401 research outputs found


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    El clima organizacional se ha constituido en una herramienta por excelencia, para alcanzar las metas de la organizaci\uf3n, tiene repercusiones en el rendimiento, productividad, satisfacci\uf3n y el comportamiento laboral del trabajador. En este estudio se analiz\uf3 el clima organizacional dominante en los servicios p\ufablicos de odontolog\ueda adscritos al Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud de Barquisimeto (MPPS), estado Lara. Ochenta profesionales de odontolog\ueda conformaron la poblaci\uf3n objetivo. Se utiliz\uf3 un cuestionario estructurado, los puntajes obtenidos en la escala general y subescalas se establecieron de acuerdo al n\ufamero de reactivos. El clima organizacional dominante se determin\uf3 centrado en las actividades y en los resultados de la organizaci\uf3n. Se encontr\uf3 72,5% y 27,5%, de los odont\uf3logos est\ue1n medianamente satisfechos y satisfechos, percibieron un clima organizacional favorable y muy favorable; asimismo, 10% y 82,5%, apreci\uf3 que las relaciones sociales son medianamente satisfactorias y satisfactorias, con un clima predominantemente favorable. Casi la totalidad 90,9% de los odont\uf3logos valor\uf3 la integraci\uf3n organizacional como alta, sin embargo, percibieron un clima organizacional favorable y muy favorable. El clima dominante fue un "clima ambiguo" y "clima de desaf\uedo", concluyente por la alta orientaci\uf3n a la tarea y alta orientaci\uf3n a las relaciones en un ambiente de trabajo propicio. Los resultados servir\ue1n a los directivos de los servicios de odontolog\ueda y gerentes de los establecimientos de salud, para que se implanten estrategias gerenciales pertinentes en el ambiente de trabajo. Esta investigaci\uf3n es patrocinada por el CDCHT/UCLA bajo el c\uf3digo 017-RCS-2011. PALABRAS CLAVES DEL AUTOR: Clima organizacional. Servicios odontol\uf3gicos. ABSTRACT PREDOMINANT ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE IN THE DENTAL PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES IN THE IRIBARREN COUNTY, STATE OF LARA The organizational climate is considered an excellent tool to reach organization goals, it influences the performance, production, satisfaction, and work behavior of the workers. In this study predominant organizational climate in dental public health services ascribed to the "Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud" (MPPS), Barquisimeto, Lara State, was analyzed. Eighty dental professionals comprised the objective population. A structured questionnaire was used, the scores obtained in the general scale and sub-scales were based on the number of items. The predominant organizational climate was determined by measuring the activities and in the organization results. It was found that 72.5% and 27.5% of the dentists are moderately satisfied and satisfied, and perceived a favorable and very favorable organizational climate; moreover, 10% and 82.5% considered that social relations are moderately satisfactory and satisfactory with climate mainly favorable. Almost all 90,7 of the dentist reported high organizational integration, however, perceived a favorable organizational climate. The predominant climate was an "ambiguous and challenging climate", this due to the high orientation towards the task and high orientation for relations in an appropriate workplace. The results will contribute to the directors of the dental services and managers of health departments, towards the implementation of pertinent managerial strategies in the workplace. This investigation was sponsored by CDCHT/UCLA under the code number 017-RCS-2011. KEY WORDS: Organizational climate. Dental health dentist. (DeCS: Bireme, Lilacs).<br

    Cosmological constraints on the magnification bias on sub-millimetre galaxies after large-scale bias corrections

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    Context. The study of the magnification bias produced on high-redshift sub-millimetre galaxies by foreground galaxies through the analysis of the cross-correlation function was recently demonstrated as an interesting independent alternative to the weak-lensing shear as a cosmological probe. Aims. In the case of the proposed observable, most of the cosmological constraints mainly depend on the largest angular separation measurements. Therefore, we aim to study and correct the main large-scale biases that aect foreground and background galaxy samples to produce a robust estimation of the cross-correlation function. Then we analyse the corrected signal to derive updated cosmological constraints. Methods. We measured the large-scale, bias-corrected cross-correlation functions using a background sample of H-ATLAS galaxies with photometric redshifts &gt;1.2 and two dierent foreground samples (GAMA galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts or SDSS galaxies with photometric ones, both in the range 0.2 &lt; z &lt; 0.8). These measurements are modelled using the traditional halo model description that depends on both halo occupation distribution and cosmological parameters. We then estimated these parameters by performing a Markov chain Monte Carlo under multiple scenarios to study the performance of this observable and how to improve its results. Results. After the large-scale bias corrections, we obtain only minor improvements with respect to the previous magnification bias results, mainly confirming their conclusions: a lower bound on m &gt; 0:22 at 95% CL and an upper bound 8 &lt; 0:97 at 95% CL (results from the zspec sample). Neither the much higher surface density of the foreground photometric sample nor the assumption of Gaussian priors for the remaining unconstrained parameters significantly improve the derived constraints. However, by combining both foreground samples into a simplified tomographic analysis, we were able to obtain interesting constraints on the m8 plane as follows: m = 0:50+0:14 0:20 and 8 = 0:75+0:07 0:10 at 68% C

    Cosmology with the submillimetre galaxies magnification bias: Proof of concept

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    Context. As recently demonstrated, high-z submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) are the perfect background sample for tracing the mass density profiles of galaxies and clusters (baryonic and dark matter) and their time-evolution through gravitational lensing. Their magnification bias, a weak gravitational lensing eect, is a powerful tool for constraining the free parameters of a halo occupation distribution (HOD) model and potentially also some of the main cosmological parameters. Aims. The aim of this work is to test the capability of the magnification bias produced on high-z SMGs as a cosmological probe. We exploit cross-correlation data to constrain not only astrophysical parameters (Mmin, M1, and ), but also some of the cosmological ones (m, 8, and H0) for this proof of concept. Methods. The measured cross-correlation function between a foreground sample of GAMA galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts in the range 0.2 &lt; z &lt; 0.8 and a background sample of H-ATLAS galaxies with photometric redshifts &gt;1.2 is modelled using the traditional halo model description that depends on HOD and cosmological parameters. These parameters are then estimated by performing a Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis using dierent sets of priors to test the robustness of the results and to study the performance of this novel observable with the current set of data. Results. With our current results, m and H0 cannot be well constrained. However, we can set a lower limit of &gt;0.24 at 95% confidence level (CL) on m and we see a slight trend towards H0 &gt; 70 values. For our constraints on 8 we obtain only a tentative peak around 0.75, but an interesting upper limit of 8 . 1 at 95% CL.We also study the possibility to derive better constraints by imposing more restrictive priors on the astrophysical parameters

    3D numerical modeling of YSO accretion shocks

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    The dynamics of YSO accretion shocks is determined by radiative processes as well as the strength and structure of the magnetic field. A quasi-periodic emission signature is theoretically expected to be observed, but observations do not confirm any such pattern. In this work, we assume a uniform background field, in the regime of optically thin energy losses, and we study the multi-dimensional shock evolution in the presence of perturbations, i.e. clumps in the stream and an acoustic energy flux flowing at the base of the chromosphere. We perform 3D MHD simulations using the PLUTO code, modelling locally the impact of the infalling gas onto the chromosphere. We find that the structure and dynamics of the post-shock region is strongly dependent on the plasma-beta (thermal over magnetic pressure), different values of which may give distinguishable emission signatures, relevant for observations. In particular, a strong magnetic field effectively confines the plasma inside its flux tubes and leads to the formation of quasi-independent fibrils. The fibrils may oscillate out of phase and hence the sum of their contributions in the emission results in a smooth overall profile. On the contrary, a weak magnetic field is not found to have any significant effect on the shocked plasma and the turbulent hot slab that forms is found to retain its periodic signature

    Physiological, morphological, and mannanase production studies on Aspergillus niger uam-gs1 mutants

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    Mutant strains from Aspergillus niger UAM-GS1 were produced by UV radiation to increase their hemicellulolytic and cellulolytic activity production. The mutant strains showing more enzymatic activity were those labelled GS1-S059 and GS1-S067. These strains also showed the largest relationship between diameter of hydrolysis zone and colony diameter. The mutant GS1-S067 showed a colony radial extension rate and a biomass growth rate [g biomass/(cm2 h)], 1.17 times higher than that achieved by strain UAM-GS1. The high invasive capacity makes this mutant strain a promising alternative for its use in solid substrate fermentation (SSF). The morphological properties of the two mutant strains were evaluated by using scanning electron microscopy. The diameter of the sporangium of the mutant strains GS1-S059 and GS1-S067 was significantly larger (P &lt; 0.05) than that found for the parental strain. The hypha length and diameter of the mutant strains significantly changed (P &lt; 0.05) compared to the parental strain. A Pearson correlation analysis on hypha length, sporangium diameter, and cellulase and xylanase activities indicated that there was a strong relationship among these variables in relation to mannanase activity. Mutant strains GS1-S059 and GS1-S067 significantly increased their level of mannanase, xylanase and cellulase production, compared to the parental strain, improving their potential industrial applications

    Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration capacity in Argentinean maize ( Zea mays L.) inbred lines

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    Somatic embryogenesis, which is still the method of choice for tissue culture, regeneration and transformation of maize, is largely considered highly genotype-dependent. The Hi II, a highly embryogenic genotype, has been extensively used in transformation protocols. However, this is not an inbred line; instead, it has a proportion of the undesirable A-188 background, and the progeny segregates for phenotypic characteristics and shows poor agronomic performance. In an effort to identify genotypes that combine a high somatic embryogenic response and good agronomic performance, we evaluated 48 advanced inbred lines developed at INTA. Callus development and somatic embryogenesis capacity were measured in 200 immature embryos per line. Embryogenic capacity [EC (mature somatic embryos/callus evaluated) x 100], Regeneration Capacity (RC) and Fertile Plant Recovery in greenhouse (FPR, fertile plants/regenerated plants) were recorded. A total of 17 lines reached an EC &gt; 50%, and 14 out of those 17 lines regenerated seedlings. The FPR ranged between 50 and 100%. Also, we selected three promising lines with high agronomic performance, as alternatives to Hi II, in order to be included in a maize transformation scheme via somatic embryogenesis. In addition, we report the usefulness of Single Sequences Repeat (SSRs) in the determination of genetic diversity among 14 divergent lines for somatic embryogenesis response. The seven lines displaying good in vitro behaviour can be crossed to obtain hybrids combining desirable alleles for somatic embryogenesis response and different genetic backgrounds

    Corrigendum: Analysis of the common genetic component of large-vessel vasculitides through a meta-Immunochip strategy.

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    Giant cell arteritis (GCA) and Takayasu's arteritis (TAK) are major forms of large-vessel vasculitis (LVV) that share clinical features. To evaluate their genetic similarities, we analysed Immunochip genotyping data from 1,434 LVV patients and 3,814 unaffected controls. Genetic pleiotropy was also estimated. The HLA region harboured the main disease-specific associations. GCA was mostly associated with class II genes (HLA-DRB1/HLA-DQA1) whereas TAK was mostly associated with class I genes (HLA-B/MICA). Both the statistical significance and effect size of the HLA signals were considerably reduced in the cross-disease meta-analysis in comparison with the analysis of GCA and TAK separately. Consequently, no significant genetic correlation between these two diseases was observed when HLA variants were tested. Outside the HLA region, only one polymorphism located nearby the IL12B gene surpassed the study-wide significance threshold in the meta-analysis of the discovery datasets (rs755374, P\u2009=\u20097.54E-07; ORGCA\u2009=\u20091.19, ORTAK\u2009=\u20091.50). This marker was confirmed as novel GCA risk factor using four additional cohorts (PGCA\u2009=\u20095.52E-04, ORGCA\u2009=\u20091.16). Taken together, our results provide evidence of strong genetic differences between GCA and TAK in the HLA. Outside this region, common susceptibility factors were suggested, especially within the IL12B locus

    ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: A strongly lensed multiply imaged dusty system at z ≥ 6

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    We report the discovery of an intrinsically faint, quintuply-imaged, dusty galaxy MACS0600-z6 at a redshift z = 6.07 viewed through the cluster MACSJ0600.1–2008 (z = 0.46). A ≃ 4σ dust detection is seen at 1.2mm as part of the ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey (ALCS), an on-going ALMA Large programme, and the redshift is secured via [C II] 158 μm emission described in a companion paper. In addition, spectroscopic follow-up with GMOS/Gemini-North shows a break in the galaxy’s spectrum, consistent with the Lyman break at that redshift. We use a detailed mass model of the cluster and infer a magnification μ ≳ 30 for the most magnified image of this galaxy, which provides an unprecedented opportunity to probe the physical properties of a sub-luminous galaxy at the end of cosmic reionization. Based on the spectral energy distribution, we infer lensing-corrected stellar and dust masses of 2.9-2.3+115 7 109 and 4.8-3.4+45 7 106 M☉, respectively, a star formation rate of 9.7-6.6+220 M☉ yr−1, an intrinsic size of 0.54-0.14+026 kpc, and a luminosity-weighted age of 200 \ub1 100 Myr. Strikingly, the dust production rate in this relatively young galaxy appears to be larger than that observed for equivalent, lower redshift sources. We discuss if this implies that early supernovae are more efficient dust producers and the consequences for using dust mass as a probe of earlier star formation

    Conclusions of the II International and IV Spanish Hydration Congress. Toledo, Spain, 2nd-4th December, 2015

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    Water is the major component of our organism representing about 60% of total body weight in adults and has to be obtained through the consumption of different foods and beverages as part of our diet. Water is an essential nutrient performing important functions, including transport of other nutrients, elimination of waste products, temperature regulation, lubrication and structural support. In this context, hydration through water has an essential role in health and wellness, which has been highly acknowledged in recent years among the health community experts such as nutritionists, dietitians, general practitioners, pharmacists, educators, as well as by physical activity and sport sciences experts and the general population

    The Gas and Stellar Content of a Metal-poor Galaxy at z = 8.496 as Revealed by JWST and ALMA

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    We present a joint analysis of the galaxy S04590 at z = 8.496 based on NIRSpec, NIRCam, and NIRISS observations obtained as part of the Early Release Observations program of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and the far-infrared [C ii] 158 μm emission line detected by dedicated Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations. We determine the physical properties of S04590 from modeling of the spectral energy distribution (SED) and through the redshifted optical nebular emission lines detected with JWST/NIRSpec. The best-fit SED model reveals a low-mass (M ⋆ = 107.2-108 M ⊙) galaxy with a low oxygen abundance of 12 + log ( O / H ) = 7.16 − 0.12 + 0.10 derived from the strong nebular and auroral emission lines. Assuming that [C ii] effectively traces the interstellar medium, we estimate the total gas mass of the galaxy to be M gas = (8.0 \ub1 4.0) 7 108 M ⊙ based on the luminosity and spatial extent of [C ii]. This yields an exceptionally high gas fraction, f gas = M gas/(M gas + M ⋆) ≳ 90%, though one still consistent with the range expected for low metallicity. We further derive the metal mass of the galaxy based on the gas mass and gas-phase metallicity, which we find to be consistent with the expected metal production from Type II supernovae. Finally, we make the first constraints on the dust-to-gas (DTG) and dust-to-metal (DTM) ratios of galaxies in the epoch of reionization at z ≳ 6, showing overall low mass ratios of logDTG &lt; −3.8 and logDTM &lt; −0.5, though they are consistent with established scaling relations and in particular with those of the local metal-poor galaxy I Zwicky 18. Our analysis highlights the synergy between ALMA and JWST in characterizing the gas, metal, and stellar content of the first generation of galaxies
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