2,922 research outputs found

    Nature and Culture in Tony Harrison's The Trackers of Oxyrhynchus

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    La obra teatral The Trackers of Oxyrhynchus, de Toni Harrison, elegida como una de las 100 mejores obras de teatro del siglo xx por el National Theatre Millennium Poll, representa el deseo de revivir el género del drama satírico, del que apenas se conservan ejemplares en comparación con las tragedias clásicas. The Trackers of Oxrychynchus es una reelaboración de los fragmentos papiráceos encontrados del drama satírico Ichneutae (Trackers) de Sófocles, basado, a su vez, en el himno homérico a Hermes. En este artículo nos proponemos analizar la versión de Tony Harrison, centrándonos en el papel de la naturaleza y la cultura en la misma, examinando qué elementos han pervivido y cuáles han sido modificados en The Trackers of Oxyrhynchus en comparación con el hipotexto de Sófocles y con el himno homérico a Hermes. Analizaremos la forma en la que muchos elementos de la cultura surgen de la explotación de la naturaleza, y cómo, a pesar de ser ésta fuente de cultura, es tratada como un ser inferior, como podemos ver en el trato de Apolo a los sátiros, y especialmente en el episodio del despellejamiento de Marsias. También nos centraremos en la venganza de la naturaleza y cómo este hecho se refleja en la obra. Finalmente, buscaremos las razones de las reelaboraciones de Tony Harrison y realizaremos un análisis crítico de la obra.The aim of Tony Harrison’s The Trackers of Oxyrhynchus, highlighted as one of the 100 best plays in the twentieth century by the National Theatre Millenium Poll, is to bring the dramatic genre of the satyr-play back to life. There is only one complete original version in existence along with scat fragments, in comparison with the greater quantity of classical tragedies which have survived. The Trackers of Oxyrhynchus is a reworking of the papyri fragments of the satyr play Ichneutae (Trackers) by Sophocles, which was inspired by the Homeric Hymn to Hermes. In this article, the idea is to analyse Tony Harrison’s version for the National Theatre, focusing on the importance of nature and culture in the play. The elements of classical tradition remaining from the hypotexts by Sophocles and the Homeric hymn will be explored, together with the ones which have been modified in the version by Tony Harrison and the reasons. There will be an analysis of how the elements of culture stem from the exploitation of nature and the reasons why nature is treated as an inferior being despite the fact that it is the main source of culture. This is exemplified in the contemptuous treatment of the satyrs by Apollo, and especially in the flaying of Marsyas. Furthermore, the analysis will be focused on the way nature eventually takes revenge and how this is portrayed in the play. Finally, the reasons behind Tony Harrison’s reelaboration will be examined, and the conclusion will involve a critical analysis of The Trackers of Oxyrhynchus

    Ceramics and “cultural resistance" : school of ceramics and its artists

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    Este trabajo representa el estudio sistemático del desarrollo cerámico en Mendoza a partir de 1970, con el objetivo de producir un escrito útil a la comunicad y abrir el intercambio cultural con Latinoamérica. La cerámica en Mendoza presenta similitudes con la europea, sin embargo, tienen características surgidas del contexto y de herencias culturales: a partir de 1970, comenzaron a transitar con las vanguardias, pero con rasgos particulares como forma de “resistencia cultural", asumiendo la heterogeneidad de nuestras sociedades Latinoamericanas. La metodología tuvo dos etapas: búsqueda de literatura teórica y entrevistas y los resultados obtenidos fueron excelentes ya que se efectuaron transferencias en congresos y cursos.The Project is a summary of the development of ceramics in Mendoza since the 1970s. Among the main objectives, there is the production of a useful writing to the community and the opening of a cultural exchange with Latin America.Even though “ceramics" in Mendoza presents certain similarities with Europe, the former holds contextual and cultural characteristics. Since 1970 vanguard movements have been explored and they are still holding particular characteristics as a way of “cultural resistance" assuming the heterogeneity of Latin American societies. The methodology had various stages, such as the exploration literature and interviews. The results obtained were outstanding and transferences were made in congresses and seminars.Fil: González Moretti, Leticia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y Diseñ

    The Orcel bookshop: a european establishment in 18th-century Madrid

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    Este trabajo se propone dar a conocer algunas claves biográficas y profesionales de la librería madrileña de los hermanos Orcel, a través del análisis de anuncios de libros en la prensa de la época; de su actividad como importadores de libros para la Real Academia de San Fernando y de su correspondencia comercial con el conde del Águila. Con todo ello, se pretende demostrar cómo esta librería, de corte europeo, científico y reformador, desempeñó un papel fundamental no solo en el mundo del libro madrileño y español, sino también en la transmisión y circulación de nuevas ideas y reformas en la segunda mitad del setecientos.This article studies the French booksellers Juan and José Orcel and their bookshop in Madrid during the second half of the 18th-Century. Throughout the analysis of their book advertisements in newspapers, their activity as book importers for the Royal Academy of San Fernando and their correspondence with the Count of Águila, this study shows how this European bookshop played a key role not only in the Spanish book trade but also in the transmission and circulation of new Enlightened ideas and reforms during the 18th century

    Knowledge Diffusion, Scientific Translation: A Teaching Approach

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    La traducción de textos científicos marca el ritmo de nuestro progreso, puesto que es una parte fundamental de la creación y difusión del conocimiento. En nuestro acercamiento a la didáctica de la traducción científica, ocupan un lugar prominente el contexto legislativo e institucional, los contenidos relacionados con la difusión del conocimiento y la innovación docente, pues inciden directa y positivamente en la inserción laboral de los egresados, en el aprendizaje para toda la vida y en la consideración de la traducción como un motor de desarrollo real y efectivo.The translation of scientific texts sets the pace for progress. It plays a key role in knowledge creation and diffusion. When teaching scientific translation, the EHEA, our University, texts and activities regarding scientific communication and knowledge diffusion, as well as teaching innovation are essential. They strongly influence in the students’ employment opportunities and lifelong learning, showing that translation is a real and effective driving force of progress

    A valence-delocalised osmium dimer capable of dinitrogen photocleavage: ab initio insights into its electronic structure

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    The search for molecular catalysts that efficiently activate or cleave the dinitrogen molecule is an active field of research. While many thermal dinitrogen cleavage catalysts are known, the photochemical activation of N 2 has received considerably less attention. In this paper, the first computational study of the osmium dimer [Os (II,III) 2(μ-N 2)(NH 3) 10] 5+, which was shown to be capable of dinitrogen photocleavage, is presented. Despite its deceptively simple geometry, it has a complex electronic structure with a valence-delocalized and electronically degenerate ground state. Using multiconfigurational methods, the electronic structure at the ground state geometry and along the dinitrogen cleavage coordinate was investigated. The results indicate that an unoccupied molecular orbital with σ-bonding character between osmium and μ-N atoms and σ-antibonding dinitrogen character is most affected by N–N distance elongation. This implies that a lower barrier for thermal or photochemical N 2 activation in linear M-N-N-M complexes can be achieved by lowering the energetic separation between this unoccupied orbital and the HOMO, representing a specific target for future catalyst design. </p