4,231 research outputs found

    Resurrection of the sea pen genus Ptilella Gray, 1870 and description of Ptilella grayi n. sp. from the NE Atlantic (Octocorallia: Pennatulacea)

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    The order Pennatulacea covers a group of specialized and morphologically distinct octocorals found in all oceans from intertidal areas to more than 6000 m in depth. Sea pens constitute an important structural component in marine soft-bottom communities by increasing the complexity of these environments. Despite being both morphologically distinctive and ecologically important, the taxonomy and systematics of sea pens is still poorly understood. Recent molecular studies have shown the existence of convergent morphological features, making the current familial distribution of genera unstable. The genus Pennatula Linnaeus, 1758 was one of the first described octocoral genera. It is the type genus of its family, Pennatulidae. Colonies of this genus have a characteristic morphology. Recent sampling efforts in the northeastern Atlantic have provided a number of colonies initially attributable to the genus Pennatula. Both morphological and molecular (mtMutS, Cox1 and 28S genes) study of this material supports the polyphyletic nature of this genus and the need to resurrect the genus Ptilella Gray, 1870 to accommodate these and other species. A new species, Ptilella grayi n. sp., is described and illustrated. The species Pennatula bayeri is proposed to be a junior synonym of Pennatula bellissima (here also considered in the genus Ptilella)

    Error estimation in multitemporal InSAR deformation time series, with application to Lanzarote, Canary Islands

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    Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a reliable technique for measuring crustal deformation. However, despite its long application in geophysical problems, its error estimation has been largely overlooked. Currently, the largest problem with InSAR is still the atmospheric propagation errors, which is why multitemporal interferometric techniques have been successfully developed using a series of interferograms. However, none of the standard multitemporal interferometric techniques, namely PS or SB (Persistent Scatterers and Small Baselines, respectively) provide an estimate of their precision. Here, we present a method to compute reliable estimates of the precision of the deformation time series. We implement it for the SB multitemporal interferometric technique (a favorable technique for natural terrains, the most usual target of geophysical applications). We describe the method that uses a properly weighted scheme that allows us to compute estimates for all interferogram pixels, enhanced by a Montecarlo resampling technique that properly propagates the interferogram errors (variance-covariances) into the unknown parameters (estimated errors for the displacements). We apply the multitemporal error estimation method to Lanzarote Island (Canary Islands), where no active magmatic activity has been reported in the last decades. We detect deformation around Timanfaya volcano (lengthening of line-of-sight ∼ subsidence), where the last eruption in 1730–1736 occurred. Deformation closely follows the surface temperature anomalies indicating that magma crystallization (cooling and contraction) of the 300-year shallow magmatic body under Timanfaya volcano is still ongoing.Peer reviewe

    Drops with non-circular footprints

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    In this paper we study the morphology of drops formed on partially wetting substrates, whose footprint is not circular. This type of drops is a consequence of the breakup processes occurring in thin films when anisotropic contact line motions take place. The anisotropy is basically due to hysteresis effects of the contact angle since some parts of the contact line are wetting, while others are dewetting. Here, we obtain a peculiar drop shape from the rupture of a long liquid filament sitting on a solid substrate, and analyze its shape and contact angles by means of goniometric and refractive techniques. We also find a non--trivial steady state solution for the drop shape within the long wave approximation (lubrication theory), and compare most of its features with experimental data. This solution is presented both in Cartesian and polar coordinates, whose constants must be determined by a certain group of measured parameters. Besides, we obtain the dynamics of the drop generation from numerical simulations of the full Navier--Stokes equation, where we emulate the hysteretic effects with an appropriate spatial distribution of the static contact angle over the substrate

    An overview on the obsolescence of physical assets for the defence facing the challenges of industry 4.0 and the new operating environments

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    Libro en Open AccessThis contribution is intended to observe special features presented in physical assets for defence. Particularly, the management of defence assets has to consider not only the reliability, availability, maintainability and other factors frequently used in asset management. On the contrary, such systems should also take into account their adaptation to changing operating environments as well as their capability to changes on the technological context. This study approaches to the current real situation where, due to the diversity of conflicts in our international context, the same type of defence systems must be able to provide services under different boundary conditions in different areas of the globe. At the same time, new concepts from the Industry 4.0 provide quick changes that should be considered along the life cycle of a defence asset. As a finding or consequence, these variations in operating conditions and in technology may accelerate asset degradation by modifying its reliability, its up-to-date status and, in general terms, its end-of-life estimation, depending of course on a diversity of factors. This accelerated deterioration of the asset is often known as “obsolescence” and its implications are often evaluated (when possible), in terms of costs from different natures. The originality of this contribution is the introduction of a discussion on how a proper analysis may help to reduce errors and mistakes in the decision-making process regarding the suitability or not of repairing, replacing, or modernizing the asset or system under study. In other words, the obsolescence analysis, from a reliability and technological point of view, could be used to determine the conservation or not of a specific asset fleet, in order to understand the effects of operational and technology factors variation over the functionality and life cycle cost of physical assets for defence

    On sets with small sumset and m-sum-free sets in Z/pZ

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    The 3k43k-4 conjecture in groups Z/pZ\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z} for pp prime states that if AA is a nonempty subset of Z/pZ\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z} satisfying 2AZ/pZ2A\neq \mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z} and 2A=2A+rmin{3A4,  pr4}|2A|=2|A|+r \leq \min\{3|A|-4,\;p-r-4\}, then AA is covered by an arithmetic progression of size at most A+r+1|A|+r+1. A theorem of Serra and Z\'emor proves the conjecture provided r0.0001Ar\leq 0.0001|A|, without any additional constraint on A|A|. Subject to the mild additional constraint 2A3p/4|2A|\leq 3p/4 (which is optimal in a sense explained in the paper), our first main result improves the bound on rr, allowing r0.1368Ar\leq 0.1368|A|. We also prove a variant which further improves this bound on rr provided AA is sufficiently dense. We then give several applications. First we apply the above variant to give a new upper bound for the maximal density of mm-sum-free sets in Z/pZ\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}, i.e., sets AA having no solution (x,y,z)A3(x,y,z)\in A^3 to the equation x+y=mzx+y=mz, where m3m\geq 3 is a fixed integer. The previous best upper bound for this maximal density was 1/3.00011/3.0001 (using the Serra-Z\'emor Theorem). We improve this to 1/3.19551/3.1955. We also present a construction following an idea of Schoen, which yields a lower bound for this maximal density of the form 1/8+o(1)p1/8+o(1)_{p\to\infty}. Another application of our main results concerns sets of the form A+AA\frac{A+A}{A} in Fp\mathbb{F}_p, and we also improve the structural description of large sum-free sets in Z/pZ\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}.Comment: 19 pages. Referee's comments incorporated. To appear in Bulletin de la Soci\'et\'e Math\'ematique de Franc

    An Analysis of the Impact of Various Sampling Designs on the Headcount Index: A Simulation Study Based on the EU-SILC

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    The analysis and the comparison of poverty between regions and countries are important topics in social sciences, which have relevant demands of many national (Cáritas, Intermón Oxfam, Cruz Roja, etc) and international (UN, World Bank, OECD, Eurostat, IMF, etc) agencies and organizations. One of the most common poverty indicators in practice is the headcount index, which analyzes the proportion of individuals considered as poor in a population. In this paper, we first analyze the impact on the headcount index when different sampling designs are considered. Note that this study is based on real data sets taken from different countries of the European Union, and the empirical measures for comparisons are based on different Monte Carlo simulation studies. For instance, we observe that stratified sampling has the best performance in comparison to alternative sampling designs. Post-stratification performs similar to simple random sampling without replacement, and the use of auxiliary information provides similar results to ones derived from stratified sampling. Second, we also analyze the empirical performance of different variance estimators under the commented sampling designs. We conclude that they have a similar empirical performance, and they provide, in general, confidence intervals with desirable coverage rates

    Do traditional livestock systems fit into contemporary landscapes? Integrating social perceptions and values on landscape change

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    European traditional cultural landscapes are increasingly modified by rural abandonment and urban growth processes. Acknowledged as of High Nature Value for providing multiple ecosystem services while contributing to human well-being, the future of these social-ecological systems is uncertain. Here we aim to (1) explore dominant land use and cover (LULC) changes linked to extensive livestock farming across an urban-rural gradient defined by a large city (Madrid) over the last three decades; (2) identify and classify the main driving forces shaping these landscape trajectories and; (3) acknowledge the main landscape values for promoting landscape stewardship under participatory governance frameworks. For doing so, we combine mapping analyses (CORINE Land cover) with stakeholder perceptions and positions. Our results show a dual process of progressive abandonment of agroecosystems linked to traditional livestock farming and an ever-increasing urban growth over the last three decades as the most important driving forces. The growing urban sprawl in areas close to Madrid begins to be perceived as problematic for interviewees. The decline of extensive livestock farming in detriment of tourism, particularly evident in rural areas far from Madrid, is perceived as a threat to the cultural heritage and traditions of rural people. This decline is also perceived as a worrying increase of wildfire risk. Stakeholders stressed the need of valuing extensive livestock farming to prevent rural-urban migration, dynamizing rural economies, conserving landscapes and traditions while producing food-quality products. Interviewees advocated for science-based, stakeholder-inclusive and participatory landscape planning and co-management, leading to more context-specific, regionalized policymakin

    Filogenia molecular y estimación del tiempo de divergencia en pennatuláceos (Cnidaria: Octocorallia: Pennatulacea)

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    Pennatulaceans are an important component of benthic marine communities usually related to soft bottoms. Despite their important ecological role, as yet little is known about their origin and divergence time. The first attempts to establish phylogenetic relationships among genera date from the early 20th century, when only morphological characters were available. In the last decade, phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial DNA sequences from a selected number of species have proposed a different hypothetical ancestor for this group, but their intergeneric relationships remain obscure. The present study is based on a combination of mitochondrial and nuclear markers (mtMutS, Cox1 and 28S rDNA), adding new molecular information about the phylogenetic relationships among the pennatulacean genera, including 38 new sequences belonging to 13 different species. Some of the phylogenetic relationships inferred in the present study question the current classification of sea pens based on morphology (at different taxonomic levels), clearly indicating that the two main groups Sessiliflorae and Subselliflorae, some of their main families (e.g. Pennatulidae, Umbellulidae, Virgulariidae) and some genera (e.g. Umbellula, Veretillum) are non-monophyletic. In addition, the veretillids, traditionally considered the most primitive pennatulaceans, are not shown as the earliest-diverging taxon. Moreover, an analysis of divergence time performed here suggested that the origin of the pennatulaceans dates from the Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian, ~144 Ma), in agreement with their sparsely known fossil record, while the initial divergence of most extant genera occurred in the Oligocene and Miocene times.Los pennatuláceos son un componente importante de las comunidades bentónicas marinas generalmente relacionados con fondos blandos. A pesar de su importante papel ecológico, la información sobre su origen y tiempo de divergencia es aún escasa. Los primeros intentos de establecer relaciones filogenéticas entre géneros datan de principios del siglo XX, cuando sólo estaban disponibles caracteres morfológicos. En la última década, los análisis filogenéticos basados en secuencias de ADN mitocondrial procedentes de un limitado número de especies han propuesto un ancestro hipotético diferente para este grupo, pero sus relaciones intergenéricas permanecen oscuras. La presente investigación está basada en una combinación de marcadores mitocondriales y nuclear (mtMutS, Cox1 y ADNr 28S), aportando nueva información molecular sobre las relaciones filogenéticas entre los géneros de pennatuláceos, incluyendo 38 nuevas secuencias pertenecientes a 13 especies. Algunas de las relaciones filogenéticas inferidas en el presente estudio cuestionan la actual clasificación de las plumas de mar basada en la morfología (a diferentes niveles taxonómicos), indicando claramente que los dos grupos principales Sessiliflorae y Subselliflorae, algunas de sus principales familias (por ejemplo Pennatulidae, Umbellulidae, Virgulariidae) y algunos géneros (por ejemplo Umbellula, Veretillum) son no-monofiléticos. Asimismo, los veretílidos, tradicionalmente considerados los pennatuláceos más primitivos, no se muestran como el taxón divergente más antiguo. Además, un análisis del tiempo de divergencia realizado en este trabajo sugirió que el origen de los pennatuláceos data del Cretácico Inferior (Berriasiano, ~ 144 Ma), de acuerdo con su escasamente conocido registro fósil, mientras que la divergencia inicial de la mayoría de los géneros existentes ocurrió en tiempos del Oligoceno y Mioceno