior, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre las variables Disgusto en la Toma de Decisiones (DTD), Postergación en la Toma de Decisiones (PTD), Acoso Escolar (AE) y Comprensión Emocional (CE) con el Logro educativo en alumnos de bachillerato. Este fue un estudio correlacional, no experimental y se utilizó una metodología cuantitativa. La muestra estuvo conformada por 117539 estudiantes de todos los estados de la República Mexicana. La edad media y desviación típica fue de 18.2 años y 1.2 años, respectivamente; 47.2% mujeres y 52.8% hombres. Se utilizaron dos instrumentos, uno de ellos fue el Plan Nacional para la Evaluación de los Aprendizajes (PLANEA, 2017) y el otro fue un cuestionario de contexto. Se elaboró un modelo teórico que incluía las variables DTD, PTD, AE y CE y sus relaciones provenientes de la literatura consultada. Se aplicó la técnica modelaje de ecuaciones estructurales para comprobar de forma empírica el modelo teórico. Dentro de las manifestaciones principales destaca la relación existente entre el DTD, la PTD, el AE y la CE con el Logro educativo. Con base en esto, se concluye que existen variables que deben considerarse al momento de trabajar desde el ambiente educativo, ya que estas traerán consigo beneficios a nivel del logro.Безусловно, существуют переменные, которые влияют на успеваемость учащихся старших классов, поэтому, настоящее исследование направлено на определение взаимосвязи между переменными «неудовлетворенность принятием решения» (DTD), «задержка в принятии решения» (PTD), «буллинг» (AE) и «эмоциональное понимание» (EC) с успеваемостью учащихся старших классов. Это было корреляционное, неэкспериментальное исследование, и была использована количественная методология. В выборке приняли участие 117539 студентов из всех штатов Мексиканской Республики. Средний возраст и стандартное отклонение составили 18,2 года и 1,2 года соответственно; 47,2% составили женщины и 52,8% - мужчины. Использовались два инструмента, один из которых был Национальный план оценки обучения (PLANEA, 2017 г.), а другой - контекстный вопросник. Была разработана теоретическая модель, включающая переменные DTD, PTD, AE и CE, а также их взаимосвязь из литературных источников. Метод моделирования структурных уравнений был применен для эмпирической проверки теоретической модели. Среди основных проявлений выделяется связь между DTD, PTD, AE и CE с успеваемостью. На основе этого делается вывод о том, что существуют переменные, которые необходимо учитывать при работе в образовательной среде, поскольку они принесут пользу на уровне успеваемости.毫无疑问,存在一些会影响高中学生教育成就的变量,因此我们需要着重了解这些变量,以制定能够对学校环境产生积极影响的策略。由此,本文旨在确定变量“做决定不快心理”(DTD),“决策推迟”(PTD),“校园欺凌”(AE)和“情感理解”(CE)与高中生教育成就之间的关系。这是一项非实验性的相关研究,使用了定量方法。样本由来自墨西哥共和国各州的117539名学生组成。平均年龄和标准差分别为18.2岁和1.2岁。女性占47.2%,男性占52.8%。研究使用了两个测量工具,其中一个为国家学习评估计划(PLANEA,2017),另一个是背景调查表。我们准备了一个理论模型,其中包括DTD,PTD,AE和CE变量以及它们在参考文献中体现的关系。研究应用了结构方程建模技术对理论模型进行实证检验。主要研究成果里突出显示了DTD,PTD,AE和EC与教育成就之间的显著关系。由此我们可以得出,在教育环境中工作时必须考虑一些变量,因为这些变量将有益于教育成就方面

    Una mirada al logro educativo mexicano en lenguaje, matemáticas y ciencias

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    El objetivo de esta contribución es determinar la asociación entre los factores personales, contextuales y tecnológicos con el logro educativo en estudiantes de Educación Media Superior en México. El estudio fue no experimental, descriptivo y correlacional con una muestra de 7,568 estudiantes que presentaron la prueba pisa 2015, en los 32 estados de la República Mexicana. Se construyó un modelo teórico a través de ecuaciones estructurales, considerando los enfoques humanista y sistémico. Los resultados muestran que existen asociaciones positivas del logro educativo con los factores: el uso tecnológico, ambiente escolar, autosuperación, dedicación escolar, profesor constructor, apoyos de padres/madres, y aprendizaje colaborativo; así como asociaciones negativas con: el ausentismo, disregulación emocional y profesor dominante. El modelo empírico construido muestra otras asociaciones: profesor constructor y mejor ambiente escolar; profesor limitador y ausentismo; disregulación emocional y falta de autosuperación. En conclusión, se propone la integración tecnológica, la transformación docente, la sinergia formativa y la activación de centros psicopedagógicos

    Auxiliary power supply based on a modular ISOP Flyback configuration with very high input voltage

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    This paper proposes a Flyback-based Input-Series Output-Parallel (ISOP) Auxiliary Power Supply (APS), intended to feed the control system of the cells of a Solid-State Transformer (SST). The SST topology is based on a modular Multiport Multilevel Converter (MMC). Energization of the cells auxiliary circuitry is not trivial due to the high voltages involved (tens of kV for the electric power distribution system), most of the commercially available control and driving circuitry not being usable due to the isolation requirements. It is possible to energize the control circuitry from an APS, connected to the cell capacitor voltage. However, in the SST under consideration, cells target DC voltage is in the range of 1.5kV to 2.5kV. Design of an APS capable of feeding the auxiliary circuitry from such high voltage and the required isolation is not trivial. A modular APS using autonomous Flyback converters in Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) and based on commercial AC adapters is proposed in this paper. The solution is scalable and therefore applicable to cells with larger DC voltage

    Metodología para la evaluación de recursos digitales bibliográficos: experiencia del G8 Bibliotecas, Antioquia.

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    This article describes the collaborative experience of G8 Library Group of Medellin City in the elaboration of the Technical Matrix for the assessment of Bibliographic Databases and digital resources. Its purpose is serving as a reference to other institutions of the same nature. It is highlighted the importance of having a permanent and systematic evaluation too for decision making regarding the subscription or purchasing of digital resources, bibliographic databases, discoverers and statistical software. The Matrix categories and its reference value are established on 100 points: Search (20), Access (15), Utilities and tools (15), Administration module (10) and Interface (5). In turn, factors and categories with their respective assigned scores are derived from these categories, to later assign the grade and finally obtain the total score for the bibliographicdatabase. Likewise, qualitative information of the evaluation is included. This provides an executive summary of the evaluation with decisive information in the decision making process about bibliographic databases in libraries

    Use of an orthovoltage X-ray treatment unit as a radiation research system in a small-animal cancer model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We explore the use of a clinical orthovoltage X-ray treatment unit as a small-animal radiation therapy system in a tumoral model of cervical cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Nude mice were subcutaneously inoculated with 5 × 10<sup>6 </sup>HeLa cells in both lower limbs. When tumor volume approximated 200 mm<sup>3 </sup>treatment was initiated. Animals received four 2 mg/kg intraperitoneal cycles (1/week) of cisplatin and/or 6.25 mg/kg of gemcitabine, concomitant with radiotherapy. Tumors were exposed to 2.5 Gy/day nominal surface doses (20 days) of 150 kV X-rays. Lead collimators with circular apertures (0.5 to 1.5 cm diameter) were manufactured and mounted on the applicator cone to restrict the X-ray beam onto tumors. X-ray penetration and conformality were evaluated by measuring dose at the surface and behind the tumor lobe by using HS GafChromic film. Relative changes in tumor volume (RTV) and a clonogenic assay were used to evaluate the therapeutic response of the tumor, and relative weight loss was used to assess toxicity of the treatments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No measurable dose was delivered outside of the collimator apertures. The analysis suggests that dose inhomogeneities in the tumor reach up to ± 11.5% around the mean tumor dose value, which was estimated as 2.2 Gy/day. Evaluation of the RTV showed a significant reduction of the tumor volume as consequence of the chemoradiotherapy treatment; results also show that toxicity was well tolerated by the animals.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Results and procedures described in the present work have shown the usefulness and convenience of the orthovoltage X-ray system for animal model radiotherapy protocols.</p