95 research outputs found

    Atributos do solo e qualidade da madeira para produção de celulose em plantações clonais de Eucalyptus grandis

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    The soil attributes can affect the wood quality of eucalypt, which may result in considerable effect on cellulose production. This study evaluated the effect of different physical and chemical soil attributes on wood quality of Eucalyptus grandis for cellulose production. Five sites were selected at the Western Plateau of the State of São Paulo, planted with one clone of Eucalyptus grandis, with ages ranging between 6.5 and 7.0 years. Four soil types, with texture ranging from sandy to very clayey were found. At each site, three experimental plots were allocated with 100 trees each. Trees representative of each class frequency of diameter at breast height were harvested. Their biomass and wood components were characterized. The wood productivity and quality was affected by physical attributes of soil, mainly clay content, which is directly related to the amount of available water. Basic wood density did not changed at different soil types. Total lignin content decreased and holocellulose content exponentially increased as soil clay content increased (until about 350 to 400 g kg-1 of clay). The wood extractives content was not affected by soil attributes. Screened cellulose yield exponentially increased with soil clay content.Os atributos edáficos podem afetar a qualidade da madeira de eucalipto, o que pode resultar em considerável efeito sobre a produção de celulose. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de atributos físicos e químicos do solo na qualidade da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis usada para polpação celulósica. Foram selecionadas cinco áreas no planalto ocidental do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, plantadas com um mesmo clone de Eucalyptus grandis, com idades variando entre 6,5 e 7,0 anos de idade. Quatro classes de solo, com textura arenosa a muito argilosa, foram encontradas. Em cada uma das cinco áreas, foram demarcadas, aleatoriamente, 3 parcelas com 100 plantas cada. Em cada parcela, foram colhidas árvores representativas das diferentes classes de diâmetro à altura do peito para avaliação de suas biomassas e para a análise de extrativos e componentes da madeira. Os atributos físicos do solo, sobretudo o teor de argila, diretamente relacionado à quantidade de água disponível, foram os que mais afetaram a produtividade e a qualidade da madeira. A densidade básica da madeira não se alterou nas diferentes classes de solo. O teor de lignina total diminuiu e o de holocelulose aumentou exponencialmente com o aumento do teor de argila do solo (até cerca de 350 a 400 g kg-1 de argila). O teor de extrativos da madeira não foi afetado pelos atributos do solo. O rendimento de celulose depurada relacionou-se exponencialmente com o teor de argila do solo

    Eucalyptus sp. seedling response to potassium fertilization and soil water.

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    A considerable portion of Brazil‘s commercial eucalypt plantations is located in areas subjected to periods of water deficit and grown in soils with low natural fertility, particularly poor in potassium. Potassium is influential in controlling water relations of plants. The objective of this study was to verify the influence of potassium fertilization and soil water potential (Ψw) on the dry matter production and on water relations of eucalypt seedlings grown under greenhouse conditions. The experimental units were arranged in 4x4x2 randomized blocks factorial design, as follow: four species of Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus urophylla, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and hybrid Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla), four dosages of K (0, 50, 100 and 200 mg dm-3) and two soil water potentials (-0.01MPa and -0.1 MPa). Plastic containers with 15 cm diameter and 18 cm height, with Styrofoam base, containing 3.0 dm3 of soil and two plants per container were used. Soil water potential was kept at –0.01MPa for 40 days after seeding. Afterward, the experimental units were divided into two groups: in one group the potential was kept at -0.01MPa, and in the other one, at -0.10 MPa. Soil water potential was controlled gravimetrically twice a day with water replacement until the desired potential was reestablished. A week before harvesting, the leaf water potential (Ψ), the photosynthetic rate (A), the stomatal conductance (gs) and the transpiration rate were evaluated. The last week before harvesting, the mass of the containers was recorded daily before watering to determine the consumption of water by the plants. After harvesting, total dry matter and leaf area were evaluated. The data were submitted to analysis of variance, to Tukey's tests and regression analyses. The application of K influenced A, gs and the transpiration rate. Plants deficient in K showed lower A and higher gs and transpiration rates. There were no statistical differences in A, gs and transpiration rates in plants with and without water deficit. The addition of K reduced the consumption of water per unit of leaf area and, in general, plants submitted to water deficit presented a lower consumption of water.A considerable portion of Brazil‘s commercial eucalypt plantations is located in areas subjected to periods of water deficit and grown in soils with low natural fertility, particularly poor in potassium. Potassium is influential in controlling water relations of plants. The objective of this study was to verify the influence of potassium fertilization and soil water potential (Ψw) on the dry matter production and on water relations of eucalypt seedlings grown under greenhouse conditions. The experimental units were arranged in 4x4x2 randomized blocks factorial design, as follow: four species of Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus urophylla, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and hybrid Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla), four dosages of K (0, 50, 100 and 200 mg dm-3) and two soil water potentials (-0.01MPa and -0.1 MPa). Plastic containers with 15 cm diameter and 18 cm height, with Styrofoam base, containing 3.0 dm3 of soil and two plants per container were used. Soil water potential was kept at -0.01MPa for 40 days after seeding. Afterward, the experimental units were divided into two groups: in one group the potential was kept at -0.01MPa, and in the other one, at -0.10 MPa. Soil water potential was controlled gravimetrically twice a day with water replacement until the desired potential was reestablished. A week before harvesting, the leaf water potential (Ψ), the photosynthetic rate (A), the stomatal conductance (gs) and the transpiration rate were evaluated. The last week before harvesting, the mass of the containers was recorded daily before watering to determine the consumption of water by the plants. After harvesting, total dry matter and leaf area were evaluated. The data were submitted to analysis of variance, to Tukey's tests and regression analyses. The application of K influenced A, gs and the transpiration rate. Plants deficient in K showed lower A and higher gs and transpiration rates. There were no statistical differences in A, gs and transpiration rates in plants with and without water deficit. The addition of K reduced the consumption of water per unit of leaf area and, in general, plants submitted to water deficit presented a lower consumption of water

    Spatial variability of physical and chemical attributes of some forest soils in southeastern of Brazil

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    Capão Bonito forest soils, São Paulo state, Brazil, have been used for forestry purposes for almost one century. Detailed knowledge about the distribution of soil attributes over the landscape is of fundamental importance for proper management of natural resources. The purpose of this study was to identify the variability and spatial dependence of chemical and physical attributes of Capão Bonito forest soils. A large soil database of regional land was raised and organized. Most of the selected variables were close to the lognormal frequency range. Soil texture presented a higher range in the A horizon, and the nugget effect and sill were greater in the B horizon. These differences are attributed to the parent material of the region (Itararé Geologic Formation), which presents uneven distribution of sediments. Chemical attributes related to soil fertility presented a higher spatial dependence range in the B horizon, probably as a result of more intensive management and erosion history of the superficial soil layer. Maps for some attributes were interpolated. These had specific areas of occurrence and a wide distribution along the perimeter of the Capão Bonito District Forest, allowing a future site-specific soil management

    Use of phenolic foam to grow eucalypt clonal seedlings: initial growth and mortality

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    A produção de mudas é um dos pontos cruciais nos empreendimentos florestais e diversos trabalhos procuraram identificar o método mais adequado de produção. Neste estudo, avaliou-se o uso da espuma fenólica na substituição de recipientes e de substrato na produção de mudas clonais de eucalipto. Foram implantados quatro experimentos, sendo dois de viveiro (experimentos 1 e 2) e dois de campo (experimentos 3 e 4) em locais e períodos distintos. Todos os experimentos foram compostos por quatro tratamentos: 1 - tubete de 55 cm³ + substrato comercial; 2 - espuma pequena (60 cm³); 3 - espuma média (75 cm³); e 4 - espuma grande (90 cm³). Nos experimentos, avaliouse a mortalidade das mudas e a biomassa do sistema radicular e da parte aérea. No experimento 1, as mudas produzidas nas espumas pequenas obtiveram menor índice de mortalidade (1%), enquanto no sistema convencional foi de 15% e observou-se superioridade na produção de biomassa aérea das mudas produzidas na espuma grande. No experimento 2, as mudas produzidas na espuma apresentaram maior sensibilidade ao excesso de água durante a fase de enraizamento, sendo a mortalidade de 40 % para os tratamentos com a utilização da espuma que foi superior ao tratamento convencional (16%). No experimento 3, conduzido no campo, não foi observada mortalidade das mudas ou diferenças na produção de biomassa entre os tratamentos. No experimento 4, observou-se maior resistência ao déficit hídrico nos tratamentos com as espumas média e grande e maior produção de biomassa aérea no tratamento com a espuma grande

    Growth, nutrition and biological fixation of nitrogen in mixed-species plantations of eucalypt with leguminous trees

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento inicial da parte aérea e do sistema radicular, a nutrição mineral e a fixação biológica de N2 (FBN) em plantios consorciados de Eucalyptus grandis e leguminosas arbóreas. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso com três repetições e sete tratamentos por bloco. Nas linhas de plantio, entre as plantas de E. grandis, foram plantadas, intercaladamente, leguminosas arbóreas nativas de matas brasileiras – Peltophorum dubium, Inga sp., Mimosa scabrella, Acacia polyphylla, Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia – e uma leguminosa exótica, Acacia mangium. Realizou-se, também, o plantio puro de E. grandis. Mimosa scabrella e A. mangium foram as leguminosas com maior crescimento. Eucalyptus grandis consorciado com M. scabrella cresceu menos, no entanto foi o povoamento com maior acumulação de biomassa. As densidades de raízes finas (DRF) do E. grandis foram 6 a 20 vezes maiores que as DRF das leguminosas na camada superficial do solo (0–10 cm) 24 meses após plantio. A DRF de M. scabrella e de M. caesalpiniaefolia foi maior na camada 30–50 cm e menor na camada 10–30 cm. Os valores de d15N da M. scabrella indicam que 90% do N acumulado em seus tecidos é oriundo da FBN.The objective of this work was to assess interactions between species on the above and belowground growth, nitrogen uptake and biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in mixed stands of Eucalyptus grandis and native leguminous N2-fixing trees. A complete randomized block design was installed with seven treatments and three blocks. Within the lines of the E. grandis seedlings, native leguminous N2-fixing trees – Peltophorum dubium, Inga sp., Mimosa scabrella, Acacia polyphylla, Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia – and one exotic leguminous plant, Acacia mangium, were intercropped. E. grandis was also solely planted. Mimosa scabrella and A. mangium were the legume trees that presented the highest growth. Although E. grandis showed a lower growth when combined with M. scabrella, this mixed-species stand exhibited the highest biomass accumulation. Eucalyptus grandis fine root densities (FRD) were 6–20 times higher than the FRD of the leguminous species in the upper soil layer (0–10 cm) 24 months after planting. The FRD of M. scabrella and M. caesalpiniaefolia in the 30–50 cm soil layer was higher than in the 10–30 cm layer. The d15N values of M. scabrella indicated that 90% of stocked N is derived from BNF

    Influence of stocking density on water quality and growth performance in production of juvenile pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, in irrigation canals / Influência da densidade de estocagem na qualidade da água e na performance de crescimento na produção de juvenis de pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, em canais de irrigação

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    The pirarucu is reared in cages under intensive systems or ponds under semi-intensive systems. This research evaluates the effect of stocking density on water quality, survival and growth of juvenile pirarucu reared in net pens located in irrigation canals. Pirarucu (193.3±37.3 g; 31.5±2.1 cm) were stocked at densities of 3.6, 6 or 10 fish m-3 in 4.2 m3 net pens installed at the Irrigation District of the Coastal Tablelands (DITALPI), Parnaíba (Piauí, Brazil), with three replicate for each density. Fish were fed a formulated diet containing 40% crude protein and 14.2 MJ kg-1 of feed and cultured for 180 days. The physicochemical parameters of the water were at satisfactory levels for fish culture. Survival was 100.0% in all density tested. The final weight, weight gain and and absolute growth rate (AGR) were higher for the medium stocking density (6 fish m-3) than for fish at low stocking density (3.6 fish m-3) and high stocking density (10 fish m-3). Final weight gain, survival, and productivity have demonstrated that the production of pirarucu in net pens using water from irrigation canals can become a viable strategy and a cheaper alternative to increase fish production. In addition, it improves the efficient use of water by integrating two productive activities, agriculture and aquaculture