647 research outputs found

    Herrería y forja antigua de La Losa (Segovia)

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    En número dedicado a: La provincia de Segovi

    The use of a blog to foster sound pronunciation skills and reflection upon suprasegmental features.

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    The following paper will report on the 2010-2011 implementation of a blog in English Phonetics and Phonology I (P&PI) at Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Section one of the presentation comprises a theoretical discussion about the construction of knowledge and university education, the development of technology and its impact on education, blogging and EFL instruction, and the rationale behind blogging in P&PI. Section two describes the two-year blogging experience, including reference to the major aspects of the blog (both its appearance and contents), presents details about a survey on students´ evaluation of the tool at the end of 2010, and discusses implications, future applications and main conclusions. The primary aim of this course is the teaching of English suprasegmental features. However, unlike other similar courses, P&PI is not exclusively concerned with the acquisition of English pronunciation skills but also with gaining a deep understanding of phonetic and phonological processes in oral communication. As stated in the course´s syllabus, one of the primary aims of P&PI is helping learners develop the theoretical and methodological knowledge necessary for their professional careers as English language specialists. Therefore, a blog, with its inherent dialogical nature in a supportive learning environment, was considered a novel technological resource appropriate not only for developing pronunciation habits but also for reflecting on high-level pronunciation phenomena.https://www.academia.edu/19499583/Selected_Papers_from_the_III_ELT_Conference_at_U.N.V.M._RETHINKING_ENGLISH_LANGUAGE_TEACHINGFil: Capell, Martín Salvador. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Lenguas; Argentina.Fil: Cardozo, Cristian Andrés. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Lenguas; Argentina.Fil: Orta González, María Dolores. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Lenguas; Argentina.Otras Lengua y Literatur

    CRiSOL: Opinion Knowledge-base for Spanish

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    El presente trabajo se centra en la clasificación de polaridad de comentarios de hoteles en español (COAH) y presenta un nuevo recurso léxico, CRiSOL. Este nuevo recurso toma como base la lista de palabras de opinión iSOL, a la cual incluye los valores de polaridad de los synsets de SentiWordNet. Debido a que SentiWordNet no es un recurso para español, se ha tenido que usar como pivote la versión española de WordNet incluida en el Repositorio Central Multilingüe (MCR). Se ha desarrollado un clasificador de la polaridad no supervisada para evaluar la validez de CRiSOL. Los resultados obtenidos con CRiSOL superan los obtenidos por los lexicones base iSOL y SentiWordNet por separado, lo cual nos anima a seguir trabajando en esta línea.In this paper we focus on Spanish polarity classification in a corpus of hotel reviews (COAH) and we introduce a new lexical resource called CRiSOL. This new resource is built on the list of Spanish opinion words iSOL. CRiSOL appends to each word of iSOL the polarity value of the related synset of SentiWordNet. Due to the fact that SentiWordNet is not a Spanish linguistic resource, a Spanish version of WordNet had to be used. The Spanish version of WordNet chosen was Multilingual Central Repository (MCR). An unsupervised classifier has been developed with the aim of assessing the validity of CRiSOL. The results reached by CRiSOL are higher than the ones reached by iSOL and SentiWordNet, so that encourage us to continue this research line.Esta investigación ha sido parcialmente financiada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), el proyecto ATTOS (TIN2012-38536-C03-0) del Gobierno de España y el proyecto AORESCU (P11-TIC-7684 MO) del gobierno autonómico de la Junta de Andalucía. Por último, el proyecto CEATIC (CEATIC-2013-01) de la Universidad de Jaén también ha financiado parcialmente este artículo

    A metabolite profile reveals the presence of neurodegenerative conditions according to severity of hydrocephalus

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    Introduction: In obstructive congenital hydrocephalus, cerebrospinal fluid accumulation is associated with high intracranial pressure (ICP), ischemia/hypoxia, metabolic impairment, neuronal damage and astrocytic reaction. The hyh mutant mice exhibit two different forms of hydrocephalus evolution: severe and moderate. A study was carried out in hyh mice to detect a metabolite profile that define the tissue response in each hydrocephalus form. Methods: Metabolites levels in brain cortex were analyzed with 1H High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H HR-MAS) spectroscopy. The study was complemented with ICP recording and histopathological analysis. Results: Mice with severe hydrocephalus were found to have higher ICP and stronger astrocytic reaction. Several metabolites including glutamate and glutamine were found to correlate with the severity of hydrocephalus. The whole metabolite profile may be explained based in differential astrocyte reactions, neurodegenerative and ischemic conditions. The glutamate transporter EAAT2 and the metabolite taurine were found as key histopathological markers for the damaged parenchyma. Conclusions: Spectroscopy allowed the detection of a metabolite profile related to intracranial pressure and hydrocephalus severity, and therefore can be useful to monitor the efficacy of experimental therapies. Supported by Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech, and PI15/0619 (ISCIII/FEDER).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Supported by Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech, and PI15/0619 (ISCIII/FEDER)

    Analysis of the Process Parameters for Obtaining a Stable Electrospun Process in Different Composition Epoxy/Poly ε-Caprolactone Blends with Shape Memory Properties

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    In this work Poly epsilon-caprolactone (PCL)/ Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) blends were electrospun and the obtained mats were UV cured to achieve shape memory properties. In the majority of studies, when blends with different compositions are electrospun, the process variables such as voltage or flow rate are fixed independently of the composition and consequently the quality of the fibers is not optimized in all of the range studied. In the present work, using the design of experiments methodology, flow rate and voltage required to obtain a stable process were evaluated as responses in addition to the fiber diameter and shape memory properties. The results showed that the solution concentration and amount of PCL played an important role in the voltage and flow rate. For the shape memory properties excellent values were achieved and no composition dependence was observed. In the case of fiber diameter, similar results to previous works were observed.This research was funded by University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (IT618-13) and MINECO (MAT2017-84116-R)

    Indicators of contact visit quality in non-kinship foster care: An observational checklist

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    This study explores whether the frequency and diversity of behaviours observed during contact visits may be used as indicators of visit quality. We observed 20 contact visits and quantified the frequency and diversity of behaviours for both parent and child, classified as positive or negative with respect to the child's well-being. Quality of visits was classified based on a list of parent and child behaviours and two indicators (diversity and frequency), to create two observational checklists and calculate an overall quality index. This observational tool will enable identification of areas where birth parents or their child require additional support.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This study is part of a I + D Project of Excellence financed by the Government of Spain (EDU2016-77094-P)

    Word writing and cognitive predictors in Spanish at the age of seven.

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    Interest in the cognitive precursors of literacy has been increasing in recent years since reading and writing are essential components of functional learning in the first years of schooling and of school success in later educational stages. However, it can be observed that while studies on the relationship between cognitive variables and reading are frequent, those carried out about writing are scarcer and in different languages and ages. The purpose of this study is to explore the joint contribution made by certain cognitive variables, measured at the ages of 6 and 7, to word writing among Spanish children in the second year of Primary Education (7 years old). In this longitudinal study, 116 Spanish-speaking pupils participated, from schools located in an average socio-cultural area, without special educational needs. Participants were evaluated in terms of their letter knowledge, phonological awareness, phonological memory, and alphanumeric and non-alphanumeric rapid automatised naming at 6 and 7 years of age, and word writing at 7 years of age. Descriptive-exploratory analyses, bivariate analyses, and multivariate regressions were modelled. In general, the findings show a different contribution for the cognitive variables considered in word writing at the age of seven, although this contribution does not vary substantially between the ages of 6 and 7 among Spanish pupils. Phonological knowledge at 6 and 7 years of age is the variable that best predicts the writing of words at 7 years. The contribution of non-alphanumeric speed naming remains constant and alphanumeric speed naming does not contribute to the explanation of writing at this age. Phonological memory at 6 years of age contributes to the explanation of writing at the age of 7 and letter knowledge contributes at the age of 7. These results have implications for educational practice and for the theory of writing acquisition in transparent languages.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA. This study has been funded by the research group SEJ 521 of the Andalusian government and by the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology of University of Málaga

    Extreme cycles. The center of a Leavitt path algebra

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    In this paper we introduce new techniques in order to deepen into the structure of a Leavitt path algebra with the aim of giving a description of the center. Extreme cycles appear for the first time; they concentrate the purely infinite part of a Leavitt path algebra and, jointly with the line points and vertices in cycles without exits, are the key ingredients in order to determine the center of a Leavitt path algebra. Our work will rely on our previous approach to the center of a prime Leavitt path algebra